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MNRS4 - Survivor: Darkness Rising - Confessionals

Topic » MNRS4 - Survivor: Darkness..

1151 days 13 hours ago
JT Q. (Absol)

this tribal is really messy. I have a feeling like I PROBABLY won't go home just because I think viv/matt/austyn all want to... not vote me and julian is a much more reasonable target than someone like me who does at least talk to people

I feel like zach/tyler might be the deciders if they want me gone and push for it i think it could happen

I don't wanna be like FAKE to them because i did make an honest effort to reach out but then they really didn't give me much so I just made an alliance of 6 and then took a nap
1151 days 13 hours ago
Ray G. (GentlemanG)

Vote Absol and I’m crushing his heart

He’s just a bad friend. He has it out to get me even though I’ve tried my hardest to work with him. I wouldn’t care if I got idold out by him because I just don’t want to play this game with him. He’s also a huge threat who would align with my enemies in this cast. It makes the most sense to do this now and just flush my power out of the game so I’m not a huge threat later on. Karma rocks.
1151 days 7 hours ago
-----JT VOTED OUT FOR 26TH-----
1151 days 3 hours ago
Matt F. (Gigi10)

Okay I haven’t really said anything since I found that idol so I probably should..!

I looked a bit for it when the silver-sky clue came out, but when the games clue came out I figured it would be found v quickly. I’m shocked I found it first tbh. I’ve never actually held an idol in a survivor group game so kinda spooky, I just don’t wanna misplay it tbh.

This last vote was whatever. I would’ve liked absol to stay because he at least attempted to talk to me, Julian literally never tried to talk to me and always wants me out for god knows what reason. But Austyn is kinda dumb and Ray used his extra, it is what it is though like realistically Absol wasn’t gonna work with me if he felt he has better options so eh.

I HATE you for swapping tribes, I was in a good spot on this one. IDIOT. And now I’m kinda in a weird spot where I think it’s me or Brittany going if we lose so I’m praying that doesn’t happen. If it does I may have to play my idol, but I’d rather not this early.

I’ve started talking to Emma and I’ll reach out to Nolan as well. Ik they are close so maybe if I make an effort they will want to keep me around, idk.

That’s all I really have for now. I feel good with every vote so far, all people I don’t like or haven’t spoken to much. So far so good
1151 days 3 hours ago
Kelly R. (Kelly0412)

That's like the funniest power ever. I bet you were so pressed when i got it. I'm sure my idiot ass will waste it LMAO. I'm sure I'll get voted out with that overpowered shit and an idol but I feel good on this team... I know that viv would like sooner quit then vote me and I trust Ess a lot

I just hope Ess doesnt do some gamebot shit to take out Viv
1151 days 3 hours ago
Viv L. (ElectraViv)

I came here to win. Not to make friends in your survivor game duh. The first item on the list is to idol out Pureessence

She has to go
1151 days 3 hours ago
Zach R. (Washed_Ravioli)

I feel a bit nervy on my new tribe. My old tribe was so good. It was like putty in my hand. I felt so safe. So secure. I now worry for my safety if I go to tribal. Perhaps not the first vote, but the second one. Though I expect a swap soon anyways. We can't be in these tribes for long, no matter what Ray tries to imagine
1150 days 13 hours ago
Tris A. (TMAN54445)

1150 days 12 hours ago
Callia S. (ParvatiS)


It was about time...
that Mike/Newz FINALLY decided to cast Guigi and I together in a season after begging for yearss
this bitch always tries to compete with me because he thinks he's better than me but i want to prove that wrong ! also, kinda surprised im the angel between the two of us ? but i guess it's still pretty fitting because he really is a demon 💯
but these people still need to watch out for me because...

i really am the demon everyone thought was an angel 😉😘




ngl when i first looked at this cast, i was like OMG "i wanna quit already" ✋
now please, do not take that sentence literally. i am absolutely not quitting, nor do i plan to.
my point is that i already know that this will be a chaotic game. not only are there 30 people but everyone here is pretty much a mutual friend of everyone else in this cast (if that makes sense) like ummmm... that just makes this game very scary not knowing who everyone is the most loyal to with so many pre-existing connections and so many friendships that can possibly be broken

however right off the bat, i already know i will be working closely with Guigi, Ess, and Christos. it's great because Ess and Christos threw the first immunity to Guigi and myself since we worried about him being in trouble at tribal especially with Ess swapping from her tribe with Tris (a swap that may be helpful for me but not for Guigi).

also, there's like so many different twists and powers in this game like i can't even keep track of it all smhh 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ i definitely think having an idol would be amazing considering all the unknowns in this game. but even with a clue, i didn't find it :(

so the vote tonight was easy. refrain from saying names in the first few votes and just go along with the majority so that i don't seem threatening or make myself a target. sean seemed to be what most people want to do so ofc i go along with that :) thennn we go to tribal and we see sean is having an idol played on him and we're all just like, wtffffff. and i was thinking, how did you find it so fast lol. i searched for a while and found nothing :( then apparently we hear that it's not real ??? and omgg the relief 🤦‍♀️


so i rlly sucked at the immunity challenge... i rlly did try but every time i came up with a word i see that like 5+ people already commented lmao 😥 im so bad at these kinds of things IT'S EMBARASSING.

*even more embarassing than having Guigi as #1 on my friend list*

but im happy at least the angels were able to pull off a win!


a tribe swap ??? SERIOUSLY ??? all of a sudden after the angels tribe have all been collaborating together and sharing scores for the non-live immunity challenge ????? like im actually crying becaue we had such good scores smhhh Nolan got 1700 in copter and Ali got like what... 2300 in holes :(

however ngl i kinda like my new tribe :) you know, minus the fact that Viv didn't even play the comp and Kelly submitted 0 🤦‍♀️ like girlll......
but i still think our tribe is pretty cute... a group of all women and our tribe name is pretty fitting actually, you know, we rlly are the sexy ass sirens of MNRS and no one can tell us differently lmfao 

also, i love jojo and i can't wait for us to work together in the game lol
1150 days 12 hours ago
Emma M. (EmmaM)

So my strategy for the first half of the game was just to be nice to people and get included in their stuff. Obviously the nolan/britt side would want me with them, but I also had deals with christossss/ess during that. Christossss and nolan are just waiting to go after each other which sucks for me because I trust both and know that neither are coming after me.

Christosss is more well alligned, and I'm more unsure about how far he would take me, but I don't think he would get rid of me anytime soon. So the first tribe was super easy, we were winning and I didn't have to do much.

As for the new tribe, idk what is going to happen. Chris wants him, me, and matt together, but idk if I want to vote Brittany or Nolan, so like I'm unsure what would happen if we actually lose. Hopefully I can just build trust with Matt, continue trust with brittany/nolan/christosss, and we just win our way to the next swap
1149 days 11 hours ago
1149 days 11 hours ago
Ray G. (GentlemanG)

My strategy moving forward is to play a really open game and show all my cards so people view me as weak socially and not a threat. I’m actually pretty good friends and have built strong relationships with a lot of players, but at the same time I know how much that can and will play as a detriment to my game. This strategy is really ballsy, but if I can get to the merge I can position myself well enough to go far in the game. I’ve gotten lucky with the swaps as well, so I just need some luck and hope the other tribes continue to target my enemies.
1149 days 11 hours ago
Ess C. (PureEssence)
1149 days 11 hours ago
Kiara M. (Kiara_xoxo)

-The Spirit Realm is slowly filling up with players! Have you given any thought to when players might have the opportunity to return?
-With such a small tribe, what are the odds we see a power make an appearance tonight?

I think maybe in the next 3 votes or so the spirit realm will open! I kinda want to go there I feel they come back with a different power than before possibly stronger! I can see either a bullet or power being used at tribal but who knows! No one spoke to me about this vote but I wanna go to the spirit realm so I don’t even mind! I want to see what’s happening over there tbh that’s why I didn’t reach out to anyone about the vote either. This can either bite me in the ass or work out for the best we see! I think the twists/challenges  are cool and I don’t know why so many are complaining LOL. Though I don’t play the challenges I do show up and read what it is. I think Ali is a bit competitive with comps and doesn’t like how low effect I am with them.
1149 days 11 hours ago
Callia S. (ParvatiS)

So everyone was complaining about the comp today, which i don't blame them for like i don't know a shit about league of legends either and it's kind of unfair to those who've never played ? but i kinda feel bad for mike... he doesn't deserve to be attacked like this :( i understand it takes a lot to be a host but at least imo if you're gonna make a trivia comp, choose a topic that is fair-

my first tribal without immunity is quite scary ? but im happy to be working with Ess/Jojo and i know they've got my back too !
Kelly used his power on Ess today, so Ess came up with a plan for me, her, and Jojo to all survive. Ess will tell Kelly and Viv that she will vote for me, but in actuality, won't so that will be an automatic 1 self-vote for both Ess and Kelly. Then you have Viv who is voting for me so i get a vote. and then Jojo and I will be voting for Viv so that Viv leaves 2-1-1-1. originally, the plan was supposed to be Kelly/Viv wanting to vote Jojo instead but for some reason, they want me out ? like i don't really know what i ever did to you...🤷‍♀️ i guess they find me intimidating ☺️ which they should because im not the one going home. or at least i HOPE im not.

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