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S22 Nigeria Discussion

Topic » S22 Nigeria Discussion

2576 days 11 hours ago
Igbo *Pink Buffs*

Aria (sportygirl22)
Jacob (BOBROCKS333)
Jake (Sparticus142)
Krisna (krrais)

Kanuri *Red Buffs*

Chris (Mybash_)
Dakota (dak236)
Eric (EricCartman)
Tyler (bryjow123)

Ibibio *Yellow Buffs*

Bailey (baza76)
Cole (Coyle14)
Jojo (jojo7784)
Will (IceBeast)

Yoruba *Green Buffs*

Aiden (Gamerden13)
Alexander (Path)
Dan (dwipeouts)
Josh (Joshbb17)
2576 days 11 hours ago
Jacob is my top winner pick. Dan Im expecting will be pretty good, Will I have high expectations so he better make final 5 at worst!

Tyler I hope is out soon
2576 days 11 hours ago
Tribes of 4 are interesting
Aria and will are my top picks to do well
Maybe will write something later
2576 days 10 hours ago
Team Jacob dakota and Jojo!
2576 days 10 hours ago
the nana premade is sad!
2576 days 10 hours ago
rip yoruba in advance i don't see them winning anything
2576 days 10 hours ago
I think Aria will do well, I'm also interested in seeing how Will, Jake, and Dan play
2576 days 9 hours ago
I dont think Jacob claims the nanas
2576 days 8 hours ago
Fan Favorite Game Changer Kaseyhope101 is making an assessment!!!
2576 days 7 hours ago
2576 days 7 hours ago
Let me do a little assessment type deal

Let the #FanFavoriteVillain101 take over, yo!

Igbo :

Aria is the worst character of PLL and I don't know this gal, so I'm watching blind for this gal! Im rooting for her though, i am here for new! I don't have any bias, so idk I see her flopping or maybe she'll shock me, I hope! I don't expect her to be Parvati tho? But she seems quite sure she is Parvati Shallow.

Jacob is KINGGG but I feel as if he's just gonna be a comp threat, so he won't win, and he isn't like a social player, so... I did want him to be my winner pick, but not that sad, he surely will make merge, but probably won't win. It'd require like a pre made alliance type deal probably, but he'll be too big a comp threat from my experience with him.

Me @ Jacob/Jake inb4 F2 alliance. Idk Jake so much but idk his username seems smart I won't count him out. But yeah that's it

I've heard of Krisna but Idk her or him I think they'll probably be drama if I've heard of em, but idk them are they New I could be thinking of a different Krisna figure. She compares herself to Cirie, so idk I don't think she'll be Cirie, and will probably just flop cuz Cirie isn't a competition person, idk I don't expect much from Krisna.


Kanuri :
Chris is really cool and I like Chris like a ton, but my expectations are sorta really dependent with the swaps and all, if the tribe gets used to him he'll surely do well, but with a swap his social game could go downhill and spiral. But I'm rooting for him. He can rub people the wrong way possibly tho, especially with him comparing himself to Natalie and Corinne.

Dakota really imo is my boo, in games he be my BFF, but in both groups I played with him he got pre merge and was a huge big personality and sorta tried to be pretty dominant and really overall was just a big player and personality and it surely won't work for his advantage probably. So low expectations sadly, but he's iconic. I hope he surprises me!

Eric I think could do really well, I love Erinn Lobdell for one and I think he was real cool on Tvivor and he got screwed out of that, and I think he's pretty good socially. He could always flop from a twist or something, or be on a losing tribe but he should do well I hope!

Tyler from blogs alone is already a huge controversial person if people look into him too bad  ( ) and I'm sure he'll probably be forgiven for that, but depending on his social game, if it reflects his controversial blogs, he may have trouble getting very far. Judging by him comparing himself to Varner and checking off no times for challenges, he's probably just getting out real early... he'll likely just ruffle a bunch of feathers and get out really early.
2576 days 7 hours ago
Ibibio :
Bailey (Baza) is someone I don't know much about, but I've heard a lot about, and I think his social game is like going to, as he stated, be killer, like... I love Jefra, and I surely think his social game actually will be that good and he'll get very far, but like Jefra, won't win. Either right before FTC or 3rd or 2nd, but I'm pretty sure it'll be before FTC. Maybe even a pre merge social threat depending on swaps and all. I'm rooting for him though.

Cole could also do well I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure I've hosted him before and he was a really big strategic threat (not as much social to my recollection) and got merge boot, I think social game may be a problem and if he doesn't have that it'll be a problem, but honestly I don't even remember if I'm thinking of the right person? It was like a year ago I last hosted (apply for my group game y'all!) so yeah he can go either way idk another "Im most like Cirie!" Is pretty basic now.

JoJo, my fairly blind winner pick, I don't actually think WILL win but my other ones were taken, his application answers are pretty solid, but I think he may be a bit too controversial and threatening personality wise, but he could just be latently inactive and not care enough about the game, but if he DOES he could be a threat and a load personality, or a social player, Idk a lot of opportunities and potential tbh, I hope he doesn't flop.

Will was my INSTANT pick to win cuz he seems really well rounded and smart in Tvivor and his application seems like he should be a likable person and a social player, and Kelley Wentworth isn't TOO basic, so I hope he does well and I'm sure he will!

Yoruba :
Aiden seems really cool and like, even though he's only seen 2 seasons of Survivor, is really a true fan and will be really dedicated to this game, but he also has only seen 2 fairly unstrategic seasons, so... it'll be interesting. Plus Tai shouldn't be anyones favorite.

Alexander doesn't seem too threatening so he could lay low at the starts, PROBLEM, with 4 people you can't even lay low, so.. I don't know, Aiden is pretty lowkey too, so... it's hard to get a read on this tribe tbh.

Dan would be a good winner pick tbh, the name alone is a smart name! His group experience is solid, he's win before, he has the capability. He lives in Upstate NY, I live in Upstate NY, it's all connected. And he seems like he'll be really active and into this game, so.. I expect a lot from him.

Josh seems very active, and says he's always on, I haven't seen Fiji so idk how Earl plays, but he won, so... maybe Josh has a winner mindset, so who knows!! He doesn't like twists so maybe he's a perfect candidate to flop @ swap, but yeah, he seems really into group games, so hopefully his gameplay reflects that.
2576 days 7 hours ago


Overall thoughts:
The Yoruba tribe has a lot of my contenders to win as they're more groupy and fit for the game I feel and I feel as if they're more into the group games realm more so than, let's say, JoJo (excited to see how he does!!) and I think they have some people who, if they make merge and don't like flop miserably at challenges (they seemingly are mostly all active at all times you stated, so fingers crossed) I have an eye out for all of them.

Jacob is my main contender for Igbo, Idk about the rest really.

Kanuri seemingly has a lot of big names and personalities and Idk how they'll end up, but I have hope for some of them! Eric is my main contender there, but idk I don't think the winner is on that tribe tbh!

Ibibio has a few possible big players and contenders, I feel Bailey & JoJo could both go both ways and Cole & Will are both smart players, and I definitely think Will could easily win.

Good cast, but with 4 tribes of 4 anything could basically happen and with a pretty small cast in general there's nowhere to really hide and big moves could happen whenever, and no matter what you have to play hard to win, basically from the start, so.. it'll be hard to lay low for sure.
2576 days 6 hours ago
2576 days 6 hours ago
I got bored whoops
2576 days 5 hours ago
the tribes get worse as they go down the list, so i expect the tribes with more experienced players will make it further

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