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Episode #6 - "Survival"

Topic » Episode #6 -..

3252 days 6 hours ago
June 25, 2014

Its been four days since Elton was executed at the resort, having been burnt alive by Kam in revenge for murdering Dee. The infection has spread around the resort, with the group still unsure as to how others are contracting it. On Hanale Island, Heaven and Monroe walk down a dirt road, having spent two days hiding from boat patrols, heading towards the village in which Heaven grew up, hoping to use her parents home as shelter.

- The shot opens with the view completely red, slowly zooming out, revealing a bloodshot eye looking off centre. As the shot continues to zoom out, it is revealed to belong to Kelly, an individual who was staying at the Malani resort. Kelly's corpse is lying inside one of the drained pools, with dried blood coming from her eyes, mouth and nose. She is laid in a row with other bodies, all belonging to guests whom fell ill with the virus. Kam and Leon stand by the pools edge with their mouths covered, rolling another body into the pool, not touching the body with their hands, instead kicking it in. The body is revealed to be Alexa, a young girl who had been staying at the resort under Kris and Simons care. -

Leon: Okay, that's the last of them.

Kam: For today...

Leon: Yeah... for today.

- Logan is seen crying, having watched the men dispose of his parents bodies. -



- Monroe and Heaven walk down a dirt track, both sunburnt, with Monroe feeling his cracked lips. Heaven looks down, hoping to find her parents village in one piece, unaffected by the virus that has been spreading through the islands. -

3252 days 6 hours ago
(Another post coming, gimme a second)
3252 days 6 hours ago
[That was more than a second James]
3252 days 6 hours ago
( He's sending me love letters in mail. )
3252 days 6 hours ago

Unknown Location

- Four individuals sit in an office, situated along an elongated table, looking out at the city around them. The door opens, with a middle aged man walking in, placing his brief case down by a chair, before sitting in it. -

Snow: You're late Norman.

- Norman Bowles looks at his watch, shaking his head before answering in a patronising tone. -

Bowles: No, no I'm not... "Marcus". We are on first name basis here?

Evans: Just stop, both of you. I've got places I need to be after this.

Scoggs: Haven't we all... But if it wasn't for this... liar! We wouldn't need to be here!

Evans: Calm down Thomas...

Scoggs: What you're on his side? After he lost OUR money!?

Bowles: Listen to the lady Tommy. Your money is safe, for now. When you invested in this experiment you knew the risks. We all did. Don't think just because of a few slip ups you wont make a profit out of this. What we set out to do will be achieved, and in a few months time you'll be begging me to take more of your money. Its how this works.

Xander: You call this a "slip up"?

- He slides a newspaper across the desk, with the headline reading "England FC player tragic death in Malani". Bowles sighs, shaking his head once again before throwing the paper off to the side. -

Bowles: A couple of stray fishermen found it floating in the God damn ocean. What can you do right? If its any consolation we had them and their family executed for their disturbances. Gentlemen... and lady. You have nothing to worry about, we can make this all look like an accident. We sorted out the mess in Sri Lanka... Japan... Costa Rica... we can sort out the mess on some irrelevant little island in the middle of the sea.

- Snow sighs, with Bowles smiling whilst looking around at the other individuals. -
3252 days 6 hours ago
(I like to go in depth when sending TJ sex messages. Especially those that have tinypic links)
3252 days 6 hours ago


- James sits in a darkened room, his face bloodied and beaten. There are several floodlights overhead, blinding him. He hears a voice talking over an intercom. -

Voice: James, we will ask you again. Where were the others headed?

James: ... Wha-what others?

Voice: Where were the others headed?

James: What? What others!?

Voice: James, if you do not  answer us, we will send him back in.

James: Please! No! What others!?

- The intercom goes down, with the floodlights turning off. The large metal door to the side of James opens, allowing Derek to walk in. He stands over James, laughing sonorously before revealing a baton. The shot pans off, with James' screams as well as the sound of him being beaten heard in the background. -
3252 days 6 hours ago
(Ok, you may now begin. I will just... send out mails and let those who are new know where they are)
3252 days 6 hours ago
[Can I get one of those mails please?]
3252 days 6 hours ago
Kam *Kam walks in the bar and takes a seat looking at his hands*
3252 days 6 hours ago
(Simon, you're with Ziggy, Momolou and Forrest. TJ and I are both here, we're in the village that Monroe and Heaven are headed to :P so basically everyone you're with is here.)
3252 days 6 hours ago
- Leon walks into the bar after Kam, looking particularly miserable. He heads over to a bucket filled with water and dips his hands in. -

Leon: You gonna wash those?
3252 days 6 hours ago
*He looks up at his hands and up to Leon*

Uhmm... yeah! I'll get around to it.
3252 days 6 hours ago
- He stands and dries them on his trousers. -

Leon: Good because if you don't, you'll end up like Elton.

- He sighs and walks out of the bar, seeing the group of survivors camped up outside. -
3252 days 6 hours ago
*Kam stands up and goes to washes his hands and sits back down*

What do I do now?

*He places his head in his hands and sighs*
3252 days 6 hours ago
[Sorry, I messed that up. :s Is there much going on in the village? Like do they know about the infection or anything?]

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