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V&W S8: Greenland Confessionals

Topic » V&W S8: Greenland..

1281 days 14 hours ago
Anthony M. // iYBF


Hey again ladies it's me. SOOOOO some stuff has gone down since the last time you saw me, let me catch you up to speed.

BASICALLY, I went on call with Mike last night forever, he's definitely my #1 on this tribe followed by Marwane. We came up with a few potential plans to set us up to stay safe on this tribe moving forward. Our original plan was for Mike to just flip and vote for Jake, but that would just expose him and make him vulnerable next vote.

We also came up with a plan that we 4-4 it and I just flip in the revote to vote for Alf, but keeping Alf for right now is good for my game lowkey, so that also wouldn't be great.

However, our other plan came to fruition today. This plan I wasn't counting on because it requires Marwane being on board, but he surprisingly has been really receptive to the idea. The plan: VOTE SCOTT OUT BABY. Patrick didn't want to vote for Scott originally because they worked together before, but Scott hasn't reached out to me like at all minus when we first swapped. Also, Marwane told me he wanted to try and make me throw my vote which is like weird that he'd be tryna make me look like a fool when I'm definitely smarter than him. Weird ass 50-year-old needs to go spend time with his KIDS and get the fuck outta my game.

ANYWAYS, so Marwane is gonna tell Patrick probably like rn about the plan and make it seem like a last minute thing, so we should have 5-3 against Scott with Alvaro, Scott, & Jake voting for Alf. However, I could totally be getting played and might be going home tonight, so I'm sending POSITIVE VIBES and hoping the Survivor Gods send some back.
1281 days 14 hours ago
Max A.  // Maxi1234

I like most of them, I think it'll be really easy for me to move through them. I think my grab on the game is still just as heavy because I have all my main allies with me.

1281 days 10 hours ago
1281 days 10 hours ago
Matt F. // GiGi10

So like realistically nothing really happened before swap, I kinda don’t ever send confessionals when I win because like… what would I say? I’m already a fan favourite anyways so I don’t need to hog all the air time and make them bored of me. But now that we swapped I GUESS I’ll do a small cast assessment and my thoughts on… things.

Alf – Still a king, he’s sorta inactive because of real life which I GUESS is understandable.. kinda. I still wanna work with him and I think the trio I just made with Patrick and him is good for my game. I love all my trios <3
He’s probably a target this round but I think he will be fine.

Alvaro – He’s fine. I still think he just talks to everyone, plus he’s kinda boring so ehh. He’s sorta just there to me right now.

Anthony – So Anthony is like SUPER well connected and it scares the shit out of me. I really don’t know if I’ll be able to take him out, which is bad for me because we have no relationship and I’ll probably be an early target for him.

Jake – I feel like I talked to him but I simply have no recollection of it? I think I have early onset or something. He’s probably going this tribal which is fine.

Marwane – Another one that’s very well connected, except I don’t think he would target me RIGHT away. Although after I made him my bitch in rock paper scissors today maybe he will hold a grudge…

Mike – Honestly our alliance was so random and I don’t think it’ll actually work out but I mean if it does that’s great. I have heard he’s closer with the Anthony/Marwane group than I thought which worries me. He might be a target for me at merge/swap because he’s someone I think a lot of people wouldn’t care about voting for.

Patrick – king duh. I gave him the clues we got for that Mara idol to sorta solidify that trust. I don’t think he would go against me and I’d like to make it far with him. This is the first game I’ve played with him that he hasn’t gone in the first 3 votes… icon.

Ashley – We are two halves of a whole <3
I’m so happy she has the other half idol because that makes my life SOOO much easier. Hopefully no one else will figure this out but I’m assuming they will since Austin knows and I kinda did tell half the cast because I am a #socialplayer. But yeah she’s my f2 right now probably and we can definitely make some moves with this idol.

Austin – He’s actually pretty laid back and cool which I did not expect! I enjoy talking to him but I still think he would very easily snake me long term. Going against him would piss off Ashley though and that’s something I’ll have to be careful with.

Chris – Okay so I love Chris but sometimes he can be SOOO fake my lord. Like I’m clearly his 4th/5th or maybe even less, but he acts like I’m his 1st. Mhmm not today baby. For now he obviously isn’t coming after me and we are working together closely so it’s all good.

Darrius – I just haven’t talked to him yet and idk why but king I guess. Hopefully he stays mad at Chris.

Max – His social game is pretty on point I’ve learned! I think he is gonna be a very difficult person to take out and I think he would easily win a jury vote so that’s tough. For now he’s on my side which is nice, but he also seems to be on everybody’s side!

Isaac – I messaged him today for the first time. We haven’t talked much but he’s fine. He would probably be an easy target if we lost.

Robbie – Literally the same as Isaac except I like him a bit more from our talk. He’s a good dude.
Now onto MY game, because obviously that is what is most important. Like I said, it hasn’t been very difficult so far and I haven’t had to do anything because I simply have not lost since I’m amazing at comps! I’m sure ya’ll really wanna see us go to tribal but it’s just not happening babies. If we did happen to go to tribal though, I definitely do have the numbers. I’m close with Ashley, Chris, and Max, and then by association Austin. That would be enough to take out one of the other players. I wouldn’t make a big move at this point because there’s a lot of time left in the game and painting an early target when I’m in a good spot would be dumb. I will DEFINITELY have to make a move come merge but that can wait.

Today was kind of amazing for this game. Scott went and I didn’t even have to do anything, so now I can walk freely around the beach without seeing his old ass struggling to stand up (kidding old people are cool haha don’t cancel me V&W). Then, our tribe won again (because of me cheering them on) and THEN I got the half idol after using my big brain to beat Marwane. AND Ashley has the other half. Y’all really do love me huh?
1. Ess – I mean duh
2. Daniel – Honestly you’re still pretty bad but you were part of giving me the half idol so
3. Will – I simply can’t stand your inactive ass
1281 days 10 hours ago
Alvaro F. // varlto

i told jake to use it on scott

1281 days 10 hours ago
Max A. // Maxi1234

i am so fucking livid at this

mike can burn in the pits of hell that RAT

my tribe is full of actual morons and none of them can do shit without me, and the tribe chat proves it
1281 days 10 hours ago
Alf F. // Electric

I confess my love for marwane

Confessional 2: marwane tells me I’m straight, rejects me and tears are shed
1281 days 8 hours ago
Jake H. // ouijake

Well tribal tonight didn’t go as planned at all. I’m very annoyed that i spent so much time looking for that idol and playing it when i wasn’t even the target. This whole ordeal made me lose my closest ally (Scott) and completely distrust the other (Max). I was told that some of my tribe mates were going to try to throw the comp so I’m not surprised that we lost. I could stay up all night looking for the idol again but I’m not going through that another night in a row haha. I do think i  could be voted off now, since i was the first one out in the challenge. Although maybe they aren’t concerned with me since there are bigger fish to fry, so to speak, on our tribe. I’m not gonna stress about it. Again nobody is talking to me very much so it doesn’t seem like there’s much i can do as far as trying to talk to other people.

Alvaro and Max say they have my back but honestly i feel super alone at this point. I might try to find the idol without the clue tomorrow if I’m feeling up to it
1280 days 18 hours ago
Marwane E. // Marwane

Last tribal working perfectly, I'm still in shock as to how perfectly executed that plan was. An Idol was flushed, Patrick was so quick to flip and he trusts be 100%. However my happiness was quickly turned to bitterness since we lost tribal yet again....

For this round I'm thinking I want to do Alf because he doesn't help with challenges. Mike wanted to do patrick for this round but im not down to do that since he's 100% loyal to me

Its crazy to me that Jake is approaching me and says that he trusts me when I just got rid of his #1 ally... for some reason he isn't approaching Anthony with the vote

Anthony is honestly my #1 in this tribe right now

I think everyone should be in the same page for voting out Alf this round so that we can all be at the challenge and try to finally win a challenge especially since they will be able to sit out 2 people in the comp

So since GiGi got the half idol I'm assuming whoever goes to see the lady of the light next will get the other half so im hoping and praying its someone from my side

What's also fucked up is that Me & Chris are working with completely different people

I want his allies out and he wants mine out so idk how tf thats gonna work out later on in the game
1280 days 18 hours ago
Mike S. // ForceMike1

Confessional 4:

I’m sooo happy that vote went through. I just felt in my gut that this was the time to get rid of Scott and I’m glad we were able to pull it off and flush an idol in the process!!

After losing the challenge, the initial thought was to just vote jake. But we’re all tired of losing so we are just thinking we trim the fat while we still have the chance so the vote may be on Alf tonight but something still feels off.

Maybe I’m just getting in my own head per usual and worrying about nothing but I can’t help it. I hope everything will go smoothly but if not at least I anticipated something 😬😖
1280 days 18 hours ago
Jake H. // ouijake

Confessional- well after searching for the idol without a clue for many hours, my patience for clicking though old games is wearing thin. I’m hoping that there might be a way to get 4 votes together to get rid of Patrick tonight. Mike is talking to me this morning about potentially trying to execute that plan. If he, Alvaro, and I can get Marwane on board we might be able to pull it off tonight. So for now my goal is to try to make that happen with Mike.

After talking to Marwane and letting him lead the conversation, he wants to get Alf out this time to avoid going to tribal again. I think Mike and Alvaro are on board for that as well. So hopefully tonight there will be 4 votes to evict Alf and he will finally be gone.
1280 days 16 hours ago
Darrius W. // Darriusdabest

Confessional : Okay so finally i’m getting some luck here, my new tribe is great at challenges and I haven’t seen a tribal since before the swap knocks on wood I think today i’m gonna try to talk to chris, even though we don’t really like each other I wanna make him think i’m down to work with him for the sake of marwane and how he wouldnt want his two close friends fighting each other because that puts him in the middle. But once the right time comes ... I will be blindsiding chris.
1280 days 16 hours ago
Anthony M. // iYBF


So we lost AGAIN which is not surprising. I kinda flopped in the Challenge unfortunately but I could not find someone with 600k-700k subs for the life of me.

Tonight, I would prefer to vote for Jake because I know his ass is gonna just be no-lifing looking for the Idol all day, but Marwane, Mike, & Alvaro seem to want to vote out Alf first in an attempt to finally win a Challenge. In my opinion, Jake isn't too good either, so it doesn't make a difference to be competition-wise which one goes, I just know that Alf wouldn't vote for me. But I'm trying not to come off super strong early on so that I can easily dive back down into the shadows come merge, so if Alf has to go for me to be able to do that, so be it.

This vote should be straight-forward, probably 5-2 for Alf to go. I'll be surprised if it goes any other way.
1280 days 14 hours ago
Marwane E. // Marwane

My vote is for Alf, We need to win the challenge and cant have anymore inactivity

Idk im feeling paranoid and I feel like it could be me i hope im wrong tho

Maybe its just me going to bare tribals
1280 days 14 hours ago
Robbie T. // Robson704

ok so if its gonna be about me i have temptation to make new skype account called ,,cattie'' and add it to main chat right after tommorows tribal and i would say that ,,after 4 eliminations twin twist is revealed and cat and myself are playing as two different players''. my cat and kermit from matts profile picture are going on date tommorow, they have a lot in common (drugs, cocaine, marihuaine) you really didnt think i was going to mention they have similar personalities right? lol..... grow up... just kidding lmao

darrius and isaac told me they trust me a lot and they would want to stick with me and marwane in group of 4 later on. even though i had no idea if i should trust them, they all trust me so thats why its always best idea to play it cool, go with majority and talk with everyone. i have a feeling that me marwane isaac and darrius could go far if we all survive until merge and maybe it will turn into alliance soon, i talked with chris matt on dms and others on chat and im trying to give them feeling im trying to fight for them but im not the best competitor but im also not the weakest person and i think its working and it lets me stay under the radar, i talked yesterday to marwane that i could look for his tribes idol if he would let me know about the clues, i propably wouldnt but saying that gains some trust between us, after we talked tonight he trusted me enough to tell me idol waste was beneficial for him and he is in good spot on his tribe and im glad to hear that because on my tribe we would either vote out ashley and loose another ansbjerg tribe member or something more crazy would happen and i didnt want to worry about that that early so its cool to know other tribe is getting rid of original mara people so at another swap or at f14 we will have 7 tribemates each and it gives me more options later on

by the way
cannon shots are fired somewhere in the distance
its patrick trying to save his tribe from loosing by using advantage but he still flopped

i bet my money on the fact that her title of that confessional is ,,thats how easy im able to mastermind these stupid muppets'' she definetly is controlling whole game and has multiple alliances at this point, she has to have over half of the cast below her control and thats the only explanation why she did such a huge confession




my friend: share with me the drugs youre using broo

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