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Topic 2

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3024 days 11 hours ago
Kim Kardashian-West is under fire by several celebrities for posting a censored photo of herself naked. Should Kim be “slut shamed” for posting the photo on her own social media?
3024 days 11 hours ago

Look, this isn't anything new from Kim. She has always been in the public eye based on her exterior. The thing is, she took the photo because she was feeling good about herself and then went and posted it on her own social media. It wasn't like someone else took it and put it up there without her permission.

Another thing, Kim has no reason to be concerned about what other people thing. She has millions of dollars based on her television shows, her fashion and cosmetic lines. To me, slut shaming in general is wrong and more so when all Kim did was post something that she felt good about.
3024 days 10 hours ago
Kim,  ashamed?  I think not she is rich and famous beyond compare and could easily just pass this photo on just like anything else life throws at her and just like Carly had said Kim Kardashian has no reason to worry because of a leaked nude photo. Her show is the top show on E network the show is right above E,'s first scripted drama the royals.
3024 days 4 hours ago

No she posted her body many celebs do it and its fine. I actually though it was cute, and just as you guys said her show is amazing and shes a millionaire so.
3024 days 3 hours ago
Kim K is a media whore. This woman needs to be stopped! Like, she is a mother of TWO & she's doing inappropriate things like showing herself naked? I mean, she needs to worry about her kids & her husband. How could such a woman do something that tasteless, she's married and showing off her body like that? I'm disgusted and can't believe it. I'm gonna need for her to get her shit together. Not at all cute, boo.
3024 days 2 hours ago
Kim Kardashian has made a sex tape for crying out loud! She's not afraid of anyone, especially now! Plus my view on this is that when male celebrities post themselves like that, they get praise saying "oh you're so hot!" But when female celebrities post themselves they get called "slut" and "whore". So I think that people need to calm down and really see what's going on.
3024 days ago

This is something that irritates me.. I don't see a problem with Kim doing this, in fact I cheer her on! Her body may be beautiful in some of our eyes but yet you never see her body shape on a runaway or in a guess campaign. By posting these photos she's showing confidence in her body and empowering a generation of women who don't fit the norm of skinny and tall. People are saying she isn't a role model but who's to decide what a role model should be? A girl insecure about her body could look up to Kim and what to be as confident as her. and Zayn decides to tweet 'Love how people feel liberated naked .. Read a book liberate your brain'. 1. Where is the correlation between reading and being naked? 2. He needs to read a book, and once he does he'll probably see nude pictures of his girlfriend in it because they're everywhere *Smiles*

*Picture appears on screen*
3024 days ago
and to Kaylee. The media is the whore for investing so much time in just a picture. Her daughter doesn't have the genes of a skinny woman so Kim is empowering her daughter to be confident in her body.
3024 days ago
I honestly don't feel like this matters. I mean, this is Kim "Sex Tape" Karsashian-West we're talking about. If this was the first time she did something like this, I would be surprised. But in all honesty, this is old news and is the same old thing we have heard from her.
3023 days 23 hours ago
Okay, so being confident in your body means being naked & showing ALL of america? Cause that's being a great role model to your child. Look at how the Kardashian/Jenner clan act... they're spoiled & tasteless, especially Kylie. When you look up to someone, and see how they act, you're going to follow. It's a fact. So, i would not be surprised if in 15 years, North is doing the same shit. Don't be so blind to the clear things, honey.
3023 days 23 hours ago
I can see why you're so concerned. I would be too. I wouldn't want my future children to be posing nude on the Internet. There are two things parents should be concerned about - what your child uploads and what your child downloads.
3023 days 23 hours ago
But who are YOU to judge her? and America has already seen everything Kim has to offer so it's nothing new. She is embracing her body. Everyone says 'be confident in your body' but as soon as a WOMEN shows it she's slut shamed and attacked. It's disgusting
3023 days 23 hours ago
Justin Bieber posts his ass and everyone's like 'He's So Hot!' Kim does this and it's an uproar. The Kardashians are spoiled but someone had to work for the fame. If I could do nothing and live the life they do I would do it, and you would too. You'd want that life for your kids and their parents which is why the have that life. The only tasteless part of the Kardashians is Kanye
3023 days 22 hours ago
Well, I believe there's a problem with her posting her nudes out.

Normally they're leaked, but that's not my point.


Are you crazy, woman? You don't know what people can and will do with that shit. You are pretty much setting yourself up for failure.

And, second, would you want Kylie or Jennifer doing this? NO! NO YOU WOULDN'T!
3023 days 21 hours ago
Kim should know what's right and what isn't

She should put her children first
And not post naked photo's

but did you see that twitter feud between Kim Kardashian and Bette Midler

Kim Kardashian tweeted a nude selfie today. If Kim wants us to see a part of her we've never seen,
she's gonna have to swallow the camera.

That is so funny i couldn't stop laughing
but to be honest aren't we all sick and tired of seeing them fake boobs and ass
3023 days 21 hours ago
Slut shaming is always wrong.
Kim is a very good business woman to be honest.
She is always the topic of news.
Although her tweet to Chloë was ridiculous and wrong, as basically everyone knows who she is,
Just because she isn't a member of the family doesn't make her irrelevant!
Overall, Kim, although probably should be put in her place a bit,
Should not be called a slut for taking nudes. Everyone takes nudes nowadays.
It's her body. Her decision.
The end.

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