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The BlueBomber88's blog

Posts 8 posts

What I learned today, Edition 1 Jun 14, 2009
Well, what did I learn today?

1) It's not a good idea to join a 5-day game when you realize that during Days 3 and 4 you have to go to the hospital to make sure you're not going to die.

2) I look good in black.  Really.  I just wish it had a collar.  Oh well.

3) I really, really should plan on going out on vacation.  Maybe to Cedar Point?  That'd be nice... but if any of you other Tengaged users have a popular vacation destination within 500 miles of Pittsburgh (because I drive like a madman I'll get there in 7 hours) that has some form of awesome rides I'd be really, really happy.

4) I shouldn't be up at 2315EST telling you what I learned and talking about my shirt.  Money on this site is tight unless you are willing to deal with spam.

6) I conveniently do not know how to count.

7) I am horrendous at entertaining the lot of you and I need to stop writing multi-part blogs because I am tired of getting 5 checks/40 points for part 1 and 3 negs/-15 for the second part.

Yeah.  Maybe I'll play again next week, but I don't know.  Have a nice night, kids.
Points: 11 1 comments
End Game? Jun 14, 2009
Well, finished my first Casting game... and I finished 6th.  Mostly because I had to go to the hospital for tests that I don't want to talk about... but still, it's not bad for the first game.

Not bad, maybe I'll try again later.  Oh, and I'm still looking for 4 more people to play Tontine... the exciting new game that's not only fun and challenging, but tastes like strawberries!
Points: 15 2 comments
Tontine is Looking For You Jun 11, 2009
tontine (ton-tine)- An investment plan in which participants buy shares in a common fund and receive an annuity that increases every time a participant dies, with the entire fund going to the final survivor or to those who survive after a specified time.

Finally, I have enough money (don't ask how, let's just say that I had to fill out about 30 surveys at T$11 a pop.)  So, now begins my first game on this site, TONTINE.

The rules are simple: 12 contenders will compete in a series of challenges and will try to avoid getting eliminated.  The last player standing wins.  Simple, right?

I'm looking for at least twelve contenders who want to try this new format I'm expirementing with.  The game itself will begin 15 June at 20:00EST (premire night) and will last 2 weeks.  Simply put: join the tontine and walk away with the title (and perhaps an oversized coffee mug!)

Good luck, and if you're interested, either comment on this blog, or send me a message.  Join the Tontine.
Points: 12 1 comments
BlueBomber's 2nd Attempt At Understanding I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. Jun 11, 2009
Last time, we learned three things.  First, we learned that Stephen Baldwin believes that God gave him divine right to baptize Senor Tool (or Spencer Pratt for all who haven't read Part 1, which you should!).  Second, we learned that Heidi might have a screw loose for deciding to starve herself in the middle of a 100 degree humid jungle and had to be med-evacuated.  And lastly, we learned that this show is very interesting.

Part 2: We're down to 8 celebrities competing in a challenge for individual immunity.  Lou Diamond Phillips wins, and let's face it: he's the bookmakers favorite right now.  And, he's immune (which, mind you, he didn't need!) for the second of hopefully 6 more public votes (because finales that have more than 3 contenders get messy.  Unless you're Big Brother, in which 6 is okay, as long as you get rid of one a day.)  And then, to my surprise, here comes ANOTHER Hills cast member, Holly, Heidi's HOPEFULLY less irritating sister.  So, we have 10 contenders.  I don't know how you're going to do this, NBC.  You'll be down to 9 on Thursday and you have to get to 1 by next week.  Great job!

Now, if you've been watching, in a food competition, one team wins and one team loses.  The past 6, the men have won.  But the women win.  Twice.  Everyone's happy.  I'm not.  I have my hand in a sundae.  It still hurts.

Unfortunately, when one irritating person (or couple) leaves, another one must rise up.  Janice Dickenson, the self proclaimed first supermodel, is now being lazy, useless, and frankly annoying.  I definitely think the highlight is when Lou has to tell the other contenders "Do not urinate in camp."  So, Janice is worse than Senora Tool because she doesn't know how to use the toilet.  Which is scary.

I mean, let's face it.  I think that some of the contenders like Senor Tool and Janice were cast just to cause drama.  I'm shocked Janice is lazy since she was on the UK version (but she did 10 out of 21 trials).  And let's face it, she doesn't have a huge chance, although she might make it to the final 4 or something like that.

The show is well, better than the first go around, but honestly, it's not terrible.  Damien and Myleene do a good job hosting (although about 3 years off Ant&Dec), the contenders are somewhat normal, and the challenges are exciting. 

Still, 5 more episodes of this and it's done.  The only good news from this?  4 more weeks until Big Brother 11!  Sweet!  2 attempts down, 2 more to go (I plan to do one on Tuesday about the last two shows and one on Friday.  Whee!)

So, what did we learn?

1) Stephen Baldwin is okay once you get to realize he might not be divinely inspired.

2) I still hate Spencer Pratt.  It's almost like In The Air Tonight, when you see Phil Collin's head on a black screen.  Spencer's flesh colored beard is now burned into my mind.

3) Janice Dickinson needs to learn to go onto the newspaper or else she will not make many friends.
Points: 2 2 comments
BlueBomber's Guide To Stopping The Algo From Ruining Your Life, Part 1 Jun 11, 2009
Second day, round 2 of 9 in my first game... and I'm looking decent.  It'll be difficult (It didn't help that I woke up at 1100est today, and elimination is 1500est) for me because I think most of the people in my game are in class right now.  I'm not, my term ended a month ago (lucky me!)

It's still going to be hard, but I hope that I don't get axed too early.  I need 11th to Karma... I already made the money (although 8th is actual break even...)  Still, I hope I do good in it.

I've made early mistakes.  First, I picked a bad start time.  I should have jacked in at 2200 rather than 1500, because the days are 12hrs long.

Oh... wait.  How do you keep the Algo from ruining your life?  Three simple things:

1) Pick a time that works for you.  You want to start play at 2000-2300 in your time zone.  This way, you're active and you can have fun.

2) Try to talk about everything... that is, keep the conversation friendly and open.  Talking about movies, TV, sports, etc.

3) Don't NEG.  I know it's a great strategic move, but it's annoying in the early rounds.  Plus, it's Commandment #3 of BlueBomber's 21 rules of reality TV: The irritating ones in survival games ALWAYS go home first.

That's... about... it.  Hope I don't get axed...
Points: 2 1 comments
What's The Absolute Worst Reality Show EVER? Jun 10, 2009
Okay, simple question.  Since this is a site dedicated to reality TV, answer the question: What is the worst reality show ever, and why?

My answer?  Simple: Paris Hilton's My New BFF.  It's a show... about finding a best friend.  That's it.  Torture 14 girls and turn the show into an experience more painful than standing in front of an automatic pitching machine with your butt exposed to the machine.  It's tasteless and makes me wonder why MTV refuses to accept my idea for a reality TV show.

"Donate To The Blue Bomber Needs T$ To Fund Season One Of Tontine!"
Points: 31 3 comments