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Survivor Madagascar | Jury Questioning

Topic » Survivor Madagascar | Jury..

1431 days 3 hours ago
Stuart and Joey I'm so proud of you both and even though I couldn't be there with you guys I'm happy you both made it for me.

Kill it.
1431 days 3 hours ago
My question for you is what was your initial strategy with Ray and Nick here and how did you adapt and change when they left?

When I came in and had ray and nicky as allies I had clearly planned on working with them more than others but even before they left I was already working on building strong relationships with others like Philip, Eric, and Alex. So when ray and nicky left it definitely hurt my game but it wasn’t like it left me alone with no one. On top of that I was able to use ray having a good relationship with Stuart to help bring me into the fold of your guys alliance at merge. I think that even though I lost both of them early I did not let it hinder my gameplay at all, I still had strong relationships with 3 people and I was able to jump into another alliance of 3 putting myself in a position where there was 6 people who all felt like they were close with me (Alex Eric Philip Stuart Sam and Matt) and when the group started to turn on each other I was never a target of that. Everyone in that voting block felt like they had a strong relationship with me personally which kept me safe for the entire game come merge. And just a little extra side note after Ray went home I worked a lot on talking to Patrick because I felt that he had the power to keep the votes off of me on our swapped tribe, and it worked as nicky went over me. Moral of the story is yes I lost my 2 closest allies but I was always in a really good position with other people socially so I don’t think it really hurt my game that much and honestly probably helped it.

If you had to pick 3 jurors to be in your positions who would it be? Why? And who would you vote for out of the 3 and why?

I would pick Eric because I think he played a great game, I think everyone knows that. He made big moves when he had to but also played a good social game getting himself to F4.

I would pick you, Sam, as well because I think you played a really strong game even being forced on “one side”. I think that even though you did not flip on people like Eric did and didn’t make the flashiest moves you still always knew what was going on for the most part and had strong relationships with quite a few people like myself.

And then probably Sal. I think that he did try to fight from the bottom at merge and he did a really good job avoiding voted out as people repeatedly tried to do it. Eventually he ended up being taken out as a jury threat but I think that he still played a game that would be deserving of being here.

As for who I would vote, it would likely come down to Sam or Eric. No offense to sal it’s just that I spoke to y’all more and my personal relationships tend to play into my vote. Which one of you I would vote I’m not really sure. I think that Eric would deserve to win more probably but Sam we were really close in this game so it would be hard for me not to vote you, idk yeah that’s it okay :)
1431 days 2 hours ago
My question for you, how did you use my position as 'in the spotlight' to your advantage and use this question also as a chance to defend your game play, strategy, and anything else you think is hindering your chances at getting some votes.

I feel like for a final 2 there is always a better player out of the two but in this instance that’s not the case. When it came down to making decisions we either did decisions together or I lowkey was the one to even have a final say on what we were doing and that’s mother fucking tea. So when people say i sheep or followed that’s not the case because, I was pulling shit behind the scenes. With you in this game I really used it too my I always said that you the bigger target and you need to go eventually even if people didn’t believe me or not I still wanted them to believe you were a huge target and it made you kinda fucked end game but it put me in a great position because you were a shield for at end game. We were an obvious duo and we made fucking final 5 if that’s not impression  I don’t know what is. But, for the people who think I sheeped I didn’t do that one bit this season I either made the decision for us or we made decisions together and we slayed so.
1431 days 2 hours ago
Also, my strategy was strictly making sure my social bonds were getting stronger and stronger while everyone else was fighting and voting eachother out and I stayed back making sure I had numbers and always had a plan A-Z.
1431 days 1 hour ago
Hey guys! I just want to say that I'm super proud of all three of yall. I was very close with all of you throughout the game so voting for just one of you is hard because I know a lot about what each of you did to get here. That said, I do have one question for each of you about the moves I believe to have been your biggest blunders throughout the game:

Alex - Despite the fact that you managed to take out one of your close allies at the F10, I do not think that was to your detriment. In fact, you were able to survive six rounds after that without immunity, so we know now that you did not need Phil in order to get to the F3 of this game. However, I do think your biggest blunder was not pushing harder with me to keep your ally Billy in the game at the F7. Therefore, I want to give you the opportunity to explain why you decided to vote for him instead of Sam at that point.

Joey - I think your biggest blunder this game was not making moves when you needed to. I agree you did really well at the social part of the game, but from my perspective, there is no move that I can point to as being completely your own. BUT that's okay (and if you can prove me wrong, do it!). Although you weren't necessarily the person to decide votes this game, I want you to explain why you deserve to win based on your ability to socialize alone.

Stuart - I think your biggest blunder was letting your game falter at the merge. I think premerge, you did a great job of calling the shots and getting out who you needed to (and I would give you more credit than Sam at that point), but once it hit the merge and you were in the majority, I felt like you were very complacent and fine with any plan that went down. HOWEVER, I do not know the intricacies of your relationship with Sam, so I do not know if that really was the case. Therefore, I would like you to please describe an instance where you and Sam differed in opinion about a vote and how you were able to convince him to go with your plan rather than his own.

Now, with all of that said, thank you again Alex, Joey, and Stuart! I think it's very telling that the F3 just *happened* to be the three people voted "playing for second place" (and maybe that was my doing ;D ) but I am still extremely proud of all of you and I think you should all be proud of yourselves and each other. Good luck guys <3
1431 days 1 hour ago
Stuart - I think your biggest blunder was letting your game falter at the merge. I think premerge, you did a great job of calling the shots and getting out who you needed to (and I would give you more credit than Sam at that point), but once it hit the merge and you were in the majority, I felt like you were very complacent and fine with any plan that went down. HOWEVER, I do not know the intricacies of your relationship with Sam, so I do not know if that really was the case. Therefore, I would like you to please describe an instance where you and Sam differed in opinion about a vote and how you were able to convince him to go with your plan rather than his own.

I feel like you have a point but, that’s how I wanted it too be going into merge I wanted to take my foot off the petal seeing the big names going into merge because, if I went in calling shots and making moves I would be sitting where sam is at and he could be where I’m at OR we would both be out and that was my strategy as I’ve been saying people might not respect it but, it got me where I’m at and it never made me a target AT ALL I always felt safe at every merge vote so that merge strategy was smart for me. Saying names was clearly not my forte but I don’t think Alex or Joey hardly said names ever at least to me or to most contestant so our games are kinda similar in that expect because I knew saying a name would make me a huge target so like I keep saying I laid back and relaxed. It all went back to the first vote off where me and Sam were going back if we should keep joe in the loop and vote with him or ultimately blindsiding him and sticking with the five with me, him, barn, ray and billy. I made the decision where that alliance was solid even if I knew there was going to be backlash from it we would get through it just because I knew we would have the numbers 100% because no way joe was takin us anywhere near the end and especially how loud he was he would be a easy take out at anytime and at the end of the day that move bettered me and Sam in the long run. Also merge boots like billy and Zach that also was where I think I had a lot a say into who we should do just because we always were torn if making a move on you Eric was a good idea and I didn’t think so because, billy and Zach didn’t have strong of games like you and knew I could of potentially been voted off over them so I made sure the threats like you and sam stayed as long as possible and it ended up a success cuz y’all got 5th and 4th.
1431 days 1 hour ago

me and Eric knowing we had a good shot of winning if we made it.
1431 days ago

me and Sam knowing we had a good shot of winning if we made it.
1431 days ago
Joey - I think your biggest blunder this game was not making moves when you needed to. I agree you did really well at the social part of the game, but from my perspective, there is no move that I can point to as being completely your own. BUT that's okay (and if you can prove me wrong, do it!). Although you weren't necessarily the person to decide votes this game, I want you to explain why you deserve to win based on your ability to socialize alone.

Honestly Eric, yes I will say this game I did play more of a backseat role versus driver seat role but I do not really think that is a bad thing. Earlier on in the game I feel like I played more of a driver seat type of game but after the swap and losing Ray and Nicky I came into merge in a place where I did not feel like I needed to do so. I kept up my strong relationships with the 6 I have already mentioned and whenever people came to me with ideas of flipping or making moves I would push them back into going after the minority (an example being when Alex wanted to keep Sal at F6 and I got him back on board to vote Sal). I think another thing I did really well that people may not know is positioning myself so that Sam/Stuart felt it was them versus you/Alex. After Billy went home Alex was upset because he assumed it was Sam/Stuart that had voted for him and instead of telling him it was you x2 I went along with the fact that it was Sam and Stuart so that Alex wouldn't trust them. This obviously worked rather well for me at F5 as it was pretty much set up as you and alex vs sam and stuart and I was just kind of chillin with no target knowing everything that was going to happen.

So yeah moral of the story is yes my game was not as big and flashy and I was not pulling off huge moves but honestly, I didn't have to. I was set up in a position where I was like never targeted and was set up perfectly at F5 to make it to finals. I know some people like to see the big flashy games and sometimes that is how you have to play but that was not the case for me. I think I played a really amazing social game and regardless of how this ends I am proud of that!
1431 days ago
First of all, congratulations you 3 for making it this far in the game! I'm so proud of y'all!

Joey: Throughout all of merge, you only received 2 votes total. What did you do and who did you maintain your relationship with to guarantee you were never the vote?

Stu: Do you believe you would have gone out for 6th or 5th without winning those immunities? Why or why not?

Alex: What what the reasoning behind voting for me at final 9? How do you believe this move would have gotten your farther in the game?

All 3: Think of the biggest move you made this game, what was that move? If you didn't make this move, do you believe you'd be in the final 3 right now?
1430 days 23 hours ago
Joey: Throughout all of merge, you only received 2 votes total. What did you do and who did you maintain your relationship with to guarantee you were never the vote?

At merge I had strong relationships with you Sam Stuart Eric Alex and Philip and I believe I did a very good job keeping up those relationships so that people always felt comfortable with me. Of course there is people like Zach sal and billy I didn’t talk to as much and at one point they did try to vote me but even after they voted me I was talking to sal the next day so like I was always working on my relationships.

Think of the biggest move you made this game, what was that move? If you didn't make this move, do you believe you'd be in the final 3 right now?

See I didn’t play the flashiest game with the biggest moves but I will say that I think my biggest move was just how I set myself up. When it became obvious what the final 5/6 was gonna be I made sure that Stuart and Sam felt like I was a 3 with them and then I was also talking to Eric and Alex about how Sam and Stuart are jury threats so it’s creating this division between the 4 of them with me in the middle. And at F5 it did end up being Stuart and Sam targeting Eric while Alex and Eric targeted Sam with me talking to both sides and making sure I’m completely safe.
1430 days 23 hours ago
Stu: Do you believe you would have gone out for 6th or 5th without winning those immunities? Why or why not?

If I’m going to be honest I feel like winning or not winning would of made THAT big of a difference for me anyways! I didn’t need the immunities but safety is safety. I feel like my social game with everyone left made is so I was not SEEN as a target so I had no worries at all I feel like I had a amazing shot to make final 3 and I did. I feel like the way I maneuvered from start of merge to now and not be targeted at all is seen as impressive and I hope y’all see that.
1430 days 22 hours ago
I'm going to ask all 3 of you the same question. I know I'm cutting it close with time so sorry if I don't give you enough time to answer: Why do you deserve to win this game over the other two?
1430 days 22 hours ago
I'm going to ask all 3 of you the same question. I know I'm cutting it close with time so sorry if I don't give you enough time to answer: Why do you deserve to win this game over the other two?

So I believe I deserve to win Both Joey and Alex because, if you look at socially yeah we all played pretty well that's not secret BUT, I feel like I really shined in that aspect because, I always had all my angles covered and really established relationships with everyone not just with my majority alliance but with the other side. For example Sal me and him talked a lot and it seemed like at one point if i needed to I could get him as a number and really make a move if needed. So for Zach and Billy I really gave them the time of day and chatted with them even if they were in the minority because, they wanted to make a move and wanted to see one go down and if my name was ever brought up by my allies I did have the other side as my Plan B whenever i needed it.

Physically, I really did win 2 IMPORTANT ass immunities and for the rest I really didnt shine that much but that was my strategy not go out and win a lot of the immunities or get 2nd/3rd many many times. We saw that in Sal and Eric and ultimately they were sent home  because that was a big part of there game and they did excellent in that so I wanted to stay back and didnt want to win any of the early ones because I didn't need too.

Strategically, I agree I wasn't the Flashiest or the Loudest but, I can say the moves I did make and the decisions I made was what I THOUGHT was best for MY GAME and nothing else. I got here because of the decisions I made and I think the motto for me was right place at the right time I wanted to go to the final 3 with this 3 thinking I had the best shot and I still think that.

I think in all three aspects I did show at least a bit from all 3 at ONE point in the season but 100% my social game really was the shine and the big factor of my game this season and the others had one maybe two of them go for them and I had a bit of all three thanks :)
1430 days 22 hours ago
Why do you deserve to win this game over the other two?

I think that in the early game I had a few moments that really put me in a bad spot when I lost ray and nicky back to back but instead of letting that hurt me I just came back stronger by making creating some really strong bonds with Philip Sam Matt Stuart Eric and Alex. With these relationships I was always in a place of security and I almost always knew what was going on. I don’t want to say anything bad about Stuart or Alex but I will say that I think one thing that is a mistake in Alex’s game was he was on the outside looking in most of the time as me Me/Sam/Stuart/ and Eric had a core chat he he wasn’t in and we would split votes against him. I think this just shows a weakness in social game that I don’t have. As for Stuart I think one weakness in his game was his positioning wasn’t the best. He was able to get to final 5 fairly easily but at F4 when he didn’t have immunity he wasn’t position well and was targeted. This is due to the fact that I had been playing Eric/Alex versus Sam/Stuart with both of them thinking I was their third. This secured me a spot in the F3 because it made it so that no one even considered going after me in the finale because everyone thought I would possibly vote with them. 

So um yeah moral of the story is great social game with great positioning where everyone in the f5 wanted to go to F3 with me. I think the fact that I was able to make everyone feel comfortable with me and want to go to the end with me just shows truly how good I did play this game as no one figured out that I was playing them against each other.

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