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Random Rupaul's Drag Race ALL-STARS RESULTS

Jun 26, 2016 by CashMoney
Season 1
Garret Gay (Top 3) obstreperous
Jessica Danielles (Top 3) ohhayy
Sandra Dee (Top 6) ninjohn
Season 2
Charlotte Hapsburg (Top 3) zuelke
Plastic (Top 3) jourdanbabyxoxo
Noodle? (Top 6) rollingderp
Amber with an A (Top 7) topazisqueen
Season 3
Hannah Slut (Top 3) turkeylover
Atia Tooda (Top 4) grilledcheese
Rhubarb (Top 5) rory17
Blue Erie (Top 10) TheLogic
Season 4
Lil Dipper (Top 3) Pinesdipper
Sugar N' Spice (Top 4) hsb123
Flower Dumott (Top 7) Hurrah


- The first four runways were partner looks.
- Noodle? and Jessica Danielles both won their Lip-Syncs and since both where left without partners, were granted immunity from elimination the next week.
- Queens played as individuals at Week 5
- Amber With An A & Garret Gay set a record for most consecutive wins
- Sandra Dee made the top 3 without a negative score from the judges
- Noodle? & Hannah Slut tied for most Lip-Syncs with 3 each.


Garret was low-key robbed...but YAAAASSS ILL TAKE IT!!!! COME THROUGGGH SANDY
Sent by ninjohn,Jun 26, 2016
ninjohn I'm deceased @ my robbage

3 first places but still come in third LMAO ;(
Sent by Obstreperous,Jun 26, 2016
I was Robbed
Sent by turkeylover,Jun 26, 2016

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