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TSC 326 Final

Topic » TSC 326 Final

2108 days 9 hours ago
01) CHUNG HA – its okay, a bit catchy.
02) Robin – that boing boing noise is a bit dstracting from an otherwise okay song.
03) Brave Girls – waits for song to start, checks volume, check headphones, checks youtube, “song may contain some inappropriate scenes, proceed!!!” its okay.
04) TARABAROVA – its okay, that break in the middle spoilt the flow a bit, the rapping/talking wasn’t needed.
05) Elizabeth Olshey – a bit of dreary start, that piano in the background is mind numbing!!! Its all very drab!
06) Gabrielle – too many noises competing with each other, its very grating!!
07) Kaliopi – the tune is okay in place, but her voice is quite irritating!!
08) Jakob Karlberg – its okay, verging on twee, quite catchy!
09) Samir & Viktor – feels like an Ibiza song, its quite annoying!!
10) Jenifer – got a nice beat, her voice is okay, nice guitar, its not too bad!!
11) Natalia Nykiel – she sounds angry! Again, lots of annoying noises that distract from the song!! Why do they do that!!
12) Rammstein – this is not me!!! Im not a fan of rammstein (shock horror!!) don’t like the way he sing/talks in most of his songs.
13) Mumford & Sons, Baaba Maal – hubby calls these the wurzels (google it!!) this was quite nice. Most of it seemed to be sung in English though!!   
14) Helene Fischer – it’s the check list song!! All the boxes have been ticked!!
15) Baby K – another summer holiday in a resort type of song!!
16) Tamás Horváth – its was quite nice, quite even keel!!
17) Luke  - nice tune, he could liven his voice up a bit!!
18) Thalía, Natti Natasha – chipmunks are out in force!! This was annoying!!!
19) G-IDLE – must be all the brainwashing from listening to bts in car, this is okay!!
20) Fatoumata Diawara Fatour – that was, dull!!
21) Delia – it was okay, had some substance to it!!
2108 days 9 hours ago
01) CHUNG HA – This is cute. A but too sugary sweet for me, but it’s pleasant and I loved her grinding against the film of a roller coaster lol. :p

02) Robin – He is that ambiguous age where he could be 12 all the way to like 20. Song itself isn’t awful, I’m not a massive fan of his voice. I get they’re going for the Bieber / Mendez vocal though.

03) Brave Girls – This was a little choppy in the verses. The chorus was good, I think they’re going to be beaten by the other girl band I can see in the line-up, but yeah I don’t mind this. :p :)

04) TARABAROVA – I like this, even with the whistling. I do think this song does so well in contests like ESCT as people just listen to the 25 second chorus which sounds 10 x better than the versus which drag. It will be interesting to see how well it does here.

05) Elizabeth Olshey – Not keen on this ballad. Her voice is pretty though. The drum beat doesn’t really add much, so I don’t get why they chose that particular beat.

06) Gabrielle – She has better, but this is probably my favourite so far. Her husky voice just sounds great for me, the build to the chorus just sounds like an anthem. Not overly keen on the rave beats as I think it’s overkill, but overall it’s fine.

07) Kaliopi – I always think I’m not going to like her music, but then I listen to it and then I do. :p This is a little dated, but beautiful at the same. Black and White is one of my Eurovision guilty pleasures and this is probably a guilty pleasure of this contest.

08) Jakob Karlberg – That thumbnail though, someone has a high opinion of himself haha. :p Not what I was expecting…I was expecting a country song. :p This is better for me than that. This is OK, it isn’t something I normally go on, but at least it’s joyful.

09) Samir & Viktor – Mess. Can I just write that? This wouldn’t be out of place in the early 2000s. :p The cringe build up of beats…..nope not for me. The drop just sounds like something  AronChupa was doing a few years ago,

10) Jenifer – Gorgeous vocal and accent. Ok this is a a forward thinking song, but it is just pleasant.

11) Natalia Nykiel – A little shouty at the start, but overall this is a lot more current than most of the songs here. :p Like like like.

12) Rammstein – Thought this was going to be a mess, but it started out OK. The vocal wasn’t what I was expecting, mainly because I’m not that familiar with their music, just their name haha :p

13) Mumford & Sons, Baaba Maal – I think I would like this a lot more in an actual non-theme TSC. I’m torn as I love the verses, I just feel like the chorus isn’t fitting in with the theme as it easily the most prominent part of the song. Baaba’s part is absolute beautiful though.

14) Helene Fischer – Hella Dated. :p Very safe, I can’t imagine people disliking this, but it is something I have heard 1000 times before.

15) Baby K – The difference between this and Helene is the person who entered this took a bigger risk, as these songs are always a hit or mess. I like this, it’s fun. :D

16) Tamás Horváth – I like this a lot. Easily the best male vocal of the night. He’s singing with actual passion which is great to hear. Fantastic. I love the instrumentation too. Great entry.

17) Luke – Enjoyable. His vocal isn’t amazing but other things make up for that. I like the instrumentation in particular. :)

18) Thalía, Natti Natasha – I thought this was going to drag, but actually the chorus was quite fun. :) Not bad at all, I bet Tolis is going to get his life to this.

19) G-IDLE – Flawless. Perfect. Sublime. Stunning. Wonderful. Only reason I didn’t enter this myself is that I have been vocal about how much I like this and have posted it in the skype group and would feel like I was advertising it to win. :p

20) Fatoumata Diawara Fatour – Cute. I love her vocal and yeah it’s pretty simple but this has so much soul in it, it more than makes up for the fact it’s pretty simple.

21) Delia – I like this, strong and one of the more enjoyable entries of the night. I like her vocal too, I just wish she went off a little more though. :p :)
2108 days 7 hours ago
01) CHUNG HA - I didn't mind this, it was a cute song. But it's kinda just there for me, there's no way I'd go back to listen to it. Not bad though.
02) Robin - This was nice, there's elements I really like and some that are meh but overall I think I like this, the chorus especially. I enjoyed his voice.
03) Brave Girls - Okay this was quite nice. Production is quite generic but I'm still here for this, I like the chorus a lot.
04) TARABAROVA - Oh this snapped. I knew based on how it was building that the chorus was gonna be lit, I wasnt expecting what I got but I liked the whistling so.
05) Elizabeth Olshey - I love her voice, and I really like how this started but then that clapping type of thing came in and I didn't really like that. Then it went back to just the piano and I liked it. So I'm torn on this one.
06) Gabrielle - OKAY BITCH I SEE YOU. Finally something I literally love 100%. Production is on point, the pacing is just so so good, and when the hard ass beat comes in ughh I just love this so much.
07) Kaliopi - Not a huge fan of her voice. Like if someone else was singing this would be so much better. Then again there's also some questionable use of sounds in this lmao..
08) Jakob Karlberg - I quite enjoyed this. It's a feel good song and I really like his voice / the production,  pretty much everything. For a first listen it's great.
09) Samir & Viktor - I like the drop mainly. Everything else is kind of just okay. Like this song is nothing special, I didn't particularly enjoy the verses, maybe bc they are singing... LOL
10) Jenifer - I didn't really enjoy this at all. To me, it was boring. The production (or lack of) is one of the reasons I'm not a fan of this. But it's just a snooze I guess.
11) Natalia Nykiel - Is this sampling something? It sounds so fucking familiar. I kind of liked this though. It definitely went on for too long as I was losing interest.
12) Rammstein - The fuck is this? This gave me an actual headache. How could anyone want to listen to this crap lmaoo....
13) Mumford & Sons, Baaba Maal - First half of the song did absolutely nothing for me, but it continued and new sounds came in and his voice was more powerful, so I really liked that aspect of this song. This could get low points bcuz I'm not fully sold on it.
14) Helene Fischer - Oh bitch. The production of this is on point. Her vocals aren't great, but I think production somewhat makes up for it. I did enjoy it mostly, but it wasn't amazing.
15) Baby K - I think this was nice. It's definitely a generic ass fuck Spanish song, but one of the better ones. I don't think it's great but not horrible to listen to.
16) Tamás Horváth - I really didn't like this at all really. I liked the instrumental I guess but the lyrics were soo damn corny. I'm not here for this.
17) Luke - I mean... it was okay? Like, this was really mediocre. I don't hate it or love it it's really just there for me. Not a fan of his voice.
18) Thalía, Natti Natasha - Okay I'm getting sick of this. This is literally so boring and I'm getting annoyed with all the mediocre songs. WHERE. ARE. THE. BOPS?????
19) G-IDLE - I don't get what the appeal is with this. Like it's literally boring. If you're gonna listen to KPOP why not listen to something good like LOONA - Hi High?
20) Fatoumata Diawara Fatour - It was different, and I appreciate that but this most definitely is not for me.
21) Delia - This was iconic. I'm just happy that this contest ended with SOMETHING good. The video of this song ... LMFAOOO. I thoroughly enjoyed this.
2108 days 6 hours ago
It's definitely a generic ass fuck Spanish song

It's an italian one
2108 days 6 hours ago
still generic as fuck regardless
2108 days 4 hours ago
01) CHUNG HA - BOOT - Just was emotionless drivel, nothing to love here.

02) Robin - BOOT - This is just horribly generic, nothing to love about it, poor production paired with poor vocals.

03) Brave Girls - TOOT - I appreciated this, decent production, the actual song was just fine, but a lot better than the previous songs.

04) TARABAROVA - TOOT - Well that was iconic, this song kinda did that for me, a little shit, however, it slayed me.

05) Elizabeth Olshey - BOOT - Sorry this isn't the most boring song contest.

06) Gabrielle - BOOT - Eh, I would shit all over this song if it was in English for being generic so i have to shit on it as this is FL week.


08) Jakob Karlberg - TOOT - This was fun, I didn't hate it.

09) Samir & Viktor - TOOT - Not bad, for some reason it gives me Moustache vibes, which I don't hate, the drop was great while the vocals ehhhhh.

10) Jenifer - BOOT - Horribly dated, just a bad song, no reason why, but just nothing to love about it.

11) Natalia Nykiel - TOOT - I was loving it at the start but ending up just about liking it because it never really peaked for me, like it never went up a level but still fairly decent.

12) Rammstein - BOOT - Jesus, gross.

13) Mumford & Sons, Baaba Maal - TOOT - I found this to be super special and just heart warming.

14) Helene Fischer - BOOT - I wanted to like this but her vocals were so bland and at the chorus you could hear the robotic autotune at times, just a terribly forgettable song.

15) Baby K - BOOT - I was expecting her to slay my life away but instead gave such a boring song.

16) Tamás Horváth - TOOT - Umm this was fine? Not much to say about anything it just was average.

17) Luke - BOOT - Yasss at Indie, however, this song is a nope, so eh, nothing to really remember from it aside from it being indie.

18) Thalía, Natti Natasha - BOOT - A tad too generic for me, just another Spanish pop song...

19) G-IDLE - BOOT - I despised listening to this, I'm not sure why as there's no reason really for it, but hey, i hated it.

20) Fatoumata Diawara Fatour - BOOT - BORING.

21) Delia - TOOT - A really good ender, a nice song, interesting vocals and a catchy hook! Well done!
2108 days 4 hours ago
01) CHUNG HA        This sounds so familiar but i can't place it and it's bothering me
02) Robin        I hate everything about this. Why do I feel like this is TP or getting TP's 12?
03) Brave Girls        it was alright, slighty better than chung ha
04) TARABAROVA        I'm on the like train for this one
05) Elizabeth Olshey        this put me to sleep
06) Gabrielle        doing. the. most.
07) Kaliopi        i mean... i never like her songs... and only make fun of her singing
08) Jakob Karlberg        I can't believe this is getting TP's 12 as well
09) Samir & Viktor        YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS ... ychm's note "Guess I know what's getting your 12"
10) Jenifer        oh... well this was meh
11) Natalia Nykiel        the music from 0:58 on it ruined it for me... but another song that sounds so familiar but I can't place.
12) Rammstein        i gave it a try... and i still hate it
13) Mumford & Sons, Baaba Maal        i'm sorry what? no
14) Helene Fischer        It's one of those... it's alright but like with more listens it could climb. And another that sounds so familiar
15) Baby K        It's no Roma-Bangkok, but it's okay
16) Tamás Horváth        well that was.... borning
17) Luke        Wow someone is trying to get high points from bibs
18) Thalía, Natti Natasha        Queen Thalia
19) G-IDLE        ths is either rick's or getting rick's 12
20) Fatoumata Diawara Fatour        i mean... okay... but like... stop putting me to sleep
21) Delia        this isn't a bop... this is bad lady gaga wannabe circa joanne
2108 days 3 hours ago
01) CHUNG HA - Yeah I liked this, really well produced pop
02) Robin - I found his vocal troublesome and the song bland
03) Brave Girls - This was also cute and well produced good choice
04) TARABAROVA - This song is familiar! Real bop here!
05) Elizabeth Olshey - This was really different. Im into it
06) Gabrielle - This was WILD. i kinda loved it!
07) Kaliopi - Not enough of her usual Kaliopiness. Nah
08) Jakob Karlberg - I would actively root against this in Melfest.
09) Samir & Viktor - I didnt hate this before in MF but I really dont think it’s any good
10) Jenifer - The chorus here was quite grating tbh
11) Natalia Nykiel - The instrumental is cute but the vocal sweetie no
12) Rammstein - I actually didn’t hate it, might sneak a small point
13) Mumford & Sons, Baaba Maal - This was shit
14) Helene Fischer - This was also really bad lol
15) Baby K - This was fine, trashy but it was fine
16) Tamás Horváth - Hmm I didnt mine this one either. The weird noises in the back were a distractor though
17) Luke - again another unpleasant vocal
18) Thalía, Natti Natasha - This was a pretty disposable latinx kinda song. It’s okay
19) G-IDLE - TBH all these Kpop songs are delivering!
20) Fatoumata Diawara Fatour - I found this really groovy
21) Delia - This had some attitude that I dig
2108 days 3 hours ago
In honor of our most recent two times in a row champ Eoin I will be tooting and booting the songs this week too!
01) CHUNG HA- We start off well. She is in the top for me as korean soloists go. The evrses arent anything special but the chorus elevates it. TOOT
02) Robin- This was really cheesy. It was undoubtedly catchy in the chorus but I would never come back to this. BOOT
03) Brave Girls- Ok this slayed me so so hard how is it the first time I listened to this crap? Its my kind of mess! So goddamn catchy. TOOT
04) TARABAROVA- I surprisingly like this. The instrumental bit is really nice and well put and the song overall is just real good. TOOT
05) Elizabeth Olshey- This was too smooth and boring for me. Not remarkable at all. Nice voice tho. BOOT
06) Gabrielle- The verses are fine but then the drop is just too agressive to a point it just turns me off. Its just too hardcore sorry. BOOT
07) Kaliopi- This is nothing near her best. Pretty bleh if im being honest. I dont like how the lyrics go with the mellody. BOOT
08) Jakob Karlberg- Read #2. This one is a tad better. The song itself is enjoyable while cheesy. Not bad not good. BOOT I guess
09) Samir & Viktor- Well this was a ride... The voice was bad.... The music was weird and not my style.... oh god this week is BAD.... BOOT
10) Jenifer- This was pleasent. Not the best thing ever but pretty alternative and I like the language here. TOOT
11) Natalia Nykiel- The pluck at the beggining was annoying but as it progressed I really enjoyed this one. TOOT
12) Rammstein- OH FUCK NO. BOOT
13) Mumford & Sons, Baaba Maal- Another one that is just not my style. Pretty old fashioned. The voice is meh. The song doesnt appeal. BOOT
14) Helene Fischer- In any other contest this would struggle for me. But today, this was so amazing. Flows nicely, very good track and amazing break from all the horrible songs. TOOT
15) Baby K- So cheap... I really didnt mind this but at the same time this was just cheap and dull. Shmoot
16) Tamás Horváth- This was cute, definitly a different vibe from what we got up until now. I really liked this. TOOT
17) Luke- Another language would fit it better. Another singer too. BOOT
18) Thalía, Natti Natasha- This was exactly the same as Baby K so read that comment.
19) G-IDLE- talented. brilliant. incredible. amazing. showstopping. spectacular. never the same. totally unique. completely not ever been done before. unafraid to reference or not reference. put it in a blender. shit on it. vomit on it. eat it. give birth to it. SHOOT
20) Fatoumata Diawara Fatour- Boring. The voice aint interesting to me. The song even less. Sleep pill honestly. BOOT
21) Delia- And we close to a song that doesnt excite me at all, has dumb structure and just has nothing to it. BOOT
2108 days 2 hours ago
AlanDuncan's comments:

01) CHUNG HA This was catchy but in terms of KPOP its poor.
02) Robin He's cute omg. But overall the song kinda sucks and goes nowhere
03) Brave Girls Better than the last KPOP but this still lacks the banger quality. Meh.
04) TARABAROVA I low key liked this probbaly cos everything has been trash so far but its half decent
05) Elizabeth Olshey I think this song in English would do well but the nonenglish means nobdoy is understanding it and it kinda just goes by
06) Gabrielle Same as the last one. Good for this contest but amougst decent songs it would flop
07) Kaliopi Typical Kallopi. I didnt hate but I wasnt bopping either. Middle of the road.
08) Jakob Karlberg Best so far at least its a toe tapper.
09) Samir & Viktor I mean this is obvious. Prefer Bada Nakna (sp?) but this is half decent.
10) Jenifer This is very 2005 for some reason but im not hating it nothing i would revist though.
11) Natalia Nykiel This was just noise to me like half decent noise but noise nonetheless.
12) Rammstein I cant finish this. Sorry.
13) Mumford & Sons, Baaba Maal I mean it's a poor english song. Poor song and English so good luck getting points from me
14) Helene Fischer this was quite decent for this week
15) Baby K ok best so far by a mile at least would do well in its own country lmao
16) Tamás Horváth is this the adal song ppl liked? its alright nothing speical touhg
17) Luke Welp this sucked ass and not mine.
18) Thalía, Natti Natasha INNA? That you? This is like poundland inna but i guess its beter than the trash before it
19) G-IDLE Not nearly as good as their last but the best KPOP song of the bunch tonight
20) Fatoumata Diawara Fatour This sounds like nandos trash music this went nowhere quick nowhere fast BYE
21) Delia idk if this sounds decent because theres money being pumped into production or the whole contest sucks ass?
2108 days ago
1. Chung Ha - a cute song! It’s not too bad, I wish the vocals were better.
2. Robin - not my favorite, it sounds very “Disney”.
3. Brave Girls -
4. TARABAROVA - it’s a cute girl. The chorus is a mess but the song is cute!
5. Elizabeth Olshey - I wish it had more lyrical content? I just felt it was kinda dry.
6. Gabrielle - I liked it! I loved the instrumental.
7. Kaliopi - I don’t mind it tbh. She’s a good singer, was she in ESC???
8. Jakob Karlberg - I submitted him but a different song (RIP). I like his vocal but this song is kinda cheesy.
9. Samir & Viktor - like this is actually pretty good but in a “I like trash” type of way. It was better than most of the shit from this past melfest which is horrible.
10. Jenifer- the vocal mixing sounds off and it seems dated. I think with a few refinements this would be great.
11. Natalia Nykeil - she’s good! I think if given a better instrumental she’d be great.
12. Rammstein - LMFAOOOO. I low key love rammstein, du hast is that song. Anyways this is pretty bad so unfortunately no points from me!!
13. M&S, Baaba - I was actually quite turned off by the amount of English? Like I feel like this would be better if there was less of it.
14. Helene Fischer - if Britney 2013 released a “german(?)” auto tuned pop song but wanted to pander to older women, this would be it.
15. Baby K - she slays a bit but this song just sorta goes “meh” for me after a while. I wish it had more substance.
16. Tamas Horvath- I wish there was more in the instrumental. He sings really powerfully but I think it needs more to really amp up the sound.
17. Luke - didn’t mind this and I usually don’t like songs like this. Might get a point or two.
18. Thalia, Natti Natasha - again I wish it was just a little more upbeat. They had good vocals but it needed more!
19. G-IDLE - this isn’t “latata” by any means. I understand the concept they’re trying to go for but it doesn’t work.
20. Fatoumata - not my favorite, seems a little basic for my liking.
21. Delia - this was kinda weird. It felt like a pop song but it turned really sultry randomly? Not sure how I feel about it tbh.
2108 days ago
adeleadele's comments:

01) CHUNG HA- A bit basic for a K-Pop song, its not bad though!
02) Robin- Uhh im not sure about this. its not my kind of dated. and its really basic. singer could be hot if he was like 5-6 years older
03) Brave Girls- Better than the 1st K-Pop song, but i still think its missing something, i would still put this in the good category though
04) TARABAROVA- I heard this from somewhere before, idk where, the chorus sounds so familiar! its alright i guess, nothing too special
05) Elizabeth Olshey- Its a bit basic, but its really beautiful tbh! love the voice too!
06) Gabrielle- Its alright! im really tired so maybe if i payed more attention i would appreciate this more
07) Kaliopi- I love Kaliopi! I love the macedonian language honestly beautiful! song most wont like, but i really enjoyed this!
08) Jakob Karlberg- Meh, dont like him really, and the song is so basic
09) Samir & Viktor- Guilty pleasure for me :P this kind of song i would usually not like, but its just so damn catchy!
10) Jenifer- So cheap, but its so fucking catchy omg! I love this honestly
11) Natalia Nykiel- Another cheap bop! Similar to #10 as its really catchy, really enjoyed this :)
12) Rammstein- Rock turned me off right away, than that voice hit and im like what the serious fuck. worst song i heard in a really really really long time.
13) Mumford & Sons, Baaba Maal- Not feeling this one really. it picked up about half way in though, did not enjoy it overall though
14) Helene Fischer- Dont like the german language. But the beat is cheap and catchy! (a common thing in this contest) Apart from it being in German i did enjoy this one!
15) Baby K- Pretty trashy! Like the language, and shes iconic! I lost interest a bit but still good!
16) Tamás Horváth- Heard this one before :P Its a pretty addicting melody, i dont like the language, and the chorus is a bit meh
17) Luke- Not into this kind of rock, and really dont like the vocals, really dont like this :/
18) Thalía, Natti Natasha- Pretty catchy! pretty basic spanish bop, but i enjoyed this!
19) G-IDLE- These K-Pop songs have been pretty underwhelming this week ;( i mean its not bad, but its just a bit meh
20) Fatoumata Diawara Fatour- African goddess! Sadly it kinda just passed by me, very boring
21) Delia- Decent closer! Enjoy the Romanian language, the song has its up and downs for me, but overall good!
2107 days 23 hours ago
2107 days 23 hours ago
2107 days 23 hours ago

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