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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

ChadWick92's blogBlog

  1. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2 - Winner
  2. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2 - Finalists
  3. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W10 - Final HOH Part 3
  4. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W10 - Final HOH Part 2
  5. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W10 - Eviction/Final..
  6. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W9 - Veto Meeting
  7. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W9 - Nominations/POV..
  8. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W9 - Eviction/HOH..
  9. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W8 - Veto Meeting
  10. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W8 - Nominations/POV..
  11. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W8 - Eviction/HOH..
  12. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W7 - Veto Meeting
  13. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W7 - Nominations/POV..
  14. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W7 - Eviction/HOH..
  15. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W6 - Veto Meeting
  16. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W6 - Nominations/POV..
  17. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W6 - Eviction/HOH..
  18. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W5 - Veto Meeting
  19. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W5 - Nominations/POV..
  20. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W5 - Eviction/HOH..
  21. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W4 - Veto Meeting
  22. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W4 - Nominations/POV..
  23. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W4 - Eviction/HOH..
  24. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W3 - Veto Meeting
  25. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W3 - Nominations/POV..
  26. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W3 - Eviction/HOH..
  27. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W2 - Veto Meeting
  28. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W2 - Nominations/POV..
  29. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W2 - Eviction/HOH..
  30. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W1 - Veto Meeting
  31. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W1 - Nominations/POV..
  32. Big Brother Wheel Decide S2W1 - HOH Competition
  33. Big Brother Wheel Decide - Season 2 [Apps Closed]
  34. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 8 - Eviction..
  35. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 7 - Veto..
  36. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 7 - Nominations/POV..
  37. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 7 - HOH..
  38. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 6 - Veto..
  39. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 6 - Nominations/POV..
  40. Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 6 - HOH..

Big Brother Wheel Decide Week 5 - Veto Meeting/Final Nominations

Aug 25, 2019 by ChadWick92

1. Eric RightToCensor [EVICTED]
2. Mark piesyumyyumypies
3. Colin ColinCoco [EVICTED]
4. Lily lilyebolanos
5. Tara TaraG
6. Annie quaverstand15 [EVICTED]
7. Austin ACE325
8. Patrick Pkpkpkpk
9. Yachj yachj [EVICTED]
10. Tyler PokerKing [EVICTED]
11. Yeet yeet
12. Kio kioo

Head of Household: Tara TaraG
Veto Holder: Mark piesyumyyumypies

Hello houseguests, it is time for the Veto Meeting!

Austin and Patrick have been nominated for eviction, but Mark holds the power to veto one of the nominations. He has decided to... use the Power of Veto on Patrick! Since Mark just vetoed one of Tara's nominations, she must nominate a new houseguest as a replacement nominee.

Tara has decided to nominate Kio as the replacement nominee.

The final nominees for the week are Austin and Kio!

It is time to begin the 5th eviction! The two nominees are not allowed to vote. As the current Head of Household, Tara will only vote in the event of a tie.

Remember, everyone else must vote! If you are yellow level or above, you may PM me with your vote to evict. If you are a white level, you may message me on skype with your vote to evict or you may leave your eviction vote in the comments if you are comfortable doing it that way. If you do not cast your vote to evict, you will not be allowed to participate in the next HOH Competition and could potentially find yourself on the block if you are inactive for too long. I need 4 votes this week!

The following must message me their vote to evict:

Mark piesyumyyumypies
Lily lilyebolanos
Patrick Pkpkpkpk
Yeet yeet

The only person that I am worried about not voting is Patrick. I really hope he sees this and gets his vote submitted on time, but if he doesn't, one of the votes may be decided randomly.

You all have 24 hours to submit your votes to evict. Thanks!

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