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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

BBCAN 7 Week 2 HOH/NOMS Spoilers

Mar 8, 2019 by Birks4444
Dane won HOH. He nominated Kyra and Maki for eviction. Cory completed her mission and is immune for the week.

Kiera and Estefania discussing nominating Adam/Dane when they win HOH. WOKE QUEENS THE NEW KAELA AND PARAS.



I quite like Maki, wouldn鈥檛 be against him staying at this point. Looovew K&E!
Sent by PrincessTeePee,Mar 8, 2019
atleast Cory completed her mission! eddie and kailyn snapped
Sent by SharonMaItems,Mar 8, 2019
Sent by Birks4444,Mar 8, 2019
PrincessTeePee I like Maki too. I stan those 2 queens so much ugh.
Sent by Birks4444,Mar 8, 2019

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