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Final Tribal Council [Uruguay]

Topic » Final Tribal Council [Uruguay]

2869 days 9 hours ago
me @ the silence
2869 days 9 hours ago
Please do a fallen comrades ceremony. Say as much or as little about each eliminate player. Start with Josh and end with Dylan.

Don't be fake
2869 days 9 hours ago
Congrats you two! There was a part of me that knew you two would make it here haha. First, I'd like to apologize to you, Mel. Calling you manipulative, now that I reflect on it, does have quite a negative connotation. I NEVER meant to make it seem that way. You are one of the best social threats in any game I've ever played, and if you played the actual Survivor like you did here, you'd go down with the greats, honestly. I really am sorry for making it seem like I attacked your character, I personally love and respect you. You were amazing at getting people to vote and do what you want, without seeming antagonistic. Like I said before I left, me trying to vote you out was out of respect, because I knew you would make it here easily.

Now on to Patrick. You have a lovely personality and you throwing the comp to our team is something I've never seen, and in my opinion, was an interesting move at that. I really do wish I talked to you prior of Julian's elimination, because you are such a down-to-earth guy. When I left, I told you to make a move, and in my head, that was getting out Mel or Meli, two threats. Instead, you made a very utr move of staying with Mel, which was very smart as she was obviously going to make final 2. At first, I was mad that you didn't want to risk rocks at final 6 to save me, but I respect you so much for staying loyal to your allies, I just got the wrong end of the stick haha.

I really don't know who I am voting for, you both deserve it <3

Here's some questions that may help:
-If you could compare you're gameplay to a single survivor player, who would it be and why? And reverse it as well, who would you compare each other too?
-What do you two value more? Loyalty, or strategy/game moves?
-Who was the biggest strategic/social threat besides yourselves in this game?
-What was the reason that you targeted me at Final 6, instead of someone like Will, a major competition threat?
-If you would have tied my vote and convinced let's say Dylan to flip as well, how do you think your game would've changed with Mel gone and me still in?

Once again, congrats you two! I think it's hilarious that the two Arachan members defeated the majority and wound up here, this shows how great you two played :)
2869 days 9 hours ago
Congrats to you both. I'm still undecided about my vote, but I will read over about what you all have said and decide. I have no questions, and congrats again!
2869 days 8 hours ago
I am at work, but will answer in about 5 hours. Sorry.
2869 days 8 hours ago
Fallen comrades:

Josh - Never really talked to you. :L

Nifty - First to leave from our tribe, and we never really talked, you were just an easy vote.

Billy - Again, another easy majority alliance vote, you weren't ever helpful in challenges.

Cheree - Majority alliance looked between you and Mel and felt that Mel was the bigger asset to challenges.

Brandon - I love this kid so much. So so much. But it was obvious how much of a threat and a power player he would be later on, so I had to make a move in getting him out/splitting up the guys alliance so whenever I threw that challenge and saw the revealed votes that Brandon was out, I didn't feel bad because I knew I was in a much better position.

Ben - Love you out of the game, never talked in the game.

Jon - I wish he wouldn't have been medivac'd. Me and him could have worked soo well together never breaking trust and could have done some damage. Hope all is well with him, haven't spoken since his medivac.

Stoner - Other than Brandon, the first power player to be voted off. Manipulative and a strong player, but I couldn't trust him with Dylan, when Dylan was supposed to be my number 1, so I had to side against him.

Andy - Worked well with Andy pre-merge, but after he showed to be such a challenge threat and our communication post-merge was sub-par, I couldn't stick with him and didn't have the same vision of a final four that he did.

Julian - Already talked about him a bit, but obviously a solid competitor in his own right. A very experienced player/host, he's seen it all. He knows players' moves, and he knows the best way to maneuver around him, so the quickest opportunity I had so where I could cut him before he cut me, I took it.

Barry - A solid player who simply made one or two mistakes in his game too many, (showed a willingness to flip in a situation with rocks/waited too long to talk to me, etc) so when it came down to it, I wasn't going to risk my game to keep him safe one more round.

Will - I know you were on vacation, but I wish you were here more in the early merge. I had worked on my relationship with you premerge, but we lost pretty much all communication until the final 6. Pretty much like Barry, I wasn't gonna fight for you to stay in a situation where I was guaranteed final two anyways. If we had continued our pre-merge relationship, things might have been different.

Meli - Most UTR player here. Sometimes I wasn't even sure you were in the game. You were a key swing vote in this game who made the final four, but ultimately, as sweet as you were in earlier rounds, you just weren't within the fold of my alliance, so you were the easy vote.

Dylan - My favourite person here. You know that, I know that. I know some people might wonder why he is on the jury and not up here, the answer is simply that not only did I have my final two with Mel, but also that I wouldn't feel right cutting Mel at third, just because I feel that she did put more into this game than you did, and it just wouldn't have felt right to me.
2869 days 8 hours ago
-If you could compare you're gameplay to a single survivor player, who would it be and why? And reverse it as well, who would you compare each other too?

I would have to say a low-key version of Todd. Similar to Todd, my game was outed pretty early on in the merge, so everyone knew what I was doing. But, like Todd in China, by that point I had already established solid relationships with people that weren't going to flip on me by any means, and these were the relationships I was able to work with to get out any target I needed any round, even without me pushing for them to go at that point.

Comparing Mel to a player, I would go with Sabrina from One World. Sabrina was a very solid player in One World, who was able to make good moves that she based off of loyalty and trust from those around her. Very calm and collected the whole game and never once made moves without thinking about it and every possible scenario that would come of it.

-What do you two value more? Loyalty, or strategy/game moves?

Looking for allies, I look for those who value loyalty, but that's because as a player, I value strategy itself. I always look for, 'what is the BEST way to get from point A to point B', and once I have that figured out, I execute that to my fullest extent. I want players by my side who are going to be loyal to me, because you always need votes to pull off whatever moves you want.

-Who was the biggest strategic/social threat besides yourselves in this game?

Up until his vote off, Brandon. After Brandon, it was Stoner. Once he was gone, it became Julian. After Julian, Will. After Will was gone, I think it was me/Mel then.

-If you would have tied my vote and convinced let's say Dylan to flip as well, how do you think your game would've changed with Mel gone and me still in?

I would have been the next biggest target, I believe. I simply didn't have the work done to truly believe that me/you/Will/Dylan could stick together as a solid four, like I already had with Meli/Dylan/Mel. I believe that after Mel had left that round, Meli would have been next, with Dylan going in final four instead (as he didn't show up and self-voted, and I believe that might have been what you/Will decided to vote), leaving me/you/Will in a final three scenario, where I would have been required to win the final immunity, which while I did against Mel, there's no guarantee that I would have against you and Will.
2869 days 2 hours ago

-What was the reason that you targeted me at Final 6, instead of someone like Will, a major competition threat?

At final 6 Will won immunity. There were 6 of us left. Patrick, Dylan and Meli were all in our f4 alliance - and you were not. You and I had many discussions before this about loyalty, alliances and game play. You told me you were loyal to Julian and Will. I never once asked you to break that loyalty or trust, in fact I said I understood completely because I value loyalty and trust as well. You told me that you had no loyalty to anyone else in the game, and that is fair enough.

You tried to get everyone to flip and vote me out at this vote, and they all told me what you were saying. It was obvious to me that you were in fact lying to me, and going behind my back to try and get me out. Once I realised that you had no intention of ever working with me, I messaged you and said good luck. And that was the last of our conversations. I am not fake, and did not pretend that we had any future working together in this game.It was obvious you had a different game plan to my own.

If Will had not won immunity - the game would quite possibly have taken a different path, but that did not happen so who can predict what could have been.
2869 days 2 hours ago

-What do you two value more? Loyalty, or strategy/game moves?

I value loyalty and trust over gameplay because at the end of the day you can not outlast alone, you always need that one person who you can count on to have your back. In saying that, strategy and gameplay are what will get you to the end. I based a lot of my decisions at merge on who I could trust to play this game "with" me long term. Big moves get you one step closer to the end, but ultimately without loyalty and trust Patrick and I would possibly not be sitting here today.

It is interesting - we came from totally different pre-merge positions. He was in the majority alliance and I was alone. I had to navigate my tribe dynamics and work out who best to trust based on what I knew about each player and who they were most likely going to be loyal to. I made a judgement call and put my trust in Andy - based on what I knew about him and his bond with Julian. This trust in Andy and my will to survive is what kept me in the game until merge. Patrick - on the other hand - had the luxury of being able to play UTR and having an alliance to keep him safe.
2869 days 1 hour ago

-Who was the biggest strategic/social threat besides yourselves in this game?

Look at the original cast! I came into this with everyone on my radar. TBH I did not expect to make it past tribal council #1. Every player was a threat in their own way, and knowing the majority of the cast from previous games helped me to navigate the waters somewhat.

I went with my gut and a lot of what Patrick posted in his tributes make me look back on my confessionals and go - Yep - I predicted that connection. The one thing that I believe kept me in the game is that I did not underestimate any one of you. I worked hard to find out as much as I could about each and every player, their friends, allies and their loyalties. I reached out to everyone to test the waters, and at the end of the day everyone was a threat to my game in one way or another. I always kept that at the forefront of every possible scenario and decision I made, from pre-merge relationships to post merge alliances.
2869 days 1 hour ago

"Like I said before I left, me trying to vote you out was out of respect, because I knew you would make it here easily."

This was in no way an easy road. Up until merge I had to fight to stay in this game with just 1 ally. I trusted Andy and knew I was up against a majority alliance, which consisted of people who would not hesitate to cut me to further their game.

At merge, I really struggled with conflicting information around the "flag challenge" and trying to navigate the web of lies built by Patrick, with Gaia telling me that Andy threw the challenge and then Julian telling me that it was Patrick. I had this gut feeling that Will and Patrick had some connection - and this was confirmed when he admitted that he gave Will our coordinates. The fact that he told me first is probably what saved his credibility.

I really did trust Andy and Julian up to this point, but my gut told me that there was more to Will and Patrick's relationship than anyone was letting on. I tried to dig around before the Andy vote to see if my suspicions were correct, but no one was giving anything away.

It is funny, when we played the Majority rules competition, I questioned why Will would put Patrick for Q1 if he had no prior connection with him but no one was willing to speculate. I remember having a conversation with Julian about them.
2869 days ago
Fallen comrades:

Josh - You were on the opposite tribe and inactive so I never really got to know you in the game, BUT a friend asked me to help out with your charity and that sure was interesting. For my trouble I got a handful of insults and attitude from you. Good Luck in the future.

Nifty - I messaged you at the start of the game. You never replied. I don't even think your head was in this game, the tribe wanted you gone, so it was just an easy decision and best for my own game.

Billy - You cracked me up. You wanted to sheep me from the get go, and tbh as funny as it was, there was no way I was dragging you along in a game full of big names. Tbh I didn't really want you gone this early either, but the majority were voting you out and I had to play the safe bet to keep myself in the game. I knew you were playing the field and couldn't afford for you to join the "boys" alliance.

Cheree - I watched you play in a different game and knew you were dangerous. I knew you were talking to everyone so the best bet for my game was to get you out sooner rather than later. Another vote with the majority that kept me safe in the game.

Brandon - My gut (and detective skills) told me that you Jon and Brandon were working together. I can't believe I was right tbh. I knew from a previous game that you would try and get me out early and tbh you had the numbers to do it. I guess your timing was off. I was 100% loyal to you in our last game, and let you get to know me as a person, something that a lot of people don't get to see, and tbh, you screwed me over big time. Guess I was the idiot. Never again.

Ben - We go way back, when you are active you are a big threat, so when you left I was happy, one less big player to take out at merge. Tbh I was a bit surprised you were inactive - well UTR because I know you were online for the majority of challenges, just not playing the game.

Jon - You were the first person I talked to in this game. I figured out early on that you Brandon and Patrick were together, and you unwittingly confirmed this. After the first vote you stopped talking to me, which pretty much confirmed what my gut was telling me. If you hadn't been medivaced I am pretty sure you were leaving that tribal anyway.
2869 days ago
Chris - We have had a very rocky relationship over the years, but I am glad I got to know you on a personal level, it makes me understand the "game" you and the "real" you. I have great respect for the "real" you and have made peace with the "game" you. I am always excited to play games with you now, I never know what to expect and tbh it excites me. I was sad to see you on the other tribe tbh as I would have definitely wanted to go to the end with you.

Andy - My first Ally. I knew you came with baggage (Julian) and I came into our alliance with the knowledge of how you play the game, I had no misconceptions that you would have dumped me for Julian in the long run, but tbh I was excited to play with you after watching you in action. I appreciate you having my back the entire pre-merge, but when you all threw that challenge and lied (or so I thought) to me about it I had to go with my gut. At merge you seemed to jump ship and it felt like once Julian was in the picture you didn't need me anymore.

Julian - I was excited to see you in this game too, unfortunately for me - also on the other tribe. I don't know why, but I trust you, I always have, maybe because we have a history, and I do know you as a person, host and player. I felt like you really didn't talk to me until you had to - the tribal you felt like you were going. I knew you and Andy were together from the start, but with you being so distant I started to second guess where I fitted into your grand scheme of things. When you told me about Patrick I was conflicted as to the "real" story. You did confirm for me that Patrick and Will had an existing relationship. You gave me food for thought and this was the point in the game where I really had to weigh up my options and make a decision that I could live with going forward.

Barry - I don't envy the position you were in. When we first met I told you I was a loyal person and I think I proved that to you. I admire your loyalty, although I think you struggled to pick a side and remain confident in your conviction. I think this was your undoing. Congrats on a solid game under the circumstances.

Will - I admired you from the start, you stood out from the rest and I knew you would be a formidable opponent. My gut told me there was more to you and Patrick than met the eye, or that anyone was willing to admit to me anyway. You were by far my biggest threat in every way. I wish that I had gotten to know you better, if I knew that you would have honoured your offer of a f2 I might have actually taken you up on it. I know you thought I only contacted you to try and manipulate your vote but tbh being on opposite tribes there was never any opportunity to get to know you, so I took the opportunity when it arose. I knew that if we kept you, you would have been a real threat in the finale and quite possibly be sitting here now with Patrick by your side. You offered me a f2 deal, but I know you and he also had one.

Meli - Tbh I couldn't tell if you were UTR or inact half the time. Our names were so similar that it was confusing! At merge I went with my gut and I am glad I did. I felt that you were honest and genuine with me, which was hard to judge in this game. Your relationship with Blu worried me a bit, but at the end of the day you remained solid and were a key player in our f4. Like you said - the risk of you winning at f3 was too big a risk to take unfortunately.

Dylan - You were not a big player in this game, but you were definitely a loyal player. I didn't know until right near the end that you and Patrick were such good friends. The truth is, you were loyal to our f4 and for that you deserve to be f3 (active or not) and I had to hope that in the end Patrick would choose me over you.
2868 days 15 hours ago
Thank you two for answering my questions, this made it so much harder because you both do deserve it :)
2868 days 9 hours ago
7/7 votes received. See you guys tomorrow at the reunion!

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