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#NTM11 - Challenge & Photoshoot (10)

Topic » #NTM11 - Challenge &..

2167 days 3 hours ago
Lenox Tillman:


Lenox is known for a lot. From her unique facial features, to the way her body looks on camera. One of the things that makes Lenox unique from the rest is her awkwardness. The way she poses isn't extremely different from others, but it also isn't small enough to go unnoticed. She is the queen of using her awkwardness to make the photo work. Rather it's her poses or facial expressions, she makes it work with whatever theme she gets.

Lenox has definitely come the farthest in this cycle. Being in the bottom the most, but also rising to the top. She is the black sheep among the cast for sure. She is different in the way she models. She is also very diverse in the way she models. She can do glamour, vogue, editorial, but she can also do fun, goofy, commercial. She uses awkwardness to show versatility.

(Sidenote: I found this photo on a VERY weird website. Please ignore the link name because it creeped me out.)
2167 days ago
Garrett Neff-Flawsome

One flaw about Garrett Neff is that when he was starting out and still is a little bit now was that he is embarrassed about modeling. He was embarrassed about it when he started out because he did not know how his friends and family was going to handle it and the part he is embarrassed about it now is how people are treating him and calling him a male supermodel and he feels like this because there was nothing he had to work towards to earn that title he just stayed healthy and worked out to be where he is today.
2167 days ago
Victoria Justice:


I tried for a fun and different picture. Something that brings life and stands out. Something works in this picture and I cant get my finger on it. I wanted to go for a Unique and poppy look. But also staying true to myself, not going too far out there but just giving you enough;)
2166 days 22 hours ago
Shawn Mendes: Flawsome

When I was younger I had my appendix removed ( ) which led me to have a scar on my lower abdomen. After the surgery, I was self-conscious about my scar and rarely took off my shirt. As I've gotten older and more confident in my flaw, I feel as though I can be shirtless without feeling uncomfortable. This competition has pushed me to step out of my comfort zone and just be authentically me.
2166 days 14 hours ago
Dinara – Unique
(This is the REAL Dinara’s life journey that she wrote in her website)
One of the most popular questions I got asked is: “Where are you from?” which is, when I simply answer: “Russia” and people would stare at me simply and blurt out point blank - “but you are Asian” or sometimes they would very gently whisper to me the same thing because someone from Russia usually has a blond hair/blue eyed.
Growing up in Russia in my home town of Tynda in a middle of nowhere I stood out. There were not many people looking like me, so my outsides didn’t match up. In the kindergarten I was told that I am not allowed to play with the toys, because those were for Russian kids only and I was not one of them. One of the sentiments that I have heard most was “Go home!” which was so confusing to me, because in my mind, this was home already, I was born and raised there so where would they suggest I was supposed to be going? One thing was clear that I didn’t belong and so within me, it started that unconscious search for Home.
But NYC changed everything for me. It became home, the one I didn’t even know I was looking for. New York brought me absolute freedom. Here I could finally walk down the street without the need to hold my breath every time I pass by big group of people, the was no need to tense up or keep on looking over my shoulder. I could be whatever I wanted to be, no one cared and I loved it. In this great city my outside and my inside finally matched up.
I love this place so much and people who make it what it is. So if you are reading this, it is my appeal to you - be kind. Change good or bad it always starts small and it always starts within. So at this challenging time and in light of recent events, now is the time to recognize that acceptance, humanism, tolerance, kindness it all starts with us, so let’s allow ourselves and each other find a place, where we would belong and be who we are, free.
So now in my photoshoot I wanted to embrace that “Asian” beauty, that everyone in Russia wanted to trash talk about me and bullying me, which shown by my asian face structural and that brown eye and black hair which most Russian girl doesn’t have. I give more Asian touchy by posing with that little flower (idk if it is sakura or something cause it seems familiar). Here no one would bullying me again for my look and I want people out there who seems like they didn’t belong to a place because of their physical need to be brave and it is okay to be “unique” like what Dr. Seuss said “Why fit in when you were born to stand out” Keep that in your mind
2166 days 14 hours ago
Dinara – Unique
In this competition so far, the only thing people will talk about my photo is my expression and the intensity of my eyes in every photo which that what makes me, Dinara Chetyrova
2166 days 13 hours ago
2166 days 12 hours ago
Hao: I gotta take a double take at this cause i cant tell if your serious or its a joke lol, the photos ok but wtf was your "flaw"

Lenox: You really thought about this and what makes your brand unique which i appreciate, i cant stop looking at the choppy photoshop on the feet though, i hate bad photoshop

Garrett: Your flaw is... that your embarassed? thats just something you need to get over not a personal flaw and the photo flat out sucks, you have a dead expression, dull pose, dull clothes and blend into a background thats the majority of the photo, honestly cant say i didnt expect this though

Victoria: Minus the dead space i really like this photo but still you completely missed the theme which isnt a good thing especially this late in the competition

Shawn: You did a great job with the theme here but i gotta say the photos weak, lotta dead space and your expression is weak which really brings it all down

Dinara1: Really love this shot its so simple but so well done and fit perfectly with your story, despite all your complaining your still the top of the judges ranking and here you really show why

Dinara2: Clearly this one wasnt as thought out as the other, its still solid but isnt really as standout
2166 days 11 hours ago


GARRETT NEFF - Uhm... This is quite disappointing. First of all, the explanation is very irrelevant to the theme. What is your flaw that makes you awesome? It's obvious that you didn't try hard to understand the theme, Garrett. Second, your photo seems dead. From the dead facial expression to the dead background to the unflattering apparel, everything in this photo seems sad. I can't see the flaw that makes you special. This is the second time I got disappointed by you this week. I feel like you are starting to get complacent and slowly gravitating towards the bottom.

HAO YUN XIANG - I'm not really convinced that your body being not the perfect definition of muscular is "flawsome". Because I think your body is what makes you unique, aside from your strong Asian facial features, from the other male muscular models we have right now in modeling and fashion industry. The photo is okay, but it got ruined by the concept. This photo is a miss which is not good at this point of the competition.

SHAWN MENDES - Now this is the good example of explaining what flawsome is. I'm glad that you took a risk by showcasing your flaws. You are looking confident in the photo and I'm happy to see colors again. Just a piece of advice, Shawn. Show us variety when it comes to your photos. It's already Top 6 and one slip-up could send you home.


DINARA CHETYROVA - First of all, congrats on your challenge win. Onto your first photo. You're making me cry, Dinara. Thank you for sharing your life story with us. You are an inspiration. I'm all against bullying so I'm really happy to hear what you had said. I'm glad that you focused on your Asian facial features. I'm happy that a model with Asian roots like me gets far in this competition. Your first photo is good for the theme this week. Onto your second photo. I like your intense facial expression here. It is the main subject of the photo. I think with this fierce facial expression, you can really stand out among the rest.

LENOX TILLMAN - PERFECT JOB! You totally captured the theme this week, Lenox. Your facial features and awkwardness are the qualities that make you unique. I agree that you are a versatile model. You can be editorial, commercial, high fashion, etc. You have it in you. I'm glad that you got saved during Week 2, because if not, then we wouldn't be able to see how good of a model you are. Among all of you here, you have the most unique facial features and your poses are always interesting. Looking at your photo, I can see that tiny detail your fingers are doing and it still makes the photo work. The solid background enhances your photo. The pose is great. This is one of your best photos and it really stands out among the rest this week. I can't stop looking at this one. Thank you!

VICTORIA JUSTICE - Your explanation is vague. I think you got the idea of what the theme is, but you weren't able to elaborate it. You even said that there is something in the photo "but you can't get your finger on it". The photo is really good. One of your best shots, no doubt. It's just that it missed the theme and the explanation really ruined it. It would have been better if you focused on a certain quality rather than giving a general explanation.

So it's obvious that only half of you did well in this week's photo shoot. Remember that we are getting closer to the finale. If you want to make it in the end, bring your A game.
2166 days 1 hour ago
I was gonna comment I really was but then I found myself saying the same shit cause personally 4/6 of you all did good and I scored 9+. So good luck and here are my rankings

Dinara #1
Dinara #2
2165 days 13 hours ago

Hao - I liked how you see imperfection is the own perfection - it's one thing to keep in mind. Now, your other explanation here is by far your weakest, it isn't really grasping the concept of flawsome. I agree with Judge Sui, it is not your flaw, it is what makes you your ownself, which was in the "unique" concept. Now, your shot for me is very disappointing, I think this is not a Top Shot, but rather a beginner's luck shot, this is just not what I know of you.

Lenox - WOW! This probably is your best shot for me, this just hit the concept of "unique" really well. You use your awkwardness as your advantage which also makes you stands out from the rest. This shot is my favorite shot of the season yet. And you just got my very first "10". That's all I can say.

Garrett - I beg to disagree with the others with your explanation, it is your flaw as I refer to the dictionary - "of an imperfection", something you are weak at, something you are not strong of - which is I think your confidence because of feeling embarrassed, you got me on the story side of it. Your expression and body language was on point, but you are to washed out because of the filter.

Victoria - Your explanation was disappointing, you are someone I'm expecting with explanation of your shot, and this was just not it. What makes you unique was the color and setting of the picture? Which simply means that it makes you unique that your background works for you. The photo was good no doubt you stand out, but it took me out of your explanation, you took it as just another one of your regular photoshoots.

Shawn - I salute you and your story very much, it just comes from the heart. This is an on point explanation of your flaws and being confident about it. Your shot for me was good, nothing stands out. It's good enough to be better than most shots. You were the main star of the shot, so good job on that as well.

Dinara - First photo, this is the realest I've seen you express, and good thing is that your photo match it up really well, you look really fierce and it's not the usual Dinara I've seen you which excites me more of you. For your second shot, you just showed how fierce you really are, nothing new about it. But one thing I can say is you proved to every one why you are still at the top of the rankings.
2165 days 13 hours ago
2165 days 12 hours ago
2165 days 12 hours ago
Hello guys, this was another one great week. So again, thank you for continuing to fight for your spot here.
2165 days 12 hours ago
Welcome to the panel and in my hand are the results!

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