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S9 China - Clash of Clans [Confessionals]

Topic » S9 China - Clash of Clans..

1764 days 21 hours ago
Ian (Saftronbtr999) Confessional EP:15

so things are going great atm, i wanted brandon to get voted out because i felt like the trio of kasey/ray/jojo is more united and if people wanted to flip they would see it wouldn't be smart cuz they are rlly close. for me personally id really like to see the trio get taken out next, i've pretty much closed all doors from working with them, once they wrote my name down it was over and honestly i really do believe that was one of their worst mistakes; i had somewhat of a connection with some of them and wouldve been willing to work something out but once they did that it was a done deal. anyways i do worry about ray though, guy is pretty crafty and hes been going to everyone in the 6 and telling them different stuff and shit so i hope nobody rlly falls for that cuz hes rlly shady idk. atm i'd like to think my connections in the 6 r pretty ok so if we came down to it i would be okay but you never really truly know so we'll have to wait and see! (fingerscrossed) ^.^
1764 days 21 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:16

So I did NOT win immunity... and the answers I got were nicer than I thought. They did say I was least likely to win... and RAY got most likely to get voted out next... and he won immunity... so... that isn’t great. I got most trust worthy which ... I made clear I found VERY ironic. I do think it’s between Joey and I just statistically, but... this might’ve been a good challenge for this round, because a lot of people’s stances just got exposed idk! Maybe all is NOT lost. But at the same time... I don’t trust these people and they just are liars and manipulators.  I’ll try my hardest but I’m not very happy right now. With any of em. I don’t know!

this challenge made me feel more liked for sure! Maybe I can,,, form connections or som’n isn’t we’ll see its late
1764 days 14 hours ago
Ray (GentlemanG) Confessional EP:16

IMMUNITY! I needed that.

Anyways I feel really bad about what's going on today because it makes the most sense to turn on Absol and Richard, Jojo wanted Richard to go, but my relationship with him is too strong for that. I know he probably wouldn't want to sit with me at the end but I do trust him the most out of the other side. The plan is for Hufus to flip and hopefully get them to throw their votes on him and hope for a 4-3-2 or 4-2-2 if the person who can't vote still can't vote. I really do believe it's Ian or Eric and Absol just doesn't want to tell us. I think I plan on telling Richard about the plan last minute incase he does find out so he doesn't lose trust in me. He's also someone I still want to work with going forward so I can't lose that bond. I'm in a hard spot being the only winner left and I know basically everyone wants me out, but I have to use the fact that I'm going to be a threat at every tribal to get me through. Right now my strongest relationships are with Joey, Kasey, Richard, and maybe Eric who I've been trying to get closer to but he could always be lying to me. Ideally this round Hufus or Absol get out.
1764 days 14 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:16

So I talked to Hufus, and honestly... kinda forgave him, but... lie to me once... maybe I'll give you another chance. Lie to me twice, I will cut you out. Right now... my alliance thinks we can get Hufus... and POSSIBLY Eric, cuz his alliance basically said "sorry bro ur getting 2nd"... our target right now... is Absol. We think we can get Hufus, and I do think I have some trust with him, especially considering apparently the other side has discussed just cutting him out before (idk where the receipts came from, but Joey says they exist)... and... Eric would get us the majority, BUT... if the person who sold their vote can't vote this one last tribal... we could AT LEAST tie it. I mean, really... our position kinda sucks, we just are grasping at straws at this point but I ain't gonna sweat anything. Though I'd prefer Dana or Dylan to get out of here, I'm down with an Absol leaving. Bye Felicia.
1764 days 5 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:16

So, we're right before tribal. Hufus thinks people are being shady with him and that he's the vote... i'm sort of getting used to being ignored, so i don't necessarily KNOW my spot right now. I do know Ray got most likely to be voted out next... and he won immunity... and i got least likely to win, but NOT playing for 2nd... so i don't necessarily feel... good? But, in a non selfish mindset... we're betting on the person who hasn't been voting... to not be able to vote TONIGHT. And, also, for them to not play their idol. So... this tribal needs A LOT of circumstances to go right for us. Which hasn't necessarily been.. what has been happening so far in this game since merge.

But I do have faith in my 4... hopefully they don't make me look like a clown again. I feel it in my veins. I feel the clown popping out tonight. But I will remain optimistic.
1764 days 5 hours ago
1763 days 20 hours ago
Dylan (DBWs) Confessional EP:17

So I said I was going to try to send more confessionals... well uh... sorry about that. Now this may be a two parter of a confessional. So after the first vote, the two sides seemed to be solidified. Eric was assumed to not have votes, for an advantage like the swap button or something idk.

Andrea had been with us for that vote, but she was so obviously trusting Ray/Kasey. She told us that Kasey voted with us and HUFUS didn't? Like what? She tried to push Hufus, but really go for Absol with Ray's alliance. However she had burned so many bridges and attempted to literally align herself with everyone. She tried to play the middle and failed basically, a lesson that is not learned in the future.

This round it also became clear to me, I can't really trust Brandon. He had been going around telling people about the Ian having an idol, which got back to me because of Absol. Absol basically told me my time in the game was dependent on if I trusted him or Brandon more. At thais point, I did. It really wasn't saying much, Brandon clearly didn't have any of my best interests. As much as I wanted to play with him, he seems to not want to actually play with me. Which sucked, I really did want a final 3 of him/Richard Brewster, as much as I knew it wasn't going to ever happen. So I tell Absol I'm loyal. Meanwhile, he tells me some important info, how he sees the game going. First, take out Andrea ofc, then one of Kasey/brandon, then one of ray/Joey, then either Ian/Eric, and after that HUFUS. I knew that meant he really wanted Hufus out sooner, he was just testing the waters. This basically confirmed to me that Absol was playing a lot of sides, what I didn't realize was who he was doing the dirty with... That mystery does not come clear for a couple votes.

Now mind you all of this is going on after I arrive at Myrtle beach with my girlfriend and my dog... Going 2 days later than normal because we are going to my dad's nice ass condo. I went late because there was deck construction going on and it was a safety hazard for the dog, Bella. The deck construction people were so bad. First of all, they were the reason we had less time to be here, and the entire time they were here, they kept trying to talk to us. Like bitch I don't want to talk with you. We also had to take the dog out a lot because she was so afraid of the one guy who was def a meth addict with his lack of front teeth, and love for mountain dew which he drinks like water. They also take their DAMN time and are the reason we gotta take Bella everywhere. Although I will say taking her to restaurants is an experience, the bitch gets free food and makes me have to interact with way too many people.

So yes, I'm already kinda annoyed, then I come to find out a whole new mystery that is the next vote. I tried pushing for Joey, but of course that was shot down, and it was Brandon as the target. I didn't want to do this, and was willing to do a move with Hufus and Brandon if need be. Brandon told me a plan to get rid of Ray. He could get the two of us, Eric who totes has a vote, and Kasey and JoJo. Wait. No that can't be right. This had to be the worst attempt I had seen to convince people to throw votes. Eric told me the true plan was for them to get me to throw my vote with Hufus so that Ray/JoJo/Kasey could get it easier to take me out. I tell ya Brandon tried hard as FUCK to guilt me, Hufus, and Eric to not vote him out. I guess it worked on Eric! In the end, Brandon gets voted out. However, the clues to his murder were soon revealed, as the downfall of the Absol and the Richard Brewster was upon us.
1763 days 20 hours ago
Dylan (DBWs) Confessional EP:17

Richard Brewster told me he was in fact the swing vote, not Eric/Hufus! Or Ian/Absol who they also tried to flip. This was a red flag, as well as him saying Hufus should go soon. I knew they were grooming me to be their sheep by this point as his message was right on with Absol's. They here acting like the lamestream media I tell you the fuck what getting all their messages nearly the exact same way. I was fine with losing to Richard Brewster, but him showing that he has been hiding a lot from me doesn't give him that privilege anymore.

So all of this seemed shady, but I felt like I was in a position where I had to deal with that later. The RJK is what Imma call Ray JoJo and Kasey cuz I hate typing that all out. Anyways, I felt like RJK were so after me, the amount of plans they attempted, from getting Hufus/me to throw our votes, to getting Richard Brewster/Absol to flip, or getting Eric to flip. Then, however, Joey and I think Ray to some extent talked to Hufus, and they say that there had been a final 4 alliance of Joey/Ray/Absol/Richard Brewster. Interesting. This explains the constant pushback for their names, I knew Absol and Richard Brewster were close to them, but not that close. They wanted to blindside Eric the last vote, but RJK likely didn't know if they could trust it, and felt that Richard Brewster/Absol would go against them again and go Kasey, and even if they went with Eric they would continue to swing back and forth.

They tell Hufus they will vote whoever he wants, expecting the votes to split and their 4 being enough to rule the day. I tell Hufus about how Absol had wanted him gone soon, because I feel like Hufus is trusting me a lot and he deserves to know before he decides what side he takes. I think that is what pushed him over, because it's one thing for them to accuse him of it, it's another for me who has been voting with Absol for a while to say it. So Hufus and I decide that we'd rather go and take the shot at Absol. He had close relationships to Ian/Eric it seemed, while Dana had Hufus/myself, he was set up well, but what sent him home was his inability to commit to Hufus/myself.

Now the game is opened wide up. Hufus/myself plan on doing major damage control with Ian/Eric, as we have pissed them off, as well as Dana, and try to take out RJK, the issue is they likely have an idol or two up their sleeve at this point, and are very good at stirring shit. This game is very different right now, and fucking ERIC could prove to be very important in the endgame. I'm TELLING YOU HE'S WINNING.
1763 days 20 hours ago
Ian (Saftronbtr999) Confessional EP:17

soooo i was left out of the last vote completely, had no idea eric or absol was getting votes lmaoo im such a good player! (facepalm)
dylan and hufus explained to me why they voted out absol and it made a lot of sense honestly; i have no idea why absol and dana would try to vote out eric idk it doesn't really make sense to me.. what exactly did they think they were gonna gain out of that wtf
imo some people r doing a little too much like damn chill wtf! ik my way of playing survivor is v old fashioned but i just thought it would be so easy to steamroll the other side like wtf they're clearly so united why would you even try to entertain that idea!! i even tried warning literally all of them that they would try to create cracks within our alliance and it just seems like nobody really cares, some of the tactics they were trying to use were just so obvious to me but oh well w/e

my gut tells me at this moment that i should stick with dylan and hufus
i dont really know where eric and dana lie at the moment but i rlly hope they side with us over them :((
i just don't get why people keep falling for whatever they say, i don't get how people believe it all; i don't even really entertain it really. one of them just hasss to go next round!!

idk no matter what happens at this point i just feel like im not gonna win at all =[ im really so bad at this game and i don't even know what i would say if i made f3 at this moment but im not gonna give up
1762 days 11 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:17

So without asking our thoughts first Ray creates a chat dedicated to taking Eric out, with me, Joey and Dana and was like yep we need eric now and I’m like... wtf?

Eric literally just voted with us and gave us a vast majority and ur just gonna make a chat with someone I trust exponentially less and say “yep we gotta vote him out”???? What happened to us wanting Ian out???? Like what’s ur damage bitch?

Idk I guess I can see the argument that we don’t know where his head is at, but I don’t know where fucking Dana's head is at? She could be running to Eric right now?? The clown jumped out, your honor.
1762 days 11 hours ago
Ian (Saftronbtr999) Confessional EP:17

it's rays time to go
1762 days 10 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:17

So Joey seemed equally as frustrated as me about the whole Ray situation and instead of Eric we kinda wanted Dylan out instead... a bunch of shit i don’t even know happened and now... Ray is less adamant about the Eric vote and kinda wants Dylan out too... and we have NO CLUE what Dana is thinking.

Hufus is shady he hasn’t been working with me much this round, so red flag there and now we don’t have a vote and it’s an hour before tribal. Yikes.

Like this is just another day another wtf r we doing round.

I don’t trust Dana, Ray and Joey sorta do.... this is... chaotic idk why my alliance can’t get their shit together. Another day another time I’m spending large periods of time at my work on Skype 😔
1762 days 10 hours ago
1762 days 8 hours ago
Ray (GentlemanG) Confessional EP:18

Last round was a close one for me, but I positioned myself where I knew if I was to be a target I would be able to survive. Voting out Absol was a good decision and it payed off this round, even though I do feel bad because he is someone I consider a friend. Last round was difficult getting the target off me because Ian Dylan and Hufus are all so threatened by me and want me out at whatever costs, they've made it evident and some have even straight up told me that I'm their biggest competition. It's hard being a winner and going to tribal without immunity, but I want to show people I don't get to the end because of immunities or idols, but because I know how to play this game. Richard Jojo and Kasey I've managed to build strong enough bonds with that they helped me survive last round and if I'm the target again this round I think I can count on their votes. I want to go into the Final 6 with all of them there because it's the perfect scenario for me to make it to the end. Not everyone in that 4 trusts each other but they all definitely do trust me for now so it's my best chance. Joey I am scared of because I know he is a good friend/ally, but he also plays to win so my best case scenario is when and if I get to 5 and 4 with him I can win immunity or convince Kasey to flip on him because I want to be in finals with him but I don't necessarily trust that he'll take me. I just need to get Ian or Hufus out this round, but with the merge idol looming it's way easier said than done.
1761 days 16 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:18

So Dana comes to me and is like girl we need to fuck this shit up and I don’t trust her but I’m in for it. I’m not winning so I want to play hard now. I’m chaotic. I’m gonna show my chaotic side cuz so far I haven’t whatsoever. If i can start playing that way and Dana is giving me a shot at it... count me in, sis. No one would expect it. Do I trust Dana? No. Do I care? No.  But that unstable gotten anywhere yet.

Apparently hufus doesn’t trust me anymore and that’s a bummer I’ve protected him time and time again and he’s throwing me under the bus. Fuck with me once, you get a second chance. Now? Dead to me. He told ray I told him to vote for him, and he knows that’s not what the context was so he’s literally slandering my name. Ray also told me he knows about Joey’s plan to not go to the end with him so... idk what that’s about? But ray is kind of in the most powerful position rn, and that’s... scary but expected.

We think Hufus may have an idol, so... the target is Ian cus he’s unlikely to have another idol after his failed play already.

It sucks i have to work because this round has a lot of layers to it, but... rn the vote is probably on Ian. But I’m not rlly into that. We’ll see what comes out of this, but I’m gonna do some strategizing when I have chances to.

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