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TSC 341 Final

Topic » TSC 341 Final

1919 days 14 hours ago
Yeah it hurts my feelings, but more because I personally would ne er, ever critique an entry by the colour of the artists’ skin. Everyone has feelings regardless of their skin colour. TG in general rarely supports straight white people doing well in most competitions which is a shame.

A simple solution is to critique songs on purely that, the songs, even if they’re too slow/boring/singer-songwriter-ish. That’s a perfectly acceptable comment, ‘too white’ is not.

I’ve not listened yet to THAT song but it sounds like it’s a good one so I’m open to it 🎶
1919 days 14 hours ago
I do agree that saying a song is too white isnt correct because its not any different from saying a song is too black and if anyone would say that everyone would be at the persona throat
However I also think it is dumb and plain stupid to say black people don't suffer of racism and are victimizing themselves as racism still exists and in a overwhelming scale againt black people.
We should find the mid term and that would be like Alicia said not bring Race (or sexuality as Alicia brought up) into a song contest and not do ignorant comments regarding them (Im totally looking at Dallas during this part)
1919 days 14 hours ago
Ok but like. White straight people haven’t been:

Targeted for their skin color
Targeted for their sexuality

So when a song is “too white”, does it really impact the overall view of the song? Like almost all mainstream music is dominated by white artists. No matter what white people will always have the majority and upper hand. “Too white” is not an insult that stems from a horrible history and past. It comes from a song being too bland.

It IS different from saying a song is “too black” or whatever race you want to put in there.
1919 days 14 hours ago
Well maybe someone who doesnt enjoy rap which in majority black people and originated from them they could say its too black and you would still go off on them
White people may dominante music industry but music industry should not BE about Race and just how you dont like that Race may BE Taken into account in the music industry, we shouldnt bring it into the TSC music industry either.
Thats my stand on that topic tho and its worth what its worth
1919 days 14 hours ago
Me when a majority of the #1 songs on the billboard charts last year and this year were by black artists and it was rap.

Its 2019 its not the 1950s. I may be too optimistic for the future but i hope we all will be treated as equals when it comes to discrimination etc. It will happen in my lifetime im sure <3 America is more fucked up then Canada anyways so i've never experienced any racism or seen any first hand only online.
1919 days 14 hours ago
I think "too white" and "too black" are both insults. U act like people can't be racist towards white people. I think that shuns an idea of equality between both races. Both have too play there part if we wanna be treated as equals.
1919 days 14 hours ago
Can you tag me here please. I really need to win immunity.

While we are here
1919 days 13 hours ago
Alright I’m going to make an executive call here. No more race discussion in this forum. Take it to Skype or mails or somewhere else. That’s not the point of this contest and it shouldn’t be.
1919 days 13 hours ago
Adele put it excellently anyway 🙂
1919 days 12 hours ago
There’s been a lot of negativity around here recently what with this mess and Lizzo being dragged into oblivion for existing and TSC Saint Maruv being done so dirty so I thought I’d try to bring some positivity to the contest and say something I liked about every entry. Wish me luck :)

01) Disturbed • I like a challenge. Grating vocals, the song as a whole was pretty flat and dragged on for way too long. Good start! (:
02) Generdyn • I like being misled by the video title, this was absolutely not an epic pop song. It’s pleasant but that MOMENT never came.
03) Son of a Bishop • I REALLY like the vocals, nice build, disappointing chorus. The verses are great, not sure on the whole package, but it’s not bad. Grew on me a bit as it went on.
04) Yungblud & Halsey • I like Halsey giving me the opportunity to unleash my most toxic venom. Pretty different to the first song but my opinion on it is pretty much the same. The song is a flat attempt at rock but it doesn’t work. Yungblud and Halsey are both immaculately suited to each other because both of their voices make me want to shove my head through a wall. Right, positivity...
05) Grace Carter • I like that she literally has no bad songs. Was expecting this to be disappointing in comparison to Why Her Not Me but this is stellar too. Love her voice.
06) Raiven • I like her face in the thumbnail. I also like that this is an absolute trainwreck, I must’ve watched this performance at least 10 times and I still have no idea what’s going on. KAOS. *flails arms*
07) Lilly Among Clouds • I like a song that isn’t quite as good as Sister by S!sters. I was really looking forward to this before it was released so naturally it didn’t quite live up to expectations but it’s nice.
08) American Authors • I like 2007. This isn’t my thing, but I get it I guess.
09) Girli • I like Girli. It’s a shame I’ve not really been keen on the songs of hers that have appeared here because she has some really nice stuff, but this isn’t doing much for me. It’s okay.
10) Malú • I liked that part where she got hit by the ugly car, cinematography at its finest. The whole package here didn’t really work for me, her vocals were nice but didn’t suit the rest of the song. Another song that was okay.
11) Hailey Reese • I love songs about loneliness. Quite liked the verses but the chorus was underwhelming. Decent as a whole, nothing I’d go back to.
12) Brandi Carlile • Wasn’t this nominated for a couple of Grammys? I like filler. Good voice, but an ordinary song with nothing that really drew me in. Would probably grow on me if I listened to it enough.
13) 9Muses • I like a bad bitch doing her best Bree Runway impression. This was a lot better than I was expecting it to be, I was bopping. Really like the chorus, this is good! Some much needed energy.
14) Irina Rimes • I like ESCT too, but I don’t take all my entries from there. When this was sent there I called it a much worse version of Minelli and that’s even more true here being sent one week after Minelli won LOL. You tried.
15) Four of Diamonds • I like their redefinition of the concept of blindness. I didn’t really have an opinion on the song.

To preserve my precious positivity I'll be back with the rest of my comments later. :)
1919 days 11 hours ago
i agree with aqua!
1919 days 5 hours ago
1.        Disturbed “A Reason to Fight” – there were elements I liked about this but overallI just felt it went on for too long and was a bit dull.
2.        Generdyn “Bridges” – not too keen on her voice and I felt as though the song didn’t build up to anything and was a bit one note.
3.        Son of a Bishop “Love Left Me Lonely” – At points he sounded a bit like sam smith but overall I’m not feeling this song, I was a bit bored.
4.        Yunblud & Halsey “11 Minute” – never found a halsey song I care for and still haven’t I’m afraid
5.        Grace Carter “Heal Me” – I found myself yawning through this, nothing interested me
6.        Raiven “Kaos” – I feel as though the studio of this would be cool but this live performance is  bit shaky.
7.        Lily Among Clouds “Surprise” – She has a really nice voice,possibly a song that will growon me with more listens
8.        American Authors “What We Live For” – Fun song, sounds like something but can’t figure out what. Enjoyed this.
9.        Girli “Deal With It” – This grabs you in from the beginning and it is a catchy fun song.
10.        Malú “Contradicción” – This is a song that’s video makes it better, not sure how I would feel if it was an audio version but I can see myself returning to the song as I really enjoyed it!
11.        Hailey Reese “Loving Me” – I love how all her other videos are about ghosts and the paranormal! This song is a cute bop though.
12.        Brandi Carlile “The Joke” – I’ve heard this before and I love it, her voice during the chorus is amazing!
13.        9Muses “Remember” – meh does nothing for me
14.        Irina Rimes “My Favourite Man” – Not a fan of the voice at all and the whole thing seems like a big autotuned mess
15.        Four of Diamonds “Blind” – The verses weren’t that great but the chorus was pretty catchy
16.        One BIt & Louisa  “Between You and Me” – Not as good as their song with noah cyrus but this is a fun song that I will probably revisit.
17.        Betty Who “Whisper” – Possibly a song that will grow on me with more listens, fun song.
18.        We Three “Heaven's Not Too Far” – I was cringing all the way through this, not for me. Also the music video is so awkward and what are those Theresa may style dance moves?
19.        Aly Ryan “Wear Your Love” – This had me hooked from the beginning and I loved it from beginning to end!
20.        Sleeping Wolf “Get You Alone” – The first minute or so I was a bit meh to it, but it did build up to something better than it started.
21.        Danielle Brooks “Black Woman” – Taystee <3 She has a really good voice!
22.        Rachel Crow “Up All Night” – Not really for me, sounds like plenty of other songs.
23.        Hidden Citizens “Here We Stand” – It tries to build up and sound dramatic, but it does nothing for me I’m afraid.
24.        BB Thomaz “Demons” – This song had me captivated, that chorus is everything! <3
25.        grandson “Apologize” – This is pretty cool, nice alternative sound
26.        Rebecca Black “Anyway” – This is quite cute, wish it went a bit harder but an alright chill listen.
27.        Anna Wise “Go” – This has a cool vibe to it, quite funky.
28.        Patrice Roberts “Judgement Stage” – hot mess!
29.        Nell Brayden “Buildings and Treetops” – Gives me Amy MacDonald vibes (without the Scottish accent), it could be a bit stronger but other than that it is a good listen.
30.        Tamta “Unloved” – The drop was a little disappointing but I enjoyed everything else about this.
31.        Riya “Poles” – This was a great song to finish with, a bop with a great beat
1919 days 3 hours ago
Reposting the first part of my comments to get rid of a naivety of mine.

01) Disturbed : This is giving me such an early 2000s rock band vibe. Totally reminds of Nickelback and Foo Foghters. I know usually they’re used as disses, but that’s just love for me! Also, the mv is just as tacky as late 90s rock’s nonsense mvs. I’m living for it!

02) Generdyn : The song ended and I didn’t even started writing something, I was mesmerized! I loved everything about it, the badass whispered voice, the rock buildup, also the “drop” wasn’t the main focus which always stands good with me. This was honestly magical!

03) Son of a Bishop : Please sua it right now... you want to kill me! 3 good songs in a row... that’s a first. This was everything I need... powerful vocals, strong build up and galvanize factor level 200000. And don’t even get me started on the singer appearances.

04) Yunblud & Halsey : Halsey is a hot big fat no. I love Yungblud’s rocker side. His trap side is... basic. As trap is. Halsey is... basic. As Halsey is. Also is that a low low low budget “In Time” reference? Because I’m pretty getting tired of those. That movie isn’t that good!

05) Grace Carter : “Why Her Not Me” would have got my 12 right away. Right away I tell you. This is not as strong but honestly better than most of all female hip hop entries this year. This was good overall!

06) Raiven : I don’t know. Maybe a studio version could have been better. I really feel electronic/dance songs shouldn’t ever be sung live. I didn’t like this overall but I feel like a studio version could be much stronger? Like this, this was really nothing exciting. Those howling at the end were good. Maybe they came in too late tho.

07) Lily Among Clouds : I was kinda waiting for the song to start. And then it ended.

08) American Authors : Once again. I feel like this song would have been one of my favorites when I competed 4 years ago. But after 2015 the market saturated with this kind of songs, it’s hard to find a really interesting one. Unfortunately this is not one of those. Almost there. Yet again. Almost.

09) Girli : I was living for that Ace Wilder at the beginning. But that drop. Oh god. Please no. It feels like an Ace Wilder chorus. “Goodbye Lullaby” era Avril Lavigne verses and a drop made by boy in his room that has just downloaded Garage Band. One of my favorites so far.

10) Malú : Classic Spanish pop song is classic.  Nothing I haven’t heard before.

11) Hailey Reese : Why is this the most basic thing I have ever heard and seen? Is she like a reality tv star? I can’t see anything in this. This has to be a joke.

12) Brandi Carlile : We love an Oscar nominee song. But I feel they nominated this to give that Lady Gaga song an easy win. I don’t know. This feels like a fake profound song that you hear every two seconds.

13) 9Muses : Oh dear, you tried. This was not really good. I mean, it wasn’t even that bad if any “darker” KPop songs weren’t exactly like this. And the third verse rapped has to be the most badass ever not to make me completely me lose interest.

14) Irina Rimes : I really have nothing to say. This was bad.

15) Four of Diamonds : I feel like these kind of songs should replace every single lyric with “our parents have lots and lots of money”. They’re not even trying! Come on!
1919 days 2 hours ago
01) Disturbed- The chorus is too heavy and rough but the rest is quite pleasant
02) Generdyn- I dont care for her voice. The song is also anticlimactic
03) Son of a Bishop- This opening is rather good and I'm impressed with his voice along with the rhythm. Chorus passed without leaving much of an impact but the last half of the song was strong and struck a chord
04) Yunblud & Halsey- I am coming into this not liking Halsey. The mood of the song was way too low. The guy's voice is rather good I vibe with it a lot and it's better alone but not so bad blended with Halsey's. Interesting that this song has chapters- a bit too long to keep my attention
05) Grace Carter- Beautiful voice, nice beat, the chorus was marvelous but the verses were a bit bland
06) Raiven- This was really droopy and then watered down
07) Lily Among Clouds- Her voice is good but the arrangement isn't compelling. The last quarter was a slight improvement
08) American Authors- A nice generic RomCom song. Nothing worth writing home about
09) Girli- I wish her voice was better but this is very rebellious and fast/energetic so I quite liked it
10) Malú- she sounded a little too helpless at first. The chorus was decent
11) Hailey Reese- A little too generic and sweet for my liking but it got better as it went on
12) Brandi Carlile-very beautiful throughout. Few complaints except that it did not capture my full attention
13) 9Muses- I was able to really get into this! And it intensified so much out of nowhere and won my heart over!!!!
14) Irina Rimes- hypnotizing.... I fell into a trance
15) Four of Diamonds- it picked up towards the end of the song and redeemed itself from a beginning I wasn't sold on
16) One BIt & Louisa- It didn't go hard enough for me. Mildly annoyed
17) Betty Who- It was okay. It tried its best but I wasn't entirely sold
18) We Three- they tried a little too hard. It repelled me
19) Aly Ryan- Weird I didn't like anything about this
20) Sleeping Wolf-i liked this alright. Got a little boring after awhile
21) Danielle Brooks- her voice is strong but overall it progressed too slow
22) Rachel Crow- this was a lot of fun!!!It got loud and intense at just the right time then got even louder and more intense
23) Hidden Citizens- too epic high fantasy for my liking. It might be cool in a video game but not good alone on its own
24) BB Thomaz- I didn't like this much until the chorus which felt like it belonged in a stage musical
25) grandson- I've heard this band before and like them ok. Wasn't a huge fan of them here but they have a nice overall sound
26) Rebecca Black- oh perfect, I'm listening to this on a Friday. This didn't really leave much of an impact on me. Very forgettable
27) Anna Wise- I liked this.It flowed nicely and the chorus was infectious
8) Patrice Roberts- Nice tropical party music but I wasn't very in the mood. I think if I were in the right mindset I'd enjoy this more
29) Nell Brayden- Her voice is rather nice. Reminded me of a second-rate Dido. It was overall too mild
30) Tamta- more depth in this than I initially expected. Not a bad song I could vibe with her
31) Riya- lovely language but this is messy
1919 days ago
01) Disturbed - I didn't like anything about this. Pretty dire start.
02) Generdyn - "Epic Vocal Music" is a way to my heart. The first verse was pleasant but the chorus was a complete letdown. The second chorus is better, but I still wish it went off harder. The last minute also felt unnecessary. Overall, disappointing.
03) Son of a Bishop - Nice voice, good chorus. It's the best one yet.
04) Yunblud & Halsey - Why are we still trying to make Halsey happen? Somehow she wasn't even the worst thing about this. Piss off.
05) Grace Carter - Finally some real music. It doesn't hold a candle to Why Her Not Me, but it has all the elements for me to enjoy. I guess I'm rooting for EVERYONE BLACK this week.
06) Raiven - I mean, I don't consider this music (it's literally a collection of noises). But still, iconic.
07) Lilly Among Clouds - It wasn't my favourite in the German selection, but I do like the studio version. I can live without the verses, but the chorus is pretty great. Fabulous instrumentation!
08) American Authors - I thought it was cute for about 30 seconds but I liked it less the further I listened. The verses have a great vibe and the beat is infectious, but the chorus is a tad generic and it kills the song for me.
09) Girli - There's only room for one (former) pink haired chick in this contest and her name is Raiven. In all seriousness, this isn't bad. Not sure if I'd download, but it was fun.
10) Malú - This is giving me late 2000's Eurovision national final realness so for that I'm kind of into it. I like parts of it, especially the chorus, so I consider that a success. I can't imagine this song aging well. It's fine.

I'll finish the rest tomorrow :)

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