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1076 days ago
"After he left, he ended up telling Ethan my advantage by accident"

I want to clarify that I knew about this BEFORE Brady left.
1076 days ago
true! this happened on the day of the tribal that brady got voted out! and ethan only told me that brady told him by accident after the tribal! i missed the order of the facts LOL sorry!
1075 days 23 hours ago

My question to you is: How serious were you about aligning with me? A lot of people in this game gave me the cold shoulder early because I was a 2 time winner where nobody even thought to have me in their potential endgame plans. You kept saying to me that you were all about us which I was true so I need to know how honest you were with me. Where did I fall in your game plans before I got taken out?

I was 100% honest with you. We literally used to talk ALL DAY and I really find more than an ally in you, I found a friend. After Carol got voted out, you were the only person that I knew I could count on and would have my back. Our alliance was for real and I really wish we have gotten deep in this game together. But what happened was that I didnt know Ethan and Kevin that much the day you got voted out and I literally tried so hard to put the target on someone else, but no one was down for that. I had the vote stealer with me but I knew that if I have played it, 2 things could happen:

(1) I would wasted it cause Vanessa used the idol on Nolan on that night so it wouldnt make any difference or;

(2) You stayed, Kevin would be voted out, Ethan would be pissed at me and we were all would be on the bottom and I would have a target on me, cause I used an advantage that no one, except for you, knew about it.

I had to go along with this plan cause I wanted to show the other people that they could trust me, and wanting or not, doing this really opened a lot of doors for my game. I even told you what the plan was and I was really hoping for you to get on right side of you 50/50 coin, but it didnt worked out :( After your vote, I was able to find Ethan as a new big ally and I was able to vote out Summer in the final 8.

My intentions with you were 100% real, I fully trusted you (I always used to say this to you) and I used to always talk about you on my confessionals on how much I could trust you. I just feel that when you got voted out, it was one of my turning points in the game, cause I was able to took my destiny on my own hands and started playing this for real, thats one of the reasons I am here tonight.
1075 days 22 hours ago

What was the biggest challenge that you faced this season, and how were able you to overcome it?

I think coming in this season my biggest challenge was going to be the perception people have of me. If you knew me before this season, you know I'm a very savvy player that isn't scared to do what it takes to win and I can come off as intimidating to others at first. So coming in here, I decide to be more relatable, funny and try to really bond with people on a personal level to gain this trust and respect. I had to work hard on all my relationships throughout the premerge to set myself nicely for the merge. I do really believe I wasn't in any danger until the late merge when I heard you guys might of wanted to get me out.

During the game, I'd say my main challenge was keeping my threat level down and forging mine and Callia's path to make it at least to finale! I think being a solo was definitely a blesssing for people like Matt and Vanessa because they were seen as people that can just buddy up to a duo and help them while the duos were heavily targeted unless they bonded together. So for me, I knew my only chance of making it to the Finale with Callia was so take another duo in Kevin and Ethan to the F5.

I think in the end, I was heavily targeted even premerge by people from previous games and my path to the end was a lot harder and a lot more challenging than the other people sitting next to me and I think it's easy to see why.
1075 days 22 hours ago

Guigi, congrats to you to making it here! You got immunity when you needed it and played a good social game. Love you but gotta ask a tough question here because I am just confused on like who you are/ how you managed the jury. The last few days we talked a lot and I remember you calling me a sheep and sending me sheep gifs (and you kept calling matt a sheep), was that like strategy for you or were you just being openly rude???? And than after you tried to vote me at final 6, you came to my dms being like I feel so bad that I hurt you, etc. which was just transparently fake (but if I am wrong, tell me). And also, even though Vanessa had been voted out you talked about how she was a 0 vote finalist, how you and Callia "ran" her this game, and how you would've been mad had you both made the finals and had I voted her over you so I am just lost on who you are. (Love you though <3 )

LMAO Ethan that was all banter lol, tbh Ethan by the merge i truly felt like I had the closest one on one bond with you. We joked and had a lot of good banter even before that night lol. I was lowkey tipsy and you know how I am, I'm just a big troll. I never thought you were a sheep I even told you before the F4 vote that I was gonna vote for the person who was my biggest competition going into FTC (before I saw everyone sucking Matt's dick lol) I've always loved you and thought you would of seen through my dicking around.

Also, me feeling bad was not fake at all :o, deep down I knew that no matter what Callia and I were gonna be screwed at 5 and I was mad that I put your life in jeopardy in this game bc as I said I felt the deepest non-game related connection to you bc I shared a lot of my irl shenanigans with you and so did you with me. I'm sorry if you thought it was purely fake and 100% strategy bc it truly was not. I knew no matter what I said I was most likely going to lose my closest ally at 5 or I was walking out tribal with my torch snuffed.

The Vanessa stuff was only to make you believe I didn't have a F3 deal with her but I did. I was just trying to fool you but i knew you weren't buying it and then I started drinking lol. I do believe Callia and I did play a good game but apparently no one wants to give us credit so rip me <3

I do think you should be proud of your game, we played a lot of this season together and I hope you are walking out of here with your head held high bc you truly rocked this season and I hope you didnt let my banter affect you <3
1075 days 22 hours ago

Guigi: I think you played a good social game, except most thought you were untrustworthy, did you trust anyone other than callia?

I think going in this season I wanted to remain as cool calm and collected as much as I could but I'm a very "if I get a good vibe from you, I really want to trust you" type of person. I do think I always had my guard up with everyone but I knew when and to who to say certain info or thoughts to make them feel closer to me.

I definitely did trust you a lot bc I think we always had a good rapport with one another and even though we didn't always vote together you knew you could count on me and I knew i could as well. I never truly had the intention of voting you out.

I trust Ethan a lot as well. I think I knew from the Brady vote I would need to reinforce my relationship with Ethan bc down the line we would greatly benefit from each other and our pairs. And he was my lil munchkin out there.

I always had some trust in Tyler and Zack. I think after Ethan, I was most honest with them with my life and I think we really did have some good conversations one on one and in our alliance chat. I just knew that Tyler and Zack were such an incredible force in this game and had 0 clue what advantages they could of held so that made me wary of them but for a large portion of the game they were my go to.

And I obviously had some trust in Brady and Matt mostly premerge since especially Brady was so willing to save me from the first swap vote and I will always be grateful to them and our Witches Coven chat for doing what they did and for sticking together pre-merge.
1075 days 22 hours ago
And he was my lil munchkin out there.

LMAO ily <3 and I do want to say I did appreciate that even though we didn't talk about the game for most of this, we had genuinely fun conversations and I always knew I would be entertained one way or the other
1075 days 22 hours ago
Thanks Matt and guigi for answering my questions!! :) good luck ❀
1075 days 22 hours ago

Guillaume- I’m not going to lie, I was really excited to be able to play together bc we did get cut short in the last game we played! However it seemed a little difficult to play with you this time around bc you seemed to not really be around to talk strategy, and you were playing more deceptively than I thought- this being when you started the rumor that AJ had the idol when it was you- thus leading to me maybe seeming like I wasn’t fully invested like You were saying in your speech. My question for you in the game is what move that you made solely on your own that you are most proud of and why

Nolan, there's a clear reason why I was "not around to talk strategy with you" is because I didnt want leak any information to in that would come back and bite me. You scared me even in our last game I wanted to get rid of you at merge bc you are such a good player. Yes there's a lot of facets to my game that hasn't been exposed and I used circumstances in the game to solidify my position and send home the people I needed gone (AJ, Noelle, you)

The biggest move I solely made this season and that helped me get to the end was my social game. I know it's not a definitive move but I truly believe this got me off the radars of people once they felt comfortable with me and trusted me in the game. How do you think I got 21 coins in the first merge challenge, 7 more coins than the 2nd place? Callia only gave me 7, the rest came from multiple people in the game. Like I truly do feel like people are giving Matt a lot of credit for being "underrated" but I build up my social web from scratch too, the only people I had a deeper bond in this game coming in were Callia and Kind. These relationships got me out of hot water many times pre-merge and post-merge when my name was mentioned but "there wasn't enough numbers to do Guillaume".

If you want a more definitive move, I'd have to say completely switching the vote from me to Noelle premerge 30 mins before the vote. I was legit going home that round and barely had time between the end of my shift and tribal council so I went to each individual on my tribe and managed to change the outcome of tribal and arguably the outcome of the post-swap Alikio tribe with the Witches Coven forming.
1075 days 11 hours ago
Congrats to the final 3!

I have the same question for each of you! I truly believe there is no such thing as perfect game. What would you consider to be your biggest mistake during the game? How did you recover? And why do you still deserve to win despite making said mistake?
1075 days 9 hours ago

Guigi: To be honest, I literally hardly know anything about your game. After merge I felt like we barely even talked. From my perspective though you seemed to play a little bit messy. It seems like at times you were almost too open with your thoughts and as you can see, it kinda rubbed some jurors the wrong way. Also, apparently you had an advantage that you wanted to play at the Vanessa tribal but didn’t get to because you were too late. If that wasn’t your intentions, then I think that is a flaw in your game because it’s not hard to let chandler know before tribal that you want to play an advantage. It seemed like to me that if you hadn’t won the final challenge, you’d be out of the game right now.

My question to you is: Do you think you would’ve exited the game at f4 had you not won immunity? If you say yes then convince me as to why that shouldn’t be a mark against your game for having to need an immunity.

Hi Brady, yes you are right my personal life definitely got a little bit more hectic after merge but I always thought we had good conversations in the chat but yeah maybe one on one in those first votes I definitely had a rough time when I was signing my new bail and started gathering a lot of supplies.

I've cleared my clear banter with Ethan a bit higher if you are interested but i'd love to know what i've said to you that was game related and made you think my game was messy? Yes, I was very open with my personal life (maybe a lil too much sometimes) but game wise, I've always kept my cards to my chest and even you started your speech by saying you barely know anything about my game? I'm a bit confused by your statement not gonna lie.

Yes, I wanted to play my extra vote at the Final 6 tribal council and yes I did tell Ali that I was thinking of playing it but as you know it was an extra vote that was given to me AND Callia for making it to the merge as a pair. So I needed her approval to play it. As I got it, I posted a clear WAIT message that was posted BEFORE Ali read the votes meaning I wasn't ready for the votes to be read bc I was playing my advantage. Unfortunately Ali did not see my message before posting the first vote and that's what you guys saw. I think basing your perception of my game solely on what other people's perspective and on a little mistake that clearly did not impacted my standing at FTC is unfair.

Yes, I would of been out if I didn't win, but you know what I did. Do you think everyone that needed to win the final immunity challenge are bad players? Things change fast in this game, I think you know it. It's not like I went on an immunity run from F10 haha and I think you can relate to having to win the final immunity to stay safe in the end game as you played many ggs before. Also with the way the F4 tie was decided this season, if Kevin or Ethan wins immunity I definitely think I'm going home because Matt doesnt want to risk rocks and not bc he actually wants to bring a duo to the end bc thats pretty much owning up the fact that they dominated the end portion. If the tie was decided by a FMC, I think it would of came down to luck normally so it's hard to predict if I go or not.

Brady I enjoyed playing this season with you but your vote is definitely not going my way based on your speech, either way I do respect you and hope to see you in the future. x
1075 days 9 hours ago

Hi Zackary,

I think one of the mistakes I made this season would of been keeping Kevin in the game. I think you were the one that came to me before the vote you were sent home saying that Kevin had the nullifier. Because you came relatively late in the day to tell me that I thought you were bluffing and trying every dirty moves to stay in the game ;p. But that day I should of believed you and if Kevin didnt win immunity at 6 he was going to be my target over Ethan or Matt and it would of given Callia and I a shot at making it further than 5 if Vanessa spare us.

If we look at a more OBVIOUS "mistake" I made, the extra vote misplay if definitely something that can be pointed out LOL. I've already talked about it earlier in my answer to Brady (since he seemed so mesmerized by it lol) but I think I still found the way to bounce back as Callia was the one holding the idol and the one that told Ethan and Kevin she had it and I knew what the last challenge was going to be and knew my shot of winning it was fairly high.

Zack, I think I still think I deserve to win because we all make mistakes in life and in this game but I never let them affect me in the long run. Yes it's okay to have feelings and feel bad/sad/angry for a while but you always have to bounce back and keep your head in the game and that's what I did. I fought my hardest to be here and to be in a position of safety from a good majority of this game not because I was a goat but bc I knew my relationships with people were solid. I was aware of what moves to make and when the right time were (even if I didnt execute them right all the time ;p).

Also, I'd like to say that maybe you found me to be a bit cold with you the day after Ty left but I knew that with Matt immune, I would get the votes on you no matter what and I didn't want to unecessarily lie to you. I've had some of the best conversations in this game with you and Ty and I still am rooting for you guys to be the next Tengaged Power Couple <3

love you x
1075 days 6 hours ago

I have the same question for each of you! I truly believe there is no such thing as perfect game. What would you consider to be your biggest mistake during the game? How did you recover? And why do you still deserve to win despite making said mistake?

My 2 biggest mistakes in the game were:

1) Not aligned myself with Ethan and Kevin before. In the end of the game we could blindly trust each other and we were able to make moves together, we had a final 3 together and the three of us wanted us in the end. Also, If I had alligned myself with them earlier, I would be able to save my number 1 ally, Brady. The tribal he got voted out, I literally wasn’t able to do anything, cause I didn’t know Ethan and Kevin very well on that time and I didn’t want to go against the majority, cause I would be gone right to the very bottom of the game.

My second mistake was waiting for the Touchy Subjets challenge to open my eyes about the way people were seeing my game. I really did think on that time I was playing a good game, until I got the title of “Who’s playing for second place”. I had people doubting on me and underestimating me and still I was able to turn the table on my favor to make the moves that I made, protecting my allies and flushing advantages. I just wish I opened my eyes before.

I think that even tho I made these mistakes, I was able to play hard and marked my name on this season. I was able to make it to the top 8 with 3 duos left and turned the situation on my favor. I won immunity when I needed the most and I was able to build trully relationships with the right people, those were people I could rely on. It’s kinda impossible to play a perfect game, but I did my best to get me here. I gave my all in this game and I trully believe I deserve this win!
1075 days 4 hours ago
OMG Congrats to all three of you for making it here and doing what the rest of us couldn’t ❀

I don’t really have a question tbh, but I do want you to compare every jury member to an actual CBS Survivor Player. GOOD LUCK 😘
1075 days 4 hours ago
Kevin you dumb bitch you need to post

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