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3556 days 10 hours ago
Me2 and JD have gone farther than anybody else in this game. They are th final 2. They will each post a speech about why they should win, then the jurors are free to ask questions. Please vote ASAP, GOOD LUCK
3556 days 10 hours ago
Good night!
3556 days 10 hours ago
Hello jury, i want to start off by thanking you for being where you are right now because if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be sitting here right now and i know as a juror myself from previous experience that you can be whatever mood you want to be get it all out because that's what i had to do to make my decision.

This season was really special to me. i heard that i was going to be 1 of 2 returnees which worried me, i mean come on, a returnee against 14 other new people i don't stand a chance, then, one of my main enemies, yes it was Me2, was on and i completely just dropped everything and was like oh no. i actually went to her about our past and we agreed to get to know one another and through many votes where she may have felt i was being unloyal etc she was the only one i stayed loyal to because i owed her that because of my rudeness in another game. That was my journey this entire game, keeping my one ally safe but also making sure she couldn't necessarily vote me off and luckily i avoided that.

My gameplay was progressive i would say. i had experience on the tribe and made it so that inactives would be targeted first and not me. Along the way i lied, and i promised things that most likely did not follow through but that's how i am here right now. i had to do that, i had to adapt and make sure people were comfortable and that they didn't suspect anything and sitting here now i can say that i accomplished that.

i look forward to your questions especially the ones that i will have to detail my strategy a little more. i get it :) ask me anything
3556 days 10 hours ago
Me2 go ahead
3556 days 5 hours ago
I don't do speeches so this is a big thing for me. But I promised RED I would do it and my place here is dedicated to him. He should be here.

When I joined this game I was excited to see two returning players, and tbh I was pretty happy to be picking the tribes. I actually contacted a few of the players before the game started to see if they would be willing to ”move on” from previous games where they still “hold grudges” Yep Logan and Zach – that was you. But you both agreed to work with me, something I was actually excited about.
I cautiously agreed to a truce with JD, knowing his reputation and what he had previously said about me in other games. Don’t take this the wrong way JD – but there are only two people on this entire site that I trust completely – fortunately for me, one of them was actually here in the game.
I did my best to pick a loyal and strong tribe knowing that I had one person who would always have my back no matter what happened.  Andy and I aligned straight away, we always play well together and people seem to overlook our partnership.  That gave me a solid trio to work with from the start. Right from the start our tribe was strong and united (at least at face value) and this went smoothly until the tribe swap. I found myself on the opposite side from my “rock” but it actually ended up benefitting me in the end as I was able to find out exactly what the other tribe were thinking.
3556 days 5 hours ago
I found the middle part of the game quite chaotic with work pressures and alliances all over the place. I never really trusted in Logan, and this was justified when news filtered back that he was trying to arrange for my blind side. I kept quiet and trusted in my three main allies to keep me in the loop. I think the one thing all of the active players agreed on what that inactive players had to go first.
The Merge was the turning point of the game, this is when I started hearing rumours about how much Logan still held a grudge for previous games, and that he was plotting my demise.  YES Logan you did start the ball rolling, so I had no choice but to come out fighting. Unfortunately for Logan, and fortunately for me, he aligned with the one person in the game that I knew I could trust completely.
It was at this stage that things got complicated as I knew there were duos forming all over the place, Logan and Zach were tight, and had a couple of accomplices, Andy and I were tight (and we also had a third person with us “my rock”) and William and Greg were together. JD was happily playing the field (as I like to call it) which got him in tight with everyone. I had to trust that he was going to honour his gentleman’s agreement with me, knowing that I had two solid players on my side as well.
3556 days 5 hours ago
The post-merge game was all about who could get the numbers at each vote. Logan thought he had tied up a vote to blindside me, but when Zach told him it wasn’t going to happen he quickly tried to cover it up by tying the vote and subsequently my closest ally and their biggest threat “Andy” was out by rocks. I think this was the turning point in the game where everyone knew exactly what side they were firmly planted on, and it was a triangle, with JD firmly in the middle.
For me this wasn’t the ideal place for him to be if he wanted my trust, he was reluctant to commit to anything, and I think he knew I was not 100% convinced of his motives. I knew I had two solid votes, and that no one “side” had a majority, so in effect JD controlled the destiny of the next few people to go. It seemed that everyone wanted Greg gone, Jd, Will, JC, Zach and Logan had all decided to try and get Greg out at this point so all I had to do was tell him that I had two votes which would give us a majority but that we had to get Logan out first. Sorry Logan, but at least I was playing with my head – I was genuine in my offer at the start of the game when I said I had moved on, and I actually respected you as a player. Until I found out you were using me all along and had been plotting my demise from the start.
3556 days 5 hours ago
I think once Logan had gone everyone became more open and honest with their thoughts and alliances, but it became harder and harder to guarantee the numbers at tribal. I was lucky to win the two most important immunities for me – the ones where RED was actually away. I am not sure if any of the other players actually notices his lack of attendance at challenges, but I kept my mouth shut and hoped no one would notice. I was starting to trust JD at his word as he seemed happy to just vote out anyone that Zach and I suggested. At this point Zach, Will JD, Greg, red and I all seemed to be one tight voting unit, but we all knew that couldn’t last for long.
The most important factor in all this - I was the only one who still had my “rock” - the one duo that could not be broken, and I’m not actually sure that anyone really noticed up until this point. We all decided that Greg and Will had to be broken up or they would go all the way, at this stage any alliance (no matter how small) held a great advantage.
3556 days 5 hours ago
On some level I was acutely aware that we needed JD gone before f3 or he would win it, he kept insisting that he wasn’t in it to win it – but come on…. no JD I didn’t fall for your “I don’t really care if I win or lose, as long as I am in the final 3”. Anyway, all credit to Will for the blindside idol play, I was impressed, the only reason your name was written down was because we all knew we could beat Zach in a challenge, whereas you were a real threat to go all the way.
My tribute to William:
William - are you still here?
Can I just say that I respect how honest and forthcoming you have been this game, your idol play was brilliant and total respect to you for that.
So the big RI twist – nice try – I think we were all too tired for it to make too much of an impact. As soon as you said Logan and Zach would battle it out, I knew Zach would throw it. Sorry Zach, but you asked me to trust you, now we are even, I guess you will never move on from your grudge and I guess I will never really trust you at your word. Nice try though.
My tribute to Zach:
As for Zach - You asked me to trust you, I did and you screwed me over.... the minute the host said You vs Logan I knew you wouldn't show. I would have respected you more if you had just showed up and lost to him. I guess you got your revenge on me. Good luck to you both with your group game.
My Tribute to JD:
Can I just say JD that I am glad I have played with you this game, I have seen a side of you that I don’t think many other players have seen. And I have a lot of respect for you
3556 days 5 hours ago
Ultimately JD and I both played this game hard, we both took out good players – together, I didn’t promise any one a f2 at any stage of the game as I knew there was only one person I wanted to sit next to, whether I could beat him or not.  JD I asked one thing of you that would have convinced me that you were not just using me to win this game, I asked you to take Red to the final 2. You promised me that you would, and to be honest you would have won my respect and trust if you had stuck to your word.
I am not sure what else there is to say, RED – you were my rock the whole game, something I think everyone else missed. We started together, I trusted you to have my back the whole game, even when on opposite tribes, and we finished this game together. I think that if the host had given you the extra 20 minutes to return we may have had a different outcome – and I think the host knew that as well. Hardly fair but it is his game. <3
At the end of the day, I played hard, I played the best game I could knowing that previous relationships would impact this game, I hold no hard feelings for anyone, not even Logan, whom will be pleased to know that I moved on a LONG time ago. As JD and I can now attest to  it is possible to mend bridges and be loyal to people who don’t necessarily start off on the best of terms.
Would I change anything – yeah, I would give up my place for Redwing, who showed unmeasurable loyalty and strategic gameplay, supporting me and guiding decisions every step of the way. We did this together – a team – not taking away JD’s role in this team, he voted with us solidly from the merge so all credit to him as well.
Good Luck JD and thank you to all the players, I actually ended up having quite a few laughs in this game of “survivor” which always makes it more memorable.
3556 days 3 hours ago
Me2-If I was in your place, who would you vote for me or JD and why?

JD-If I was in your place, who would you vote for me or Me2 and why?
3556 days 2 hours ago

Me2-If I was in your place, who would you vote for me or JD and why?

Good question. I was really glad I took the time to actually talk to almost all of the players in the final merge. I apologise to JC - I never really had an opportunity to talk to you. My final decision on who I would vote for, would definitely be determined by the arguments both of you made and the answers to jury questions. However, I would probably, without those factors considered, vote for you over JD. You made some strong moves and were a threatening player in this game.
3556 days 1 hour ago
Ok first of all Me you can't trust what other people say because I swear to you I never came after you until the same tribal you came after me so it was other people who put those things into your head and they weren't true at all. We came after each other the same tribal and it was everyone else who pitted us against each other.

But now question for JD.

JD- What did you even do in this game? Seemed a lot like Me just made all the decisions.
3555 days 23 hours ago
OK i'd like to start by Saying Logan you're an idiot. I have proof of the message you sent me trying to take out me2013. And that message was the start of your downfall. Because a simple glance and my friend list would show I would never do that.

JD you winning that final challenge ruined what could have been the most epic and hilarious Final tribal ever.
So Yinzer you have JD and yourself to blame for losing out on that.

Question for JD - If I hadn't asked you to would you have taken me to the final?

I know i'm not in the final but i'm going to post a version of my Jury speech. Since it still applies.
me2013 played a great game. She Won when she had to and stayed back when she had to. She knew when to trust people and when it was time to cut the ropes. At one point she literally had my vote in her hands when I wasn't here for three days. She took out people when it was time and was loyal.
And for any idiots out there who haven't figured it out. I'm "the rock" that me2013 was referring to. And is a title that I where proudly. I might even put it on a shirt. I made this picture months ago. And for the Family visit challenge we had to do my story was based on her. She only made one final 2 deal and that was me. I don't know if Yinzer knew that when he asked me to return but from the moment he announced the cast. I had one goal and that was to get her to the end. I wish I could say I had a large part in that but she did a lot of the work herself. I just helped where I could.

Oh yeah and a question to LOML. I was hoping to be sitting next to you when I did this but
3555 days 22 hours ago
Red - You were my rock throughout this game, it was hard when you were gone for three days, I am still not sure if anyone actually noticed that you were not playing any of the challenges, but I made sure you were safe and appreciate the fact that you trusted me to make good choices for both me, yourself and the other players who were working with us.

I played hard, and made hard decisions when I needed to, I appreciated your input and guidance as we played and even though we disagreed at times as to the best way to proceed, for the most part we were on the same page.

As for you "question" the answer is :
YES <3
3555 days 22 hours ago
*HUGS* Back off YINZER give me minute
Puts Ring on me2013's Finger.
Kisses her.
I got my prize

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