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Big Whore House Season 1- Week 1

Topic » Big Whore House Season 1- Week..

2862 days 7 hours ago
2862 days 5 hours ago
Night 1:

8:00pm The contestant enter the house and introduce themselves. Although some people already know each other.
Kim and Joe A. meet up and begin talking strategy saying the first target should be people who have played together before as there probably going to work together.

9:00pm Morgan and Kelly talk about an all girls alliance. Morgan states that Garret is the biggest threat and needs to go right away.

9:15pm Natalie pulls Russell aside and wants them to work together to get the dangerous people off both there teams.
She tells him she is willing to play this game a lot harder and has learned from here past.

9:30pm Russell goes to Garret and tells him of Natalie's plan, Garrett then tells Alina and Billy and tells them that the three of them will be underestimated
and should all work together.

9:50pm Billy is stalking Alexis and making her feel uncomfortable. While trying to flirt with her Billy lets slip Natalie's plan.
Natalie sees this as a great chance to progress her game and leaks this to Kim.

10:20pm The Joe's, Kim and Alexis begin talks of making an alliance. Not wanting to spend to much of the night on game talk they head out to the pool.
The general consus is that Rick will be more of a threat then Natalie, who they think is easy to control, while Rick will be hard to get people to
put up as they grow to like him more and more.

10:25pm: Rick and Sean begin playing a game of Chess. Both talk about there lives and begin to form a bond.

10:32pm: Natalie comes out side to join the pool crew. Talk shifts to carrers/family as the group gets to know one another.

10:45pm: Russell and Morgan begin to talk. Russell flirts with Morgan who plays along. Morgan states that Natalie and Russell, Kelly and Alina, Russell and Liz,
and her and Garett, for all having played Survivor with someone will be bigger targets early on and they need to look out for one another. Talk shifts to
Morgan's Cheerleading days.

11:00pm: Alina and Sugar are lying in one of the Dark Bedrooms wispering about how dangerous Russell is. Both agree if you could drag him to the end you would
have a great shot at winning as he wont be getting many jury votes.

11:18pm: While trying to find her Toothbrush, Liz freaks out on Russell, supsecting him. Everyone winds up in the kitchen to see the screaming match that
unfolds. Kelly winds up finding the toothbrush in Liz's bag, still unpacked and Liz apolgozies, however she winds up looking very sneaky, as
everyone begins to think she did this just to make Russell look bad.

11:54pm: Russell and Garret meet back up to play chess. Both think that Liz was made into a fool. Russell admits he put the toothbrush back
in her bag to start shit. Garret finds this amusing.
2862 days 5 hours ago
12:01pm: The 'Pool Crew' is back out at the pool but none are in it, just wading there feet. Natalie baked them all cookies. Talk shifts to what the challenge
will be and when it will happen. The five agree that Liz should be the first person to go, and talks about who should face her begin.

12:55pm: Liz throws a fit because Russell is lying in the bed she wanted. She calls the 'Dark Bedroom' the good one but Kelly, Alina, Sugar, Russell and Morgan took
5 beds in there. Alina offers up her bed however Liz denies her apolgozing for acting so crazy tonight. After she leaves the five laugh and talk
about becoming an allaince begins.

1:15pm: At this point only the Pool Crew and Rick+Sean are still awake. Rick and Sean are still talking about life. Natalie leaves the pool crew to go to the
bathroom. When she gets back she comments on how they have been talking for close to three hours now. She suggest they could be an allaince.

1:45pm: Sean and Rick go to bed. A few minutes later Joe D. announces he is too tired to hang out any later and for the 'kids' to have fun without him.

2:15pm: Kim and Joe A. head to bed. A few minutes later Alexis says goodnight to Natalie, who claims she still needs to finsh getting ready for bed.

2:40pm: Natalie sneaks into the room where Liz is asleep and silenty wakes her up and brings her outside. She is annoyed but Natalie begins to tell her of
the 4 person deal and that Them + Rick and Carter need to team up. Liz heavily questions her on all the details. Talks contuine and the girls agree they need
to talk to the boys in the morning.

4:20pm: Both girls return to bed, no one ever saw nor interrupted there conversation!
2862 days 5 hours ago
2862 days 5 hours ago
Day 2- Morning

8:30am: Houseguests are woken up. Told that in one hour there first challenge will begin. The Backyard is currently locked to them.

8:45am: During a quick moment Liz quickly tells Rick about what went down last night. Both think they would rather work with Kim and Joe A thinking that its
the best way to keep them immune. Both think Natalie was lying to start up trouble.

8:46am: Carter and Natalie begin talking about the game. Both agree that Joe A. needs to go before challenges become indvidual as he will become near impossible
to get up afterword. Both are worried his popularity could make it even harder to get rid of him.

8:55am: Morgan makes a plan for the challenge saying that everyone should listen to Russell if its teamwork as more then likely he will
have competed in it before as he has played the most.

9:01am: Pool crew meets up in the living room and agree that communication will probaly be key. They all agree that winning is a top poritey right now.

9:30am: -Challenge Begins-

11:00am: Contestants are back on the 'feed'. Challenge was the large puzzle staircase challenge. Natalie and Liz are talking about how horribly Kelly did during the
puzzle collection part of the challenge and cost them valubale time. Morgan complains to Russell saying that Billy really hurt the team. Both agree that Billy needs
to go sooner rather then later.

11:25am: Carter tells Joe D. about the counter allaince. Joe D. flips out and goes to Natalie. A huge fight and name calling esnures. Natalie heads back to her bedroom
and begins to sulk. While she is alone she tells 'feeders' that She is faking this to get sympthy from Joe A./Alexis/Kim and sees if she can find any cracks in
which to abuse.

12:12pm: Rick and Carter talk about the stuff Joe D. said. Thinking that Natalie was telling the truth and how surprised they are. Both think Natalie is still
very sketchy and will do anything to prove that she can play a stratgeic game. Carter suggest still getting rid of her before anyone else, as there are
probaly cracks within that allaince. Rick says that the should wait until they lose before locking anything in.

12:30pm: The girls quickly talk about who they want out. They think that all four of them should vote for Garrett as he is probaly easy to beat if the
guys all vote together. Disscussion on how to keep them all off the block goes with trying to get some votes on Sean or Billy.
2862 days 5 hours ago
12:41pm: Russell/Garrett/Billy talk about the vote. They think Sean and Kelly should be nominated. A splitvote plan begins. Morgan walks into the room.
Guys as Morgan if the girls have any plan for the vote. She answers no. They all try to push her on the Sean/Kelly nomset which Morgan agrees to.

1:00pm: Sean asks Kelly who the target is. Kelly says that the girls are talking about getting rid of Garret. Sean suggests putting up Sugar against him,
beleving her to be the most likely to survive a vote against him. Kelly states that they where thinking about Billy as he is holding back the tribe.

1:15pm: Sean and Kelly split talks for now. Sean begins talking to Alina about putting up Kelly, for her horrible challenge preformance.

1:20pm: Joe A. checks up on Natalie. Talks begin with Natalie crying. Joe A. feels bad for her and comforts her. He tells her he think Joe D. went to far and
its really making him re-evualte where he stands. He suggest to her a new allaince of Him/Kim/Her/Carter. Natalie says she is too upset to really known right
now but its something to discuss when she is feeling better.

1:22pm: Joe D. tells Sean that they should get rid of Russell becasue he is going to be kept around as a jury goat. Sean says he knows this and then goes to
talk to Morgan. The conversation is about Sean telling Morgan that Joe D. threw Russell under the bus. Russell is brought into the room and they tell him.
Russell and Joe D. have a verbal argument.

1:45pm: Kim and Alexis are re-evualting there allaince with Joe D. They think he is way to sketchy and is just to trigger happy for there tastes.
They feel bad for Natale. Both check up on her and offer her a female allaince of the three of them. She agress and thinks its a good plan.

2:00pm: Morgan tells Kelly that she is getting votes. Tells her not to freak out. Says the boys will be voting for either her or Sugar.

2:10pm: Sean talks to the guys about voting for Sugar. Russell thinks he is being shady however Billy and Garret think its a great idea. A new split vote emergses.

2:30pm: Russell tells Morgan about Sean's plan. Morgan thinks its nothing to worry about. Morgan brings up putting up Garret to Russell. They have a long conversation
with Russell disagreeing but slowly becomes more and more open to it.

2:54pm: Joe A. and Kim are catching up on the days events. Both think that Joe D. needs to go.
2862 days 5 hours ago
4:00pm: Russell calls a meeting with the girls. Encourges them all to vote for Garett. The girls act surprised as if this was all Russell's plan. All
agree. Russell later brags in an empty room about all the control he has.

4:20pm: Natalie comes out of the Bedroom. Liz apolgies to Natalie and talks begin. Both are talking about needing to split up Kim and Joe A. and how everthing that
is going on for there team all is around them, and how they are in the power seat. Liz brings up they need them for challenges and no one really wants them out.
Both agree a time will come and that they should consider throwing the next challenge when they can take out Joe D. and try and get the rebel allaince back
together and really work some magic.

4:35pm: Carter joins Natalie and Liz. Talks contuine. Liz eventually excuses herself. Carter and Natalie begin flirting and talking about getting rid
of Joe D.

4:54pm: Kelly begins to worry that she is going to get nominated. They are still not sure which way they guys are gonna go, Kelly/Sugar/or Sean. Alina assures
Kelly that even if she is nominated she could survive against either. Kelly calms down.

5:10pm: Joe A, Kim, Natalie, Carter, and Alexis are by the pool. They call this the Cool Pool Crew and all disscuss how dangerous it is to leave Joe D. in the game.
Carter states that everyone knows this and that they should just hang out and relax, stating that there gonna get paronid if they keep going on and on about Joe.

5:20pm: Sugar  asks Billy who he is voting for. He tells her Sean. Sugar then thanks him and repots this to Morgan. Morgan laughs saying if two guy are nominated
tonight they have smooth sailing for a few weeks.

5:45pm: Joe D. joins the Pool Crew. Tells Natalie to go back into her room and cry. People say this is uncalled for. Carter and Natalie leave the group while the
OG Pool Crew fights it out. Joe D. is worried that he is being pushed outside of the group.

6:00PM: Rick and Sean begin talking for the night. Sean tells Rick that he could be going up. Rick wishes him luck and talk resumes with life talk.

6:15PM: Russell and Alina are in the Dark Room. They discuss who the next targer should be. Sugar walks in. Talks resume and Sugar mentions that Morgan is a big
threat and they should really consider getting rid of her. Talks contuine. Eventually Alina excuses herself with the excuse of wanting to eat something before
the nomination cermony.

6:30PM: The Pool Crew seems to have figured out there issues. Talks about getting rid of Rick are back in the air.

7:10PM: Alina leaves the Dark Roomm to talk to Morgan. Tells her of what Sugar said. Morgan is pissy. Morgan goes to Billy and Garrett. Talks about
getting rid of Sugar begin.


10:00PM: Feeds are back! Garrett and Sugar are nominated!

Garrett: Kelly, Sugar, Russell
Sugar: Morgan, Alina, Sean
Kelly: Billy, Garrett
2861 days 3 hours ago
Night 2-

10:20PM- Sugar is yelling at Morgan and Alina. Asking for an explantion. Meanwhile Natalie and Liz talk about there surpise that the whores nominated two of the
stronger players in terms of challenges.

10:45PM- Sean and Kelly are talking. Kelly is telling Sean he needs to step it up becasue he is going to be a target soon and the pecking order has been established.
Sean is not taking this news well.

10:50PM- Kim and Joe A. are catching up in the Hammock. The are talking about targeting Liz as they think Natalie and her are going to be dangerous later.

11:00PM- Sean meets up with Rick. They begin talking about there lives once again.

11:02PM- Russell is listening to Morgan and Alina complain about Sugar. All three agree that she needs to go home over Garrett.

11:05PM- Garrett and Billy talking about being at the bottom. They are trying to figure out the best move for them. Thinking that maybe Sean and Sugar would be willing
to vote with whoever stays and that could force one of the four to be nomianted.

11:10PM- Joe D. and Carter are talking. Joe is trying to get Carter to realzie Natalie is playing both sides and is dangerous. Carter is just listening, not very
intrested in the conversation and keeps trying to change the topic.

11:25PM- Morgan leaves to get a snack from the kitchen. Sean pulls her aside. Morgan joins Rick/Sean and talk about the Kelly talk from earlier in the night begins.

11:35PM- Garrett and Russell are talking about what went down at the nomination cermony. Garrett feels like a fool. Russell said he still wants to work with
the guys but Garrett was sketching him out. Garrett and Russell begin having an argument, slowly everyone is gathering around and watching it. Garrett looks
very bad.

11:55PM- Liz/Carter/Natalie in the Blue Bedroom. Talk about how several people have fought with Russell already. He is hard to live with. They are thinking
about when the teams dissolve if he is still around they want him around as long as possible so they can pawn him to keep there three intact if it came to
that. Liz states he is slightly better and less moody with food and comforts.

12:03AM- Alexis/Kim/Joe A are by the pool. They are talking about college stories. Kelly joins them. They begin asking her about there nomset and Kelly
explains to them all the drama going on with there team. Kelly also explains a lot of there plots and schemes. Joe and Kim keep exchanging looks
about how much information they are getting.

12:42AM- Liz heads to bed. Carter and Natalie are still talking about the next challenge and a possible future vote.       

1:00AM- Billy and Sugar sit outside. Talk about how they will be on the bottom if Garett leaves. Sugar says no matter what we need to stick together
in the coming vote and Billy agrees. They say they need to get Sean with them.

1:15AM- Rick and Sean head to bed. Morgan joins the pool crew.

1:20AM- Pool Crew talk becomes about politics.

1:24AM- Russell and Alina are alone in Dark Room. Both are talking about how Sugar and Garrett are both acting pretty rational and where allainces lie
now. Russell is pushing hard for whoever stays to go right back up.

2:00AM- All Houseguests have gone to bed.
2861 days 3 hours ago
---------Day 3 Morning----

8:00AM- Houseguests are woken up. Sugar and Garrett wish eachother luck in the Eviction Cermony today.

8:15AM- Liz and Natalie are talking while doing there makeup. Talk about the challenge begins.

9:00AM- Kim and Joe are talking about the challenge. They are worried they might not be able to win if Garret stays.

9:12AM- Garrett and Billy are talking about the upcomoing Challenge. Garret hopes he can stay.


4:00PM- Garrett was evicted by over 60% of the vote. Whores lost the challenge again. The challenge was a weight distubtion puzzle challenge. Joe D.
sat out. Morgan and Alina are pissy about Kelly losing the challenge for them again.

4:05PM- Sugar is talking to Russell about voting with them. She suggest Morgan and Kelly to be nominated against eachother. Russell says he will get back
to her.

4:10PM- Alina and Morgan talking about how Kelly will not shut her mouth. Keeps leaking plans. Sean joins them in the room. Talks conutine. Sean suggest splitting
there 5 votes in order to get Kelly and one of the other two nominated.

4:15PM- Natalie/Alexis/Carter/Kim/Joe A talking about the challenge. Natalie and Kim appearntly did very well in the challenge. Natalie talks about how
well Liz did in the challenge and how they might need her in the future.

4:20PM- Liz and Rick talking about how they did not feel safe had they lost this challenge. They think Natalie is overplaying her swing postion
and it is going to bite them in the butt. She is too determined to prove she can play a stratgeic game.

4:30PM- Billy and Sugar talking about who they are going to vote for. Talk keeps shifting between Morgan and Kelly.

4:55PM- Kelly and Sean begin talking. Kelly leakes everythign she thinks is going on to Sean. Sean calls her out for being shady. A fight arsies.
2861 days 3 hours ago
5:30PM- Kelly/Morgan/Alina/Russell talking. Kelly is pushing hard for Sean to go. This goes on for a while, then she leaves the room. Russell begins
pushing for the girls to vote for Kelly, not knowing that is already there plan.

5:45PM- Morgan and Alina are worried one of them will be nominated tonight against Kelly. They think they are playing the best game right now as they
have a lot of influence on there team. Morgan says Alina is in amazing with everyone and if they survive this vote they should not be in any
danger anytime soon.

6:00PM- Joe D. joins the pool group. He is trying to figure out if he is still good with the group. They all talk and Rick's name once again comes
up as the prime target. Joe D. and Natalie begin to squash there beef. Natalie leaves and reports this all to Liz who tells Natalie that Rick was discussing
putting Natalie up. Tells Natalie she needs to relax and stop playing so hard.

6:10PM- Sugar and Morgan are talking. Sugar offers a deal to nominate Sean. Morgan agrees it might be a good move. Kelly walks into the room. These talks
contuine and the group thinks Sean and Billy would be good nominees for them going foward. Sugar tries to see if the girls can all start working
together again.

6:45PM- Morgan and Alina are talking with Sean about the Sugar meeting. Meanwhile Sugar is talking about the same meeting with Billy. Mutual
distrust is rampant from both sides.

7:00PM- Russell calls a meeting with Morgan/Alina/Sean and is forceful in this being the core 4 and there plan is to vote out Kelly tonight.

7:15PM- Kim/Alexis/Natalie are talking on the Hammock. They are comparing notes on what has gone on in the last 24 hours. Are worried that
something bad is going to happen and that they need to make sure all three are on the same page. Natalie asks if Joe D. is still the target
and both girls agree that he should go and his apolgoy was not sincere.

7:30PM- Morgan/Alina talking about how Russell needs to go soon. Saying that he is not trustworthy and he is very shady. Way to forcil.
Alina thinks they can easily manpuilate him however.

7:54PM- Liz and Carter are talking about if they can trust Natalie. Carter is telling Liz how much Natalie sticks up for her and thinks Nat has there backs
100%. Liz leaves the conversation with new found trust in Natallie.


10:00PM- Feeds Back! Morgan and Kelly are nomianted for eviction.

Kelly- Morgan, Alina, Sean, Russell
Morgan- Sugar, Billy
Sean- Kelly
2860 days 3 hours ago
The remaning houseguests are given the day off for the 4th!
2859 days 4 hours ago
------- Night 3 --------

10:05PM- Morgan sits in room with Alina. They are talking about her chances of Survival. Alina thinks she is going to be fine. Morgan is a lot more worried.

10:15PM- Sugar and Billy are celebrating the fact that neither of them are nominated. They are talking about how things are changing and that this is
just the start of things for them.

10:20PM- Pool Crew is talking about how important the next challenge will be. Kim hopes they will get something on 4th of July.

10:25PM- Russell and Kelly are talking. He brags to her about how he got her nominated. A fight arises making Russell look very bad.

10:33PM- Natalie and Liz are talking about throwing the next challenge. Both are tired of living with Joe D. and want him out as soon as possible.

10:37PM- Morgan and Alina are joined by Alexis. The three begin talks about if Morgan stays all the girls teaming up later in the game.
All three like the idea and could see a strong female allaince truly take shape.

10:45PM- Rick and Sean talking about life once more.

11:00PM- Kelly is being comfortaed by Sugar. States that Kelly needs to look after herself. Kelly agrees. Both hope that somehow Kelly will stay. Kelly says that things
around here need to change and fast because Morgan and Alina are running the show.

11:30PM- Liz and Natalie in bed. They are wispering about tommrow and hoping that there wont be a challenge.

12:00AM- Russell and Kelly are fighting again. Russell tells Kelly that even if she stays there team will not win and she will just be nominated again and again
until she is sent out. Kelly leaves in a huff and joins Morgan/Alina/Sugar in 'Dark Bedroom'. They begin talks of why its a bad idea to keep Russell around.

12:35AM- Kim and Joe A. are the only ones outside of there bedrooms. They are comparing notes about the day as per there end of night rutine.

1:12AM- All Houseguests are happily asleep!
2859 days 4 hours ago
------- Day 4 ------

8:00 AM- Housegets are woken up! They begin to get ready for the day.

8:25 AM- Morgan and Kelly are wishing eachother luck. Both feel bad that it had to come to this and regret it.

8:30 AM- Russell apolgizes to Kelly. She accepts. Both begin talks about getting rid of Billy if they lose the next challenge. Alina and Morgan join them in the
room. The four rekindle there bond and agree the three that stay need to work together.

8:45 AM- Liz and Natalie are disscussing throwing the challenge with Kim. Alexis joins in the conversation. The four girls want to wait a few more
rounds of winning before they intentonally throw in case the rest of the challenges are against them they don't want to risk losing majoirty.

9:00 AM- Joe A. comes out from Diary Room informing the houseguests that after the Eviction, there will be no challenge and they have the day off. The
houseguests are elated.

*************** FEEDS DOWN FOR EVICTION/4th of July celebrations! ******************************

11:00 PM- Kelly has been evicted. During the down time the housegets got to watch a parade via Satalite, they got a cook-out hosted by a fancy chef and got to have
achol and party. During this time the girls got to talk and manged to all agreee on working together when the teams combine. Russell, being drunk complety flipped
out and has lost all most all loyalty.

12:00AM- Tired from the days events the housegeuts turn in early!
2859 days 4 hours ago
------ Day 5 -------

8:00AM Housegusts are woken up and given one hour to prepare for the immunity challenge.

************* FEEDS DOWN FOR CHALLENGE *****************

4:00PM- Feeds back. Whores lost yet another challlenge. It was some kind of teamwork puzzle challenge. There was a lot of fighting by the whores which
caused them to lose the challenge.

4:03PM- Sean is dissucssin with Sugar the possiblity of flipping and voting out Russell instead of voting out the two of them with there allaince. States
that the plan is to throw 2 votes on each and have them face one of them and hope one of the two go. Sugar thinks this is a great idea.

4:15PM- Billy and Russell are talking. Russell tells Billy if he wants to be safe he should vote out Sean. Being very condesding and controlling. Billy
humors him and agrees.

4:22PM- Sugar goes to Morgan and Alina with the Sean plan. Morgan and Alina agree that Russell needs to go as soon as possible. They discuss who they
want to have face Russell to maxmize there odds of staying.

4:29PM- Natalie and Liz celebrate there team winning again. Kim comes into the room. The three discuss how the other team has compelty fallen apart and they
are just so down in numbers there cracking and are being so selfish. That this is really good for there games and they need to keep up the winning steak.

4:35PM- Russell walks into the room where SUgar/Morgan/Alina are talking. Accusses them of plotting against him and playing both sides. A fight comes out.

5:30PM- Morgan and Alina in the hammock. Talk about how they where just amusing Sugar but Russell is becoming intolrable. Morgan asks Alina if there really going to
send home someone that they can manpuilate becasue he is annoying. Alina mearly shrugs.

5:40PM- Russell and Sean are fighting over Sean talking about flipping. Sean tells Russell he needs to cool down. Russell leaves and goes to Morgan and Alina and
demands they prove there loyalty to him and only him by voting for Sean. They two try to tell him its stupid but are forced to agree eventually when his
temptantrums do not stop.

5:52PM- Joe D. and Carter are talking about all the fights Russell has been in since Morgan and Kelly where nomainted. They figure that he is being
played to think he is running things and is now feeling free to act like a crazy person.

********************** Feeds Down for Nomination Cermony ****************

8:00PM- Feeds are back Russell and Sean are nomianted for eviction!

Russell- Sugar, Morgan, Alina, Sean, Billy
Sean- Russell
2858 days 1 hour ago
Sadly I don't have time for a write up today so ill just revel this:

- Whores finally win immunity.

- Carter/Rick nominated!

Carter- Kim, Natalie, Joe A., Liz, Alexis
Rick- Joe D., Carter
Alexis- Rick
2858 days 1 hour ago
A fully summary will be included with tommrows episode :D

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