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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

AVBB1 - Episode 15

Jul 10, 2018 by Avstractiv
The final nominees are Jack (CopperTribe ), Jessica (BigBrotherSuperToMe ), and Chloe (MonicaStar )!

Remember, this is a DOUBLE EVICTION. You are voting to SAVE one of the THREE NOMINEES. The two with the least votes will be evicted.

Houseguests, please state your votes in the comments below. Alex (ghrocky100 ), as HOH you may not vote unless there is a tie.

Matths (TheDiamondWls )
Latisha (Latisha0987 )
Jay (Jaychris )
Jack (CopperTribe )
Alex (ghrocky100 )
Hoop (lhooper902976 )
Jessica (BigBrotherSuperToMe )
Chloe (MonicaStar )

9th: Alicia (PennyTrationSTAN )
10th: Tris (TMAN54445 )
11th. Michelle (michland143 )
12th: Camila (FoxyWinters )

#casting #bigbrother #survivor #bb20


please save me :c
Sent by CopperTribe,Jul 10, 2018
I'm saving jack
Sent by lhooper902976,Jul 10, 2018
I am saving jack
Sent by Jaychris,Jul 10, 2018
Please guys save me,  :(
Sent by BigBrotherSuperToMe,Jul 10, 2018
Awesomecookie Starving_Today The audience may not vote!
Sent by Avstractiv,Jul 10, 2018
Why can’t audience vote there voting still
Sent by BigBrotherSuperToMe,Jul 10, 2018
Well now me and Chloe have no advantage
Sent by BigBrotherSuperToMe,Jul 10, 2018
save jessica
Sent by Latisha0987,Jul 10, 2018
BigBrotherSuperToMe lmao what?? The audience has never voted and never will, it’s a rule of the game, only HOUSEGUESTS vote. Matths and Latisha still haven’t voted, you still can win their votes over.
Sent by Avstractiv,Jul 10, 2018
Oh yeah sorry LOL but the tie?
Sent by BigBrotherSuperToMe,Jul 10, 2018
Guys audience can’t vote I never knew lol
Sent by BigBrotherSuperToMe,Jul 10, 2018
BigBrotherSuperToMe If there’s a tie then the HOH will break it and choose who they want to save
Sent by Avstractiv,Jul 10, 2018
Alex i havent talked to you becouse im The sister of Foxy and is not necessary
Sent by MonicaStar,Jul 10, 2018
Also does Thediamondwis HAVE TO VOTE! Because I would prefer a yes
Sent by BigBrotherSuperToMe,Jul 10, 2018
BigBrotherSuperToMe Yes he does, he’s a houseguest...
Sent by Avstractiv,Jul 10, 2018
Sent by BigBrotherSuperToMe,Jul 10, 2018

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