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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Welcome to My World

Jun 10, 2009 by BlueBomber88
Hi to everyone here at tengaged.  Yeah, I'm new (don't eat me alive!!!).  Let's see... I'm a fan of most reality TV shows, so it's fitting that I join this website.

Okay, let's see... I watch WAY too much Survivor... and I seem to have a good idea about the game to the level that I'm practically an expert on who'd go home (it's not that freaking hard...).  I also am starting to watch Big Brother more regularly, mostly because of the epic Season 8's Dick.  I think I'm attracted to shows like this because of the high level of human interaction and skill.  I'm just an average guy who likes people making asses out of themselves on nation TV for big money.

Still, welcome to my world.  It's going to be fun.


Welcome to tengaged, +9
Sent by Tom8478,Jun 10, 2009
*Eats you alive.*
Sent by DavidVegemite,Jun 10, 2009
Welcome to tengaged.
Sent by Patrick7893,Jun 10, 2009
anyways, welcome to tengaged! the game you are in (casting) is not much like big brother at all, but as you get more experienced you will be able to play Rookies games that are based off BB-USA (HoH, PoV, etc.)

once 20 players enroll in your game, it will start and there will be 3 nominees chosen based on activity, decided the the Algorithm (a.k.a. "algo"). if you aren't nominated, you can vote! give a 3 to the player you want to evict, a 1 to the player you want to save, and a 2 to whoever is left. once your votes are in-place click Save to send them in. once you submit your votes, you can't change them back, so be careful!

after 12 hours there will be 2 evictees, one based on the votes (3, 2 and 1, player with most points leaves) and the other decided by the algorithm (least active player will leave). then, there will be 3 nominees decided again and the process repeats until Day 9!

on Day 9 there will be 4 players left, and after 12 hours the algo will kick into action one last time to decide the winner, again based on activity.

if you press the Green Checkmark (known as "plussing"), it will make the sender appear more active when checked by the algorithm. if you press the red X (known as "negging") it will do the opposite, therefore increasing their chances of being nominated. try not to just neg, or just plus, keeping an even balance of the two will help you more than just using 1. watch to make sure you aren't being negged, it plays a great factor in the nomination process.

so have fun in your game, and stay active if you want to win!

(P.S. megaman username? :D)
Sent by lemon5029,Jun 10, 2009

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