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Survivor All Stars Confessionals

Topic » Survivor All Stars..

2593 days 11 hours ago
Brad P. (Nostalgic):

New plan, fuck flipping, there's a lot more gaps in this coalition/voting bloc for me to shimmy my way into than the ghetto duo and Logan the boy wonder. I think I may as well ride this out and let the major duos devour themselves. xoxo gossip girl
2593 days 8 hours ago
----- LOGAN GETS 10TH -----
2593 days 3 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5):

So Logan went yeah I knew it was happening so that kinda sucks because I am well and truly out numbered like I'm worried! But I think I may have been able to tarnish maddie and Kelly enough where the guys are gonna take them out! If this works I may have just bought my self a couple more rounds in this game

I've been really trying to use my social skills to get Julian and Justin on my self also talking to brad along the way I've really tried with Erik but it hasn't worked and he seems very stand offish if me Julian justin brad and I'll bring in Deanna vote maddie or Kelly then that will really dampen the people playing in the middle!

I told you o was gonna get my revenge and now Logan has gone I'm doubly pissed so I need two casualties to avenge my two allies
2593 days 3 hours ago
Will I. (IceBeast):

I feel like I'm going home but idk :( So much tea was spilled and idk if I can recover, but I guess we'll see...
2593 days 3 hours ago
Maddie F. (omggiraffe):

Okay so let's get to it. Logan is gone praise the lord! LQ is also getting on my nerves, but we'll get to that.

So first off Logan went to Erik and told him that we wanted him gone, so Erik went insane and was trying to flip on us. LOL then LQ went to him and told him that we were voting Justin. LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS, IF THEY WERE GONNA MAKE UP A LIE THEY SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST COME TOGETHER AND MADE UP THE SAME LIE.

I threw a vote at LQ because of how bad she was getting on my nerves. I knew the votes were there to take out Logan, so I thought I could do it. I honestly wanted Kelly/Will to flip (one of them) and vote for LQ, just in case Logan somehow were to pull out an idol. BTW now that Kelly has immunity I am nervous!

I want Deeanna gone next, she is laying low. It's weird I always thought that she was a huge out there player, but she's rather quiet. A bitch too though.

& I don't know when Will was with us but all of a sudden Kelly and I are a final 3 with him? I mean whatever I like him, but still it's weird.

I want to go to the final 3 with Justin & LQ.

Here's my dream bootlist:
9th - Deeanna
8th - Brad
7th - Julian
6th - Erik
5th - Kelly
4th - Will

F3: JUSTIN, LEQUISHA, & I. Right now I just feel that they're the 2 doing the least, or so it seems.

But can it happen? We'll see. I still don't know what's up for the round though.
2592 days 4 hours ago
Kelly S. (Kelly0412):

Well now im screwed. Julian and his circle jerk are voting off maddie so im trying to make a move on them but its probably not going to work. I have senior trip the next 2 days so ill barely be able to strategize so thats fun! im probably gonna get voted off because I would rather take 8th than kiss Julians fat ass to get him to give me 5th so whatever
Looks like im getting 8th on both of my seasons how cute!
2592 days 4 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5):

So it would seem I'm the swing vote for this tribal how interesting people actually took me up on my offer and have decided to make a fucking move! Hahaha now if this is all true it should be either maddie or Erik!

Erik is the bigger threat but do I believe Kelly and will etc they crossed me before who's to say they'll not do it again! And part of me wants to vote maddie just because I want to vote maddie and be like duck you bitches but I have to play smart!

I have Deanna she'll always be with me and I think I could convince Will to vote with me I don't think I could actually sway brad or Justin to start to turn on the big guns maybe brad I don't know I've got something serious thinking to do! Or I vote one way make Deanna vote the other and it may turn into a tie I don't care who goes as long as it's not me
2592 days 4 hours ago
Erik N.(Youndandreckless):

RIP to me or Julian. I always misplay Idols and go home the following round. Nothing I can really do about it though xD Except trust Brad/Justin/Julian and to an extent Will/Lq/Dee to vote Maddie tonight. Idk though. Kelly is craftyyy
2592 days 4 hours ago
----- MADDIE GETS 9TH -----
2592 days 4 hours ago
LeQuisha Q. (LusciousLips5):

Personally I think that's the best case scenario for me with what happened tonight at tribal! I know people might say 'Omg LeQuisha you were the swing vote and you took out maddie' but I vote maddie she goes quietly and doesn't ruin my game I vote Erik out and I have Julian and Erik blowing up my game and I become target number 1 for them

Will still wants to work with me and Kelly well she's Kelly! And I like to serve my karma cold and right in your face! I've avenged one fallen ally it's now time to complete the set! Right now I think I'm in a good space with who's on the jury! I deffo have Andreas and longans vote and I think I could potentially get maddies and qaz's vote based on who I'm in ftc with! Right now I think I want Deanna and Justin but brad would be cool too them 3 I think I could really argue my case and come out on the win

Watch me be voted out next but fingers crossed
2592 days 4 hours ago
Will I. (IceBeast):

Ugh freaking LQ.. every vote has been going my way so far until now :(. Julian and Erik need to be split up, but I don't know how I can get that to happen without going to rocks.

LQ is so dumb and should go home just cause of that. -_____-

Thank goodness I won immunity though cause I felt like I may have needed it
2592 days 4 hours ago
Erik N.(Youndandreckless):

*teaching Lessons*

Y'all thought you would vote me two merge Tribals in a row and I would let it slide? You have voted me every Tribal this merge. Grats for entertaining mine and everyone's humor for a moment there
2590 days 14 hours ago
Brad P. (Nostalgic):

Being the goat king has made me a swing vote, people be campaigning to get some of that sweet Troyzan edit love. i.e Will and LQ. The order in which I take people out is what matters, but ideally I want Justin at f3. Because I flat out lose to everyone lmao.
2590 days 14 hours ago
Brad P. (Nostalgic):

I'm in a good spot to float to final four, and come fourth or third. Yeah, nah, time for the goat king to play. I'm going to stick with Julian, Erik and Justin this vote, and Deeanna should go home. This leaves me in the spot of Will and LQ surviving, who have reached out to me individually. Next vote, I flip and ride out the anarchy until the finals. If that plan falls through I can just float to final 5 and flip then, with the risk of the idol. I'm in a swing vote position, and it's time to actually start playing.

inb4 I'm blindsided tonight

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