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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

ChadWick92's blogBlog

  1. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2 - Winner
  2. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2 - Finalists
  3. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W10 - Final HOH Part 3
  4. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W10 - Final HOH Part 2
  5. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W10 - Eviction/Final..
  6. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W9 - Veto Meeting
  7. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W9 - Nominations/POV..
  8. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W9 - Eviction/HOH..
  9. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W8 - Veto Meeting
  10. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W8 - Nominations/POV..
  11. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W8 - Eviction/HOH..
  12. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W7 - Veto Meeting
  13. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W7 - Nominations/POV..
  14. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W7 - Eviction/HOH..
  15. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W6 - Veto Meeting
  16. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W6 - Nominations/POV..
  17. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W6 - Eviction/HOH..
  18. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W5 - Veto Meeting
  19. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W5 - Nominations/POV..
  20. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W5 - Eviction/HOH..
  21. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W4 - Veto Meeting
  22. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W4 - Nominations/POV..
  23. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W4 - Eviction/HOH..
  24. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W3 - Veto Meeting
  25. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W3 - Nominations/POV..
  26. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W3 - Eviction/HOH..
  27. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W2 - Veto Meeting
  28. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W2 - Nominations/POV..
  29. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W2 - Eviction/HOH..
  30. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W1 - Veto Meeting
  31. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W1 - Nominations/POV..
  32. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W1 - HOH Competition
  33. Big Brother Wheel Decide - Season 2 [Apps Closed]
  34. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 8 - Eviction..
  35. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 7 - Veto..
  36. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 7 - Nominations/POV..
  37. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 7 - HOH..
  38. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 6 - Veto..
  39. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 6 - Nominations/POV..
  40. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 6 - HOH..

Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W5 - Nominations/POV Competition

Aug 17, 2021 by ChadWick92

1. Pillan pillan24
2. Jonathan boysofsummer2005
3. Jhoff jhoffheat
4. Mark Supitsmark
5. Thi Thiii [EVICTED]
6. Jimmy Jacadeux [EVICTED]
7. Carter Carjones009 [EVICTED]
8. Luis Luis213243
9. Bwent BWENT
10. Lexey lexeyjane [EVICTED]
11. Alex AmazingBrick
12. Drew Tester

Head of Household: Mark Supitsmark

Before we get into the nominations, it is time to reveal who the Immunity Wheel landed on! Safety is up for grabs for Alex, Drew, and Jonathan! The wheel spins and lands on... Alex!

Congratulations, Alex, you have immunity for the week which means you cannot be nominated prior to or after the Veto Competition!


Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony!

Mark is the Head of Household and must nominate two houseguests for eviction!

He has decided to nominate Luis Luis213243 and Bwent BWENT

Let's get straight into picking players for the Veto Competition! Mark, Luis, and Bwent will all compete this week. The remaining 3 players will be selected by random draw. The randomly selected players are...

1. Drew Tester
2. Alex AmazingBrick
3. Jonathan boysofsummer2005


It is time for the Veto Competition! The winner of the Golden Power of Veto will be safe for the week and have the power to remove one of Mark's nominations from the block!

This competition has been a fan favorite in the real Big Brother show for many years! You might have guessed Otev (stay tuned), but it's actually Hide and Go Veto! You will all receive a Veto Card with your name on it that you will bring into the house and hide as best as you can! After everyone hides their cards, you will each take turns going into the house to look for other player's Veto Cards! This will go until there is only one Veto Card left in the house and that player will win the Power of Veto!

Let's begin!

Everyone has hidden their Veto Card inside the house and it is time to begin searching!

Round 1:

Bwent enters the house and comes back with... nothing!
Jonathan enters the house and comes back with... the 1st card!
Luis enters the house and comes back with... the 2nd card!
Mark enters the house and comes back with... nothing!
Alex enters the house and comes back with... nothing!
Drew enters the house and comes back with... the 3rd card!

Round 2:

Bwent enters the house and comes back with... nothing!
Jonathan enters the house and comes back with... nothing!
Luis enters the house and comes back with... nothing!
Mark enters the house and comes back with... nothing!
Alex enters the house and comes back with... nothing!'
Drew enters the house and comes back with... nothing!

Round 3:

Bwent enters the house and comes back with... nothing!
Jonathan enters the house and comes back with... nothing!
Luis enters the house and comes back with... the 4th card!
Mark enters the house and comes back with... nothing!
Alex enters the house and comes back with... nothing!
Drew enters the house and comes back with... nothing!

Round 4:

Bwent enters the house and comes back with... the 5th card!

That means all of the card's except one have been found! Let's find out who the winner is!

Jonathan found the first card, eliminating... Bwent!
Luis found the second card, eliminating... Jonathan!
Drew found the third card, eliminating... Mark!
Luis found the fourth card, eliminating... Alex!
Bwent found the fifth card, eliminating... Drew!

Congratulations, Luis, you have won the Golden Power of Veto!


Luis Luis213243, please message me or comment below your POV decision this week even if it seems pretty obvious how you are going to use it lol

Mark Supitsmark, feel free to discuss with other houseguests if you feel the need to, but please message me with your replacement nominee provided the POV is used when you are ready to do so. Remember that Alex earned safety this week from the Immunity Wheel. Thanks!

I hope y'all enjoyed one of the classic BB Veto Competitions. There might be more to come... anyway, keep being active and socializing and whatnot. See y'all soon!


1. Jimmy Jacadeux


Congrats Luis!
Thanks for initial safety Mark :)
Sent by Tester,Aug 17, 2021
Congrats Luis! Also thanks for initial safety Mark :)
Sent by pillan24,Aug 17, 2021
I'll veto myself
Sent by Luis213243,Aug 17, 2021
Grats Luis
Sent by BWENT,Aug 17, 2021

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