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Final Tribal Council • Blood vs. Water

Topic » Final Tribal Council • Blood..

1456 days 9 hours ago
Ahmed, Austyn, and Brendan – congratulations on earning your way to final three. You have done all you can now to play a winning game. Now, the power shifts away from the players, to the jurors, where you will try to convince them that you deserve to win.

JOSH, AREK, MARCUS, ASH, LUIS, ELI, JASON, KRISTA, WILLIE, TOFU, ESS, JESS, SHYANNE, DANIEL, VLAD, and NATHAN– the 16 of you have the power to decide who wins this season of ESTOY- & FRIENDS, giving them the title of the series’ first winner, as well as deciding who receives beloved Tengaged pixels. Remember, the vote you submit is who you WANT to win.

So, this is what the hosts need from all of you:
••• JURORS: Please submit your votes to win (preferably via mail) to GiGi10 and jacksonjoseph99 by FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH at 4:00 PM EST.
••• FINALISTS: In the event of a tie, please submit your vote for who you would like to win, if not you, to GiGi10 and jacksonjoseph99 by FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH at 4:00 PM EST.

If a juror or finalist fails to vote, not only will they be barred from ever joining the series again, but they will also not have a part in casting a VERY important vote. So, please, please remember to vote, do not make Matt and I have to hunt you down (:

The votes will be read at the live reunion on Friday, June 26th, at 8:00 PM EST. We look forward to seeing you all, and we wish you all the best of luck, and hope you had a great season!
1456 days 9 hours ago
do not make Matt and I have to hunt you down (:
1456 days 9 hours ago
We are one.
1456 days 9 hours ago
Do we get to ask finalists questions ?
1456 days 9 hours ago
1456 days 9 hours ago
Well family here we are. This game was grueling, intense, annoying and fun all in one. Im typing this right after that last comp just broke my arm i think typing so much. My strategy in this game was about working with those i know and beginning to work with those who wouldnt expect me to work with. The reason for that is on Estoy, i could have been viewed as really close with austyn and shyanne. I wanted to try to separate off from them while also staying loyal. My main man was Daniel and i wish he was here with me. Every moves we made - both of us decided and i wanted to act as dumb as possible to others even though i always knew what was going on. I had to act like i wasnt with anyone when the numbers were sliming although daniel was always there. I won one immunity and a fire making contest, not a CHALLENGE THREAT in the slightest. Socially clearly something worked, convincing nathan to take the late game risk on vlad would not have me here. I was honest to everyone that I spoke to except for nathan because he also lied to me. If i didnt speak to you, i wanted you out cause i didnt know where anyone heads were at.
That is to you josh, who i wish got the chance to play more but i knew you would be INTENSE. Arek - we never speak outside of games and I hope you didnt take me wanting you out personally (even though you moved me down on your friends list) hehe. Really it was we dont talk and i didnt know who you would gravitate too. Everyone else i didnt lie to about anything - i played as honest as possible. I wish i got to meet some of the amigos more. ELI you are a king and i really wish you didnt go on that shit vote. Essence - youre an amazing ally and friend (even though im grandpa) you looked out for me as much as i looked out for you but unfortunately the vote didnt fall your way. Krista & Willie - i will par you two since we talk all the time. I dont have to say much - i love you guys even though we truly havent known eachother that long. I did my best to help you guys as much as i could even finding krista an already found idol. #roscatoshower shyanne - you are AMAZING, you fell on a huge bullet for me and I appreciate that and i truly appreciate your friendship and all you do for me. This may seem like pandering to the jury but i think i want to tell everyone how i feel too. To vlad, adidas, ashley - we really never got the chance to clique but i enjoyed the chatting at the end with vlad even though we never want to work with eachother. Marcus - youre a beauty who i tried to give a vote but unfortunately work killed you. Le cri. Tofu & Jess - i dont think we really cliqued or worked together cause honestly i didnt know how active either of you were. Jason - you got blindsided in the worst way possible but thank you for everything and keeping me safe on our AMIGO tribe. LUDO? And lastly nathan - holy intense battle dude - you lied to me A LOT but helped when it mattered most and I appreciate that.
Well everyone - i also found an idol late game that i failed to use correctly but i found it! I busted my ass to keep my friends safe and socially i feel like i played a very underrated game. Ahmed - i enjoyed playing with you mans and I appreciate your honesty and conversations. You played a great game and are a comp beast. Congrats on getting here. Austyn - i love you and thank you for giving me the shot i needed to get here. Youre a very loyal friend and aggressive group gamer. #March18th
Hopefully - you guys credit my gameplay for being a huge target end game for having friends in jury and socially working my way through that. All in all, this is a game of friends and i love you all no matter what. Jackson and Matt - thank you for the time and effort. Although i know i bitched a few times, you guys still navigated through everything. Congrats on a successful first season. And last but not least #Estoy-
1456 days 9 hours ago
Questions time
Brenla - the whole estoy clan wants you to win, but i want to know why you deserve the win, what you did that helped you get in this position and what would you say was your biggest move

Ahmed - Why do you think you deserve it over Brenla or Austyn? And what do you regret in this game

Austyn - Honestly our chats tn were chill and u seem like a great guy, but as you told me brenla has a chance to win and you dont which i agree with , but im still confused as to why you would come and message everyone in the f6 that brenla needs to leave and then not make that move
1456 days 8 hours ago

After coming back what was your strategy? How did you adapt to the fast pace of the game?

We have cleared up a lot but my question to you is, Who was your #1? Why that person? How did aligning this person get you to where you are at now

What’s one thing you regret about this game? Something you wish you could have changed but never managed to do so?
1456 days 8 hours ago
Austyn - WHY DID U IGNORE ME DUMB BITCH WHEN I NEEDED HELP IN THE RETURN COMP..... jk love u. Happy f3! Why do u deserve to won over the other 2 when you were out for a lot of the game??

Brendan - i love you!!! Is it your turn next to die for me?

Ahmed - what sort of friend sends a fake screenshot and lies about it for a week?
1456 days 8 hours ago
Answer to Vlad’s Q

I think i deserve the win because I worked my way socially around making sure that someone else could always go before me. I acted like i had no information when i had a ton. This game felt like the game of telephone - everyone said everything to anyone. Nobody heard anything from me though cause i wanted to build trust and faith with my allys that what they were telling me wouldnt go anywhere. Daniel is a prime example, Anything we told eachother wouldnt go anywhere and we navigated to f6. Knowledge is power if you know what to do with it. I used my resources to prove that their was always a bigger threat then me off who people were friends with.
1456 days 8 hours ago
Brendan - answering willie
What’s one thing you regret about this game? Something you wish you could have changed but never managed to do so?

A: i think my biggest regret this game is not trying to help my team more to position ourselves better. I wish i could have tried to convince others like jess, tofu, vlad or ess to help and work with us cause it could benefit them more. I think that a lot of people were set in their ways and i wish we could have had the opportunity to not have a run on our side. I think willie, krista, jason, shyanne went out so rapidly that it was hard to adjust and try to keep everything together. It almost felt like i was at the mercy of others wish which didnt have to happen if i tried to communicate more. Its my first group game - ill adapt and will learn what to say and use to get others believing that we can help them.
1456 days 8 hours ago
Shyannes question
Brendan - i love you!!! Is it your turn next to die for me?

A: maybe!! I wouldnt rule out a season 2 run for us. Honestly - i cant thank you enough for staying loyal on that vote and falling on the bullet. I feel like its always you dying for me. At some point im gonna have to pay you back. Thanks for always having my back :)
1456 days 7 hours ago
My first general question to you all: what is one nice thing you can say about me AND what is the nicest thing someone in this game has done for you.
1456 days 7 hours ago
Hey jury of estoy- and amigos! I will be hopefully posting my opening statement tonight and I will be open to answering any questions tomorrow. I am rather pooched from a long night of this and warzone. Opening statement coming soon.
1456 days 7 hours ago
Answer to Adidas
My first general question to you all: what is one nice thing you can say about me AND what is the nicest thing someone in this game has done for you.

A: i think the nicest thing i can say is that it was truly shocking that you busted your ass to almost comeback when you werent really playing at first. Also, ill say your work ethic since i hear you work all the time which sucks especially trying to keep up with this. For me the nicest thing is shyanne and daniel not flipping on me and going to rocks for me. Shyanne basically went so i could go forward. Austyn also not flipping to get me out was extremely nice. I owe them more then they know. One day i will pay them back. :)
1456 days 7 hours ago
Hello friends I am very appreciative of the opportunity that I have earned and that is a chance to plead my case to all of the fallen comrades in a game full of friends. I’m going to go into detail about my game why exactly I believe I am deserving of your vote to win the game of estoy- and friends. I will be open to answering any questions or clarifications about my speech or about something I may have missed.

Entering this game my overall goal was to win, whatever it takes. Much like it was for most of us (Maxi excluded). I was also very wary entering a game because the truth is I don’t have really any solid relationships with most of the people in the game. The only ones I actually talk to on a daily basis outside of the game is Brendan and the two hosts tbh. So I knew I had to play fast and aggressive. That is exactly what I did. Much like Nathan was most of the game I was inebriated the first night about 15 white claws deep and made a SEVEN PERSON CHAT. Which is LUDACRIS for the first night. I was on track to be an early flame out. I also made a final four chat with Willie/Shyanne and Jason that same night. Again, I was playing hard and fast. The reason for this chat is because as I stated earlier I do not have these pre existing relationships and I wanted there to be easy votes so people do not look to me as a target early on. I wanted to be the one throwing out a name first and in doing so my name would not be thrown out first.

This led to the first two boots I was apart of Josh and Arek. Quite simply their best friends were in the game and people they would never vote out. I viewed both of them as extremely connected individuals much like Marcus. Which is why I believed targeting those three early was the route to take. I did not realize I was the swing vote for Arek and Brendan actually played me for that vote so hats off to him. But in hindsight it seems to have been the right move because all three of those gentleman were large threats in this game because quite frankly, they had connections and relationships I did not.

Moving to the split and me being voted out first. I threw Ahmed’s name out because I knew he was a threat to go far (hey look I was right) however, he had friends and ultimately convinced Daniel to switch on my and blindside me. This hurt. This really hurt. It actually made a lot of my fears come to fruition because as I often chime in with comedic humour and frequent sarcasm in the estoy chat I’m aware of how disconnected I am to all of you as people. Ultimately, I tried to take a swing at a large threat and was talked down into voting out Jess my “wife” in the game.

This sent me to edge where I actually had a lot of time to reflect on what went wrong. Yes while Brendan/Ahmed were out there playing the game I was chilling on edge vibing and honestly having a couple conversations with cool people. This helped me prevail in the challenge. Barely, beating comp beast Marcus.

Upon returning I knew I had to turn it up a notch and I was just going to play balls to the wall. This is true because I did the whole final in a bath tub and then my laptop died! I was once again in fear of these 5 fellas having STRONG relationships and viewing me as an outsider returning. Once again placed in a very similar situation. My first target was actually Ahmed. I wanted to vote Ahmed we had Ahmed LOCKED! I had two votes it was going to go our way. Daniel/Brendan SWITCHED last minute to Vlad literally out of no where. Leading me to switch because if we split we are fucked anyway. This is followed up by Daniels demise and Ahmed’s idol move.

The next vote I wanted Ahmed gone again however he won immunity. I was able to convince Nathan to switch his vote by using my time on edge. I essentially told him Vlad beats both him and Ahmed in the finals which caused him to switch his vote. The move also is something that he could add to his resume. This was a key moment for me because it was a glimmer of hope and in my eyes I was guaranteed final 3 at this point.

Ultimately, I decided to keep Brendan over Nathan and let them duke it out because Brendan is the only person playing this game who I have been consistently talking to for the past five years of my life. DEADASS EVERYDAY FOR FIVE YEARS LOL. In the most recent group game I played I cut my F2 at this exact situation and it got me second so being able to actually preach loyalty is a great feeling for me. I demonstrated that I was nothing but loyal to so many of you in this game and that is what I’m preaching. I wanted to give him the shot in the challenge because frankly, he deserved it. Both him and Nathan deserved to fight till the bitter end.

I do hope I have your votes to win because yes it may look like I sat on edge the whole time however, in a game of genuine friends I was actually able to persevere. I encourage you to not look at us and vote simply based off of who you are the closest with or who your friend is but vote based on who you think deserves to win. Yes, I may be one of the least connected people because I don’t make much of an effort to reach out to people to have personal conversations on a daily basis and that’s something I need to improve on. But the game I played I wasn’t able to fall back on my relationships like both of my other two finalists, I had to form new bonds myself. And yes some of them burned me (Daniel got me voted out when he was my F2) however, I was able to ultimately overcome all of this adversity to gain an opportunity to talk to you about my journey. About why I believe I deserve your vote.

Quite simply I played a strong game when I was in, I made sure I was saying names, I was building relationships and I was calling shots because I don’t have the same friendships most of you have here to fall back on. Hell I don’t even think I have half the amigos added on skype. So please, if you don’t know me or have questions for me reach out I’ll answer most I am absolutely ecstatic to be given the chance to plead my case.

P.S. I didn’t proofread this hehe.

Much Love,

open group


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