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V&W S6: Costa Rica Confessionals

Topic » V&W S6: Costa Rica..

1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 9: Tyler M. // Bamold1999

Literally, I don’t understand what is going on. Zay is being so fucking annoying and saying that he doesn’t wanna vote with me, but the other five people have an alliance. I just don’t understand why people are so fucking dumb. I am really tempted to just with my idol out and idol out Sergio because he is so well-connected
1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 9: Austyn S. // Oysterman11

I’m the worst person. This Andrew blindside will be brutal if it happens. I feel like shit but I hear he says the same shit to everyone making him dangerous and makes me feel like he’s been kinda fake to me in this game. That hurts because I actually really like the guy. Now I feel like a fake asshole for turning on him but I gotta do it because I’ve been told he’s been just playing everyone. You always wanna think you’re the one he’s not playing but I don’t want to be that naive.... huyuuuh sad day at the office :(.
1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 9: Barbra S. // BarbraStreisand

i love this person BUT YOU ARE FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE! This is a hard vote but its the right move i think!!!

Vote: Sergio
1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 9: Andrew K. // iiGalaxyii

i really am so scared and know i’m probably gonna go but it is what it is

i really don’t want to vote sergio. i like him the most personally out of everyone but if he was so quick to throw me out like that then it is what it is ://

i’m voting for sergio
1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 9: Tyler M. // Bamold1999

Literally I love playing and I don’t for someone that doesn’t even trust me, but I think it’s necessary to break up the other side. I think Sergio is way too connected to be in this game and it seems like no one wants to vote for him. So that’s why I think his time is now and he needs to go. It’s time to put on my big boys shorts and go to war even though it’s probably not gonna end well for me because my side is full of rats but that’s OK.

1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 10: Sergio H. // sihz

I felt like the last 24 hours I led the way to my own death in a drama tv series grand finale episode. Everything came together for this to happen with Sergio being the reason of his own passing.

After Jake was voted off, we realized that 2 idols were misused and although Arek tried to convince me using it on Layla was a mistake, a bigger mistake would have been having Britt idoling Jake and me not using it causing Layla to go. It was calculated risk, I do not regret anything and with that 2 idols have been flushed.

Last night it was all mad quiet, I felt the train a kilometer away. And while I did some idol searching, I was unable to find it. I was frustrated, so many hours I spent looking for it even with 3 clues, the universe was telling me something.

This morning I wake up to a bunch of messages trying to figure out the fate I was about to meet. It didn't feel real. Seth had been kissing my ass all day everyday while Eddy was pushing me to vote for Tyler thinking we had the votes but the sad truth is... we actually didn't. I had officially lost my buddy Andrew to Tyler and Britt and there was nothing I could do to bring him back except for voting Tyler but my main goal was to separate that trio yet again. Nobody was budging, not a single soul in this camp. Until I realized that for me to have the numbers on my side I would need to gather info on who's constantly at the bottom of people's totem pole's, that's what survivor is about because we all want each other out but the pecking order is the deal and I had that down when I realized that Zay was pushing me for Andrew last tribal so I said to myself this is my chance. The train was only 500 meters away by then.

I gathered Layla, Chloe, Arek, Austyn, Zay and myself all dead locked to vote for Andrew having little over 1 hour before deadline. I felt almost sick to my stomach having to vote Andrew who previously showed me he really trusted me with the fact he didnt feel secure in the new majority group that voted Jake out due to pre-existing friendships within. The train is now 300 meters away from me and the tension reaches its highest peak the moment Andrew slides into my pms asking me who's the vote. I dont know where to hide and the emotional Sergio starts coming out, the guilty feeling was eating me inside out as I spell Tyler's name as a fake vote.

Andrew and I continue engaging on the fact that we should vote together and truth was, we actually weren't. Everything was locked and loaded until feelings take over Sergio's mind to feel bad for Andrew possibly having Sergio's back thinking its a mistake to let him go and then from one moment to another Arek finds the immunity idol with nearly 30 minutes left before deadline. Arek and i run through so many possible outcomes, we can idol out somebody but can it be misused? perhaps but it was an option. We needed to figure out who Tyler, Britt, Eddy and Seth were locking in so I asked Andrew and he says to me "Layla".

Blindly and emotionally vulnerable 10 minutes before deadline, I start to believe that was true so Arek and myself think this over and even get heated arguing whether Layla is the actual target and why the idol should be used to get Tyler out but then for the idol to be used, so many questions were being asked by Zay, Chloe and Layla at the fact that I was pushing them to switch their votes onto Tyler at the very last minutes. Emotions had fully taken over my mind being completely fooled by Andrew's wit that was leading me to vote Tyler with him instead of himself. At this point the train's headlights are blinding any accurate vision i could possibly have on the game that i was playing.

Feeling overwhelmed by the questions I couldnt answer because Arek's idol had to remain hidden, I couldn't handle it so I decided to switch back my vote from Tyler to Andrew meanwhile Andrew had other plans himself.

The train is 5 seconds away from me. My brain was spiraling, my skin was tickling in a surreal electrifying way, my breath was heavy, my heart was racing, fingertips were sweaty and eyes disoriented. It wasn't real.

5:30 pm EST hit my clock and I wanted to hop in on the train to continue my journey on my way to the win, but Andrew was behind me, he knew what was going to happen was going to be devastating but it was necessary. Andrew pushed me into the railway and I'm unable to move and get up. I was cold blooded run over by a train that wasn't meant for me to hop in on. Body split, blood bathed, guts out, eyes staring into nothingness but the cold hard reality Sergio had just met.

Sergio's passing is nothing but the result of guilt feelings, sharing information with the wrong people, cracking under pressure and miscalculated risk. Everything came together for it to happen.

I leave the game with pride, knowing I did everything in my power to build what i thought would be my way to the win. But the universe is wise and I regret zero things, I have won the game before thanks to my intuition and emotional engaging and I absolutely don't think thats ever gonna change. I came to win and i'd rather go out knowing i could have had a solid storyline than some people in this cast dodging bullets but having zero control in their games reducing their odds in a final tribal council.

Thanks so much to the hosts for having me, this was a super competitive cast and you win some, you lose others. This wasn’t my time!
1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 10: Zay M. // Zoon

cf: LMAO that move was perfect, I had no clue that it was happening but it helped my game a lot.
1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 10: Arek C. // Arris

I'm feeling so emotionally devastated after this vote. I lost my closest ally and someone I talked to everyday for many, many hours. I'm still trying to wrap my head around what happened, but i know what exactly happened. Chloe couldn't keep her mouth shut once again and literally told Andrew that "he's an option for a vote". This is frustrating, because if she didn't have such a big mouth, Sergio would probably still be with us as the vote wouldn't have leaked. It's hard to work with her at occasions, because she can't control her emotions and talks too much. However, I've decided not to confront her about it. What good would it do at this point? What's done is done and we have to move forward. Zay now is pissed that the other side is angry at him for voting with us and Austyn is pissed over this too. On a bright side I finally found an idol, so I hope i can use it wisely. The worst thing is Chloe knows I have an idol, and I just worry if she can keep it to herself LMAO . This is such a blow for me... I think i might be the next target, but MAYBE if i idoled ty or britt next, the power would shift a little. I feel like im on the outs now...
1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 10: Chloe D. // Solinne64

I started to chill after challenge and knew the vote would be decided 2hrs before the vote as usual  so I chilled and didn’t do much like I was planning to

Then Eddy campaigned for Tyler to go but you ain’t fooling me, I knew it was a trap from the get go

At this point I didn’t trust Tyler, Eddy & Seth. Also, Andrew was at the bottom of my trusting list

Idk if I told you guys but before the Jake boot I messaged Britt for us 2 to make a secret safety deal since we are on different sides of the house it keeps us both safe whether we are in majority or minority

I wanted to work with Britt cuz she seemed genuine when I tried to appease things with her after voting her for a second time. I don’t necessarily think this safety deal will go all the way to F4 or something but as of now with the sides being 5v5, it is imperative to have a guaranteed safety and Im willing to give her that. Im only loyal to my Five group chat so I can allow myself to add a secret safety deal to cover my ass

If her side gets decimated, I could see myself let her to F7 with one of her ally then use her to turn on someone from my group then dispose her at like F6 or F5 but this is just a scenario

I am trying to not think that far ahead considering every tribals so far have been extremely messy

All I know is that I have her back and I’m 99% sure she has mine as well, we will see how it goes and my bitter ass takes back what I said a few days ago, she isn’t a bitch neither is she condescending, from the few convs we’ve had she seems like a cool chick but I know she is a badass player so I still have her on my radar

And as a whole, Eddy, Seth & Andrew can choke

Eddy pretending to want to take Tyler out was all an act but Im smart I knew that, but him pretending to be the victim when he is just a fucking flip flopper is hilarious. I don’t respect those types of players and I hope his ass gets sent home soon. Same for Seth

Andrew is a professional victim. He is at the bottom of everything whatsoever. He was at the bottom with us. Is at the bottom with the other side. Probably a bottom in real life too. Let me correct myself, Andrew is a professional bottom

Ive been extremely messy today. Telling Andrew he was the target 30mins before tribal was a mistake. Arguing with Andrew was not though, he deserved it

The conversations I have with Eddy & Seth are like a complete waste of time, it took me 3 rounds to realize it

Ill go to rocks for whoever is in my group of 5 whether it is my bestie Arek, sweetie Layla who has been nothing but loyal to me, Austyn who despite being too much of a boss is clearly the reason why we still have a shot today, or Zay who I wasn’t that close to but showed loyalty. Those are my people and Ill fight for them as much as I can!
For the rest, Ill save Britt like I told her I would if she is in danger. But the other 4 Im either not close to or could care less if their sneaky asses would go home
1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 10: Zay M. // Zoon

cf: So right now i’ve positioned myself in a decent spot, I’m with the Layla/Arek/Chloe/Austyn but also have a f2 with eddy on the ot and ik tyler wont vote me. It sucks sergio left because I wanted to go for with him, but now I know that i’m needed by the four. I want to go after someone like seth, or possibly britt this round.
1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 10: Layla J. // LaylaLove

Before the unification I just have to say that I fought VERY hard because I knew that if Carthage lost an immunity it would be evicted... .

Shawn "King" G. // Shawnlolpop123
I will never understand why he calls himself KING... when as a player here he has been very bad...
We had the vote for a while in our power, but Shawn played and started doing stupid things and people wanted to evict him...
At this point the alliance of Chloe, Arek, Sergio, Andrew and me began. And we started being a minority... that sucks.

Jake C. // LittleMix
I always wanted to work with him, and I tried it in the tribes we were together... but he was a very closed person.
The minority group agreed that it had to be him, he was someone we didn't think had an idol and that no one would use one on him... The plan worked out well.
But shortly before the council, Sergio gave me his idol and asked me to use it...I was a little surprised because I thought I had everything under control, but I believed him and I could only avoid 3 votes. And Jake was the one evicted.

At this point, I began to understand that my social game wasn't as bad as I thought. Maybe I'm not good at comps, or looking for idols... but  someone wanted to use an idol in me, without even asking...
And Eddy told me that he has another idol, and that he would also be willing to use it for me. Because honestly, I have my conversations with almost everyone, and other alliances... and today I feel protected because they need Eddy and he won't vote for me...

Sergio H. // sihz
my boy :(
we thought we had it all won and our social game succeeded, but that idol...
They wanted me to lie to Eddy, but I can't, so I didn't tell him anything...  He uses me, I use him... we are both protected.
But at this point I want to evict Britt. She thinks she is the queen of everything bit she is WHO? nothing... And she missplayed her idol... I guess she likes to play to be second.
Seth is a fucking SNAKE... and he thinks he is playing a good game. LMAO

1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 10: Andrew K. // iiGalaxyii

confessional: so like last tribal was kinda crazy cause i flipped on the people i’ve been working with all game but that’s because i wasn’t gonna go out being slaughtered like a sheep by a bigger group of friends. i kinda played it wrong by telling sergio that i was even thinking of flipping but that’s because i didn’t wanna blindside him especially cause i liked him a lot and wanted to w him. but the only person outside their group that would vote with them was zay because he’s wanted me out all game. which is honestly? extremely dumb. he was playing for 6th unless he was better connected over there.

1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 10: Tyler M. // Bamold1999

OK so I feel like using the idol on Andrew may have worked my advantage a lot. I feel like he now is telling me more information than he was before and before you say I don’t want him he was kind of being like sketchy and all over the place but it kind of seems like he knows he hast to work with me. The only person I really trust on my side 100% is Britt and I kind of trust say in Austin not to vote for me but I don’t trust them to work with me necessarily 100%. I’m also super confused how we got here of the season or the hero of so far whatever it was. I honestly assume that taking out Sergio is very villainess and people with the same as more of a villain and hero but whatever works.

I believe in my blood that building Layla today is probably the smartest option, just because I don’t think they will all go to rocks for her. It when the boat comes out 5 to 5 and my plan is to flip Austin because I think he knows that I will have his back and I’m gonna make him an offer that I will vote for Seth the following round if he does it. Zay is super stubborn and I don’t know if I could flip him but I’ll probably try that as well. If Layla could go this round that would make my game so much better because on the other side it would be everyone I kind of trust and I would feel confident enough to flip on Seth whereas if someone like Austin goes then I’m not really too confident and Layla or Chloe.
1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 10: Eddy B. // Brimstone

Andrew really fucked up by lying to me and saying that the clue he got was new. he doesn't understand that I know for a fact Tyler played the cartago idol. I really liked Andrew but him lying about this clue really sketches me out.

Obviously I can't vote for Andrew today but him lying to me is increasing my desire to split up the trio of britt Tylor and Andrew.
1382 days 15 hours ago
Day 10: Zay M. // Zoon

cf: so atm i’m considering going after Tyler, simply because he is making chats without me throwing my name under the bus. He thinks I would never do him too, but he doesn’t think I know that he is fucking my game. I think I could convince chloe/arek/layla/eddy to do him, my only concern is austin and well is eddy telling me the truth that he would do tyler or will he leak to tyler and ruin everything. If he does I have screenshots he sent me frm his chat to use against him, but I hope he stays loyal because I like the guy. Lets see if I can pull this off.

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V&W Survivor Confessionals

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