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V&W S6: Costa Rica Confessionals

Topic » V&W S6: Costa Rica..

1406 days 17 hours ago
Day 1: Arek C. // Arris

Lmao tylor tries soooooo hard to do last minute campaigning for Cole , which imo doesn’t help his case at all, but it’s having a completely opposite effect. I already am aware that tylor has plenty of friends in this game see britt britt on the other tribe, Jake and Cole on this one. He’s trying too hard and too early on. I didn’t join this game to sheep tylor and to give him a win, but to play my own game. I wanna work with him, of course , but there’s a line between being a mindless sheep and allies. He’s gotta learn how to play with us , instead of wanting us to do whatever he wants. At this point like I said ..: that campaign freaked me out it was quite aggressive LOL and I already made some connections on my own, plus solinne and I are tight together and I hope nobody knows that and I’m not here to get them or us picked apart one by one by tylor and his friends. And especially when he says sandy is one of the votes he has, when she literally ignored my msg yesterday LMAO. Yeah, no I ain’t stupid. Can’t wait for the eviction.

And the funniest thing is that they don't even try to hide their connections and all have each other on friends lists. That's just hilarious im lauging rn
1406 days 17 hours ago
Day 1: King G. // Shawnlolpop123

Confessional 5: LOCK YALLS VOTES

Confessional 6: Whack ass hoe
1406 days 17 hours ago
1406 days 17 hours ago
Day 2: Zay M. // Zoon

cf: I did my part in the challenge finishing the puzzle and flash game for us and getting us 4 tags. It hurts that we lost it does. As much as I want smuguy out I won’t push too hard yet because i’m sure the tribe will want to target escapethenight and i’m perfectly fine with that. Lets see how this night goes.
1406 days 17 hours ago
Day 2: Jake C. // LittleMix

just won our tribe the challenge and I voted in majority. I am on top of the world right now!

Shawn was pretty useless in the scramble just as I expected he would be.
1406 days 17 hours ago
Day 2: King G. // Shawnlolpop123

1406 days 11 hours ago
Day 2: Austyn S. // Oysterman11

Oh shit, here we go again. Well looking at this cast I want to cry. Jake/Tyler/Brittany I’m pretty sure are all good pals. I know Nathan/Sergio are friends so I just need to weasel my way around this cast and build some solid relationships. Also being cast with Brandon AND Tyler again makes me die. My saving grace is that I have good relationships with a couple people in the cast which should help me push through the first couple of votes.

I always feel like I will be blindsided but I believe my relationships will help me through the early portions of this game I’ve built solid bonds with Brandon, Zay, Nathan, and Sergio. I feel pretty secure with Matt and Eddy for at least this vote. I need to put my ear out to see what people are saying. This vote seems like it could be straight forward with Johnny early on but you never know. I personally would like to see Britt go because of her seemingly strong relationships with individuals on the other tribe.

I’ll do a little cast rank down of the people on my tribe ranking on who I trust the most to least and a small blurb. Not doing it for the whole cast because well quite frankly I don’t have time and don’t care for anyone until they’re on my tribe.

1. Nathan - without a doubt my final 2. I’ve worked with him in the past and I actually intend to be loyal to him until the end. He’s my ride or die, I think he could fuck me but imma rock with him because he’s a beauty.
2. Sergio - I’ve vibed so much with him and I knew I would. He’s a straight up gentleman and I know he’ll be solid with me for the foreseeable future.
3. Zay - Another gem. I am feeling so solid about Zay because unlike the other two I don’t believe he has a STRONG friendship (duo) entering other than like maybe Tyler because they’re on the same vivor tribe but I doubt it.
4. Brandon - kinda snake but I am currently on GREAT terms with him. He won’t fuck me over THIS early. But I will be weary of him moving forward. He’s a solid dude but VERY gamebotty.
5. Eddy - seems like a nice guy. I think he and I could be a sneaky duo but I’m pretty sure he slid into everyone’s DMs so there’s that. I vibe with him at this point.
6. Matt - very snakey again. If he plays anything like he played E&F season 2 he’ll ride the middle HARD. I know he has lots of connections in the game and I believe I am one of them but VERY low on his protection list.
7. Johnny - the target rn. But he’s spoken to me. Kinda annoying TBH but it’s whatever. Seems very outspoken I don’t think he’s a threat but I’m tryna vibe pre merge because who actually gives a fuck about what you do premerge??? It’s all about positioning.
8. Britt - spoken maybe 7 words. Definitely a threat moving forward. Would rather her be taken out pre swap.
9. Idk who’s left lemme check. Kellen. Idk who this is irrelevant at this stage, I’ll pm them now.

If I go first vote I die. Thanks for casting me! I’m TIRED of being a runner up and just want to get a W so here we go.
1405 days 23 hours ago
Day 2: Eddy B. // Brimstone

My early game strategy to surviving this stage of the game is just to show up.

I gave input in today's competition. I did my best not to come off too strong, but also let them know I was 100% wanting to win this challenge, when in reality I wasn't all that worried.

I don't think I'm seen as a threat, and I don't think my name should be mentioned too much as a possibility today. It's in my best interest to show up, apply a low amount of effort into challenge strength and focus on social relationships right now.

It's looking like I'm going to survive this vote, all I'm hearing is Johnny, and Johnny hasn't really been on to stir up the opposition, so unless something major happens, I'm feeling pretty good and will probably lock in my vote for Johnny within the next couple of hours
1405 days 23 hours ago
Day 2: Sergio H. // sihz

So we lost the second challenge, bad week because we did try our best but unfortunately it wasn't enough.

Prior to the challenge smuguy and I had a talk where he hints that he hopes to work together with me which came as a surprise to me. At that point I felt mixed vibes from it so I told him we needed to talk after the challenge because it was about to happen, so we did after our loss. I was very straight up with him telling him that I sensed that he didn't like me for whatever reason and that I hadn't done anything to him personally in the past which is kinda true. My only reason to dislike him is that he was just always condescending to me but the point is we made peaces and we should be okay moving forwards, I pointed out that there were bigger fishes to fry for us to turn on each other this early on and draw attention upon us. Honesty is the best policy, and breaking the ice is my mechanism to have people let down their guards.

Eddy seems to be very active and talkative, I like him overall, he's very nice to me in pms. However, I can read through his words that he's a very smart kid and I won't be fooled by it. I will keep him around for now.

Zay, zay, zay, oh my sweet summer child zay. I want to trust him, I really do. But I got very vital information from outside that he's tight with Bamold/Britt/LittleMix or that he at least is familiar with that group which is a big no in my book. I didn't come here to play part of the Bamold's show. Nathan told me he wanted to make a chat with him and Austyn and I explained to him my reasons.

Brandon, we had a small chat yesterday! Not much of information was shared but he's cool, not very talkative though but he's not high on my totem pole.

Britt, I tried to catch up with her and see if we could get something going, she seemed uninterested maybe because she's in stars? She's also in the group mixed with Bamold so at one point I'll have to cut her.

Austyn, he's so cool. I knew that coming into the game he would be so chill and laidback and I have earned trust in him already. I hope it's mutual LOL I have watched him though, he makes it very far in games but doesn't win which could be a double edged weapon. He's the type of player that I don't see being a mastermind or anything but he's very likeable and very easy to work with which I think is why people don't take him so seriously enough to hand him a win. Love him

Nathan! we used to be close yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs ago, he went MIA for a while and we lost contact but now we're in the game it was nice to catch up with him. Him and I are scheming everything and sharing info back and forth and I knew that I could rely on him and Austyn since I have since them in games together before so I acted like I didn't know they were cool and I pushed a 3 way alliance out of it! I do trust these 2 the most because even though we all make individual connections with others, it's good to have a platform very early on where everyone's looking out for themselves.

And Johnny, I have not heard a word from. We're not even contacts LMAO same with Kellen but Kellen apparently sheeped Bamold in another group game according to the info I got today! and that's no bueno. I could plant the seed to get Kellen out first but that would just start a war so I'll go easy on this one

Now I'm gonna speak a little about the tribe dynamics because it seems like it's all over the place.

There's Me, Nathan and Austyn working together but I have good relationship with both separately but Nathan also wanted to add Zay into the mix because Nathan actually trusts him. I refused because although I like Zay, I don't trust that he will not leak that 4-person chat to the bigger platform he has in the background which is Bamold's group so it didn't make sense to me and I opened Nathan's eyes as he agreed with me.

Zay and Smu don't get along, I spoke with both privately and Smu is afraid Zay might come after him for that reason so I calmed him down and told him that would start a war and that also I'd be paying attention on Zay in case he brings up Smu's name. So Matt apparently is gonna talk to Zay to smooth things out, but I don't know about that. My whole purpose of keeping these 2 together is because they're a shield. They won't go after me before they go for each other and even if they smooth things out, they won't be bffs anyway so I'll keep smu close to me and I will keep Zoon close to me as well.

Zoon/Bamold/LittleMix/Britt seem to be familiar with each other so I also have to tear that apart before I'm torn apart.

I want the 3 people chat to stay together as a platform when the storm comes if a swap happens, I don't know how under the radar this bond will fly because we 3 do have similar takes on the game. And then we can branch out other side-alliances like Zay, Eddy, and Smu so that way we have voices everywhere that can feed us in the decision making process.

I have to admit that Nathan I can tell is my biggest threat already, he's super social, he's also a good schemer and his good looks dont hurt either! I have watched him play before from the outside and he's very likeable, and I need him but there's no way I'll take him to finals if we're ever in that position. And I also need to keep him close so I can see what he's capable of doing.

Overall, tribal council sucks but I'd like to think that everyone or majority is on the same page as far as voting Johnny out as he's the least talkative/active out of everyone. I am not locking my vote yet until tomorrow.
1405 days 23 hours ago
Day 2: Barbra S. // Barbra Streisand

so, voted in the majority against colehausman and we won immunity, fuck yes! Our tribe is rly good tbh. I just hope that i'm good with everyone and that no one wants to target me haha. Love my gals Layla, Chloe and Andrew <3 my main bitches for  sure. hope we don't attend tribal for a while.
1405 days 22 hours ago
Day 2: Zay M. // Zoon

cf: I can’t believe this tribe is so boring. Everyone wants to do johnny, which I don’t mind because he is annoying and just turned 13 I think, but like i’d rather take out someone that is a threat. Everyone wants to take the easy vote which is Johnny so I don’t really have many options... Johnny approached me and asked if I was down to do smuguy which obviously I was, but I asked him who his numbers were and the two names he gave me literally were locking him in so I lost faith in that kid. I truly do believe the tribes need to be mixed so moves can actually start being made.
1405 days 21 hours ago
Day 2: Sergio H. // sihz

Not much has changed since my last confessional.

I talked to Kellen for the first time this morning and holy shit, what a gorgeous guy. Sorry, that isn't relevant to the game but damn I'm stunned by him. Anyway, we seem to be on the same page as far as voting with the tribe which is Johnny. He's actually pretty cool

Johnny really is the only name I have heard of potentially getting the boot bc he isnt talkative. Zay shared with me that Johnny approached him to vote smuguy but Zay put him in his place since they hadnt even talked, nor does Johnny have a single person to get that vote through. I purposefully spilled the beans to smuguy to 1) let him know that there might be info that Zay isnt sharing with him which could easily shatter an easily breakable trust again and 2) reassure him that he can actually count on me and keep him close.

Also receiving new info as i type this lmao an 8 person chat has been created and im living for it bc i didnt think someone would have the tits to do it but BRIT OUT OF EVERYONE DID IT. Im glad to have a majority set up for this vote and i guess that would secure me another vote after this one considering brandon isnt there? We will see, but i'd like to believe i am well settled among my tribemates. It is utterly important to form relationships with everyone as a possible swap could happen.

With that said, My vote is for JOHNNY.
1405 days 20 hours ago
Day 2: Matt T. // smugguy2012

Well it’s been a fun first few days in Costa Rica! I think now after two challenges our tribe is slowly coming together and some alliances/bonds are starting to form. Off the bat I see both Sergio and Zay who I have less than a perfect history with but I’ve quickly been able to mend ties with them for now. The group seems to be almost at a unanimous decision but I know the other side is throwing my name out so that makes me nervous.

I’m really happy to see Nathan and Britt on my tribe and I hope we can get closer and ultimately make our way to the end of the game.

With that being said, my vote tonight is for JOHNNY
1405 days 18 hours ago

1405 days 18 hours ago
Jaco Tribe (Green Buffs):

Matt T. // smuguy2012
Sandy B. // iSandeh
Sergio H. // sihz
Shawn "King" G. // Shawnlolpop123
Tyler M. // bamold1999
Zay M. // Zoon

Tamarindo Tribe (Yellow Buffs):

Austyn S. // Oysterman11
Britt B. // BrittBritt
Chloe D. // Solinne64
Eddy B. // Brimstone
Jake C. // LittleMix
Nathan H. // nmh95

Cartago Tribe (Teal Buffs):

Andrew K. // iiGalaxyii
Arek C. // Arris
Barbra S. // BarbraStreisand
Brandon R. // Brandonrichie
Kellen T. // Kennel123
Layla J. // LaylaLove

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V&W Survivor Confessionals

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