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Big Brother and Survivor online game.

Hello, my name is Seira Sky Jones.

Hay there love's name is Seira Sky Jones, but call me Sky. No I am not a perfect skinny blue eyed blond headed girl, I have brownish green eye, I have brown(on top) and black(on bottom) hair. I am 14 years young. I was born 100 percent Texan on December 27,1995. My bestest friend in the whole wide world would have to be Britteny Nichole Webster! I act way older than I actually am. I love to cuddle, I am a very sweet person until you mess with me are one of my friends. I love grape cream Dr.peppers from sonic. I do not lie are cheat. I hate liars and cheaters! I am down for just like basically anything. I love to use the words "love" and "darling." I love to live life the way i want too. I am single as of the moment, and no im not a virgin so don't ask, and no i don't have a cell phone as of the moment, but I'm working on that. c: I have my moments when I don't give a fuck about anything are anyone anymore. I am not who or what I used to be. I have changed, but I just say it is better for me that way. I have a horrible past that I run from daily. Trust me. I have made all the mistakes a 14 year old girl could possibly make, and then some. I have like a million and twenty regrets, that i would go back and change in a heartbeat. Every time i turn around i think i am fucking something else up. I have learned from most of my mistakes, but yet i still do some of them mistakes. I love to have fun and party. I listen to all kinds of music. I try my hardest not to judge people, but sometimes I slip up. Oops. I try to get along with most people, but im Bi-polar, and sometimes i just go off on people i don't know, or people that are real close to me. If you have a problem with me let me know up front don't run around talking shit about me behind my back, because 9 out of 10 i will find out. I promise. I don't care what anyone has to say about me, you don't like me well then good that's just one less bitch i have to worry about. I have a lot of close friends , and i have even more enemy's. I have lost one million and three real close friends over dumdass shit. I help others way more than i help myself. I am always here for someone when they need me. I love helping people! And omg yes i love little kids! I believe in the saying " the past is in the past so just let it be left as that." If I told you my past you would be like what the fuck. No lie. I try to be as honest as I possibly can, but if I lie to you it's for the best for me and you both. I have a problem with trusting people(so if I trust you feel loved). I have been stabbed in the back so many times by people that was supposed to be there for me no matter what. I forgive easily, but I never forget. There is certain people I can some what trust.

My Games 1 games played

12 Jun, 10

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