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2084 days 21 hours ago
GAVIN and LIMA, welcome to the Final Tribal Council.

We will now bring in the members of the jury: ELI, MARK, ROSS, JULIAN, BRITTANY, GARRETT, PAUL, ZYLER and NICK, voted out at the last tribal council.

Any juror may ask a question to either or both finalists. It is recommended, however, to wait to ask questions until each finalist has made an opening statement.

***Please mail your vote to ME (_JB_) AND JP (TwentyOnePilots) otherwise your vote has a risk of not counting.***

Votes are due on SUNDAY 9/9 at 6:30 PM EST and our LIVE READING OF THE VOTES will be at 7 PM EST!
2084 days 21 hours ago
ya I have a question wtf is a grey converse like okay black and white are cool sure red is pretty good too but grey like hello
2084 days 21 hours ago
when I was 14 and made my account I had a pair of grey converse at the time, the rest is history <3
2084 days 21 hours ago
that’s great you got my vote
2084 days 21 hours ago
2084 days 21 hours ago
Alright! Hey guys. First off, I want to thank each of you for playing with me in whatever fashion that you did. But to business, I think I deserve to win because I was playing as an individual from Day 1. I made bold, aggressive moves, maneuvered  numerous alliances that protected me throughout the game, and won when I needed to most, making one of the biggest moves of the game. From the start of the game I wanted my game to compliment the theme of the season, being cut throat. It was a goal of mine pre merge to always be active in competitions, and I was. That lead to me forming bonds with my tribe mates, Logan in particular. After Logan was blindsided, and it was four of us left, we were sent to a tribal council that might not have resulted in any of us leaving. What I had opted to try and do was set up Logan to vote for Brittany (with her knowing this was happening), myself voting Ross, and Brit/Ross voting Josh. It kept my trio safe, and would ensure that I myself as an individual could play the middle come merge time. I’d be with Brit and Ross on one side, and “flip” with Josh on the other.

Clever players, my Tai Dam tribe mates caught onto me. They didn’t like the idea, and so after much effort I agreed to vote Josh, and I was going too. Then I realized that is not the way I was going to play, ever. I voted for Ross, and even though Khmu chose us to lose a member anyways, I was still successful in playing both sides enough to keep me safe until final 8.

Come merge, I was added into a chat made by Brit/Garrett tagrtetting Eli. Sure, an easy move, stick with my tribe (which I was on the bottom of, so I thought). Nah.

Coming into merge my plan was to join forces with Julian and Zyler, both whom I have played with before in group games. Last game, I voted Julian out and honestly coming into this merge being able to resolve all of that was a huge goal that I am really proud of. Anywhom, my goal was to play both my original tribe and this new alliance with old Khmu. If it weren’t for one off vote, I would have been the vote that kept Eli and flipped the game on old Hmong and Tai Dam.

Going into the tribal twist, I was completely on the outside vote wise. Ross, Lima and Paul had all voted together last round and logically it should have been me, but this is when I decided to use the twist to my advantage and linked up with Nick. They had wanted Ross, and though I didn’t love this idea, I knew it would A) break up Brit/Ross, and B) prove loyalty to another side of numbers I can work with moving forward. I used this time to rally numbers on Brit, who had just removed me from every chat we had been in, even old Tai Dam.

So clearly, she knew, and it was time to gun for her. And that I did. I had Zyler/Julian, and Nick all on my side. A final 5 was made of both Lima & I, and Zyler,, Julian and Nick. This left me in the middle of both alliances. Though I was not able to get Britany out at 8, the fact I was at 7 in a minority position is impressive as well, and it weren't for the social relationships and alliances I formed I would not have been able to pull that off, and had I of stuck with my original tribe I really think it would have been a finals without me.

Endgame, I played for myself. I campaigned to remove the three people I was most threatened by- Paul, Zyler and Nick. It wasn’t always super easy but I was just playing the game and trying to make the move that would get me to the end and actually win it for me.

When it came to the final 4, I realized it was a final 2. Knowing very well that Nick and Lima had a finals deal, I had two moves- force a tie with Zyler, and if he wins, have ⅔ odds at final 2. Or, I could vote Zyler, whos a huge jury threat, and gamble that if I win I take out one of the games strongest players, being Nick. I really don’t think that Lima has played as aggressive game as I have, and we both had stories of an underdog. Every vote I made was made strategically, thoughtfully and to build a resume. I always listened to people when they came to me with ideas. I worked hard in every challenge, and I was never once rude or mean. At the end of the day, this game is about making bold, cut throat moves. It’s about a strong social game and winning immunity when you absolutely need too. I think I checked all of, or at least most of the boxes. It’s been such a blast, and I look forward to your questions Good luck Lima.
2084 days 21 hours ago
Gavin - If I hadn't been rocked out, where did I fit into your endgame plans? What did you have in mind for me?

Lima - Why did every single interaction we had this season feel both incredibly one-sided and forced af
2084 days 21 hours ago
@Julian- I really tried to play this game without the tunnel vision of a locked in finals plan. Coming into merge, I felt that was just the position I was put into. There was you/zyler/eli, and brit/ross with garrett and whomever he was linked with from his original tribe. Sure, I worked the "Eli is a threat" angle to you two, but I was still on the outs, or so it felt at the beginning. That said, you were my first choice for finals since merge. You were the first one I reached out too, and I wasn't planning on a Tai Dam final 3.

I felt a great deal of loyalty to you, but if I found myself in the same final 4 but you instead of Zyler I'm not going to sit here and blankly promise you I would have kept you. I played this game as an individual, I really did. I thought that would be really important in a game titled Cut Throat.
2084 days 18 hours ago
so happy my boi made it to ftc
2084 days 13 hours ago
first of all, congrats on final immunity, Gavin. I truly do think you played a good game, and most of the stuff you claimed in your speech was true; however, I’m having a hard time to comprehend one aspect of your game—

You were a target at so many tribals, and nearly every time, I was the person to suggest a different vote and/or just vote a different way myself (most notably: the Ross, Julian, Brittany, Garrett, and Paul votes).

With Uilliam, it was very similar. Only difference? He actually would receive the votes and
had to maneuver out of the situation.

Yes, I know, you received votes during that tie, but I was always going to cause rocks. It was Uilliam and i’s plan, so don’t claim that as a maneuver to safety.

What I want to know is, was you being scrapped as the vote nearly every tribal a testament to your gameplay and manipulation, or just simply people like me carried you?
2084 days 12 hours ago
@Nick Well thank you. And I think it was a testiment to my game, though I don't always take 100% of credit. Coming into merge I knew I was going to be targeted by Brittany eventually and I had been making moves since before merge to protect myself from it. My strategy in these situations was to build enough relationships and alliances I would be covered on multiple angles. I actively put in your head that I was the bottom of Tai Dam so you'd target Ross not me and continue to do so until I was the last Tai Dam standing.

I do understand you played a large role in getting Paul's vote at f7. However, so was I. I was campaigning to him the entire day pushing that Brit/Garrett are huge threats and tried getting Paul to see me as someone he stood a good chance in the end against. Yet again, trying to play another card and keep the target off my back.

I didn't try and always go to the source of who targeted me- my game was more about always being able to pick up the pieces by my social game and social strategy within it. For instance, planting the seed that Garrett and Brittany are a very tight duo to you, not going to Brittany and trying to get her to vote Lima.

I made the moves I did to work myself into the numbers I was in. It was not luck. I made moves to get myself where I landed.
2084 days 12 hours ago
Gavin, I didn’t remove you from the chats until after I was voted off so you’re wrong on that. I knew you were shady from the start and let’s not forget that you probably would’ve gone home at final 8. You were carried by the bigger threats and lied unnecessarily to lots of us. Why lie so much if you were successfully playing “the middle” when you were literally not trusted by my side since the Eli vote? You were a RAT and it will takes lots to convince me to vote for you at this point so your final tribal council performance better amaze me and show that you really did have a good grasp on the game.
2084 days 11 hours ago
HEY GUYS, First off I wanna say thank y'all for being a great cast I think it was a genuinely dope cast. Coming into this game I knew I wanted to play hard but when Kolby called me out for being a liar and for playing all sides in a different game I felt like I would be an easy target. Immediately I made a final 2 alliance with Garrett (MY BRO ILY)! I made it my goal to get rid of Kolby. I won that reward challenge where I got to choose what people had immunity. I chose to give immunity to Mark because he was an outsider in his tribe and it was the perfect opportunity to form a bond with him and have another number on my side in the merge. I put Kolby and Nick as the targets in my tribe because I thought they had a friendship (which I was right) so I knew I had Garrett to vote with me for Kolby and I talked with Paul and he was down for the plan. After the Kolby vote I immediately MADE A PLAN TO HAVE PEOPLE UNDERESTIMATE ME! I told multiple people I didn't care about winning and I just wanted to play a loyal game which I somewhat did. The Real Housewives of Hmong alliance was formed with Nick, Garrett, Paul & myself and we had complete control of our tribe and X was gonna be next.

When the merge came around X was the easy vote honestly. He didn't have any alliances and I didn't really have any plan to work with him whatsoever. At merge the Hmong and Khmu tribes came together. As soon as that alliance was formed I took notice of Julian and Eli's bond. It stressed me how close they were and how close they were to a close ally of mine which was Nick. I formed a really good bond with Brittany and Garrett and it was agreed that Eli would be the vote. Mark was a key person in that vote and without that bond lil Lima would've been voted out. After that vote my trust with Khmu ended. With the one day tribes I was on the tribe with the housewives but I also had an alliance with Ross and formed an alliance with Gavin. Nick and Gavin formed this incredible bond and I didn't really have the best bond with Ross so to me it made more sense to build on this new bond with Gavin and just have more options later. Final 8 I was added into a chat of Julian, Zyler, Nick, Gavin and myself while in another with Brittany, Garrett and Paul. My trust with Julian and Zyler was still really iffy. There was mention of taking out Brittany and Garrett who I better bonds with than Zyler and Julian. I had this worry that Gavin was closer with Zyler and Julian than he was with Nick and I so I voted for Gavin so I could protect Garrett and Brittany. When the tie came Nick and I discussed on what we should do and it was agreed that rocks would be the best option so we could still gain info from both alliances. At final 7 I knew Garrett and Brittany were the targets. I knew Garrett would be targeted over me so I through the challenge (confirmation by Garrett) so I could keep an alliance safe while a threat left. at final 6 I self-voted purposely (confirmation by hosts) I knew Garrett was leaving and I didn't wanna vote him I knew everyone was gonna vote him so my vote wouldn't have mattered so he left. At final 5 I felt like I would be the easy vote and I felt a lil uneasy on where I stood so In my brain I had to win that immunity challenge and I did. At that point I saw 2 people winning no matter what and that was Zyler and Nick. Nick I obvs had an alliance with so I was persistent on getting Zyler out. So I consulted Nick and we thought the housewives would vote out Zyler but Paul self voted and unfortunately sent himself home. Obvs I had to leave to go on a cute af boat with my sister and her now Fiancée (Congrats sis) but I sent my bootlist in and Zyler was my main target and Nick knew what I was gonna do for that vote and tbh in final 3 I knew both would take me because they thought they could beat me at the end.

Overall I had hella rocky start with Kolby calling me out and all but I fought my way early to stay and I made the bonds I needed to make and I made the moves I needed to make to get where I am in this game. I was hardly a target because people underestimated me and as much as Gavin says I didn't play aggressively he is wrong, I played just as hard but I was calmer and assessed the situations thoroughly. I made the bold moves, I won challenges, I made the connections, I made the appearances, I made the alliances to get me to the finals.

I'm happy to answer any questions that anyone has for me and Good luck Gavin.
2084 days 11 hours ago
Lima - Why did every single interaction we had this season feel both incredibly one-sided and forced af

Honestly there was a lot of mistrust with you. I saw your bonds with Eli, Gavin, Nick & Zyler and I didn't trust it. When the 5 person alliance was built at final 8 I didn't trust it either to me you were the biggest threat and you voted for me as well so for me it was just hard to build a bond because of mistrust.
2084 days 11 hours ago
@Brit Right, and I could tell you thought such of me ever since I tried to set up the Josh vote. I just could tell in my gut that you weren't going to take me to finals after that, once merge came and you had options I'd be 4th-6th place roughly with you and Ross. So yes, I did lie to you at merge and I did expose that you and Garrett were linked up, but you had already stopped trusting me to some extent at that point- and I seen my actions as doing what I needed to do. When we merged I linked up with Zyler, Julian & Eli trying to get old Khmu to both protect me and see that I can be a number for them. This saved me from avoiding you getting me first, and opened the doors for another side of the game for me.

Then, when tribes became the twist I again worked to link myself with Nick. Making sure he knew I was on the outside, a number he can use (which Ross can't offer him) using this time to break the trust he had with Garrett, setting up the vote on you next round.

Then we have final 6, where I had actively worked to break people's trust with Garrett. I wasn't coasting. Then I voted Paul to ensure a final four where I would not be targeted by Zyler or Nick/Lima. If I didn't vote that way, Paul wouldn't have left. Sure I didn't account for Paul self voting but had I of voted Zyler that day I easily could have been booted at final 4 instead of Zyler, and it would have been logical.

Then I finished with two huge moves- being the final vote to send Zyler packing despite him being my ally because he was one of the two biggest jury threats- being him and Nick. They never posted the final 4 was our final immunity. I knew it was a final 2, and instead of having Nick and Zyler who both would have brought me I risked everything and put myself in a spot where both Nick and Lima would vote me out, but if I won, I would be a huge influence in two huge moves right at the end of the game. I didn't coast. I didn't play this game safe. And I didn't lie out of spite, it was all game. I hope you can respect that.
2084 days 10 hours ago
Also I hate this Lima shit call me Uilliam or Liam or Lee pls

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