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#NTM20 - Challenge & Photoshoot (4)

Topic » #NTM20 - Challenge &..

298 days 2 hours ago
Xu, I like that you deviate from the standards we expect for this theme, I think your clothes are simple but that fit the theme. I think your photo is very empty and your facial expression is very neutral. I would have liked to have seen more of what was presented.

Hello Sora, you really took a risk with this photoshoot and I don't think it did justice to what you expected. The framing of the photo doesn't do you any favors, there's not much to see here to be honest. I like your dress and your facial expression, but at the same time I like it, it's like I see a blank canvas with a thousand possibilities of how this shoot could have been better. I don't think you were bad, just unhappy with your choice.

Mia, I'll be honest, I would be pretty nervous about what was delivered if I were you too, but I'm going to surprise you here and say that I really, really like your photo. Even though she's not wearing an exuberant dress, she managed to deliver delicacy and I think your fashion choice here fits the theme. Your pose helps embrace the photo, that dynamic you always have with the camera is fascinating and that makes you a contender to always have an eye on. You delivered what we asked for in the most subtle and delicate way. Congratulations!

Alton, you look FABULOUS! I really loved your photo, the relaxed dynamic and the smile on your face, I believe it conveys the vibe of an award-winning moment. There are some things going on in your photo, but they don't dazzle you, as they are in the background and we must completely take our attention away from you to observe them. Your placement in the photo is great to always make you the center of attention. Great job!

Hello Guinevere, your dress is very beautiful and I see the connection with the Gothic. I love your pose in the photo and I think it adds the drama this dress calls for. I think you did a great job overall.

Hi Kai, I really like the color of your suit, and I think moving away from basic black helps for moments like this. I like your photo but I feel that your facial expression is a bit boring and gives us the impression that you are sleepy. I have a feeling I wanted to see a little more of the photo than what was delivered, but I think overall it did a good job.
298 days 2 hours ago
Violet, Violet... This photo is simply impeccable, and it shows that you don't need a complex setting or something extremely extravagant to bring a feeling of love to your photo. The pose captivates us, your facial expression is very seductive and I feel like you are the main character of a film that you are representing at an award. I thought your move was smart and that was a leap compared to his challenge. Excellent job.

Hello Tanya, I think your tactic for this week is very smart, but there is a lot going on in the photo that ends up taking the focus away from you completely. The photo is beautiful and I think you delivered a good job.

Hello Anja, first I have to say that your dress for this challenge is really beautiful. I like the general that this photo offers us but I miss some interaction between the model and the camera, I would like to see more of that in your photo, but apart from that I think you did a great job. Your explanations create a narrative that complements the vision we have about the photo.

Ming, the subtle and delicate way you dealt with the subject fascinates me, I found your photo beautiful and very sweet. Your colors match the flower you're posing with and I think that's beautiful to look at. I think you did a phenomenal and intelligent job. Congratulations!

Hello Hunter, unfortunately comparing this photo to your challenge, I don't think you did so well, I liked your perspective and point of view but I think there was something missing in the photo. Your pose did not value you, even though it was in the described concept and I think that ended up disturbing you a little.

Hello Chanel, the dress is really beautiful and your pose favors you in some respects, but I feel that your photo is missing something else that would make my eyes sparkle and make me fall in love and defend this photo with all my heart. I wish you luck in this stage and that you manage to get back on your feet over the weeks and that you don't let yourself be shaken. You are a strong competitor!

Hi Lacey, I'll get straight to the point, I really like your photo, I love the copper of your dress and your pose, and for some reason the whole ensemble reminds me of witches. I think you made a good choice of photo for the theme and I feel it was more appreciated here than in relation to your challenge. Good job!
298 days 2 hours ago
If any of you see any problems in the writing I beg your pardon, English is not my primary language and I used the translator to help me get my comments across as quickly as possible.

I corrected some wrong translations. If you see anything wrong that i missed i am so sorry again!
297 days 20 hours ago
🤍Judge Taylor’s Critiques🤍

Tanya: Hi Tanya! First off you look stunning! I love this color on you. You’re definitely wearing the dress darling and you are rocking it!! The background was a little distracting but I still think you look great. I can picture you at the awards you described in your post. Great work!

Sora: Hi Sora! You look gorgeous here! You’re giving me ultimate fierce vibes tonight. I love your hair and accessories!! My only issues here is that I can’t see the front of your dress so idk what you’re serving us in the front. Also seeing the full length of your dress would’ve made an improvement for me. From what I can see though you are SERVING!

Anja: Hi Anja!! All I have to say is WOW!! You are wearing that dress darling!! You not only look great tonight but you are serving in this shot. You’re giving off that mysterious vibe you set out for and you look like you’re on your way to a very important award show!!!

Chanel: Hi Chanel! I love the color red on you. It really suits you. I’m not a big fan of your headpiece though it takes away from your dress. I love your pose you seem to be having some fun while serving up some fierce fashion!!

Violet: Hi Violet!! OMG YOU LOOK INCREDIBLE HERE!!!!!! I was so shook when I opened your shot. Very editorial but you look exactly like how I would picture you going to a prestigious awards show!!

Mia: Hi Mia! Going to be very blunt with you. I’m not getting what I wanted from you with this theme. You look like a guest on a daytime talk show. It’s very subtle yet almost clashes with itself. Idk how to really describe this look but if I had to pick an award show to go to in this. It would be the Dove Awards. It’s giving very much that.

Guinevere: Hi Guinevere!! Your look is almost similar to Anna’s it’s very dark yet incredibly beautiful. You look like a Queen here. I’m loving this dress it’s so chic!!!

Ming: Hi Ming! I love your dress! It’s so chic and unlike anything we’ve seen so far. I wish I could see the front of your dress though so I could get the full vision here. The flower is a bit distracting from your outfit. But, From what I can see you are SERVING!!

Hunter: Hi Hunter! I like what you had to say in your post. This is thinking outside the box and made me do some thinking of my own. I really appreciate the creativity you put into all your shots. It’s definitely not going unnoticed!! The dress itself is gorgeous and you look incredible in this shot I love out body positioning!!!

Lacey: Hi Lacey! I’m am floored rn. You look INCREDIBLE . From the outfit to the pose to your facial expression. You’re definitely serving up a bad b in this photo!! I myself would wear this to an award show!! Great work Lacey!

Alton: Hi Alton! OMG this is what I wanted to see from you. You not only look like a star in this outfit but you’re having so much fun which is what happens at award shows!!! You’re giving me NTM winner at the MTV awards. This is definitely the best of the night for me!!!!!!!

Kai: Hi Kai!! I loved this shot! You look incredible and you are definitely giving editorial realness!!! This color looks great on you! I don’t have anything bad to say tbh!

Xu: Hi Xu!!! I just have to say… this is INCREDIBLE!! You look phenomenal and I’m sure all eyes will be on you at the awards. Best dressed goes to you for sure!!!! This is so innovative! Truly inspiring as all!!!
297 days 17 hours ago
Judge Reece's Comments:

Alton Mason (brunodrads) - I’m such a fan of your portrayal tonight! Your approach will make you stand out for all the best reasons. While the pose isn’t my favorite, but you captured the aura of a winner at an awards show so well that you made it work in style. The stylish suit is on full display and your pure joy does justify everything you said in your explanation. An exceptional performance!

Anja Rubik (Delano) - Wow! The dress is magnificent and very on brand for Anja. However, the dress is wearing you rather than you wearing the dress. I think the mystery angle was played a little too much to the point were I’m not seeing how you specifically are making this dress even better by wearing it. You explanation proves you had the right mindset, just the execution fell short.

Chanel Iman (Dimitra) - This is a show stopping dress! Spreading your dress out was a very smart move to unlock the dresses highest potential. Something is missing to make this an exceptional photo, but you should be proud tonight. Good job!

Guinevere Van Seenus (CutieAmy) - I love that you went down the gothic beauty route this week. This dress is a huge task to take on, but you owned it tonight. That dress easily could have engulfed you, but your pose lets you have your moment. This is a great job!

Hunter Schafer (BreadNButter) - This certainly was a unique way to take this prompt. Your explanation was so creative and completely justified many of the smaller choices within the shot, such as not having shoes. I think you could have pushed yourself further to really show us the afterparty look. You look the part, but emotionally I would have liked to have seen more. 

Kim Jong-in "Kai" (Minie) - Similarly to Hunter’s photo, this is giving me before/afterparty vibes: high class but a little messy. Just to clarify, that’s a fine route to take. Given your explanation, the pose works for me and I see what you were going for. The red suit look stunning on you and the jewelry is a nice addition. Since it is an award show, a small note would be to show the entire outfit, but it’s not a deal breaker. Great work!

Lacey Rogers (Jameslu) - The bad b has arrived! You really did capture that boss energy while maintaining a professional grace. The copper colored dress standout against the background and you the room isn’t too big of a distraction. This is a strong effort tonight. Good job!

Mia Goth (nateclove) - You never shy away to deviate from the group and I respect that quality about you. Your pose is the best part here as it looks like you’re doing a power strut to accept your award. I agree that you are owning this outfit and showing us who you are. At first glance, this outfit doesn’t scream like it would fit in most award ceremonies. I think judge Taylor did you a favor b/c I could see this in a more causal environment like a day time talk show ceremony. I do appreciate you thinking outside the box.

Sora Choi (spinfur) - You look fierce and embody a high end celebrity for sure. Having your back turned to us was unexpected, but you pull it off well. For this theme, I think an full body shot allows you to showcase your outfit to it’s maximum potential, but you are still serving with what is shone. This is a good shot amongst great submissions.

Tanya Dziahileva (Sebbers) - This is really cool and well executed concept for this week. It’s like you’re about to walk down the red carpet. You look flawless in this dress and made sure to stand out amongst the primarily darker dressed extras. While there is a lot happening around you, you’re still the star and my eyes stay focused on you. Well done!

Violet Chachki (Ajathekween) - Absolutely stunning! This is exactly what you this week was about. You captured the beauty, poise, and grace of an A-list star. The pose combined with your facial expression really sell this 1950s portrayal to perfection. Not much else to say except phenomenal job!

Ming Xi (humanwebjet1) - This is turning out to be your week. First a 12, now this artistic masterpiece! The accessories are mesmerizing as you clearly display the while maintaining a nice pose. This is leaning towards a Met Gala look than awards show, but nonetheless you are breathtaking! Amazing job!

Xu Meen (icyz) - I’m always a fan of moving past gender norms and this is quite the staple tonight! Shoulders and below, you look absolutely gorgeous! Everything about it is to die for! Your face is very neutral and I think a look with more emotion could have really done you wonders. The lighting isn’t my favorite, but that’s a minor detail. With a few adjustments, you would have been a standout this week. Nice job!
297 days 16 hours ago

Tanya - I like this shot, Tanya. I think this is your best-shot submission for the season. You captured the theme really well, though it is obviously not a behind-the-scene shot, the concept made it look like it was and really felt like a dress I would see in an awards show. You look classy, elegant, and as expensive as Marilyn Monroe.

Sora - This is a Sora I thought I'd never see. The dress was as exquisite as you, but what draws me here is your face, it's all about it in this shot. I'd say I would agree with how Judge Jackson saw this shot I believe you could have done more and would be somehow lost in a pool of submissions tonight.

Anja - That was a pretty well-thought inspiration, and I get it. Now, I do appreciate how well the dress and your background really blend well together, and you made it look more expensive than it probably already is. I did wish to have seen your face clearer because it somehow got washed out with the lighting and the lack of it (the shadows).

Chanel - I love this look, Chanel. The red dress really suits you and the backdrop just made it really pop out. Now, the illusion your body made with the dress did look kinda weird. And your photo is not of its "best" quality. It is a good submission I must say, I just can't pinpoint exactly what it's missing to make me wow.

Violet - I remember how you impressed us initially in your season by being one of the top submissions and just left a mark in week one. Violet, I must say with this submission, you did not disappoint. It's a completely different vibe here, same colors but a different theme, what really sticks however is it's really you. Great job!

Mia - This is pretty unconventional, and definitely pretty something a Mia would do. Now, the outfit may not be your "usual" go-to for an awards night but it is something I really see you going with. You are a risk-taker I will give you that, but was this a risk worth playing for for this week? That I am not sure of. One thing I am sure of is you definitely wore that outfit rather than it wearing you.
297 days 16 hours ago
Guinevere - Well if it isn't the drama of wearing the same outfit in an awards night. This definitely felt different, it's very dark and gothic but somehow it is also queenly. Your pose was really good and highlighted the dress quite well. The comparison is definitely inevitable but you stand strongly. Good job!

Xi - Your photo is actually refreshing, it definitely isn't screaming as loud with the colors as the others I've seen but that probably made you stand out. The idea behind the photoshoot is really intriguing. Now, the backdrop really complimented well with your dress and highlighted you. With how you managed to pull off a challenge win this week and gave a strong photoshoot, I wouldn't mind saying this might probably be your week.

Hunter - I am actually quite surprised with the route you've taken, Well I am not surprised you want to stand out and not play it safe. The description was good, but it could only take you as far. This shot, I am 50/50 with. The cropping didn't help at all and maybe a wider shot would have made this better. The dress really looks good on you, I'll say that.

Lacey - I believe that you already found your ground here Lacey, and it definitely wasn't too late at all. This is a stunning shot! You look really good, the dress looks good on you and the backdrop complimented really well. You are giving as well, best-dressed candidate but also Top Model vibes. Welcome to the competition, Lacey.

Alton - Wow! You've got to be one of the best dressed tonight if we were about to award that. You are giving real positive energy as you've already won something after a while, which I think you have been almost always close to. The setting definitely felt like Anja's with it looking behind-the-scene shoot but yet clearly not a paparazzi shot. Great job, Alton!

Kai - Sleek! You definitely manage to sell me that suit you're wearing. Three words I can put here are also what you described in this photo - sophisticated, elegant, and definitely, dashingly beautiful. You are a standout tonight. The color complimented you well, maybe you just found your color tonight. Great job!

Xu Meen - Last but definitely not least, all eyes are on you now. Well, you deserved all eyes with this. You really remind me of one of our winners, also one of our current judges, Reece with always the unconventional, ground-breaking, and "never afraid" approach. This week was no different Xu Meen, you delivered really well.
297 days 16 hours ago
Thanks Judges

*so nervous*
297 days 16 hours ago
297 days 16 hours ago
If you're currently here, do not hesitate to join in.
297 days 16 hours ago
Good luck friends
297 days 16 hours ago
We shall start.
297 days 16 hours ago
The scores that you will get are based on:

CHALLENGE SCORE + JUDGES SCORE (from highest to lowest) = TOTAL
297 days 16 hours ago
Let's give thanks of course to our guest judge, Jackson for being with us this week.
297 days 16 hours ago
I have 13 models standing before me, but I only have 12 photos in my hands, and these photos represent the 12 of you that will still be in the running towards becoming the Next Top Model.

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NEXT TOP MODEL 20: Fans vs Favorites

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