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S9 China - Clash of Clans [Confessionals]

Topic » S9 China - Clash of Clans..

1772 days 17 hours ago
Ray (GentlemanG) Confessional EP:8

I haven’t sent one in a while because my gameplay hasn’t changed much from last time. I have trust in my alliance and although we did just lose a member we’ve been trying our best to all stick around with the horrible swap we were dealt. I’ve also been talking to people in the outs like Sean, Dylan and Richard who Ill need to be good with once the merge or a potential swap comes around. I have a huge target on my back and I know there are people who really want me out, but I hope my allegiances with those who have my back is strong enough to overcome all the odds. I also need to find an idol I feel vulnerable without one and better me than someone else having it.
1772 days 17 hours ago
Kamani (Ramanik) Confessional EP:8


okay so I just want to stay I started my first day at work today. I honestly didn't mind it but I kinda want to quit now. Just kidding. I have things to do so I can't quit.

this whole day I was concern about how I can convince Sean of coming to my side, which is the overall minority. and can I just say Sean is like the most irritating person to convince information to. all I give in games is logic and explanation. playing the game of survivor or big brother is just like a debate. you are campaigning and trying to validate your points that you have expressed. sometimes you win your debates like I did it today and sometimes you lose your debates like what could've happened.

I seriously was telling Sean that if he looks at the overall game he's in the minority. the tribal lines are no longer in play. just look what happened to Eli. had tribal lines stuck together Eli would've stayed and Andrea or Livingston would've been gone. now what's irritating about Sean which made me want to throw my phone and give up on life was that he was trying to be so analytical than me and it seemed like he was disregarding everything I was say. now call me a crybaby if you want, but I seriously do not like it when people waste my time. I told Sean straight up that if he is going to waste my time then go.

so just to explain. jojo, chanel and sean voted for chris. chris, turney and I voted for chanel. now honestly I didn't want to let chanel go just because chanel was an active member of the team and could've helped us win this immunity challenge. however, turney felt concerned that jojo had the idol or a power. what he doesn't know is that ian (adrianna) had the idol from the bigben original tribe, so there is no way an idol will be played. also today the vote had all six votes which means that jojo, sean nor chanel went for anything in the auction. and if my memory is correct they haven't been to tribal since the auction so yeah they have their vote.

after much pleading and pleading and pleading. I successfully got sean to flip his vote and understand that he is not in the majority nor does his original team care about him. also the drama from today could also help that because they would just throw him under the bus and they wouldn't care. then then then jojo came to me wanting to vote out sean. now I have proof of this and I just told sean straight up that jojo wants to vote him out

so jojo should be the one voted out, and I now have to prep myself for merge coming within maybe the next round or two. or another tribe swap. i'm kinda hoping for a merge pls.

wish me luck <3
1772 days 10 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:8

So, not much to update on, but I want to keep my edit consistent, so... I feel like my position is good right now.

The first person of our SE7EN to fall has fallen and that definitely is disconcerting, because... it could just be a one by one situation, especially considering I don't think Joey's in a good position at tribal right now, but... really... especially short term, I feel GREAT about my spot. Big picture there is probably work to be done, especially considering I don't want to be seen as a follower, but I really feel like, especially as our tribe somehow keeps winning, there's not much to do. I just gotta keep moving forward for now.

Again, not much to say, because for now.... there's simply not much to say. I am on a winning tribe. I DO think someone on our tribe has an idol, though. Gotta watch out for that.
1772 days 10 hours ago
Sean (Caliboy) Confessional EP:8

Confessional: this game is crazy! I knew I would get some heat for voting Chanel but the only one that’s really been pressed is Andrea and was not mad to blow up her game as I owe her nothing for how I came to her and Brandon. Yes I know people talk but to make up that I was in a chat with Ethan and others that I was close with that I didn’t know was obvious (prolly wasn’t just made up like the other. Things she said about me dragging Kamani.

Apparently tho at merge I might need to work with Andrea but I too know I have many options as Ray told me he’s not mad at my decision which is prolly him trying to save face too. A lot of discrete ness of sides in this game and I am happy to learn that turney and Joey actually are friends and that Joey is more willing to vote with me this round with him to go after Kamani/Chris who is good with Ian and Eric.

Although they are a 4 I feel I could trust and ride with this new opportunities gives me more options at merge and or at another swap in terms of numbers.

I never came in trying to play a victim as Andrea states but o have always vocal about my shitty hand I was dealt but I know I can turn my hand into a solid 5 card stud that could potentially get me to win this game. I just need to calculate bluff and stir whatever pot that can get me the most chips in the end of this game.

Regardless I am ready to see this blindside happen. If I do go I at least went with some sort of bang and not fold in desperation as I did my best to play this game with the cards I was dealt and that’s all you can do in this game.

Also I can admit to being a bit rusty coming from such hiatus but still don’t mean I don’t have tricks up my sleeve.
1772 days 8 hours ago
Sean (Caliboy) Confessional EP:8

Confessional: I can’t believe we are having another tied vote round this is insane. I feel bad for Turney because he’s going to get a lot of pressure from Kamani now to do Joey. I am glad he is the target over me but regardless I know if Joey goes I am on the bottom of our swap. So this move makes the most sense so Kamani can’t really blame me if she and Chris hasn’t secured me about joining their alliance with Ian and Eric who they should know I am close with.

This game is wild because I need to think about my game and the numbers I want to have in my corner. I feel like I can still have Ian as an ally because he too hasn’t really told me much about Kamani just that he told Chris about the dynamics we had at our original tribe.

Either way this decision is going to be in turney a hands and just hope he sees working with Joey and I as the grander option.
1772 days 8 hours ago
Dylan (DBWs) Confessional EP:8

So I found myself where Dylan’s find themselves often, in a rock draw. This was the first time I’ve done one without some form of immunity, and my brown pants did go well with the green buff. At least I think idk I’m color blind. The rock draw happened because of James, and as if it was written as majestically as Livingston’s libertarian articles, he went home because of it. With the fucking revealer idol apparently? Who knows he may have passed it like Ethan did to ian.

After the rock draw our tribe was more divided than peoples opinions on what pineapple belongs on. Kamani/Andrew/Chris/Eli on one side, myself/Richard Brewster/Hufus/Absolita on the other. Absol had problems with Kamani, and Richard Brewster/Hufus/I have the Vers Boys United alliance, which I think we solidified when Richard Brewster and I went to rocks for hufus. James going wasn’t horrible for me, he was clearly closer to others than myself and him having that idol only gave him more power. He also told me Richard Brewster told him to play his idol, meaning mr Richard had some game talk with James that he never told me about. Had I known James had no vote we could have convinced the other 4 to vote him and at the revote we could vote out Kamani 4-3 but alas.

So then yinz hit us with a tribe swap, and I get on a tribe with Absol/Richard Brewster, 2 people I just went to rocks WITH (and we formed the three musketqueers alliance to solidify our power on the tribe) Eli who went to rocks against me, and Livingston/Andrea who were park of the bigben majority.

Livingston/Andrea really didn’t talk to me much, but Eli going was of the upmost importance to me. Him and I hardly talked, but he trusted Richard Brewster, and I need to make sure to take some power from him. He’s been getting his way a lot and although I want to go to the end with him, and I wouldn’t mind losing, I don’t want to have no shot. I need to make sure to solidify people who he hasn’t been with. I was able to convince Absol to do Eli by bringing up that Livingston would likely not go to rocks if we cut him a deal, but Eli would if he’s against us. Although he ended up voting with us, he just went to rocks against us and I could never trust him in this game after that.

Also during the vote Richard Brewster and I got curious about Livingston’s libertarian conservative views and found his twitter and website. I felt like a mean girl but to a socialist scum like me those views can be funny to read. Despite this, I backed saving Livingston last round, and if we have to go tribal again I want to try to back him again. He seems chill and I would much rather work with someone I can somewhat read than Andrea who backstabs her number 1 ally for shits and giggles.

I’m also trying to form more of an alliance with Brandon, as well as trying to reach out to Sean. Ray has been taking to me lately and idk how I feel about working with him with all the toxicity that is going his way, but if jojo goes next he will be a bit more vulnerable, especially if Andrea or Livingston follow. I wouldn’t want to throw a challenge, but losing one wouldn’t be too bad, especially with me having an immunity. That being said I want to keep that in case we swap again l, so I will be trying my damnest to keep this immunity as long as possible.
1772 days 7 hours ago
1770 days 10 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:9

apparently it's either Livingston or Andrea tonight, which is a bummer, but... not really my problem. I feel like this swap... has been... okay? for our Se7en... even though we ARE down to 6... and possibly/probably 5 after tonight... but if we merge soon... we still have a good amount of numbers. I don't know, I feel like this is fine? I'm not going to be pessimistic until we are ACTUALLY screwed. It is possible if we do merge, we get picked off one by one... but I don't think that's necessarily likely just yet? I don't know. I do feel good short term. But long term... the next few tribals are... CRITICAL for my success or failure for sure. I can't do much about anything, though, since... I'm not on the other tribes, and somehow my tribe keeps winning. So... oop.
1770 days 10 hours ago
1769 days 15 hours ago
Sean (Caliboy) Confessional EP:10

Last confessional: I know I am going cuz turney still have a bond with Chris and Joey tried pitching for me but just isn’t enough.

It really sucks that I couldn’t get my luck with a swap after that long endurance Compt I did to survive another round with Joey. The fact that a floater like Chris who barely talks or competes is to go further than me irks me but it is what it is.

I should of voted him off at 17th instead of Chanel but trusting Ian and Eric knowing I was in a minority with Brigade I let Kamani get in my head a round too early. My gut told me it may be too early but in end knowing what a minority set I was in I thought I’d still be able to bounce back. Which is true to some extent seeing that I was able to skip 3 different placements base off my social and strategic game and physical too. Overall I had what it takes to get the drive going but I really did let my emotions get to me last challenge but I know that’s not what’s sending me home. Just the cards I was dealt and the move I made 1 step too soon. Also y’all should of saved me with a 7-7 swap but whatever thanks for bringing me back.

However I still stand that challenge to be bogus to have people compete in users knowing that there are people who have just came back to play your game and been gone away for some time to equally compete with those who just continuously play gives others an easy upper hand.

I was able to score a point in a speeding Compt because it was something in wording and etc.

But anyways besides that I can say it was cool re-connecting with some of this cast and giving whatever efforts I could with the handicap I had.

1769 days 12 hours ago
1769 days 11 hours ago
Ray (GentlemanG) Confessional EP:11

The merge is looming and I've just been laying low. We haven't gone to tribal and I haven't been trying in the competitions because one yes I have been busy but two my alliance would find it suspicious if I wasn't throwing challenges. Right now I see it as different groups of people aligned, of course there is the original majority on Ben's tribe sticking together and then the minority will probably seek to work with the original Mike and Newz tribe. Mike and Newz tribe did suffer a divide though and Jojo has been talking to them and has seem to come to an understanding with Turney and Chris so hopefully they are votes for our side. However, I would not put it past them to vote me out if the other side makes me their vote. That's why I've been talking separately to Dylan to build a bond with him and have been continuing to strengthen my relationship with Richard as well so I'm covered from both sides. My biggest concerns at this moment would be players like Eric, Turney, Chris, and Hufus. I think they are the people I trust the least and the people who would not be against voting me out so if I can get those 4 out it should be smooth sailing after that.
1768 days 16 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:11

I just want a merge, honestly.

I feel good about my position with Ray, JoJo and Brandon. I don’t necessarily want to be in the final 3 with any of the above, but I feel safe with them. Hufus i also feel good with but idk where his loyalty necessarily lies and if it’s with my people.

Andrea has made it obvious she can cut someone’s throat, which is a red flag.

Richard/Tots/idk what they want to be called ... “Dana” has talked to me and we vibed, but I do know my alliance won’t like him around for much longer.

Everyone else is basically a question mark, and if they’re not with me... they’re against me. But rn... still no merge. So can’t be thinking too much about that
1767 days 16 hours ago
1767 days 16 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:12

We merged and things. are. chaotic.

I should've wrote one sooner cuz A LOT has happened in the past couple of hours.

Originally, in the F5VE alliance chat, originally the target was going to be hufus, and a few of us were like "nah sis" and Ray got MAD. He was a salty little bitch about it and I'm like "bro, i have always made my opinion on Hufus clear, we are CHILL" and a few people agreed with me, which got him all salty, but he moved on... but I don't really even remember who we agreed on? Like, i don't think we even AGREED on anyone.

But, then both Ray and Andrea came to me and was like "y'all we can't trust Brandon and Joey big picture, they are close to Turney and are sketch city" and i'm like oh chill cool awesome.

Then Joey came to ME and was like "we can't trust ray big picture, if he gets to the end he wins, and Andrea is unpredictable and cut Livingston's throat SO fast, like sketch city"

And then Andrea got this whole plan and got me and Ray into a chat that was like we can blindside Turney or whatever, and if Brandon and Joey have a problemo with that, they can go, and i was like on board or whatever because it was a solid plan finally being suggested.

So the idea was originally Hufus, and then it became ??? maybe Absol or something, i didn't now absol was in this game but whatever. But then it became Ian or something and it's like... y'all ... what the fuck.

So the andrea plan seemed a bit more plausible, even though the logistics for how that could impact us big picture was a little unsettling. Like, really it gives Brandon and Joey more of a chance to flip and cut our throats. Andrea's argument was they could do that with Turney if we keep him in the game, but... I simply just trust Brandon. So... the only benefit in this plan... would be that it is A plan. Which... is a HUGE plus, but also... is it worth it?

I don't really know exactly what anyone is doing. Ray told Andrea his concerns, and Andrea was like "blah blah blah blah blah its merge, go all out or flop" and Ray was like "ok i love u for that" so idrk what was resolved by that...

But I did just tell Hufus Ray brought his name up. I explained the context and everything, which... to my perspective was Ray wanted to be in power, and just threw a random name out first so everyone would follow him, so... i don't really see it as throwing anyone under the bus... but i kinda threw him under the bus. Oops.

This tribal is already wayyy more chaotic than I expected, but I do feel... relatively safe. We'll see. Maybe tomorrow will change that.

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