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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

ChadWick92's blogBlog

  1. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2 - Winner
  2. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2 - Finalists
  3. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W10 - Final HOH Part 3
  4. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W10 - Final HOH Part 2
  5. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W10 - Eviction/Final..
  6. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W9 - Veto Meeting
  7. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W9 - Nominations/POV..
  8. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W9 - Eviction/HOH..
  9. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W8 - Veto Meeting
  10. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W8 - Nominations/POV..
  11. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W8 - Eviction/HOH..
  12. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W7 - Veto Meeting
  13. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W7 - Nominations/POV..
  14. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W7 - Eviction/HOH..
  15. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W6 - Veto Meeting
  16. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W6 - Nominations/POV..
  17. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W6 - Eviction/HOH..
  18. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W5 - Veto Meeting
  19. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W5 - Nominations/POV..
  20. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W5 - Eviction/HOH..
  21. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W4 - Veto Meeting
  22. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W4 - Nominations/POV..
  23. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W4 - Eviction/HOH..
  24. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W3 - Veto Meeting
  25. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W3 - Nominations/POV..
  26. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W3 - Eviction/HOH..
  27. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W2 - Veto Meeting
  28. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W2 - Nominations/POV..
  29. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W2 - Eviction/HOH..
  30. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W1 - Veto Meeting
  31. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W1 - Nominations/POV..
  32. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W1 - HOH Competition
  33. Big Brother Wheel Decide - Season 2 [Apps Closed]
  34. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 8 - Eviction..
  35. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 7 - Veto..
  36. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 7 - Nominations/POV..
  37. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 7 - HOH..
  38. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 6 - Veto..
  39. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 6 - Nominations/POV..
  40. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 6 - HOH..

Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W9 - Eviction/HOH Competition

Aug 24, 2021 by ChadWick92

1. Pillan pillan24
2. Jonathan boysofsummer2005
3. Jhoff jhoffheat
4. Mark Supitsmark
5. Thi Thiii [EVICTED]
6. Jimmy Jacadeux [EVICTED]
7. Carter Carjones009 [EVICTED]
8. Luis Luis213243 [EVICTED]
10. Lexey lexeyjane [EVICTED]
11. Alex AmazingBrick [EVICTED]
12. Drew Tester

Head of Household: Mark Supitsmark

The results from the eviction are in!

By a vote of 2-0, Drew, you are evicted from the Big Brother house!

This sets in place our Final 4! Congratulations Pillan, Jonathan, Jhoff, and Mark for making it to the Final 4! Only 3 of you can make it to Finale Night though!


It is time for the Final 4 HOH Competition! The winner of this competition will secure their spot in the Final 3 which means that they are off to Finale Night and they are guaranteeing themselves a chance to compete in the Final HOH Competition of the summer! As outgoing HOH, Mark, you are not eligible to compete.

This competition is called Before or After. The rules are simple. You will be asked a question about an event that took place this season and you must decide if it happened before or after another event of the summer. If you get it right, you stay in the game. If you get it wrong, you are eliminated.

Let's begin!

Round 1: Did Drew get saved from the block during the Veto Meeting for the 2nd time before or after Week 5?

Pillan chooses Before!
Jhoff chooses Before!
Jonathan chooses Before!

The correct answer is Before. Everyone is safe!

Round 2: Did Bwent get evicted before or after the Week 6 HOH Competition?

Pillan chooses Before!
Jonathan chooses Before!
Jhoff chooses Before!

The correct answer is Before. Everyone is safe!

Round 3: Was the Golden Power of Veto not used for the first time before or after the Week 6 POV Competition?

Jhoff chooses After!
Jonathan chooses After!
Pillan chooses After!

The correct answer is After. Everyone is safe!

Round 4: Did Lexey win her only Golden Power of Veto before or after the 2nd eviction of the summer?

Pillan chooses Before!
Jonathan chooses Before!
Jhoff chooses Before!

The correct answer is Before. Everyone is safe!

Round 5: Did Luis get evicted before or after the Week 6 Veto Meeting?

Pillan chooses After!
Jonathan chooses After!
Jhoff chooses Before!

The correct answer is After. Jhoff, you have been eliminated!

Round 6: Did Mark win his 2nd HOH before or after Jimmy was evicted from the house?

Jonathan chooses Before!
Pillan chooses After!

The correct answer is After. Jonathan, you have been eliminated!

Congratulations, Pillan, you are the new Head of Household! You have just secured your spot in the Final 3, in Finale Night, and you will be competing in the Final HOH Competition which will take place in 3 parts.


Pillan pillan24, Congrats on your 2nd HOH and wow it couldn't have come at a better time! I will need you to message me the two houseguests you would like to nominate for eviction when you are ready. Thanks!

As most of you know, the nominations in the Final 4 do not really matter. It all comes down to who wins the POV this week as they will decide who will cast the sole vote to evict this week and who will be joining Pillan in the Final 3! Good luck to you all!!


1. Jimmy Jacadeux
2. Bwent BWENT
3. Luis Luis213243
4. Alex AmazingBrick
5. Drew Tester


of course lol

I had fun playing. Good luck to the rest of you :)
Sent by Tester,Aug 24, 2021
Congrats pillan!
Sent by Supitsmark,Aug 24, 2021
Grats Pill!
Sent by boysofsummer2005,Aug 24, 2021
Tester stick around because the Jury is gonna play a vital part at the end! You will get to vote on the winner as well as come up with questions for the final two.
Sent by ChadWick92,Aug 24, 2021
thanks guys
Sent by pillan24,Aug 24, 2021

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