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House 2 Confessionals

Topic » House 2 Confessionals

2539 days 20 hours ago
2539 days 20 hours ago
Day 1
2539 days 20 hours ago
Eve (Falconbait26)
So glad I'm not in the same house as queen of messiness, Kgamer. Bleck
2539 days 20 hours ago
Eve (Falconbait26)
Well, it's nice to have people I know of in here.... but I don't trust any of them tbh. People's way of communicating with me is just too nonchalant. Paranoia? Maybe, but if they are being genuine they need to do better, seriously. Let the games begin
2539 days 4 hours ago
Christian (FloatingToaster)
i am loving my position in this game so far. i've been working my ass off talking to everyone i could. one person scares me... tyler. he talks just like me where he can make a conversation interesting which makes me think he's popular and that a lot of these people are going to be on his side... so i am now number 1 allies with him lol. he scares me so ill be allies with him until at least we merge. but if i see a great oppurtunity i will strike in this house. but right now we are talking about game and he's given me info and who he wants out which are people im gonna try to work with i think. he wants addidas out but more importantly renny which i dont care about addidas. he's kinda giving me shady vibes and is weird to talk to so to show my loyalty i will help him get addidas out but i kinda wanna keep renny to help me take tyler. i am close with almost everyone and havent thrown the "alliance" thing out there to much because thats shady. a lot of people who arn't gonna play the game hard i think. which is good for me to take control of and hopefully manipulate if i can
2539 days 4 hours ago
Luis (_Adidas_)

So THIS is the diary room. Huh. Must have lowered the budget this season :/
Anyways, My name is Luis and im from sunny San Diego California
It has always been my dream to be on Big Brother, not really because Survivor is better. But i am a fan of any reality TV competition show. I am here for entertaining everyone and to do the best of my ability to win this game.
I do not tolerate fake people hence why I will not be fake. Im going to talk to everyone to sense people out, from there I will choose the people who will help me get further and those who are loyal to me will get loyalty back.
I will not promise anything. If someone asks for F2 deal and i dont want to take it, im obviously not going to say "OMG YES SLAY" Ill but be like "We are going far together" Im very careful with my words and each game I play I take it as a business trip.

P.S. I am a huge talker and will narrate everything that happens. If something is on my mind

I also use a plethora of gifs so get used to it :)
2539 days 4 hours ago
Day 2:
2538 days 17 hours ago
David (DavidM7)

Okay all memes aside I'm actually really excited to be playing. Going in I don't really know many people from the cast so I'm getting a fresh start. I started talking with everyone right away which is normally good because you want to get a good relationship with people but since this first comp is a social comp it could potentially lead to me winning and fuck me over

      Right now I'm probably closest with Christian or Ryan because Christian and I just had a really good conversation and I can trust him for the first house at least and Ryan and I know each other from past games. I've talked with most of the rest of the cast but I'm not sure how close I am with anyone as of now but hopefully I can get some good stuff going and if I do win HOH I'm prepared to get things off to set me up good in the late game

Cast assessment

He's one of the people I haven't had too much of a conversation with but I'm still willing to consider working with him if he starts talking to me some

Our previous games we never really teamed too much so this will be out first time doing that but I still feel good about working with him for now

He is probably one of the bigger threats right off the bat but if I can get on his good side til f8 when we merge then I should be flying high

As I said we really had a nice conversation and I really like him as a person but I know hell he a good player so idk how far I should let him go but if he's loyal I'm willing to go far with him

I don't think he's talked to me yet so no read on him

We had a short conversation but there's definitely potential for him to be a good ally so I'm hopefully going to talk more to him and get myself in a good position

Connor and Hoop:
Just messaged them, no reply yet

We talked last night but it was very gamey and not a lot of good vibes but I'm hoping he feels differently about me so that if he ever gets in power maybe I'll be safe and can just use him to my advantage

I think we talked but I barely remember him which is saying something

I've played Skype games with him before and we never teamed and if I remember right I ended up evicting him so odds are we aren't going to be working together

Same as Tyler he's a big threat but he also was good to talk to so I think I could work well with him
2538 days 17 hours ago
Eve (Falconbait26)
Knowing JT wanted HOH...

JT: I actually want this HOH
Me: if I get infected do u want me to give it to u so ur not HOH or does it not matter to you, cuz it doesn't matter to me

minutes before hoop's decision, I find that funny lmaoo.
2538 days 17 hours ago
David (DavidM7)
      So I'm happy that I'm out of the running for HOH because I didn't particularly want to win BUT it's really interesting that Luis was the one who took me out. He and I hadn't discussed him taking me out of the comp so that worries me a lot and ik he had 5 choices but that's at least 4 people he felt safer with if they were HoH. It's also a good thing I'm out so I can personally make sure Renny doesn't win since he's really the only person in this cast that I previously know and had a bad experience with.

     Enough with looking on the positive and back to freaking the fuck out because WHY THE HELL DID THIS BITCH THINK TAKING ME OUT WAS A GOOD MOVE?! even if it's because he doesn't trust me (which he shouldn't bc I've been talking smack about him in confessionals) but he should have pretended he cared and messaged me saying I got your back pretending he got me out so I don't win first HOH but now I'm sitting here very skeptical of him. Also this fucker acts all offended when he gets off just to knock me out after being all friendly yesterday. I don't deal with fake people so if he cons for me at all he's gonna get a fucking earful

      Enough petty for now. I'll update you on these bitches antics later
2538 days 17 hours ago
Eve (Falconbait)
Renny is killing me with this wait. He saw it was his turn, went offline, came and and went back offline... he testing my effing patience lurl. Kill me. And Tyler feels like Renny will pick him and he wants me to be HOH but I want him to be so we can keep each other safe. FML BIG TIME


Time for these fakes to come to me and plead for their safety. Some of them may be genuine but u get the point. I'm supposedly working with Tyler and TJ but it's hard to trust them both. Tylers aura rubs me as fake. He knows what he's doing and knows how to deliever it. He may be working with me, but it's not like a "I want to take you to F2" type of thing. And TJ seems like he wants me to do his dirty work, he's like telling me he wants to nom Hoop because of whatever reason, but I'm not playing for him, I'm playing for me. I'm gonna do what I wanna do. That's it for now. Next time u hear from me will be my two noms
2538 days 17 hours ago
*Does a kartwheel behind the DR chair*


*Continues dancing and singing*

*jumps onto the chair*
David (DavidM7)
      I couldn't be any happier that Eve won because after I was eliminated I knew the smart thing to do was really get close to the three left in the game and I got the closest to eve probably so I think I'm safe in his eyes. Now what I need to work on will be getting him to get Renny and or Luis asses up on the block.
     I want Luis out for being a shady bitch and my real target would be Renny because he is so irritating and I know hell fuck my game up the second he get into power. As much as I want these two gone I won't push too hard for it to happen so I don't get a target but I'm hoping to lead the conversation with eve in the direction of getting him to ask what to do.

This Connor bitch is crazy if he actually thinks I'm gonna put my game on the line to save his ass. Like no you fuck I'm not gonna campaign for you to stay and dig myself a grave. Of course I didn't tell him how I really felt and I said I'd help him but that was a straight fucking lie. Now me saying I'll use veto on him is not a lie because If I were to somehow win (even tho I don't want to) I'll try to get Renny out the backdoor and send his ass packing
2538 days 17 hours ago
Luis (_Adidas_)
So no HOH for me this week, I really wanted it because I want to be a competition threat very early in the game so I can have people to put up each week and if at any time someone comes after me, Ill just come after them.
I dont think I will be backdoored this week I have connected well with my housemates so far. I would much rather be nominated by not getting a key because I want to control my own safety by winning the veto.
If chosen to play a veto I will go for it and use it always, I dont waste my wins and just created more allies to me and more enemies to the HOH haha

Connor did ask if I could campaign for him to stay... and ummm both nominees I would want to work with but
First of all, I dont d other peoples job unless its affecting my game
Second of all, These noms arent locked in 100% so im not going to make myself a target by getting numbers to keep you

I hope the veto is won by someone who will change the noms :/
2538 days 17 hours ago
Eve (Falconbait26)
Guess who's not going to try his hardest to win POV?

I doubt Connor really really wants to work with me and trust me, I put him on the block. I do however, still trust him over Zach. Hopefully he doesn't win and hopefully no one else takes him off. Honestly, I'm not even feeling my backdoor plan. Backdoor target and his ally/allies "trust me" for now so I'm not gonna mess that up. Right now, I just want Zach to get tf out
"If u reallt want to make a good game move it would be best to do what the house wants like legit no one would nom u"

That's that ish that's gonna make me want him out even more. He thinks he's running me. And if everyone wants him out, they can get him when they have power. Zach, I peep your game. Leave plz. *maniacal laugh* Luis can leave later after you hopefully. Goodnight <3
2538 days 17 hours ago
Christian (FloatingToaster)
so im trying to openly work with falcoln to shift the attention (if there are any) off tyler and i by planning a backdoor that i brought up to him about getting addidas out. if i win pov it will be ideal. to show we are close... make a new friend by taking a person off the block... and showing my loyalty to tyler. renny wont message me so as much as i wanted to work with him i dont think i can we dont start talking.
bad news... my second alliance david just told me he didnt like renny which is back because i think him and tyler are premade. idk what to do about it. both are allies but i can have a premade go far in this game. im probably going to have to pick one. and it probably will be david because tyler has to many friends and is to friendly.
2538 days 17 hours ago
JT (JTthePrince)
This early in the game so many people actually trust me, they will my loyalty is with Tyler and Eve 100%

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