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Jury Interrogation

Topic » Jury Interrogation

2998 days 5 hours ago
2998 days 5 hours ago
Sorry I'm late
2998 days 5 hours ago
I have a lot going on tonight, so I am going to post all the questions now that I received. Finalists, answer all the questions from the Jury Members that I posted and all extra questions that they ask tonight.

Jury members, you have full permission to ask the Finalists any questions you have, but you cannot say who you are voting for.

Finalists, after you finish answering the questions, post a speech as to why you deserve to win.

I will mail the Jury Members for their votes in an hour.



Jury Questions:


James - Throughout this game you've went from side to side, tell us all why the REAL reason is behind you bringing Drake with you to the end.

Drake - I'd waste my time asking you a question but I reflected upon the season and saw zero kind remarks to me, not even a hello. Therefore I won't give you the time to answer a question as I don't want filth, an animal answering something that is completely unjustified as a question would be giving you the chance to change what you did. I want everyone to see the arrogant asshole you're as you're nothing in this game. You're an imitation of Myself and Channing Tatum from All-Stars.

James is Me.
You're Channing.
Enough said.


Drake- We were allies from the beginning but game wise you didn't make the moves necessary.  Why would I vote for you over James?

James- I don't like you dude but you did play a fairly strong strategic game.  What was your biggest move and explain why?


James, did you only work with me because I was good at competitions or because you actually wanted to work with me? And what have you done that shows that you are deserving of the win?

Drake, why do you think you should win? Why should I vote for you after you were very disrespectful to me throughout the game (especially towards the end)?

I am not bitter, I just want to know the answers.


James if I didn't give you the idol do you think your game would still get you to final 2 without my help?

Drake have you played this game ever in power position or underdog? Only choose one and explain.


I will see you all tomorrow night at 6 pm pst where we will crown the winner, and I will make an announcement!
2998 days 5 hours ago

2998 days 5 hours ago
I'll answer any questions given
2998 days 5 hours ago
Drake- We were allies from the beginning but game wise you didn't make the moves necessary.  Why would I vote for you over James?

I believe I played the best strategic game this season every move I made was to make sure I made f2, James didn't play the strategic game I did and he didn't work as hard as me in the game overall, I'm not trying to be cocky but the alliamces I made and ppl I got out is the reason u should vote for me Robert and I'll explain my game more in detail in my final speech
2998 days 5 hours ago

Lauries Question:
I brought Drake to finale purely for the reason that he was rude to a lot of the jury and loses two votes for the way he spoke to Brogs, he was rude to many people and I felt I would have better chance of winning against him then Lucas.
2998 days 5 hours ago
Drake, why do you think you should win? Why should I vote for you after you were very disrespectful to me throughout the game (especially towards the end)?

Taylor I did that only to ensure the remaining contestants would take me if I didn't win final hoh and I went off in the host at the end to ensure James took me to f2 also. My disrespect was nothing more than a way to get far and to get to f2,nothing personal
2998 days 5 hours ago
Drake have you played this game ever in power position or underdog? Only choose one and explain.

I would say power position because I started off with a power alliance to stay safe and get other targets out and then when I saw Laurie getting too controlling I broke off with a smaller alliamce and even tho it seemed I was in a underdog position I wasn't because I was able to get the house on my side during the turf war
2998 days 5 hours ago
Roberts Question:
Robert I made many big moves and I asked you second day to be allies but later on we didn't talk that's why I stopped working with you. One big move was making you lose your Dimond POV I planned that to get Demi out. I made sure Taylor would put you up and I used my immunity so you couldn't backdoor me, then I had a huge feeling Demi would go up and I could get her out of this game. But I made many big moves and played a great strategic game this season
2998 days 4 hours ago

Taylor's Question:
Taylor I loved working with you no joke but it was cause I needed you in this game we both won heaps of HOHs and if you weren't as strong as you are then you would be sitting here with me. I'm sorry I evicted you but I did love working with you, you have a friendly nature and played an excellent game I would above worked with you no matter if you were good at competitions. I made big moves in this game and one was getting you out another was making sure Demi got out and another one was making sure weak competitors in comps made it far in the game to give me better chance of winning comps. I hope that says enough I did play idols in the survivor part and played a great game
2998 days 4 hours ago

Lucas's Question:
I defs feel I would have been here even if you didn't give me the idol. That week you gave me the idol I had the votes anyway and got Brie out that's how good I was with getting votes. Also Demi had an idol and she would have played it for me even if you didn't give me that idol. Lucas you were a great number one ally but I had to get you out you defs had jury friends therefore you would have won against me
2998 days 4 hours ago

In the beginning of the game I formed a vets alliance in order to be in control because Taylor and Laurie were winning the challenges so I thought it'd be best to not let the newbies out number is and I ran with that until I could tell that Laurie and Taylor would simply dominate the game if they just continued to go by untargeted so I left the alliance after Laurie blew up at Adele because that was the best opportunity to leave and still have some loyal allies.

The turf war started and it was back and forth and I was determined to get Laurie and Taylor out espicially and like I said even though I seemed outnumbered along with Adele and Ryan against Laurie,Taylor,Demi and James I knew I could get the house on my side because those four were overpowered so the ball was in my court when I knew the house was on my side that's how I got Taylor out the first time. The turf war was great competition and it was exciting for me.

Once I got Laurie out I knew I could get to the finale just based off of my game planning and that's what I did. I asked James and Demi for a alliamce in order to get Taylor out and I did that just to keep myself safe just and to get Taylor out because she was overpowered.

I'm the jury stage I basically just made deals with everyone left in the game and I also purposely seemed weak challenge wise so my target wouldn't be as big just incase.

I was only a asshole because I implemented the "if they hate me enough I have a better chance to make finale" into my strategy and maybe I went too far. I also was rude to the host espicially during final hoh just to ensure the hoh would bring me(the 2 jury nullifications sure helped lol)

Well I know u guys hate me and I have two jury nullifications so I probably won't win but I did play the best strategic game this season. I'm done thx for reading and I'll still answer any questions
2998 days 4 hours ago

Also I was in every hoh's ear and I'm not saying I controlled every hoh decision every time but I did influence most to make sure the ppl I wanted up went like when Robert went up I wanted him to so he'd purposely have to play diamond pov and other targets that wanted me out like Laurie and Taylor and Demi
2998 days 4 hours ago
Final Speech:

Hello jury thankyou for playing. This game has been fun, stressful but most of all enjoyable. Last time I played was all stars and I was so nervous about coming back after not playing for a while but when I started I remember why I came back. I didn't do to well in all stars and best I have done in this game is 4th place. But this season I changed that and played as hard as I can and the best I have ever. I played two idols in survivor part and saved myself once. I made alliances left right and centre and I had a hand in eveyone eviction. I deserve this win cause j played the most strategic and thought about not just surviving the week but getting to the final 2 which I did. I respect all of you and this season has been my fav and the best so far with so much drams and craziness it been amazing. I won numerous HOHs had a hand in who was nommed and survived week after week with my gameplay. I won the most important POV and the final HOH and got rid of players who I knew I couldn't best in final two. Unfortunately I did have a part in all your evictions but it was cause I knew who had to go and who needed to stay I order for me to advance on sorry guys.

Final words vote who you think deserves the win don't vote on your bitterness
Love you all been a great game
2998 days 2 hours ago

James I am talking about when we merged. Because I gave you the idol you gained an ally that helped you out all the way through merge and you betray him in the end. So my question was if I didn't give you the idol yes you would still have stayed tat round but would you have made final 2. I can answer that for you.


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