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Jorge's Survivor: Greece: Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty Applications

Topic » Jorge's Survivor: Greece:..

3019 days 4 hours ago
Please put as much detail as possible so you have a better chance of begin casted. I will mail you after you post your application to talk about the characteristic you chose one on one. I will send out a follow up question later. If you receive the follow question, it means you are one step closer to being part of season 2.
Thank you for applying!
3019 days 4 hours ago

First Name:
Last Initial:
Color Level:
Time Zone:
Rate you activity level from 1-10:
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central ()
6pm central ()
7pm central ()
8pm central ()
Will you respect the host?
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question)
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE)
Are you a villain or a hero?
Previous experience? If so, what?
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor?
Which Survivor player are you most like?
3019 days 4 hours ago
I think I fixed the problem
3019 days 3 hours ago

First Name: Red
Last Initial:
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Color Level: 398
Time Zone: Eastern
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 9
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central (X)
6pm central ()
7pm central (X)
8pm central ()
Will you respect the host? No, haha
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question)
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) brawn. I love the challenges
Are you a villain or a hero? Villain
Previous experience? If so, what? I've been around
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? All-Stars
Which Survivor player are you most like? Jon Misch
3019 days 3 hours ago
First Name: Gregory
Last Initial: L
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Color Level: Yellow
Time Zone: EST
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 7
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central (x)
6pm central (x)
7pm central (x)
8pm central ()
Will you respect the host?: Yep!
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question): I'd say strategic or social.
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE): Brain.
Are you a villain or a hero?: Hero probably.
Previous experience? If so, what?: A lot of it. Some in my profile, others in my groups.
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor?: Cagayan?
Which Survivor player are you most like?: Fabio.
3019 days 3 hours ago
First Name: Tim
Last Initial: M.
Gender: male
Age: 20
Color Level: orange
Time Zone: EST
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 8
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central ()
6pm central (x)
7pm central (x)
8pm central (x)
Will you respect the host? if he respects me
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question) strategic but can be physical and social
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) brain had a perfect math ACT score
Are you a villain or a hero? depends try to be a hero but it all depends
Previous experience? If so, what?Survivor: Yangudi Rassa (held by coolnarwhal88)13/18
won Best Pre-Merger Award
Survivor: Greek Isles (held by brandonrichie) 9/20
I & N's Survivor: Brazil (held by islandsurvivor and praknasty) finale
Hot Rods survivor India- b v b v b (held by rodrigues75) just started
A&M's Survivor: Anarchy Island(held by me2013 and zorbo678) just started

Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? Cambodia
Which Survivor player are you most like? Jeremy
3019 days 2 hours ago
Beauty can be on the inside
3018 days 2 hours ago
First Name:Cecilia
Last Initial:A.
Color Level:Yellow
Time Zone:EST
Rate your activity level from 1-10: 8.97
Mark the times you are able to play:
5 PM Central  (x)
6 PM Central  (x)
7 PM Central  (x)
8 PM Central (    )

Will you respect the host:
I don't see the point at all as to why people would be rude to the host.
He is the sole reason why you are participating in this game.

Are you strategic,physical or social player?:
I consider myself to be friendly so I guess I'd mark that down in social but when an immunity challenge comes I will sleigh everyone.

Are you brain,brawn or beauty?:
I'd say Beauty and Brains.If someone would be lying about someone betraying them I could easily tell whether they are lying.

Are you a villain or a hero:
More of a hero I guess...

Past group game experiences?
Big Brother 6 hosted by blatastic1234  (14th)

What is your favorite season of Survivor?
Blood VS Water.
3017 days 9 hours ago
First Name: Sam
Last Initial: A
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Color Level: Black
Time Zone: MST
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 9.235642.
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central (X)
6pm central (X)
7pm central (X)
8pm central (sometimes)
Will you respect the host? yes
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question)
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) Social, Beauty
Are you a villain or a hero? Hero
Previous experience? If so, what? A lot 5th, 3rd's 2nd's TOO MANY LOL
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? Cambodia
Which Survivor player are you most like? Hali Ford
3017 days 9 hours ago

First Name:steve
Last Initial:s
Color Level:green
Time Zone:est
Rate you activity level from 1-10:10
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central ()
6pm central () all of them
7pm central ()
8pm central ()
Will you respect the host?yes
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question)
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) I would say brawn because I'm not good at challenges and I'm ugly
Are you a villain or a hero? Villian
Previous experience? If so, what? Yea other group games
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor?
Which Survivor player are you most like?
3017 days 9 hours ago
First Name: Jacob

Last Initial:K



Color Level:Yellow

Time Zone:Eastern

Rate you activity level from 1-10: 9.5

Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central (x)
6pm central (x)
7pm central (x)
8pm central (x)

Will you respect the host? Of cource I will without the host there is no game.
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player?
I'm 100% a social player. I do have a strategic side but it wouldnt exist without a social game. A social game is what allows you to make moves and be strategic. Im amazing at getting people to feel as if they are my best friends and my number one. I often use my social game to trick people into thinking others are against them make it a me vs them situation so that they feel closest to me.

Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? I would definitely say I am a brain. yikes that makes me sound so arrogant. Although I am beautiful lol, and I could win some comps, i feel like i would fit in more as a brain. I have a 4.2 GPA, normally, right now i have a 3.8 cause of my flop teacher who is failing me.. anyways I always use my brain before making any rational decision.

Are you a villain or a hero?
I would say im a villain. All the relationships i build with my social game will be real bonds. But they wont mean anything to me. If we became best friends over this and in order to win i had to cut you. Thats your fault not mine.

Previous experience? Ive played games on other sites plenty of times. Ive never tried something like this, which i guess could be a bad thing or a good thing.

Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? Micronesia omg iconic.

Which Survivor player are you most like? I would say im most like rob cestornino his social game is so on point omg. He honestly is the best male to ever play survivor.
3017 days 7 hours ago
First Name:  "Francesca"
Last Initial: H.
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Color Level: Purple
Time Zone: Central
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 9.4
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central ()
6pm central ()
7pm central (x)
8pm central (x)
Will you respect the host? Yes, of course.
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question)
I think I am more social than the other two. I can be strategic at times.
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) Beauty because I am beautiful on the inside and the outside.
Are you a villain or a hero? Hero
Previous experience? If so, what?
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? Survivor Heroes vs. Villains
Which Survivor player are you most like? Francesca Hogi
3017 days 6 hours ago
First Name: Winston
Last Initial: D.
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Color Level: light green
Time Zone: central
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 8
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central ()
6pm central ()
7pm central (X)
8pm central (X)
Will you respect the host? Always
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question) Social, I feel that I can talk to people and get them on my side and get alliances
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE)
Brawn, I feel that in a challenge I can come close to dominating and winning
Are you a villain or a hero? Villain
Previous experience? If so, what?cJaybirds survivor guys vs. girls- sole survivor
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? Heroes vs. villains
Which Survivor player are you most like? Tyson
3017 days 6 hours ago
First Name: Connor
Last Initial: B
Gender: m
Age: 17
Color Level: blue
Time Zone: central
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 7
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central ()
6pm central ()
7pm central (X)
8pm central (X)
Will you respect the host? yes
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question) Social
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) Brain, I am not the best challenge competitor (but I don't suck) and I am good looking by not a beauty in the slightest. Also I am fairly smart
Are you a villain or a hero? hero
Previous experience? If so, what? Survivor Tokelau (4th) Hero of the season, Infinite BB (7th)
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? Australia
Which Survivor player are you most like? Courtney Yates
3017 days 4 hours ago
First Name: Tiffany
Last Initial: P
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Color Level: yellow
Time Zone: central
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 9.5
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central ()
6pm central (x)
7pm central (x)
8pm central (x)
Will you respect the host?yes
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question)social
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE) beauty i can talk my way out of things
Are you a villain or a hero? villain i manipulate people
Previous experience? If so, what? i won renny big brother and i have gotten to jury fo many survivors
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor? Micronesia
Which Survivor player are you most like? abi maria
3017 days 4 hours ago
First Name: Ny
Last Initial: B
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Color Level: Orange
Time Zone: EST
Rate you activity level from 1-10: 9.5
Mark the times that you are able to play:
5pm central (weekends)
6pm central (x)
7pm central (x)
8pm central (x)
Will you respect the host?: Yeah!
Are you a strategic, physical, or social player? (This question goes into the below question):
Are you a brain, brawn, or beauty? Explain how. (You must pick ONE): Beauty. I'm kinda smart and also kinda good at comps, but I'm best at sociallizing
Are you a villain or a hero?: Hero
Previous experience? If so, what?: Still new to the site but i've made it far in the three group games i've played so far.
Optional Questions:
What is your favorite season of Survivor?: Heroes V Villains!
Which Survivor player are you most like?: Wentworth! (Does not count)

open group

Jorge's Survivor: Trobriand Islands

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