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S9 Barbados Discussion

Topic » S9 Barbados Discussion

3152 days 13 hours ago
this is the most CP2 shit
3152 days 13 hours ago
Peyton D./MyMilkshakes Confessional EP:1

I'm so excited to finally be able to play in your series!! Although I've been been trying to focus on schoolwork, my dear friend Ivy approached me and told me she was applying, so I did as well! We worked really well together in a Big Brother series, and I'm happy that we're competing together on Survivor for the first time! So now you obviously know that I will 100% be working with Ivy for the duration of the game, because I know she would stick her neck out to save me, as I would to her. I also know Eclipse from the sole group game I won, Bingo's Survivor. So I was very happy when I found out both of them were going to be on my tribe for a while! Now, before the challenge, Eclipse messaged myself, Drew and JJ about working together, which we all agreed to obviously. However, I didn't like the fact that Ivy wasn't included and I wanted to win the challenge so bad to be able to protect her. Sadly, I'm not too good at doing puzzles and making out the shapes of cellos. Also, it took me about 2 minutes to realize it was a flip puzzle because I don't read instructions well #oops. But of course, I have to blame the loss on myself, even though my tribe is telling me that it's no big deal. I'm just happy that I solidified something before the challenge. Or so I thought. Eclipse didn't mean to make the group message between him, me, JJ and Drew and instead wanted Ivy instead of Drew. So, he made an entirely new group chat, brought up the idea of an alliance, and we all agreed to it. We then decided we would vote out Siv, because who?? I know it's the first day, but you should've at least made an effort to show up. So now, I'm super happy that Ivy, Eclipse, JJ and I are working together and are in majority currently. However, the only 'problem' is that JJ told us he found the idol. ????????????????????????????????????????????? Who tells an alliance you've known for less that 5 hours that you have an idol. I mean, I'm not complaining, because he's with us, but I don't want an idol making it very far in this season, especially if it's known that he has one. So maybe after Siv goes, Ivy and I will come up with a plan to get JJ and his idol out. You never know, and will just have to wait to find out!
3152 days 12 hours ago
Ben you should make an EDGIC
3152 days 11 hours ago
I would argue that it was a STUPID MOVE BY JJ. History is gonna repeat itself
3152 days 11 hours ago
Are We are going see another David? lol
3152 days 11 hours ago
I think we will :P
3152 days 9 hours ago
Im Team Drew tbh fuck the rest
3152 days 4 hours ago
If he had only watched last season to see where that goes wrong
3152 days ago
Joe D./JoeDaManXD Confessional EP:1

Ok, so comming into this game I'm here to play. I'm here to give it my all and if this means pre-jury, well I would rather go home pre-jury knowing I played a good game than being a sheep sitting on the jury bench. So yep, Losa is here to play hard. I'm known as the biggest viallin of group games, but I'm just gonna try to let it all out in confessionals and keep my smile on the face while talking to the other bitches from my tribe.. (Btw, for the first time I don't hate all my tribemates yay)
So, I was invited into a 4 person alliance of Crystal (groupgamer),Harry,Steve and myself. I really like the alliance, I think the tribe and the alliance is strong but here is the thing. I don't think this alliance is going to 100% work out. I looked at steve's friend list and he is friends with Gregory. They have eatchother added and that scares me. So I want Gregory OUT but what if Steve (from my alliance) doesn't..? That means they are tight and if that is the case, I'm gonna need Jackson's vote. So it's Gregory who is the first on my hit list because I can't let 2 people who know eatchother from before be in this game together.
Also maybe the alliance I was invited to isn't real. Maybe it's just a side alliance, you never know. Maybe Gregory and Steve are creating their own alliance.. So I'll just have to figure that out and see what I can do after that :)
3152 days ago
Crystal D./Groupgamer23 Confessional EP:1

A lot is happening even though we are not attending tribal. battle lines are drawn alliances are being formed. I have a final 3 alliance me Jackson and Greg who I don't trust at all. Then I got a final 4 alliance me Jackson Greg and Steve who I don't trust at all. I don't trust either of them alliances so I can only work with who is on my tribe so I have to work with irrelevants Harry and joe to be a final 3 deal I really like joe him and I mesh I see us being a force in this game. Harry will just be a number for us.
And I might make a final 4 chat me Steve Harry and joe. Based on new news that Greg and Steve are friend on tengaged that worries me so I need to separate them 2. When we go to tribal I will target Greg because he is smart strategically and can convince people to go against me how am I going get people to go against Greg you may ask. I'm going use my final 4 with Harry Steve Nd joe and say the target is Jackson so Steve will vote Jackson I'm going tell Jackson and Greg the vote is Harry. Then me Harry and joe all vote Greg and he will be out, I have a lot if work to do to get these alliances together I need to Make a final 4 alliance me Steve joe and Harry then another chat me joe and Harry. If we go to tribal I hope my plan comes in effect. I just really need to make sure Steve is down for a majority alliance with joe Harry and I. And me joe and Harry have to be on the same page. If everything goes my way I'll be in a good position.

Btw sorry for this game bot confessional I know it's not entertaining but A lot has gone on and I am always thinking about the game so I have a lot to say.
3152 days ago
Siv S./Whoa Confessional EP:1

I feel like I'm gone already. I couldn't be at the challenge because it was at 1am and I just got back from school. It's probably too late. I haven't spoken a word to anyone so I know I'm gone first. It just sucks. I've been a huge fan of Survivor for so long and now my chance is gone because I'm from another continent to everyone else.
3152 days ago
Joe D./JoeDaManXD Confessionals EP:1

So me and GroupGamer aka Crystal bonded really well and tbh, I kinda do trust her. But here is a thing. She is a yellow level, she joined the site january and this is her first group game. I heard other people saying she is a multi.. She played this games before on her other account because why would she name herself GroupGamer if she is new to tengaged? New people to tengaged don't even know what group games are. She is also really good at playing this games.. - "this is her first groupgame".. But why would she name herself groupgamer then lmao? And she knows how to talk to people, how to make alliances.. I played with new people and they didn't really know how to play, how to talk to people. But she knows all this stuff.
So there is that, like it kinda makes me nervous but I do trust her.. I just really hope this is just a new account and other is banned and she is not a multi because that would suck (also leaking the VL and stuff..)
3151 days 23 hours ago
Jake S./tundrahenry101 Confessional EP:1

I'm in survivor!! Omg I'm so excited to be here and play the game! I was supe shocked when I found out that there was gonna be 3 tribes of 6. That adds a whole other strategy to an already complicated game and it had me scared at first. But thank god my team won the challenge. I did not want to be the first one voted off.. Definitely not. So I messaged each of my tribe mates individually just introducing myself and then messaged Blake, Allan, and Hudson and formed a majority alliance because we all participated well in the challenge yesterday. We are all strong, active, and majority. So this should be smooth sailing from here.
3151 days 20 hours ago
Joe D./JoeDaManXD Confessional EP:1

Ok so now I'm 150% SURE that Gregory and Steve are very,very tight and that is very dangerous in a tribe of 6 fucking people. So here is the proof : + they have each other added on their friend lists.
Me and Crystal compared notes and figured out this 2 are playing from 2 different sides. Steve is with me,Harry and Crystal. Gregory is with Jackson, they invited Crystal into their alliance. So what Steve and Gregory are doing, is trying to play both sides (each on one side), comparing notes and keeping each other safe. Well too bad, soo sad, Crystal and I compare notes and I figured out their... DUMBBBB strategy. Here is an advice, next time before playing games together, at least un-friend each other for the game only, because your strategy just went down the hill buddies. So annoying. So me and Crystal are gonna work on Harry now, to make him comfortable because we need him on our side +  we are gonna explain to him that the 2 are really tight. So the vote should be 3-2-1 with Gregory gone. Me,Harry,Crystal vote Gregory. Steve and Gregory vote whoever and hopefully Jackson doesn't vote with them, we will tell him the vote is someone random. So hopefully our plan works out.
3151 days 17 hours ago
---SIV GETS 18TH---

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