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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Hey Guys, Educator Goat 🐐 here!

May 10, 2024 by CallMeTheGOAT
It has recently come to my attention that certain users on this site think it is possible to be racist to a white person. As those said people have refused to listen to the POC ( eilish and pavaneli) who are telling them they are, in fact, wrong, I thought maybe they would listen to someone with a skin complexion similar to their own, even if I am biracial.

Now, ybbob, you believe that racism to white people does exist. I am here to tell you that it does not. Racism nowadays is systemic (if you're actually educated, I won't have to explain what this means), and has a lot to do with oppression. Answer me this, were your people ever called a cracker while being whipped repeatedly for not doing your forced labor fast enough? Did your people use the 'whites only' fountain because you were considered dirty, an animal, subhuman? Guess who the 'Irish Slaves' (which I feel disgusting saying because 1.) It didn't happen and 2.) Takes away from actual victims of slavery) were enslaved by? Oh I remember, white people! There are no policies or practices currently in place that are biased towards you, or give unfair advantages to other people based on their race.

ghostmalone you claim that someone saying 'I hate white people' is racist. Do you not think that is reasonable to say? Let's think about some of the things white people have done in the past:

-Colonized most of the world
-Stolen land and murdered indigenous people
-Stolen and appropriated cultures
-Formed numerous white supremacist groups
-Participated in the African diaspora and chattel slavery (the Irish did this too ybbob
-Genocide (and for those readers out there who think this is about Israel v Palestine, it is not)

So let me ask you again, do you not think this is warranted?

Anyway, I just thought I should try to educate some obviously ignorant people. It probably won't work, but I just thought I should give it a try.

-Educator Goat 🐐


Sent by BrookeMaddox,May 10, 2024
I stopped reading not even half way through because this blog smells of pure sass. Major yikes.
Sent by BBChristian,May 10, 2024
It gives sheep ass bitch vibes keep continuing to fuel the world with hate with your fucking idiotic opinion, no facts at all you are piece of shit like the rest honestly I don’t give a fuck about the issue no more because we can’t educate all the dumb fucks on this website we tried and people like you are becoming wasteful oxygen just fucking let it go you fucking idiot.
Sent by ybbob,May 10, 2024
ybbob name one thing I said that was untrue. I'll wait
Sent by CallMeTheGOAT,May 10, 2024
CallMeTheGoat everything you said was wrong you are a complete idiot.
Sent by ybbob,May 10, 2024
You can’t tell other people what they think or what’s going on in my own life or what I went through or people from the past such as Jewish people but that is forgotten about because you are fucming dumb ass hell.
Sent by ybbob,May 10, 2024
Wait, so white people didn't colonize the world? And are you denying the existence of white supremacist groups? Wait a second are you saying that white people didn't participate in slavery? ybbob
Sent by CallMeTheGOAT,May 10, 2024
So in Africa where we learned slavery where rich black people enslaved other black peoples.

We purchased black people from Africa from other Black peoples who taught us how to treat Slaves.

Other countries like Japan, Or indigenous tribes, or so many other races in the world went to war for lands, murdered innocents you act like only white people did these things this is why you are fucking stupid. You are uneducated you should go to college like I did and lay off the weed thinking you did something because you took the time to correctly punctuate and form a paragraph, fucking congrats man you used a damn ai to help write some shit you are such a fucking idiot and what’s wrong with America your thought process is victim, you want the world to value one race over the world when I’m saying value is even you want to out other above another when no one is above anyone every race did some fucked up shit not just white people.
Sent by ybbob,May 10, 2024
No you are just reaching for negative comments because you are a simple cunt
Sent by ybbob,May 10, 2024
ybbob unlike your dumbass, I don't need to use AI to form a coherent and grammatically correct sentence (which you should know how to do as you claim you went to college and are 'educated') and something else, slavery in Africa wasn't about race, it was about class, unlike slavery in America, which was about race. You obviously never took ANY ethnic studies in your time at college
Sent by CallMeTheGOAT,May 10, 2024
You are so fucking stupid again it was not what started it was not just race before we had black it was poor as well we purchased black poor slaves from Africa before that we had Indians, Irish, Mexicans then we got purchased humans who was black who was seen as land and a purchased good at the point what was taught and what was already in the works but for centuries every race and culture had slaves Egypt, Rome, Greece and a lot of countries purchased from other countries in slave trade so you had people from Japan purchasing a black slave from Russia idk if from Russia I can give to fucks where just an example but Africa was enslaving white people this shit is not talked about and this shit did happen all around the world welcome to the world slave trade!!!
Sent by ybbob,May 10, 2024
I can't even converse with your ass anymore 😂 bro doesn't know how to use periods and you're basically justifying slavery so I'm done
Sent by CallMeTheGOAT,May 10, 2024
No one justified slavery you are saying slavery was all white people and only black people was enslaved you just to conclusion and come to say something distasteful because you are mad I proved you wrong I never slavery was a great thing or it should of been a thing it happened but you are saying white people are the fault when it was a country issue every race was in wrong for doing it. So fucking educate yourself and I have been done with this topic since yesterday now fucking rot in hell you piece of shit.
Sent by ybbob,May 10, 2024
this blog ate
Sent by Eilish,May 10, 2024
Eilish it really didn’t
Sent by ybbob,May 10, 2024
I am laughing so HARD right now! Is this directed at my blog post too? LMAO!
Sent by GhostMalone,May 10, 2024

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