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Posts 600 posts

Nominated for 7th! Oct 6, 2022
imageHey Tengaged! Some days it feels like this whole Stars cast wishes I wasn't in the game, but I am still having so much fun! The support you have shown me up til now has meant so much to me! I have never won a Stars game despite being one of the first 16 to play Stars in season 1. BbDamian has won 7 stars, so this is going to be the most challenging vote of all of them. I hope that you believe in me and vote to keep me! Good luck Jon! Xoxo
Points: 58 4 comments
Nominated for 9th! Oct 5, 2022
Well I have been outcasted from the majority of the players, so I really need your help Tengaged! An alliance of 6 has taken over, and you are my last chance to stay! I have so much respect for Happy, and will be happy for whoever stays! I will keep fighting! I won't let you down!
Points: 143 3 comments
Casting Question Oct 4, 2022
So Dallsey4ever and I are in a casting. We make top 5 and aren't nominated all game. She has more checks by over 600, 2 keys just like me, 100 health to my 62 health due to way more apples, and she has over double my score in the last competition.

I get 2nd and she gets 3rd. What happened?

Points: 263 9 comments
Nominated for 12th! Oct 4, 2022
imageHey Tengaged! I can't say I'm surprised. I was added to an eight person chat early on who has been dominating the Stars game from day 1. Yesterday a group of five of them broke off into a smaller core group and left me out of it. Unfortunately I think members in that group and some of the remaining minority group banned together to get me nominated. I had an inkling that this was happening and was actually able to split my vote to get myself against Gohandd rather than who they nominated me with! I am on my own for the first time in this Stars, and I am ready to play a different game! Good luck, Gohandd. You are a great guy!

Points: 308 5 comments
Stars Finale! Aug 20, 2022
imageHi everyone! Just a couple of weeks ago, I came back to Tengaged after seven years away from it. I made a job change that allowed me much more free time, so it was a great time to check Zooper. Oh is Zwooper gone now? I guess I will check out Tengaged then! I had no idea if anyone at this point would still remember me or if anyone from seven years ago still played this. I was shocked at the number of people that are still here, along with the number of new and friendly faces. People in my games have been so kind and welcoming, despite not really knowing me from when I was last here! I now entered a Stars, which was the first Stars game I had played in 13 years. I just left my six Stars games in 2008/2009 feeling like I wasn't popular enough to play and do something well like that. I was even number 1 on this site in 2009/2010, but I just didn't seem to have the popularity to do well in polls. Fast forward 13 years, I am 30 rather than 17. Life looks a whole lot different now. We also use Discord now which was not a thing for Tengaged play back in the day. Somehow I found my footing in Stars. I made allies with mostly people I had never ever played a game with before. I expected with being so new to the site, even though I'm an old user, that I would be nominated in the first three days. Maybe some past enemies would go after each other first, but I would surely be next. I worked with a small group alliance along with Galaxy as a side ally out of my alliance. Some other players were airing their private messages on the Discord channel for our Stars game, so I decided to discontinue all communication with them. I was able to get to the point where I was one of the last three unnominated players. When there are that few players that have been safe all game, the target on your back grows a lot. I was put up and thought that was it for me. Nobody remembers me. I'm against someone who won two polls. I'm getting 8th place. What a good Stars run, though! BUT then I got less than 34% of the vote in the biggest landslide of the game, what? I couldn't believe it. So validating! Unfortunately I was against a close ally and I really was running out of allies. Strategically after that poll I think some players were really hesitant to put me up again and I worked that to get all the way to the final four before I was nominated for my second time. Pi had won two Stars so I figured I had a lot less chance of surviving that poll. I literally got 49.7% of the vote. One or two more votes against me would have evicted me most likely. I couldn't believe I was in the biggest blowout and then the biggest nail biter of the season. But I won, and I am in the final three! I'm with one person I worked with all game and one I kept distance from intentionally due to some messages that were being posted in public chat. I feel really validated from this experience, and am so excited to have made the final three in Stars! This is only the second time I have made the final three, and the other time I got third place. I would really appreciate if you could vote for me to win, but regardless I feel like the biggest winner. What an amazing ride Stars 718 was!
Points: 67 2 comments
Nominated for 4th! Aug 20, 2022
imageHi Tengaged! I returned to Stars after not playing one for thirteen years! I didn't expect to be one of the last three houseguests to be nominated, and I definitely didn't expect to make the final four. This time I am against two time winner, Pi Man, so it will be really tough to stay. I would be honored if you could vote to keep me to the finals. Regardless of what happens, I have had so much fun! I am glad I joined. :)
Points: 276 5 comments