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Jorge's Survivor: Greece: Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty Applications

Topic » Jorge's Survivor: Greece:..

3017 days 5 hours ago
First Name: Trae
Last Initial: C
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Color Level: Light Green
Time Zone: Central
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 9
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central (X)
6pm central (X)
7pm central (X)
8pm central (X)
Will you respect the host? Yes
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question)
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) I am beauty because i know how to manipulate people with my looks. I also have inner beauty so i will have an advantage in this game
Are you a villain or a hero? Villain
Previous experience? If so, what? TENGAGED SURVIVOR WORLDS APART. Hosted by jharrin7887
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? Cambodia
Which Survivor player are you most like? Kelley Wentworth because i can find idols and i am very articulate
3017 days 4 hours ago
First Name: Dooble
Last Initial: Gooble
Gender: M
Age: 15
Color Level: yeller
Time Zone: Pacific
Rate you activity level from 1-10:
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central (weekends)
6pm central (x)
7pm central (x)
8pm central (x)
Will you respect the host? sure
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question)

Strategy, (didn't say explain sucker)

Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE)

Brains: I am really good with puzzles and knowing when someone is full of shit!

Are you a villain or a hero? either one, we'll see

Previous experience? If so, what? multiple games like hawks survivor and other stuffs!

Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? cagayan
Which Survivor player are you most like? spencer bledsoe, but not as arrogant
3017 days 1 hour ago
First Name: JT
Last Initial: N
Gender: ???
Age: 16
Color Level: Blood.
Time Zone: MST
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 8-9?
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central ()
6pm central (x)
7pm central (x)
8pm central (x)
Will you respect the host? If you're a good host, then totally.
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question) Physical
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) I'd like to say I'm a beauty just because I consider myself pretty qt and I think my personality is really genuine and I can be a really nice person =D
Are you a villain or a hero? I'm probably more of a villain, but I could be a hero. We'll see, I guess.
Previous experience? If so, what? Too many Survivors to count.
Optional Questions: No.
What is your favorite season of Survivor? Marquesas.
Which Survivor player are you most like? Amanda Kimmel, maybe?
3017 days ago
First Name: Luis
Last Initial: L
Gender: male
Age: 16
Color Level: gold
Time Zone: pacific
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 8
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central ()
6pm central ()
7pm central ()
8pm central (x)
Will you respect the host? Yes
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question) social
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) triple threat BUT brawn since I've been a student athelete my entire life as I've been in karate, boxing, water polo, cross country, track, volleyball and ballroom dancing
Are you a villain or a hero? Depends
Previous experience? If so, what? My profile
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? Gabon
Which Survivor player are you most like? Perhaps lillian
3016 days 19 hours ago

First Name: Jonas
Last Initial: M
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Color Level: Light Green
Time Zone: EST
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 9
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central (x)
6pm central (x)
7pm central (x)
8pm central (x)
Will you respect the host? Of course
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question) Physical
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) Beauty, I feel beauty is the more social tribe and people who love to get to know you
Are you a villain or a hero? Hero
Previous experience? If so, what? Playing A&M survivor currently f9, placement pending
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? Palau
Which Survivor player are you most like? Tom Westman
3016 days 13 hours ago
First Name: Nick
Last Initial: C.
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Color Level: Light Green
Time Zone: EST
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 9.5
Mark the times that you are able to play: Anytime after 6 PM EST is guaranteed, and 4:30 EST is probably ok for me.
Will you respect the host? Of course, why wouldn't I?
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question) I am more social than I am strategic, but I do strategize a lot. I make friends to get far.
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) Brains. I've been smarter than average for as long as I can remember.
Are you a villain or a hero? Depends on how my cards play out.
Previous experience? If so, what? I am a two-time returnee for The Power Struggle and I am currently in my 3rd season, Heroes Vs. Villains as a Hero.
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? Survivor: Panama.
Which Survivor player are you most like? I don't like to compare myself to others, mine is different from others'.
3016 days 7 hours ago
First Name:Molli
Last Initial: J
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Color Level: yellow
Time Zone: Pacfic
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 8
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central (x)
6pm central (x)
7pm central ()
8pm central ()
Will you respect the host? yes
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question)
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) I'm a social player i know how to put fake ASS BITCHES IN THEIR MOTHERFUCKING PLACE IF YOU CROSS ME I WILL CUT YOU.
Are you a villain or a hero? a hero of course I'm a Princess <3
Previous experience? If so, what? i've made it to the finals in TTJ's survivor
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? Heroes vs villains best characters and queen Sandra
Which Survivor player are you most like? Na'onka i'm not afriad to speak my mind and i'll get what i want  I DONT GIVE A FUCK IF YOU HAVE ONE LEG WE ARE PLAYING THE SAME FUCKING GAME AND IF I WANT THE CLUE TO THAT IDOL I'LL TAKE IT
3016 days 3 hours ago
First Name: isaa
Last Initial: a
Gender: male
Age: 15
Color Level: yellow
Time Zone: est
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 8
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central ()
6pm central (X)
7pm central (X)
8pm central (X)
Will you respect the host? ya
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question) strategic/social
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) beauty im a nice person lol sweet flirtattious and can play a good game but still be beautiful on the inside and be nice to people
Are you a villain or a hero? hero. but in one of my games i was deemed a villain by 2 other cast members but i think they were just pissed that i did better than them ;)
Previous experience? If so, what? not on survivor groups this is my first but i know how to play bc ive watched the show. ive got an AMAZING track recored for my groups i got 3rd my first time playing and got the "shouldve won" award and was tied for fan favourite and for my latest game i won the groups and was tied for most comp wins. lol ive only dont 2 games but thats ok im off to a good start
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? heroes vs villains, microneisa, second chances
Which Survivor player are you most like? sandra or parvati since they are both very sassy but funny and caring to those who they like and parv since i flirt a lot
3015 days 3 hours ago

First Name: Logan
Last Initial: Hiday
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Color Level: White?
Time Zone: WEst Coast or Pacific time
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 7
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central (x)
6pm central (x)
7pm central (x)
8pm central (x)
Will you respect the host? yes
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question)
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) Beuaty because im best at just talking to people im not smart or a jock.
Are you a villain or a hero? Hero
Previous experience? If so, what?
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? The last season
Which Survivor player are you most like? Shireen (if thats how you spell it) in last season
3013 days 9 hours ago

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