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Senegal Voting History

Topic » Senegal Voting History

3960 days 10 hours ago
3959 days 16 hours ago
Tribal Council 1/2 (So Far):

Caliboy votes Brandon:
tho I know him somewhat thru his mother on tengaged but dont think he would be good for my game and unfortunately he has to go.

Warthhogs votes Brandon:
'Cause he's a stupid hoe. No?

Bryce vote Brandon:
for being the weakest member of the tribe and being outside our alliance

Tyler votes Brandon:
that's how the majority is voting and I like the alliance that I'm with.

Bdreezy votes Ronnie:
Because I think he had told everyone to vote out me for no reason.. and he hasn't even made an attempt to talk to anyone

JBC8 votes Sean:
because I don't like him from our casting game. And him and Bryce are in an alliance and a power duo. So I need to separate them.

Black0ut votes Michael:
My alliance is voting for him so i vote him too. Plus i have an alliance with lincoln so it works better for me

Steel votes Michael:
just voting with my alliance

Dolphin votes Michael:
He isn't in my alliance and he is inactivr

Wang votes Michael:
James has convinced me otherwise of voting out Steel.

Michael votes David:
Wangifold is the only person who has talked to me on who to vote and he asked me to vote for steel

Lincoln votes David:
If I go home and you don't go home . Everyone on this tribe is fucking retarded ... Can I say that ? *shrugs*
3957 days 21 hours ago
Tribal Council 3/4 (So Far):

Asz votes Oliver:
He's inactive

Matt99 votes Oliver:
cuz he's inactive. Well... More inactive than others.

Amf votes Oliver:
cuz he's inactive

Cole votes Oliver:
I'm voting you because your useless and you haven't done shit for our tribe. So I'm happy to see you go!

Caliboy votes Ronnie:
one inact shall go and why my vote is for him

Tyler votes Ronnie:
I'm so sorry buddy, I really don't want to do this. Unfortunately, I have to. It's way too early to ruffle any feathers and I'm too busy irl to make a huge move atm. I hope you'll understand that this is nothing personal, I still love ya! (:

Warthhogs votes Ronnie:
Bye-Inact Bitch

Bryce votes Ronnie:
for being inactive and cuz it's what my alliance wants

JBC8 Self Vote
3953 days 16 hours ago
Tribal Council 5 (So Far):

Cole votes Ryan:
I've played with you many times and you try to hard to take control of the situation. If I let you make the merge you'll try to do it again, which I won't allow.

Asz votes Ryan:
He just ain't cuttin it.

Matt99 votes Ryan:
he's a schemer. And I was voted out of his game, so I feel no need to suck up.

Lincoln votes Ryan:
I'm sorry I have to do this. You messed up everything for us and I have to let you go to further myself . Sorry .

Bryce votes Ryan:
I don't trust him and that's what the majority wants

EliOrtiz voted Ryan:
The only real reason I have is my computer is fucked up right now so its harder to talk strategy so I have to sheep

Wang votes Andrew:
the inactive
3951 days 21 hours ago
Tribal Council 6 (So Far):

Bryce votes Lincoln:
We're both on the outs and won't be able to get anybody to flip in time, so I might as well go with majority to buy myself brownie points with Cole/Matt, who want to keep me in the game I THINK

Cole votes Lincoln:
I get this feeling that your close to James. I don't trust him at all and if your with him then you definitely have to go. Peace out bitch

Matt99 votes Lincoln:
I don't want him and James to hook up post-merge.

Lincoln votes Cole:
Hopefully I got people to flip . :/

EliOrtiz votes Cole:
he thinks he's controlling the game and he can be a threat later in the game around merge

Asz votes Cole:
he's just playing too hard my loaylty lies with lincoln

Asz votes Cole

Matt99 votes Cole

EliOrtiz votes Cole

Bryce votes Cole
3950 days ago
Hmmm..I smell a huge blindside about ready to happen tonight.
3949 days 18 hours ago
Tribal Council 7 (So Far):

Warthhogs votes Matt:
I hope I stay... I think 2 others re voting him so...

Caliboy votes Matt:
majoity has it and hes peoples target. Even tho Bryce wanted to Target Andy me nor jake didnt want to rock the boat when People are lying to bryce on voting Andy out (Dolphin told me) and so really cutting bryce is my best shot next after voting matt with majority.

Dolphin votes Matt:
Ok I have an alliance with everyone basically.

Lincoln votes Matt:
This is what I think most ppl are doing so

Tyler votes Andy:
That's how I was told to vote. :s

Bryce votes Andy:
I've never actually talked to him, and I don't want Matt to go.

Asz votes Bryce:
I want to cause chaos and paranoia

Steel votes Bryce:
Omfg if this works it'll be huge

Matt99 votes Bryce:
Still Need Reason

Black0ut votes Bryce:
Caliboy is willing to flip so now we have numbers to make a move

Amf votes Bryce:
he is the best one to vote to keep my alliance together
3948 days 3 hours ago
I smell another close
3948 days 2 hours ago
Tribal Council 8 (So Far):

Matt99 votes James:
he's a shady biatch

Caliboy votes James:
I'm the middle man of these votes but in a Better place with David since he came to me first and James said he come out an extensive plan after we vote out Matt (his target) however David's target is James and I'm down for that because he's a bigger target and said later come with an extensive deal after like butch please haha :)

Amf votes James:
he is a threat and thats what I heard other people are doing

Steel votes James:
i might have spared him if he hadn't flipped out on me for voting bryce out and saying i would be the next to go but nope

Black0ut votes James:
A majority of people are voting you and they trust me, so its wiser to stick with them.

Tyler votes Matt:
It's the only name I've heard to vote for so far.

Lincoln votes Matt:
I think there coming after me . But appeareantly dolphin has it under control so . Whatever .

Warthhogs votes Matt:
... Hopefully you leave this time. Hating this game... I'll prob get voted out soon BUT I'm in jury Vat Vat

Dolphin votes Matt:
Still Need Reason

Asz votes Tyler:
i dont know him im sure nobodys voting for him i just dont know where the sides lie
3947 days 9 hours ago
Tribal Council 9 (So Far):

Warthhogs votes David:
Yeah... Whatever. Yadi-Yada... Blah... Blah... Yadi.... Blah... Blah... Yada

Tyler votes David:
he's the hugest threat and has the biggest chance of going on an immunity run.

Matt99 votes Jake:
cuz that's what the alliance is voting.

Caliboy votes Jake:
Although it somewhat kills me to vote my reason is that I need to for my sake of the game and I do have some solid work within this 6, going over to the other side when they have nothing is pointless.

Steel votes Jake:
he's made it pretty clear he wants me out lol

Black0ut votes Jake:
Jake/Lincoln/Tyler are the minority not aligned with me and thats why they gotta be the next 3 to go. Lincoln is on my old tribe so i have a preference for him, we switched Jake and Tyler because jake was james right hand man. So that knocks him down the chain. So time for jake to go

Amf votes Jake:
thats what my alliance is doing!!!!!!!!

Lincoln votes Jake:
I don't even give a fuck anymore . *throws microphone in ocean*

Asz votes Jake:
i was toldd to lol
3946 days 1 hour ago
David is out #PowerShift
3945 days 21 hours ago
Tribal Council 10 (So Far):

Tyler votes David:
I'll just go ahead and vote for David because he was supposed to go last night and instead got Jake voted out ): nobody has any balls in this game.

Matt99 votes David:

Lincoln votes David:
He is shady .

Asz votes David:
Still Need Reason

Caliboy votes David:
I need to make a big move liek I have with this group but now this threat needs to go. Also his lack of any follow up on a vote has failed me so sorry to my dear friend but part of the game where I need to go with the majority and see where the shifts will take me.

Steel votes Lincoln:
he wasn't in our original alliance when we formed to take out james

Black0ut votes Lincoln:
Tyler and Lincoln are the only 2 not in the alliance (not counting eli) and Tyler has immunity so Lincoln is the best choice

Amf votes Lincoln:
I think it does less damage to my game
3945 days 13 hours ago
Tribal Council 11 (So Far):


Asz votes Andy:
i dont know i'm just flipping bakc and forth

Lincoln votes Andy:
I don't know if you fell for my bs when I told you to vote Alec . But whatever . Hopefully you go.

Matt99 votes Andy:
since he decided not to follow orders last time.

Amf votes Matt:
cuz dat bitch tried to backstab meh!

Black0ut votes Matt:
With Steel gone I need to go with the flow, if Tyler and Sean are voting Matt then me and Andy will too. Long as it aint me!

Tyler voted Matt:
he a strong strategic threat and because I wanna play Scotland again. :D

Caliboy votes Matt:
in a great alliance between Andy Tyler and Alec. Also this one is for David!! Haha
3942 days 14 hours ago
Tribal Council 12 (So Far):

Amf votes Andrew:
He voted me out last time and is a threat to my game

Black0ut votes Andrew:
my alliance is doing that, the others may not vote with me so I need to stay with my allies

Caliboy: I have no idea where hes at in this game and can talk to me about BB MVP (MYBAsh game) but not mention anything about This one so to me I dont think he deserves to be here as much as eli who tried and etc.

Lincoln votes Andrew:
My reason is because Cali feels more comfy taking him out now so that we can have the votes to take out Alec and Andy next. Thats if cali is even being honest with me.

Tyler votes Andrew:
I have to. No one sees the legitimate threat...

Asz votes Tyler:
Still Need Reason
3941 days 15 hours ago
Tribal Council 13 (So Far):

Caliboy votes Alec:
This F3 alliance of lincoln and tyler is legit and is more awesome than having alec and andy together in a finale!

Lincoln votes Alec:
If I go tonight, I will walk out of here with my head held high, Because I would like to think I played a very good game. But I had to try and figure out HOW im going to get to the end. And that was by HOPEFULLY SUCCESSFULLY manipulating your ali to get you out. I believe whoever survives this vote will most likely go to the end and win. So Goodluck buddy :*

Tyler votes Alec:
He's so shady and he stands in the way of me winning. xx (:

Black0ut votes Sean:
He's the best game player left and needs to go

Amf votes Sean:
Heis the most threatening to my end game
3937 days 18 hours ago
Tribal Council 14 (So Far);

Caliboy votes Eli:
I have a tie for F3 with Lincoln and Tyler and If they break that over an inactive like ELi they will lose both my respect and vote in jury even IF they somehow take down Andy without me. Like plz that wont happen IMO. Overall its the best move to make to have a strong 3 go against Andy who is well-liked and who played a solid game who didnt have to get much blood on his hands.

Lincoln votes Eli:
He's just here for leverage

Tyler votes Eli:
I wouldn't get either of the two's jury votes it i voted them out tonight.

Amf votes Lincoln:
He is a jury and immunity threat

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