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Kosovo Jury Questioning

Topic » Kosovo Jury Questioning

2890 days 2 hours ago
I don't think I threw my game at all lol, I still beat my goal that I came here to accomplish so I left a winner in my books.  Also, here's the ppl I was close friends with this game (a couple disagreements with some, but will still be cool)

Ppl I knew already:

Ppl I made friendships with:
Sparticus (we had the most disagreements I'd say when we were really against each other lol)
2889 days 22 hours ago
Well, I guess I'll start the jury questioning.

First off, congrats to the final 3. This was a crazy season and I have to give you all respect for making this far and beating out 39 other people to make it here.

Anyways, I'm gonna question you on MY perspective of how you played the game and how I saw your strategy unfold. At this point, my vote is open; however, I am leaning towards one person, but my vote can be swayed so please answer honestly.

I'll start with Sparticus.
I view your game as very sneaky and duplicitous. Out of the final three I feel like you lied the most and played the sneakiest game. I can give you respect for that, but the other two finalists sitting next to you, I feel played more loyal and open games. You had the most secrets, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I just need to know why lying and being a deceptive player in this game is more deserving than the other two finalist's style of gameplay?

Pieguy, I view your game as the most honest and loyal game. We may not have talked much throughout the game, but that's because I knew where your loyalties lied. Everyone knew who you were working with and felt no need to try and sway your vote. At the same time, that meant you were a predictable player and didn't really make any big game moves that impressed me wildly. I find respect in a loyal and honest game, but why is a loyal, yet predictable, style of gameplay more deserving of my vote than the other two finalist's style of gameplay?

And magge, I think your game was more in the middle, but yet I still think that doesn't make your game any better than the other two. I feel like you were loyal to some and lied to others. I know you claim you never lied to anyone and I sort of believe and I sort of don't. I feel like you told more of the half truth, not lying to people, but not telling them what you were actually thinking. I think you were able to play the middle of the road, not placing too many loyalties, but not blatantly lying to every player in the game. Just tell me why playing the middle of the road is a better style of gameplay than the other two finalists?

Guys, I hope you answer these questions honestly and openly because if you try to lie or pull any crap, you lose my vote.

I give all your styles of gameplay some respect, but I need to know which one of those styles worked the best for this season of Survivor.
2889 days 22 hours ago
Okay, so looking at these statements, I think I can form my questions.


We have never talked in the game, so as such, I just want to know did you ever have any intention of talking any game with me and if so, when were we going to talk?


The Tribal Spencer left, you came to me saying you were alone (which I didn't buy for 10 seconds) and that you were willing to work with Boots and myself.  How much of what you said was actually legit or was it all bullshit?


I will not deny you've played a good game.  HOWEVER, I have a problem with how excessive your gameplay got and your attitude sucked.  So here's a few questions:

Why did you seem so bitter when you were afraid you were going to get voted out?  I saw this every time you called someone out when you were in danger of going home and that told me that had you gone homenat any point, you would have grown very bitter towards all of us.

Also, as much as getting all this power is good gameplay, I cannot help but think you were just being greedy throughout the entire game.  Was greed your intent and/or did you think you had to be excessive throughout the entire game?

I would ask about your lies as well to a few people, but I think they will address that better than I could, so I'll leave them to that.
2889 days 21 hours ago
Mark's Question: The Tribal Spencer left, you came to me saying you were alone (which I didn't buy for 10 seconds) and that you were willing to work with Boots and myself.  How much of what you said was actually legit or was it all bullshit?

My Answer: This was so legit it hurt LOL. As you can see from the Tribal Council where Spencer was voted out, every single person lied to me that vote (Sparticus, Magge, Joel, Darcy), and I truly felt like I was in a minority lower then the actually minority. I had discussed with Darcy about working with you once we hit the 2nd Tribe Swap, but I guess Darcy didn't want me in his immediate alliance I guess? I thought that if I told you how I kept Darcy's secret about how you were "riding" on Darcy's vote since you were on vacation, you would think I was a loyal person and would want to work with me, but I guess not lol? I knew that Darcy was close to you and Ziggy, and I was hoping that by coming to you we could form a 4 person alliance and flip on Bambino's side who had been controlling the game at that point. I can understand why you were suspicious of me, but everything that I said to you was 100% genuine =]
2889 days 21 hours ago
Ziggy's Question: Pieguy, I view your game as the most honest and loyal game. We may not have talked much throughout the game, but that's because I knew where your loyalties lied. Everyone knew who you were working with and felt no need to try and sway your vote. At the same time, that meant you were a predictable player and didn't really make any big game moves that impressed me wildly. I find respect in a loyal and honest game, but why is a loyal, yet predictable, style of gameplay more deserving of my vote than the other two finalist's style of gameplay?

My Answer: Thank you for your kind words Ziggy. To begin with, I I believe that out of the 3 Finalists, I am the ONLY one who has not pissed off any of you Jury Members. I feel that while some of us didn't talk much or at all, we still remained on relatively good terms. Personally, I was not aware that every one in the cast knew who I was aligned with and where my loyalties lied. I guess that explains why no one ever wanted to talk to me LOL. To be honest, my vote could have potentially been swayed had people actually approached me, as all of my allies left me on the outs at Tribal Council at one point or another during the early stages of the Merge. As far as big game moves that I made, I would say that blindsiding Wiley by playing my Idol on Joel was my best one. In addition, I think everyone here knows that I tried countless times to blindside Bambino, but for whatever reason people were not interested. I was also open to blindsiding Sparticus potentially for 5th/4th, but Magge was not interested and Bambino never approached me about a vote. Overall, despite being constantly lied to and backstabbed, I was able to play a relatively honest and loyal game, while avoiding being a target until 8th. It may seem predictable to most, but I knew in the latter part of the Merge who was going to vote with me, and who would not. Ultimately, I feel that my game play was stronger than Magge's and Sparticus' for the following reasons:

*Magge played the Middle I believe throughout the entirety of the Merge, basically aligning with close to everyone and flipping on them at one point or another.
*He really was not willing to make any major moves, such as blindsiding Bambino earlier in the Merge or Sparticus later in the Merge.
*I feel like this gameplay could have caused some jury members to be angry with him.

*Sparticus was very aggressive throughout the entirety of the Merge, consistently lying and backstabbing people to try and improve his position.
*Was reliant on his Hidden Immunity Idol, which would have caused him to be voted out over Awwsum11 if he didn't play it.
*His aggressive attitude and gameplay possibly rubbed some jury members the wrong way.

Thus, I believe that I played not only a loyal and honest game, but a solid and consistent one as well. I gave many people an opportunity to work with me, such as Mark, Spencerfan, Awwsum11 (I believe?), Crypt, and you yourself Ziggy. They chose not to work with me, and showed me where you stood, so I was fine with voting any of you out. In conclusion, I feel as though my game play resulted in me not having any blood on my hands, while showing that I did have a strong strategical, social, and physical game.
2889 days 20 hours ago
Thanks Pieguy, just a quick follow up question.

I know you came to other people, including myself to align with, however you talk about how no one approached you about making a big move in the merge. Why didn't you start the movement and approach other people about making a big move?
2889 days 20 hours ago
Good responses everyone, but I am going to vote the person who had been my ally from day 1 until the day I got voted out. #teamDeravica <3
2889 days 20 hours ago
Ziggy's Question: I know you came to other people, including myself to align with, however you talk about how no one approached you about making a big move in the merge. Why didn't you start the movement and approach other people about making a big move?

My Answer: I did. I honestly really tried LOL.

I wanted to vote out Eric for 13th because Darcy told me that he, and his allies (specifically I think you and Mark), would be willing to flip to my side if Sparticus' close ally was voted out. While the vote still went through, I believe only Joel and I locked it in despite others saying that they were voting it.

For 12th, I was under the impression that Myself, Spencerfan, You, Crypt, Magge, Joel, Darcy, and Sparticus were voting for Bambi. Obviously everyone just fed me bs and decided to vote for other people and leave me in the dark.

For 11th, I believe that I finally got the votes to blindside Crypt, but as I said earlier I believe that either Joel self voted, or Magge threw his vote. I believe that Myself, Darcy, and Sparticus 100% voted for Crypt, and I am still unsure of who the 4th vote was.

In addition, as I have already stated I did try reaching out and forming an alliance of You/Me/Spencerfan/Crypt to vote out Bambi when Spencerfan was voted out, and I reached out to Mark about forming an alliance with You/Me/Mark/Darcy after Spencerfan was voted out. Obviously no one wanted to align with me, so my options were very limited after Joel was voted out. Once Andy/Mark was voted out, Darcy was pissed and I was able to finally secure an alliance of Myself/Sparticus/Magge/Darcy to vote you out for 8th, while getting Crypt to throw his vote to Darcy so that our vote would go through. I felt that there was no reason trying to sway You/Bambi/Perfect as I knew that you 3 were close, and that Bambi already expressed interest in voting me out earlier in the Merge. I feel that I have fully answered your question haha :P
2889 days 20 hours ago
Caleb's Statement: Good responses everyone, but I am going to vote the person who had been my ally from day 1 until the day I got voted out. #teamDeravica <3

Me responding: Haha. I knew your vote was always going to be set on Sparticus, but I think Crypt had more locked votes overall then him so #rip . Obviously I would love it if you reconsidered who you were voting for, but I doubt anything I say will be able to sway you and I completely understand :P
2889 days 20 hours ago
Ziggy - The only instance of where I might not have been completely honest was when I agreed to working with you - I think it was around final 10? At the time the deal was made, my intentions where to do this, but we never got back in contact after that, and that is also the reason why I agreed with the others to vote you. (Just thought I should clear that up).
Anyways, I definitely feel like playing the middle of the road is very beneficial, because even though I might not always have told the truth, I didn't exactly lie either, and for that reason I wasn't seen as a liar. This helped me out because people want to work with someone who is loyal - during the game I had multiple people come up to me and ask to work together,  so it helped me find multiple allies.
Also, having fewer allies means having less people to betray (In my case, absolutely no one), so I feel like aligning with the least people is the smartest to do.

Now, about what Pieguy said:
-No, I was not aligned with everyone, I was with Spencer, pieguy, boots, joel, sparticus and totaldrama during the merge, I had no allegiances to anyone else, so I don't know why you are saying I flipped on everyone?
-You say you wanted Sparticus out at final 5/4 , but just like Spart and I you were talking about how we couldn't let Bambino/Crypt get the idol. No, I wasn't going to make the move, but you did not suggest it.
-About Bambino - At the time I didn't consider Bambino a threat, I considered Amf more of a threat and wanting him out was my big move. My close ally Spencer had told me he was close to Bambino, and for that reason I was trying to protect Bambino for him. I even clearly disagreed with the move when you brought it up, because I had other targets in mind.
2889 days 20 hours ago
Ok I'm gonna type out a long thing later (currently in car on way back from 4th of July) but pieguy, why was I seen as such a threat? I was not the leader of the Icarus/AMF/boots etc alliance; it's funny that I was seen that way. So I would love insight from you or even the other two finalists on that note.

Congrats to all and I will have a detailed statement later <3
2889 days 20 hours ago

When I saw you were in the game back when we started, you were honestly one of the people I wanted to work with, but we just never got placed on a tribe together. When the merge came around, I felt like I had set myself up well enough to get to the end without having to betray a lot of people, and all I would have accomplished by talking to you was having to cut you off shortly after, so I saw no reason to do it unless it would be absolutely necessary to get a majority - but the time never came. This might able be due to you leaving earlier than I thought you would have, because in that double tribal I was not targeting you at all.

I would also just like to point out that I never agreed to vote Bambino like pieguy said in that tribal where he said we left him out, I clearly said to him that I didn't like the plan.
2889 days 20 hours ago
Ziggy- You are absolutely right saying I was sneaky and held secrets. I did. But every lie I made was to further myself and my alliance because despite how it looked, I was incredibly loyal. I was loyal to a T to my original Derivica team but when the merge rolled around most of them were gone. That's when I turned to the Magge, Joel, pieguy alliance and to them I stayed loyal to the end of this game. I had to lie to keep my name out of the firing line and gather information to help my alliance. For example, when I pretended to be with crypt/bambino/perfect I was able to find out who the votes were going to and had Magge use her idol to save them. I also shared most of my information with my alliance including all the info I got in the auction and idol clues throughout the game. So yes I lied and played sneaky, but I had to in order to protect myself and my team because my name came up many times.

So to finally answer your question it makes me a worthy winner because despite the deception, people continued to trust me, and despite being targeted MANY times, I avoided being voted out even when not immune.
2889 days 19 hours ago
Icarus- I did get heated and a lot of it was more out of frustration. This game was insane at the merge and not knowing where votes were coming from and what was happening really got on me. I never was really super mad but in the moment it was just from frustration. And the time when the two were just saying vote me out "blah blah blah" pissed me off because I have people who give up and that's what it seemed like to me.

As for greed I guess I'm not sure what you are referring to. In the first part of the game I discussed with my team about every idol clue and shared it with them. My alliance were aware of my idols and we discussed how to use them together, that was the same with everything I got in the auction (which you can not deny that was an incredible strategy). Yes I saved the idols to use on myself but I needed them to protect me. I went for the power any chance I got but I always kept my team/alliance in mind. You can ask them and they will tell you I did share it.
2889 days 19 hours ago
Ok I wanna thank the finalists for all of their responses. I believe you all gave me honest answers and I respect that from all of you.

All your games intertwined together even if you played in a bunch of different ways. I think I've made up my mind for my vote, but I'm gonna wait and see what the other jurors say before making a final decision.

Good luck guys! You all played a great game :-)

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