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Final Tribal Council

Topic » Final Tribal Council

1255 days 2 hours ago
Question for you all based on something Scott said:

Clearly both of you had connections previous to this game. I really did not and thus I feel like I had to work harder to find my path (especially at the swap when I was by myself basically). Do you think people should be rewarded for pre-game connections giving them more opportunities? It just reminds me of when white people have advantages in life just for being white.

Secondly, how does Daniel gamebot challenges? And how is it any different than Zach who also gamebots challenges (we discussed this on Paro how Zach seemed like he hacked the website)?
1255 days 2 hours ago
"Scott: thank you for confirming in your speech that one of your closest allies was also kellen. this confirmed what i initially perceived, which was me being kellen’s number 3. i don’t know anyone excepts to feel okay with being third on someone’s totem pole..anyways i digress. i also want to highlight the fact that idk why you thought me/kellen/u would be going to the f3 when that was NEVER discussed. yes i trusted you both, but trying to guilt me  only works to a fault. anyways, you said in your speech that i was shady towards you, which i don’t believe to be necessarily true. i did want to give you 4th, but other than that i was loyal to you. so explain why during the f6/f5 you thought it would be a good idea to try and snipe me"



I wanted it to be Kellen you and me. And if that vote had gone through, I would've made a chat with us 3 but I didn't want to get ahead of myself and try to do too much and have it backfire. I definitely should have done this looking back on it though.

It was the Kellen vote. I thought you were doing Matt with us and I didn't feel like I had to second guess you at all. And I knew you and Kellen were on good terms from previous games and what not. I really did not see your blindside to Kellen and me coming. Like I said in my opening statement, i felt that vote in my gut that round. Instead of reacting angrily, I knew I still needed to keep my cool with you but I also was like, if he was willing to do this to Kellen then he'd have no problem doing this to me down the line. It also confirmed to me that you felt closer to Daniel than me. Which was an immediate red flag bc I already knew Matt was going to follow Daniel and he was gaining power. So I would not say you were loyal to me at final 7.

I knew Daniel and Zach still wanted the other out but to me it didn't make since because I saw myself as the next target as soon as one of them were gone so I wanted them in the game for my own safety. At final 6, I didn't vote you. I just didn't care if you went. Matt was my target here.

At final 5, I wasn't going to vote matt or mickle at this point. Us 3 made a final 3 chat before this challenge so that'd we could discuss votes should you or Daniel not win immunity. It was an easy decision to vote you there especially bc you and Daniel had split votes on me and I would've been gone in a revote.
1255 days 1 hour ago
"5 hours 14 min agoWashed_Ravioli
Hi Final 3,

To start, I have a simple question for all 3 of you:

What do you feel was your biggest mistake or error in judgement that you made?

Good luck!! I'll ask more later"



I don't want to ever say that I made a mistake because I'm sitting here but I would have done a few things different looking back. My main thing though?

I would have used my advantage a round earlier and saved Dino in the vote. I only did not use it because Daniel decided to use his advantage to be immune and not vote. I honestly did not get the move because it was an obvious 5-5 situation and I was ready to go to rocks and I'm not sure people would've protected Mickle just to be rocked out. When Daniel did this, I decided to hold onto my power another round incase any funny business was going on that I could try to find out about after that round. Looking back, this was my biggest error in judgement. I read too much into something that I shouldn't have.
1255 days 1 hour ago

What do you feel was your biggest mistake or error in judgement that you made?

My biggest error in judgement that consequently led to my biggest mistake in the game and getting one of my closest allies voted out was the round you idol’d Mickle. I originally just wanted to use the idol to take out a big threat and call it a day. However, I thought I could scrap together the votes to get out Mickle and thus save my idol. The errors here were that 1) I didn’t realize just how close Matt was to you and that he would be one of the people to leak the vote and 2) although I thought there was a possibility you had the Tongsa idol, I never stopped to consider that you would play it on Mickle. It took out Andrew who at that point I trusted the most and is why I consider it my biggest mistake. Matt voting for Dino the round before should've been a red flag for me and I didn't catch onto it. I do think I learned my lesson because I became extremely wary of what I told Matt from that moment on and also always threw out like every possible idol scenario to Deshon, no matter how ridiculous they seemed at times.
1255 days 1 hour ago

Scott: Congrats buddy! I knew you could make it to the end. Right now my vote is between you and Daniel. You guys both played very strong yet very different games. At least from what I saw, you played this social game, playing in the middle and being aligned with almost everyone. You seemed to know what was going on in most votes and being able to find a new group even if Tribal didn't go your way. An awesome game. Now I must ask, since Daniel seemed like he had more of an uphill battle than you, why was your gameplay better than his? What were some flaws you saw in his game that make you the better player? "



Thank you for the kind words. I don't believe he had a more uphill battle. People keep saying that and maybe I'm just not being informed of everything but I had Daniel blocked. I also did not have a good group game relationship with Zach. These are arguably the two biggest competitors (challenge wise) in this entire cast and I had the worst game relationship with both of them coming into it. Darrius and deshon were also two people I wasn't sure where I stood. Daniel had more people in this game than me from our original seasons in this series as well.

My gameplay was better for several reasons. I wouldn't say I worked the middle. Even so, it was not easy. I was closer to Kellen and Zach for most of the merge. But I also had worked with Daniel because I knew keeping him would allow Zach to target him and not me. I was able to effectively talk to Zach/Kellen and Daniel quite frequently and gather intel for each vote. I knew Zach had A LOT of close allies and I knew I needed them gone so he prioritized me. I used Daniel's stubborness to work things out with Zach to my advantage. I made sure I talked to almost everyone without giving too much away. I could have easily picked on side and just not spoken to the other like Daniel did (besides with Matt). I decided I wasn't going to play a game that was just loyal to one group because I did that last season and it backfired because I didn't establish relationships with the other people in the game.

I would also say I was the better player because I actually got to know almost everyone and at least talk to everyone throughout the game. I only remember one instance where I didn't message someone and it was when I used my advantage to send Tyler home. Besides that I had a good idea on what most people were doing. I think this very easily could have backfired on me if people had gone to each other and talked about getting me out but no one did because I made sure to establish personal connections to people and make them feel as high on my list as possible. I could have very easily sent Daniel home in one of the first few votes at merge had I gone to Zach and them but I didn't need to do that for my own game. Daniel needed me more than I needed him. If he had cut me, he wouldn't have had the numbers (putting aside immunities or idols) to do as much as I was able.
1255 days 1 hour ago


#1 Name a reason and explain why both of the people next to you doesn't deserve to win, I want some tea so the jucier the better.

#2 My second question I'm going to test how well you know us jurors.  I want you to tell us something you learned about each juror, the more personal the better.


#1 Scott: As mentioned before had connections when entering this game. I came across many opportunities this game where he was unable to vote a certain individual.                                 

Daniel: Throughout premerge and the beginning of merge, I had to convince Daniel that he had to fight this game as there were many times where he was ready to give up. I have picture proof if needed!

#2 Josh: I’ve played with you many times.  I know you’re from Canada and used to host an amazing survivor game with jacksonjoseph99 (I recall that being my first ever group game). Unfortunately, due to being the first jury boot we didn’t get to connect as much as I would have liked.       

Logan: I know you’re especially into org games and I actually believe I was following one of them you were in, I wanna say that it was Julian’s, you seem like a really well rounded guy and I know we’ve briefly come across each other once or twice before this game.                                                     

Andrew: I know you’re an ORS legend who’s besties with my besties Ashley and Adam, you’re always funny whenever we talk in my chat and just in general a super nice individual to associate with.                     

Dino: Never got to talk individually, unfortunate but not really.                     

Tyler: We both bonded over being stressed about both the game and in real life haha. Through this game, I learned that Tyler always maintains an strong social game and is definitely decent at competitions.                                                   

Cubs: Assuming he loves the Chicago Cubs which would be iconic as that’s my hometown. Other than that just a really nice and well-rounded individual.                     

Kellen: Oh Kellen, I don’t know where to start. I know he’s Canadian, hosts an AMAZING challenge group game that I’m on my 3rd season of, and most of all he’s a fighter in games. So sorry I had to do you like that, much love king.                         

Zach: I know that he’s fun to play roblox games with, horrible to keep a snap streak with, and even worse playing games with. Jk in all seriousness, he’s truly an amazing game player and I have such respect for him. He’s a college student from New York, loves to send voice messages, and always seems to be a victim of getting kicked from chats. Also, his favorite food is NOT ravioli.           

Mickle: I know he loves going by “Big Pickle” and is a devoted member of Hofbeck Nation. 1/3 messages from him includes that he’s taking a nap while the other 2/3 includes him asking how you are typically incorporating the words “buddy” or “pal”. He always has many amazing stories to tell and by far is the individual that keeps audiences tuned into Will’s survivor.                                                               

Deshon: I know that I’m the same age as his brother, he got drunk at Saturday brunch, and sometimes works very late at night. He’s very loyal to his allies and started a new job during the game so congrats on that!
1255 days 1 hour ago

Wasn't going to ask a question but Will yelled at us to ask questions in ponderosa. That being said, my question is Can you compare your gameplay  to a famous painting?( don't be basic on this shit, impress me)and give me 5 reason why you are like that painting. Also, Give me one reason why the gameplay of your fellow finalists are not like that painting. Thank you, God Bless you and God Bless Deshon."



The Last Supper - Da Vinci

This is not only one of my favorite paintings but definitely is the one that sums up my gameplay this season best.

1)  I am in the middle and the other 12 people post-merge are flanked to my right and left. This represented me as some have said "being in the middle" with everyone around me gossiping and throwing ideas out while I am in the middle processing everything and making my own decision.

2) Everyone is having a different reaction to the events going on. Some feel betrayed, some are happy, some are neutral, some don't know what the hell is going on. I am there with a straight face trying not to show emotion.

3) If you look even closer, they are in groups of 3. I was in a group of 3 with daniel and deshon. I was in a group of 3 with matt and mickie. I was in a group of 4 with matt, kellen, and zach. I was in a group of 4 with cubs, daniel, and deshon. Those were my 4 main groups and I was in all of them simultaneously figuring out what I needed to do to set myself up better to make it to the end. 

4) The place where "the last supper" is taking place is very similar to how some tribal council locations look in survivor. I always picture us going to tribal and sitting in a temple like area together for the votes and before the madness shortly ensues.

5) The bread and food scattered around the table is similar to how I put feelers out to people to garner their reactions and get information. By throwing out scenarios to Daniel, I knew he was closer to matt all the way back at final 8 and final 9. It was stuff like that that allowed me to do what I needed to do.

Why Matt and Daniel's gameplay is not like this painting because first of all there are too many people and neither of them had enough relationships to make this work. They relied heavily on those who they were with which is honestly fine. I've done that before in games but to my detriment. I decided to be the one to dictate votes. Let them flow when they needed to and when to push a different agenda when needed. If you could take out half of the room and maybe even another person or two, then maybe theirs would be more like the painting :)
1255 days 1 hour ago
Dino: Never got to talk individually, unfortunate but not really.     

This is great jury management 🙄
1255 days 1 hour ago
Huge congrats to you three on making it! I’m honored that you each said you trusted me in your speeches lol.

Scott- you made some bug moves for yourself but also for saving other people. I wanna know where your true alliance intentions were and what your biggest regret in the game was?"



My biggest regret was not using this power a round earlier to protect Dino. As I stated in my response to Zach, this was something I battled with the entire day and decided to be more selfish because I didn't know what was actually going to happen. I also knew I could use it at Final 9 because even in a group of 4, my vote would have been able to go through.

I also did not want to use this power to take you out. I wanted to vote Matt but I knew Daniel wouldn't do it and I didn't want to overdo it. I honestly should have gotten cubs deshon and dino to do Matt this round since Daniel couldn't vote. But again I can't change what happened.

My true alliance intentions changed throughout the game based on events that occurred. I initially wanted to be loyal to Kellen, Zach and You and wanted us 4 in the end. The round when Andrew and myself were blindsided sucked. I had no idea that you, matt, zach and mickle were not doing Andrew. It was at that moment that I knew yall 4 were tight and I needed to break some of you up. I really trusted yall but we had different agendas in that vote. From that point on, I wanted final 3 to be me, kellen and either deshon, cubs, or dino. I knew it was going to be hard to do that but I knew Zach would have had the jury on lock and Daniel is always a threat in games.
1255 days ago
hiii grats on making it to the final 3 u guys </3 daniel and scott, u guys were two of my closest allies in this game. i’m v proud of u guys. matt, even tho we didn’t work together, u know i adore you.

i have two questions for all three of you.
1.) what was the biggest move you made that propelled you to the end, that ensured you’d be one of the three people sitting in the final 3?
2.) who is a juror that you feel deserved to be in the final 3 and why? which juror was the most robbed from winning essentially.

thank u and gl to all three of u :)"



Thanks king <3 I really enjoyed working with you and you definitely shouldn't have been the one to go that round. I wish they would have told me bc I would've leaked to you and you could've used the idol on yourself instead.

1) Using my advantage to save Cubs from going and also send someone out in that group of 4 who voted you out was my biggest move that got me to where I am. I felt it secured Daniel, Deshon and Cubs' trust in me that I was with them. It also provided me leverage to go to Zach and Kellen and be like listen, I still want to work with yall but I needed to get out someone so I could be higher up on the totem pole, etc. I was able to not only use my advantage to get out a threat to my game BUT also build even more on several relationships.

2) Ehhh there's 3 people who I'm deciding between. Dino/Mickle/Zach. But if I had to pick one, I'd say Zach. He won immunities, had a huge target on his back most of the merge, and still played a pretty well rounded game. Daniel constantly wanted to target Zach but I never really went for it. I would tell Daniel what he wanted to hear but I knew I wasn't going to allow it to happen UNTIL it got down to crunch time.
1254 days 23 hours ago

Daniel: Congrats to you too! I didn't think I'd enjoy playing with you coming into the merge but I was wrong! You were a great ally and super fun to play with. Unlike Scott, in my opinion you came into the merge in a shitty position, almost being voted out and one of your allies (I think) Josh being voted out. You were constantly discussed as a target since the beginning of the merge, so props to making it to the end. Like I said, my vote is between you and Scott. You've both played very different but impressive games. Same questions for him as you. Why is YOUR specific game better than Scott's game specifically, and what flaws did you see in his game?

Firstly, thank you for recognizing and appreciating my game. People don't always do that and it takes away from the effort I put in. I enjoyed playing this game with you as well, especially at the merge. Regarding your question, I think my game is both different and better than Scott's for several reasons.

I started this game off alone, with not a single friend or ally from my previous season, and had to build relationships with people from scratch. Multiple people can confirm that I felt absolutely hopeless most of the pre-merge because I was constantly on the outs of everything. I looked everywhere for alliances that would prioritize me and my constant effort paid off during the second swap.

I, like Scott, also had bad blood with people from previous games like Dino, Mickle and Scott himself, and I was ALSO able to put my differences aside and work with them all. The only exception to this was Zach. I didn’t work with Zach, not because I’m stubborn, but because I recognized that Zach had MANY more friends in this cast than myself. Zach and I are on good terms, and at one point he asked me if I wanted to work with him and I straight up told him no because I didn’t want to align myself with somebody who was as strongly connected and as big of a threat as he was.

I was the better player because I was constantly a target and managed to survive. I didn't need to be up in everybody's pms like Scott to get the things I wanted done. One thing I didn’t do this season was to hide my own threat level. I did super well in comps, was a VERY vocal player and didn’t shy away from targeting anybody. I made alliance chats, directed votes, played an idol and was a part of two of the biggest moves of the game that sent arguably some of the largest threats home. I was the one that saw how the lines were forming at final 11 and gathered the 6 people to vote Mickle to make sure we weren’t too late. The remnants of those 6 is what became the counter alliance to Zach’s alliance. I was the merge target for a reason, and many people, including Scott, kept me because I was a shield. A shield is somebody that is supposed to be a target in front of you temporarily, not somebody that then makes it through 10 rounds all the way to the end. I want to add as well that I convinced Scott to give me the idol clue when he won immunity when it was not good for his game at all to give me it.

Scott played the middle and had the luxury of not being a target. This can be attributed to his social game but also greatly to some of the pre-existing relationships he had. He didn’t capitalize on getting out the biggest threats and in fact, was ready to go to the end with some of them. At final 6, he tried to let Zach slide by to final 5. If Deshon had gone at final 6 instead of Zach, Zach was basically guaranteed finals and the win. In my opinion, that was a blunder on Scott’s part that I did not make. Targeting Zach and Kellen was a BIG part of my game absolutely. I spent the merge making sure I could get rid of their surrounding allies and when the opportunities FINALLY presented themselves, I took my shots and made sure I didn’t miss.
1254 days 23 hours ago

Daniel- no question you were a beast at challenges and idols. I wanna know though, was your social game strong enough at the end where you would’ve been okay had you not had immunity or an idol?

Yes, I'm confident that I would've been fine without immunity or without the idol. I don't think that Deshon or Matt would've written my name down had I lost immunity at any point. Although my social game wasn't showcased as much, I did survive votes on my social game when I was vulnerable throughout the merge. The final 7 tribal, for example, is a good example of how I was nearing the end game and still figured out a way to survive without having to play my idol or win immunity, even when I was in what appeared to be a minority from the round before.

The only thing that might have hindered my safety is Scott's idol. I figured out early on in the merge that the Chagri idol could only be with either Scott or Matt, and I was positive that Matt didn't have it. I never really made an attempt at flushing it because I always had my own idol to counter his in the event that something didn't go according to plan. Had I not had an idol, I do think I would've come up with something or tried to flush Scott's idol in some way to therefore increase my chances of surviving the last few tribals.
1254 days 22 hours ago

Even if it was cut short, I loved playing with you this time around. Absolutely robbed <3

1.) what was the biggest move you made that propelled you to the end, that ensured you’d be one of the three people sitting in the final 3?

The biggest move that got me to the final 3 is easily the final 7 vote of Kellen. If Kellen didn't go that round, then I was handing over control to Scott, Kellen and Zach at final 6. Splitting them up and taking out Scott's #1 ally I think shifted the dynamics of the game a lot. Desh and I just needed to get to the final 6 so that he could play his legacy advantage. With an idol still in my pocket, this move basically guaranteed me final 3 from that point on as I knew Matt and Deshon would not vote me out.

2.) who is a juror that you feel deserved to be in the final 3 and why? which juror was the most robbed from winning essentially.

This is really hard, but I do have to say Deshon. I basically played the entirety of the merge with him so I understand his game the most out anybody on the jury. We both fought super hard to bounce back from your blindside and for him to fall just short of finals after the power struggle we went through most of the merge makes me think that he was the most robbed of being in finals.
1254 days 22 hours ago

Daniel: You definitely had an uphill battle. IDK how much the jury knows this but you and I were not on the best of terms coming in after a BB game we played (but shouts to us 6th and 4th placers). I mean you literally won HOH and yelled "PACK YOUR BAGS DINO" to me publicly. But like I say all the time, I keep everything from one game stuck in that game. Life is too short to hold grudges on tengaged of all places. So I was very glad we got to connect and work together and I actually got to know you a bit personally too. That said, did you ever consider pushing the tie at Final 10 and not using your Safety Without Power? I don't know if people go to rocks for Big Pickle.

First of all, LMFAO. We really have come so far since that moment. To answer your questions:

-did you ever consider pushing the tie at Final 10 and not using your Safety Without Power?

Here's the thing. I was aware of Scott's advantage and I really thought that he was going to play it that round. I used my advantage that round cause I thought I was going to screw over the least amount of people and that my allies, including you, would be fine thanks to Scott's advantage. I thought Scott would realize that if he didn't use it that round, that we were looking at a 4-4 vote in final 8. I do feel extremely guilty that me leaving meant that you got voted out. If we take the steal a vote out of the picture, here was the problem with my decision. If I won the advantage and didn't tell people, then they were going to lose trust in me. I told too many people too soon so I thought that now, if I stayed, I might be targeted for having the advantage in my pocket. At that point, I didn't really trust people to go to rocks for me. At final 8, Mickle's side was ready to go to rocks for him so I think the final 10 vote would have been no different. I would've absolutely gone to rocks for you if I had been there as I have never backed down from a rock draw. I'm sorry it worked out the way it did.

1. What is one thing that only you know about something that happened in this game?

I really can't come up with anything at the moment. I basically always shared my thoughts, advantages, etc. with at least one other person so there's nothing that I can currently think of that only I was aware of. I'll definitely come back to this tomorrow if I think of something.

2. What were your opponents WORST move of the game?

I think Matt's worst move is actually probably bringing Scott to the finals. Him and Scott have some of the same friends on the jury and I actually think that he would have had a much easier time winning vs Deshon.

I think Scott's worst move is the final 6 vote. Scott threw his vote knowing that the majority would go on Deshon. If Deshon didn't have the legacy advantage, Scott was essentially walking into the final 5 with Zach, the biggest threat left in the game, as well as Mickle / Matt, two people that would never vote for Zach. Zach is one of the biggest comp threats and would only have been two wins away from winning the entire game. Even if Zach failed to win immunity, it's likely that he could have survived the vote since he had two people that wouldn't vote for him. Therefore, I consider this Scott's worst move since, in my opinion, it's a losing move if Deshon goes over Zach.
1254 days 22 hours ago
It's super late here but I will answer Mickle, Dino p2 and Logan p3 tomorrow

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