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1327 days 22 hours ago
1327 days 22 hours ago
Before we begin, I do have an announcement.
1327 days 22 hours ago
During the Auction, JOEY received a mystery advantage.

JOEY won a Legacy Cutthroat Coin.

If JOEY was voted out before the Final 6, he would have to bequeath her coin to another player.

The value of the coin is an extra vote in his favor at tonight's Final Tribal Council.

JOEY automatically has one vote towards his name.
1327 days 22 hours ago
Hello jury, I think some of you are happy to see me here, but I think more are not. I am not going to stand up here tonight and tell you I played the perfect game, there were parts of my game that were flawed, and parts that were reckless. I take ownership for everything I did and everything I said.

To start with everything chronologically, I knew from day 0, my aim in this game was to sit beside Jake and Joey in the end. I think it’s to all our credits, we were able to play three different sides of the game so no matter what we could always find a benefit from each decision. We did, however, have to make bonds on each of our three tribes and navigate to that.

To start off on my tribe, Lasserre, I quickly went to work on making bonds with each member of our tribe (Bar Leon, who was inactive), putting myself in the ideal spot. I figured from the start that Pietro and Meggie were a close two, personally I saw this to be a meat shield for me, as a duo would shield me if things went crazy at merge and they both seemed like lovely people who would make logical decisions. I also bonded with Erik, I found Erik to be someone I could keep to the side and felt that many would underestimate so someone I would have aimed to keep longer. I wanted to target Timberlie, as I felt he was the sort of person, who if he got momentum could make a run for power so wanted to trip him up before he got the shot, so together with the people I bonded with, we cut him before he got a chance to run, the vote was unified because in my mind, I got in with the duo and then let Erik in the loop. Because of me, we were a unified group going into the merge.

When merge hit, I was united with my final three alliance of Jake and Joey, we knew we had to play three different sides of the game so that we wouldn’t be seen as a trio, we knew this would mean that could mean we would lose our allies in this. I was the first to lose Erik, I was saddened by this as I did want to see Erik go further, but it was a loss I knew I would have to take. I used this boot to appear mad and create divisions that could benefit me, I mentioned the fact Jimmy had thrown Joey under the bus, this would mean Joey and Ray would be more likely to vote Jimmy in the future, which they did.

The next round, I went out to try and be open to people and make new bonds. But everyone, honestly treated me like shit, particularly the instances when people would approach me to make a fake alliance and then leak it, it was unnecessary, of course I knew about all this, thanks to the fact I had convinced Jake to leak me everything that was going on. I knew I was a potential vote and thanks to the fact I had my mole in the alliance, I was able to use Jake to keep my name off it (And thanks to Bender being AFK), using my social bonds to infiltrate an alliance. The vote tied, and I knew that regardless, it didn’t really hurt me to lose Pietro, but I couldn’t risk Jake going as Jake had advantages that would help me in the future, and I couldn’t have myself going. I, as a result, conceded this and told Ray to flip if he so wished, which gave him the blessing to do so, with zero backlash.

We then went to the next tribal council, Jimmy’s boot. The idol I played was never identified correctly, I convinced Jake to not only tell me that his tribe was voting for me, but also, I convinced Jake to GIVE ME THE IDOL. Jimmy was never trusting of me, and was vocal about this to his tribe, I heard. Jimmy also, was very much one of the heads, so he had to go. I knew Jimmy would be harder to play with me. So, I called the shot. Sometimes, I do not value an idol being played in survivor, or an idol being found. But the fact, I got my own ally to give it up and then cover their tracks, so that it was a secret, was a credit to me in my opinion.

Akshay, was someone else who also never got along with me, we very clearly never connected and had a poor relationship. I attempted to work through things with him, but he never trusted me. I had heard rumours of him pushing for me, but he certainly wasn’t pushing against me. With the foursome of Ray, Joey and Meggie that I had forced together, they listened to my idea that I sold to them and Akshay bit the dust.

Bender for me, was then the wildcard in the game, he threw everything at the wall openly, like how I did, but he did it with lies that I was able to fact check. I considered rallying for Bender to stay, but he came for Meggie then, Meggie was someone who I felt would not turn against me soon, so I was extremely hesitant. I cannot take the credit for saving Meggie, for that was Meggie’s game herself and the fact that it did not overly benefit anyone.

At final 6, Jake told me that Oliver had me as his person to vote off, so I knew that I had to be super careful and push really hard for immunity and thank the Lord, but I did the best and luck rewarded me with it. It meant I could be comfortable knowing that an idol could not take me out. I knew Meggie played a similar game to me, but was more social. I knew we would split votes if we sat next to each other, so I went with the split vote plan. And, in the hardest vote off for me I saw Meggie go to the jury, I felt sad, but it was a necessary move of the game.

In final 5, I knew that Ray, probably wanted me gone for voting him and I knew Oliver was REALLY gunning for me. One problem was, that I knew Oliver wasn’t going to shift, but I had to keep him as in order to get to the final 3, I knew that whoever was with me/Jake/Joey had to lose final immunity and for that reason, I had to keep the one person who’s mission is was to get me out in the game at final four. It was a risk, but it had to be done. Jake and I both had to convince Joey to do this too, and thanks to being able to do that, I was able to sit in a final four, I felt confident at making it to the end with.

When we got to final 4, it was us and Oliver, Oliver was someone I could see the jury respecting maybe, as he didn’t make a lot of enemies and didn’t wrong the jury. He was openly against me, so I ensured he went, while also just being loyal to my final three.

I think a lot of people in this game underestimated me, I think a lot of you thought you were outplaying me, or that I believed you. Examples being Oliver saying, he put me near the bottom of his list or that Bender wanted the side alliance. I think I used that to my advantage and that’s one of the reasons I’m sitting here today.

I acknowledge, sometimes I sucked socially, I was a loudmouth, but I fought in this game as hard as I could, I mapped my own destiny. I made the moves and even when things didn’t go exactly to plan, I flipped them my way. I never had the luxury of not being targeted, which perhaps is a fault of mine, but it meant I had to fight so hard every time to get here.

I flipped the script, played up from the bottom, ran a side in my opinion, and received God knows how many votes, I was a target but I kept fighting, if it meant getting someone to give up their idol for me or relying on the bonds I have made.

I think you should acknowledge the fact, that I came in here, played hard, played big and that for that reason, I am most deserving of the rewards.

I’m super open to any questions, I’m sure I ruffled enough feathers this game and I’m sure a lot of you don’t respect me, so I have a lot to say haha.
1327 days 22 hours ago
Hello Jurors

I know a lot of you probably aren’t too happy with me and probably won’t be happier after reading this speech. I come into every game with a huge target on my back and I have to play hard. Luckily, I did have two friends coming into this game. Joey, who I was pretty open about, and Eoin, who I tried to hide as long as possible. People started to catch on to that, though.

From the start, I was on a tribe that luckily kept on winning. This allowed me to form a close bond with Oliver, who I made a Final 2 with on Day 1. I also was part of an alliance consisting of Akshay, Jimmy, and Bender, but I was always skeptical of this. Whether my intuition was correct or not, I could never fully trust Jimmy or Bender. However, early on I was going to say yes to any possible alliance I could. The one tribal we attended, we took out the inactive, and I honestly was worried it could possibly be me.

We made it to the merge and it was 5-4-2 based on tribal lines. I knew there was a good chance the 2 Roca would go to the 4 Lasserre, but luckily Oliver and I formed a Final 4 with Joey and Ray, which allowed them to trust us and vote with the 5 Pinedo. We got the numbers on the first vote, taking out one of the Lasserre 4 and flushing and idol as well.

Final 10 (Fast Forward Night) is where it starts to get sticky. I still have my ride or die Final 3 with Joey and Eoin and luckily we all have information from our original tribes. I knew Jimmy and Akshay desperately wanted Eoin out and although Joey/Ray were originally supposed to vote Pietro with us at final 10, I made sure Joey voted Jimmy with the Lasserre + Ray because I was worried about the Pinedo people possibly going behind my back and voting Eoin because this is when people started to get weary of me working with Eoin. If the Pinedo 5 did vote Eoin behind my back and I voted Pietro it would be 5-5-1 (I assumed Bender was using his extra vote) and if they didn’t go behind my back it would be 6-5 and Pietro would go. Everything went a bit chaotic when Bender didn’t use his extra vote. I didn’t really if Jimmy left, but I didn’t want to give up any power to the Lasserre people. For some reason, I just always had a weird vibe from Meggie that she was a good player and I couldn’t trust her. Anyways, Pietro goes and I show the Pinedo 5 that I’m with them, though I did yell at Bender a bit for not using his extra vote.

Part 2 of Fast Forward Night was when my undercover work had to come in. At this point, I planned on flipping to the other side and sending either Bender/Jimmy home in a 5-4 vote, but Bender didn’t use his extra vote at the final 10 so he still had it and this very much derailed my plans. Bender wins immunity and I know that Jimmy has to go now. I was weary about Jimmy because I knew it wouldn’t be too long until someone like him tried to take a shot at me because he’s been around the site for a while and he’s a smart player and he knows that I’m also a smart player. I don’t know if people know this, but I actually handed Eoin my hidden immunity idol from the Pinedo camp so that he could take out Jimmy while I remain in the good graces of the Pinedo 5. Eoin/Joey originally wanted Akshay out here, but I said if it’s my idol I want it to be Jimmy. That was probably the most difficult tribal for me because I tried pretending like it was me being taken out by the idol, but I knew it was being played against Jimmy. I love Jimmy and I felt bad, but I do believe he was going to target me soon if I didn’t do that.

At the final 8 I take my vacation because I know it could possibly be 4-4 here and I didn’t want to draw rocks, but I also didn’t want my Pinedo people to think I was disloyal. I knew Akshay was going here, it was what it was.

Final 7 I didn’t really have a preference between Meggie/Ray/Bender going, but the votes seemed like they were going Bender’s way and I was okay with it. I kinda pushed for Bender because I always felt like I couldn’t trust him even though I did like him.

Final 6 I knew I could be in danger. I pointed out the mistake that JB made with Pietro’s comment (sorry Meggie, but I needed you to leave) because I knew that my core alliance of Joey/Eoin/Myself needed the immunity. Joey had the idol and I knew if Eoin was immuned, I could get Oliver to vote Meggie. This allowed Me/Eoin/Joey to split the votes with Oliver. 2 votes on Meggie and 2 votes on Ray (who we suspected to have the idol). Ray ended up voting me and Meggie voted with Eoin against Ray, but I knew regardless I’d be okay because I trusted Oliver to split votes with us because he sent me a screenshot of his list of who he wanted out in what order, in case he didn’t make it to the event tonight.

Final 5 and Final 4 were easy after that. No more idols in play, Ray was stronger in challenges and unfortunately I had to take out my buddy Oliver for 4th.

Usually I am loud and obnoxious, but I tried to play a sneaky game this time just trying to not get caught. I knew a few people were starting to catch onto my relationship with Eoin and Joey, but I managed to smooth things over with people who thought so. I had an idol, but never felt like I would need to use it for myself, which is why I let Eoin use it and take out Jimmy without the Pinedo people thinking I was shady.

I won two immunities, usually I win more, and after coming in with a huge target on my back I managed to only walk away with one stray vote cast against me at final 5. I’m proud of the way I played and I’m open to answering any questions you may have.

Good Luck to Eoin and Joey, I have loved playing with each of you.
1327 days 22 hours ago
My question is: how did pre existing relationships affected your game?
1327 days 22 hours ago
My question is: how did pre existing relationships affected your game?

I think I speak for us all when I say, pre-existing relationships played a massive part. This final three, is one big pre-existing relationship and I feel like we relied each other for information from each other, as we all were on different tribes.

Saying that, I had no personal relationship with the like of yourself, Erik, Meggie and Ray. I now would consider you guys friends and a relationship I formed in the game.

I think my overall point is, yes, existing relationships did help me in this game, but I tried to build on them and utilise them (For example, using my relationship with Jake to get him to give me the idol) in order to give me the best shot.
1327 days 22 hours ago
My question is: how did pre existing relationships affected your game?

I mean I think they heavily affected my game. I have been on Tengaged for 10 years now, coming into every game I usually have some friends and some enemies. Luckily, the only people in this game I had beef with prior were Jess and she was inactive and Timberlie who was voted out pre-merge, but I did do a good job of planting seeds about Timberlie to Eoin, but I think Eoin already knew Timberlie was a threat.

Joey and Eoin are probably my two closest friends on the website and the host obviously put us on three separate tribes so that we wouldn't have an advantage, but we used that to our advantage. We all came into the merge with different relationships and different information that we were able to share with each other and compare notes. I was very open with people about my relationship with Joey. Even with Jimmy pre-merge and Oliver pre-merge I said yeah I'm friends with Joey, but I tried using it as a reason for them to keep me and that Joey would work with us. Joey is #4 on my friendslist and I think a lot of people know that we're friends so I didn't bother lying about that one. I tried avoiding my friendship with Eoin as much as possible, but some people did start to catch on.

Anyone who has been on tengaged for a while will probably have friends coming into the game. Jimmy and I were after each other in a stars, but we managed to smooth that over. I didn't know Akshay/Oliver/Bender/Ray and I worked with all of them.

I think my pre-game relationships did help get me to the end, but I built relationships within the game that were very beneficial in me getting to the end. I didn't just sit back and rely on anyone. We were 3 people, there were 15 others.
1327 days 22 hours ago
Okay well yall coming into this game I saw Jake and Eoin and we immediately knew we would be working together. Unfortunately getting separated at the start of the game made it so that we would all have to survive on our own for a bit. This part of the game ended up being tougher on me than them as I literally went to tribal every damn round of the premerge phase. I quickly was able to strike up relationships with Von and Ray and our tribe voted united on every single vote. Going to tribal every round was awful as it meant I really didnt come into the merge with the same amount of relationships everyone else did. I had Ray which was great as we were close since day 1 but I was forced to vote off Von which sucked and I didn't really have anyone other than Ray, Eoin, and Jake.

Coming into the merge I was a bit nervous as I did not have strong ties with people so I felt like I was working from an outside position at the start. I worked up a really nice relationship with Oliver right away and we were able to create a cross tribe alliance with us, ray, and jake. This added some security for me as i felt I had a better putting even by just having that relationship with him. I also worked to create relationships with Meggie and Pietro as I felt they could both be beneficial to my game if I needed them to be. I was really trying to play in a middle position to both tribes so that they wouldnt turn and look at the Roca 2. I think I did this rather well even though my name was being thrown around a lot the day of the merge tribal.

On the day of the merge tribal I basically woke up to hear that I was targeting Meggie, something that was completely untrue. I quickly figured out that this came from Jimmy so I was soooo upset with Jimmy for that day. Then with that tribal I knew that Erik would be going home but I wanted to play up the whole playing between the 2 tribes thing so I voted with them so that Meggie and Pietro would still be up to work with me moving forward. The next day was the whole split vote that almost went to rocks and at that point I still had my relationships with Oliver, Jake, Eoin and Ray pretty solid and I wanted to keep up a good relationship with Meggie and Pietro so I figured I would vote with them to do Jimmy since why not he threw me under the bus the day before, unfortunately Ray flipped so it didnt even matter but honestly my favorite part of this day is the fact that Jimmy gave me the necklace. I was talking to him as if I could work to trust him again and he ended up giving me immunity so that worked out for me but at the end of the day I really could never trust him again so it made sense for me to try and take him out.

After that tribal everything started falling into place for me. The next round Jake gave Eoin his idol (which I knew about prior to it) so I just went along with voting for Jimmy knowing we would be minority but Eoin would stay because it continued to push Meggie closer to me. I kept voting with her over and over and I needed her to feel good with me for when Jake took his trip to Antarctica. I was really nervous that when jake left people would look to me and eoin to try and break the 3 of us apart so the fact that I was able to keep Ray close and also make Meggie feel comfortable with me was crucial for that day to go well. I also knew that my. relationship with Oliver would keep them from making a moving on me so if anything the move would have been made on Eoin so I would've been fine regardless most likely.

At this point I knew I was pretty much a lock for finals because no one wanted to vote me because everyone saw me as the swing vote. Everyone was coming to me with their plans and ideas on the votes so I knew that my name was never being thrown around at this point. Oliver and Ray were shooting at Eoin/Meggie, Meggie was shooting at Jake, and then I would just sit with no one shooting at me and with a decision to make. I thought a lot about if I should flip or not flip but I wanted to say I played a really loyal game and I think I did that well. The 4 people I was closest with are the 4 people who were in F5 with me and I think the fact that I was able to keep them all close so that I did not even have to worry come finale shows how well of a social game I played. I did not need to win a bunch of comps to get here, I went to so many tribal councils without any form of immunity and was barely ever looked at as a target. Im pretty sure the only vote I ever got was from Heather at the first tribal (but that could be wrong).

I really think that I played a really strong social game, especially considering the circumstances I had to play from, so I would really appreciate any and all of your votes. I look forward to answering any questions yall have as well!!
1327 days 22 hours ago
My question is: how did pre existing relationships affected your game?

I mean I am friends with both Jake and Eoin outside of this game so yes our friendship did impact this game. We agreed to be loyal to the final 3 so that is exactly what we did. Now saying that does not mean they were everything to my game. I spoke a lot with Meggie, Oliver, Ray, and I spoke to pretty much everyone else at merge too. I used these relationships to help position myself in a place where I was never the one people shot at. If they were gonna come for Me/jake/eoin then i wanted to make sure it would be Eoin or Jake. So with Meggie I knew she came in with Eoin from her og tribe but I wanted to make suree between me and Jake she felt closer to me. With Oliver it was the same but thee other way around. Coming into the merge with just me and Ray I wanted to make sure I was positioned really well between jakes tribe and eoins tribe so that while we were working together I was never the one in danger and that they would always take the hit over me if needed.
1327 days 21 hours ago
My question is: why were y'all so fucking fake
1327 days 21 hours ago
My question is: why were y'all so fucking fake

I don't know how serious this question is to me. I tried to be as real as I could to you, I didn't want you to go at six, sure I knew the votes were splitting but I would have preferred you stay. As for everything else, I was 100% real with you, I never knowingly went against you and you're someone I did enjoy talking to genuinely, you gave me the time of day when most others did not, and I respected that. As I say, I think you played similar to me, but frankly are more likeable and for that reason, I think you steal all the potential jury votes I could receive. I'm sorry if I was disingenuous to you, I genuinely do like you, and I just was playing the game.
1327 days 21 hours ago
Fuck off no question for yall. Pregaming SUCKSSSS and make the season BORINGGGG.. I should have won the season had no pregaming happen, thats my crown you guys chasing after right now.. No interest in reading long ass paragraphs, I have my vote locked. Bye
1327 days 21 hours ago

Ok, a basic one, but I do really want to know. What does being cutthroat mean to you, and how do you feel you best portrayed it in this game?

For Eoin and Joey - I think we all reviewed the list of cutthroat history while idol hunting? You wanted a F3 with a previous winner? Make it make sense. Especially Eoin, you've come so close before. Wouldn't it have been more cutthroat to ensure your biggest threats weren't there with you? And Joey, for me, going to the end with two finalists looks like an even odder choice. Were you sheeping them or?

For all 3. I really do hate cross-tribe talk before swap/merges. In my mind, I'm playing a game in a slightly roleplaying capacity, and there are imagined physical barriers preventing me from discussing anything with other tribes. Am I a fool? Is it a requirement to start the cross-tribal communication in order to succeed?
1327 days 21 hours ago
My question is: why were y'all so fucking fake

Honestly, I was fake. I am honestly a very upfront person and usually fight with people and small times my crazy side came out (Final 6 immunity when I yelled at JB and when I yelled at Bender for not using his extra vote). My personal relationships I formed with people were real, but a lot my gameplay was being fake. I knew the whole time I was going to the final 3 with Eoin/Joey, but I am not going to tell everyone that. I will make alliances and deals with people because the one thing you should never do is decline an alliance. Meggie, I was actually very threatened by you the whole time. I knew you played orgs and actually Jimmy told me you were a good player, which I already believed because it was just a vibe I got from you. I think it probably kinda feels like to you that maybe I didn't always give you the time of day. You'd message me and I feel out of everyone in the game you were probably the one person I was very short with. I think you seem nice, but for some reason I just never got the vibe that I could trust you. Maybe that was my mistake, but that's just always how I felt so I didn't want to form anything with you when I knew I wouldn't be loyal to it.
1327 days 21 hours ago
What does being cutthroat mean to you, and how do you feel you best portrayed it in this game?

To me, cutthroat means that you have to leave your heart outside of the game and strictly play with your mind and make strategic moves rather than emotional moves. For example, I like you as a person, but I needed to cut you before you cut me. A lot of people wait for moves to be made and only do things in response. I think being a reactive player is a mistake. I am a very proactive player. I thought you would cut me around Final 8/FInal 7, so I had to cut you at Final 9. I think being cutthroat means trying to leave emotion out of your gameplay as much as possible. I think in this game it would be hard for me to play completely heartless and emotionless. Joey and Eoin are my two closest friends on the site so I didn't fuck them over, but other than that I think I tried to play as cutthroat as possible.

For all 3. I really do hate cross-tribe talk before swap/merges. In my mind, I'm playing a game in a slightly roleplaying capacity, and there are imagined physical barriers preventing me from discussing anything with other tribes. Am I a fool? Is it a requirement to start the cross-tribal communication in order to succeed?

I think in a way it's unfair and if there was a way for hosts to prevent it, I would love that. However, I don't mind playing unfair. I always knew what was going on on the other tribes and often gave my input. It's not against the rules to communicate cross-tribes and I go into every game assuming that everyone is going to be talking with everyone so that's the mind-set I use when I'm playing a game. I don't want to call you a fool, but I think trying to communicate and understand what's happening with everyone pre-merge can definitely help you post-merge

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