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Bahamas Finale

Topic » Bahamas Finale

1721 days 12 hours ago
I’m out atm but will post tonight
1721 days 12 hours ago
I'm getting to work on it.
1721 days 12 hours ago
So I know some of you think I don't think I deserve to win but, I'm going to prove how this dark horse deserves to win.

In the beginning, I started this game with a final 3 alliance of me, Patrick, and Javale along with a few side alliances with Andrea and Ethan so even though I was one of the reasons my tribe lost the first challenge, I was never considered the vote, managed to find the idol on my first guess North Tree, used my challenge advantage and gelpes us win immunity, and I wasn't brought up after our second los but, then we get to the tribe swap.
I was put on the tribe no one wanted and was down in numbers since me and Andrea were the only 2 Arawak members and despite me and Rodrigo's best effort we lost. I had only one on ones with Andrea and Rodrigo but, since they were ghosting me I knew I had to play my idol and what a play it was since I became the sole vote to evict and took out Rodrigo for being bossy and so I could become more valuable to the tribe and not vote me out. My tribe then loses immunity again and I proved that I deserved to be here since I did do a pretty good job defending and kept us in it. Instead of just going with the flow and take Andrea out, I decided to force a rock draw to right a wrong from my past and to also make a statement in the game since  the  premerge except for the 2 swap tribal councils I was at were easy boots and  not interesting.
1721 days 12 hours ago
Part 2 the merge coming up after a short break
1721 days 11 hours ago
First, I want to thank Shawn for hosting this season.  There was plenty of drama, gameplay, and vice versa.  So, I hoped you enjoyed hosting all of us whether it was for the complaining or theatrics.

Strategically, my plan coming into this game was to be low-key knowing that I had a reputation.  Essentially, I wouldn't show up to any challenges and allow the game to come to me.  Well, those plans shifted immediately after being given the title of captain and having to send individuals to the Brig.  Instead, of being the UTR5 specialist I needed to be the polar opposite an excessive vocal presence.  The first opportunity presented itself with Michelle.  I had made a troll comment which led to Michelle calling me out on correct information that I had been working with Andrea.  It was very excessive on my end and while most of it was trolling and some distaste there was an element of the strategy behind it.   That rivalry was important as it got me through the early rounds of the merge but also ensured that I could've been too obvious a target to vote out.  Also, I made some decisions which could be considered gambles like flipping on Jake who I believed wanted me out as soon or working on voting Michelle out 4-3-2 which myself and JB knew that would absolutely upset Joe and Nick as they had thrown myself and JB a lifeline.  I did realize though they'd be more likely to be mad at JB then myself at the end of the day.

Socially, I can't say that I was fantastic after the merge vote there were individuals that I lacked conversations with like Erik, Joel and Rory.  Not to mention, I definitely was annoying people for arguing with Michelle about human rights and sexuality.  My main allegiances were to Ethan, JB, Joe, Nick, and Patrick.  Prioritizing, Joe and Nick was likely the smartest thing I did socially as in my eyes were considered the bigger players in their alliance and would prioritize keeping the target away from me .  Once, Michelle was eliminated I felt that I could move around socially without being the prime target for everyone with maybe the exception of Erik.  After, ODT I thought that I had a decent shot of getting to the end.  I believed that Joe and Nick weren't going to target (probably JB instead) and knew Ethan and Logan wanted that duo out before me.  I knew about Ethan's idol, both Logan's idols, and knew Ethan had the chest who he passed on to me and which I gave to JB.   I only received one rogue vote who I'm still unsure who it was but my assumption was Rory but I'm not really all that confident who it was.

Physically, I was feeble and probably should've tried to do cross-fit before coming out.  I never won anything and even during the premerge my challenge strength was abysmal.  However, at the same time I got here without having the necklace around me and/or having an immunity idol in my pocket. I was eligible to be voted out every tribal after hearing numerous times people wanted me as the vote and only received a single vote.

Finally, I understand that maybe I wasn't the most pleasant to be around camp.  However, I came into this game fully aware that I had a target on my back from the beginning.  There were definitely points where I should've been the one to go but it didn't happen.  Whether, that's on my own merit and/or pure luck I want to believe there were instances of my gameplay kept me safe.

Goodluck Ethan and Logan :)
1721 days 10 hours ago
Now we get into the merge and what a crazy start it was. I was the one to form the alliance of 6 with me, Javale, Patrick, Ethan, JB, and Jake. I did get a little help from JB on making it, giving credit where it is due and  with Nick playing his idol on Rory, it forced me to use my once again 1 guess merge idol to try to combat that, unfortunately I made the wrong call and it ended with Patrick one of my closer allies going even though Nick did try to set me up for Brig duty that plan of theirs failed. 

Final 11 was a close one but, I did my part to say that we were voting Nick to Rory which was true then but, a quick change ruined Joel's idol play and Rory sadly went.
Final 10 I won immunity and I needed it to get some breathing room after last tribal. I finally told everyone who didn't know about the Nick/Joe/Joel connection thanks to being there in my past for that.  I wasn't 100 percent if Joel was absolutely with them but, why not. Unfortunately Jake told the alliance chat about it and was blindsided along with me since we both voted Joe.
Final 9 The now fractured alliance of ours tried to right itself and me and JB had a call about how Ethab and Javale were close with Nick and Joe so the only route was to take out Michelle, the only one between her and Rory that I didn't vote for in the swap tribe. Sadly we just grew apart due to her being in the brig and by 1 vote I stayed.
Final 8/7  Erik approached me with info and proof that completely shattered my trust since I knew thanks to him that  JB and them were throwing my name out and so a Final 3 was created between us 2 and Joel. Unfortunately I knew beforehand that 1 day tribes were this round thanks to JB telling me and what truly made me not trust him again was he choose Javale for his one pick and I ended up on the worst case scenario tribe with Nick and Joe who previously voted ne and Erik so poor Joel was all by himself. I ended up with the immunity on my 1 day tribe and  forced rock draw #2 since keeping Erik would've helped my game but, unfortunately he got the bad rock and Joel went on the other tribe so I was back to square 1.
Final 6  Me and Ethan collaberated and realized we weren't going to make it to the end so we had to work together. This was an important round for me since I had a few choices to make and that was stick with Ethan or go with the Final  3 is Tomorrow chat of me, JB, and Javale on the vote. I ended up voting with Ethan and we helped open up each of our games with our votes and Ethan's steal a vote to make a 3-2-1 to get Joe out since we had to break up 1 of the other 2 pairs and not many people thought me and Ethan were a possible pair so it helped with the move.
Final 5 Me and Ethan picked up an alone Nick after me and Nick had a call which was saying hiw JB and Javale were why they were after me but, I knew that and Finale Night Fuckfest, sorry but, Nick named it was born . Sadly I had to betray JB since let's be honest no votes and he was too liked and could easily win for controlling the game and it ended with Ethan using the rehidden merge idol on me to cancel both Javale's and JB's vote and JB was sent packing. I just couldn't handle telling him he was going.
Final 4 Ethan secured their spot in the finale and I said to Ethan we needed to vote Nick out since Nick was the last of the original Inagua. Ethan also brought up how Nick had 0 votes and that settled it. I tried to talk to Javale quickly since I was just at 2 percent battery left on my phone and said I could forgive him and brought out the points that Nick was most likely to win with those 2 things alone. I unfortunately had nothing else to say since I couldn't risk waiting 15 minutes to be able to see if I was going to rocks and unfortunately Javale made it go to rocks and for the first time luck was on my side and Nick went .

I ended up going to the most tribal councils, received the most votes this season with 17/16 since Ethan changed a vote for me to Joe and of those 8 counted, found the most idols which was 2, 1 of them even making me the sole vote to evict, being the last of  the swap tribe Samana since Final 9 tribal council,and forcing 2 rock draws and being in the 3rd one myself, and a few immunities.
I came in wanting to prove to Shawn that I was worthy and no matter what happens, I'm proud of the game I played since I overcame so many hurdles to get here.
Good  luck Ethan and Javale.
1721 days 10 hours ago
Also Joe, I did talk to everyone in the jury stage at least a little bit in the game . Some I talked to more then others since I didn't want to be considered fake.
1721 days 9 hours ago
Some had to talk to you first and even then, you rarely said anything to them or kept people on read. Stop trying to lie.
1721 days 9 hours ago
Okay, congratulations to Ben and Ethan for making it to the final three. Hi Logan, I’ll get to you in a moment.

Ben - Of the people sitting in the final three, I easily got along with you the most. We went on call and talked strategy a lot, we were in several alliances together and after Joel left, the person I wanted to take to final three alongside Nick. With all that said, it doesn’t get you off scot-free.

A. When Michelle left, you could’ve easily switched your vote to Logan and made it 3-3-3 to play the field knowing this was going to happen, why didn’t you? I feel if you did, the game would have shifted in another direction and we could’ve taken advantage of the situation.

B. If you knew about Logan and Ethan’s idols and who had the island chest when it was getting swapped around, why didn’t you reveal this earlier on in the merge? You said you wanted the final 4 to be us, JB, and Nick but by keeping information partially hidden (and yes I know you told me it was One-Day Tribes which I appreciate), it still almost ruined my game via rock draw. I wish we could’ve planned for these events before they happened.

C. I hope you know I was very close to voting Jeremy out final nine along with Nick, if I did, would you’ve still worked with us?

D. You just revealed you stan Salamence, which is not okay. Please list your top 10 other favorite Pokemon.

Ethan - It was great getting to know you and I hope there’s no bad blood after this game because like Ben, I believe you deserve to win too. You dominated physically and used your advantages wisely. However, once we merged, we never really conversed as much as we did back on the first Arawak tribe. So all I have to really ask you is, when it came down to the final six vote, why did you vote me out, someone who was absolutely no threat in challenges or probably to win the game, over the pair with two of its members both vulnerable?
1721 days 9 hours ago
Ok Logan, you get your own post, because I just have so much to say to you.

Let me be blunt here. Your game was garbage. You wanna talk about ghosting people? Honey, you are the last person in this cast, you should mention that term when you left half this cast on read whenever they tried to talk to you about the game. You wanna say you didn’t wanna be fake well guess what, you still gotta fucking talk to people. It’s called a social game sweetheart! Something you lacked severely. One thing I will commend you on is your challenge wins but its not enough to save your overall dreadful gameplay.

I said this at Ponderosa but it’s time I say this to you. Logan, for the last two weeks in the Bahamas, you were nothing but a Survivor prostitute and half this cast was your pimp telling you how to vote. I find it very hard to believe any move you made you had your own input on and just went on what the last person said to you or what a bigger player suggested to you. You were like an extra advantage in the game everybody wanted to use but nobody wanted to part with. The advantage of getting that extra vote in when they really needed it. You were JB’s, you were almost gonna be Jake’s and then Erik’s, and then finally you were Ethan’s. I would not even consider you to be a great UTR player because that requires not being anyone’s fucking radar. You were on a lot of people’s radars but your game was so fucking awful and you ran back to people like a bitch, nobody was gonna off you because you are so easy to beat.

Before I left, I was actually considering voting for you to win because I kept telling people that this was going to happen and nothing was done about it. But your game was so fucking awful, that I can’t even bring myself to vote you as a joke. I highly doubt you made any move of your own free will and just agreed to a move by the various bigger players that benefitted you the most rather than give your input. Also, Jake said in Ponderosa you were messaging him to vote for you. If you are that desperate to ask someone to vote for you to win before you even post your speech, that speaks volumes to me and it turns me off completely from voting for you.

Feel free to ignore this because there’s no read button on Tengaged, but for future reference, ignoring people is not a good strategy if you are trying to win a game. Period.
1721 days 9 hours ago
Oh I almost forgot one more question for Ethan.

If you knew Me/Nick/JB/Ben were a tight four, how come you didn't vote with Joel to send one of them to rocks when you were immune that round?
1721 days 8 hours ago

A. When Michelle left, you could’ve easily switched your vote to Logan and made it 3-3-3 to play the field knowing this was going to happen, why didn’t you? I feel if you did, the game would have shifted in another direction and we could’ve taken advantage of the situation.

--> The main reason why I didn't follow on that was that I didn't want spurn JB.  JB was essentially the mirror image to you having Nick and I was very concerned that Nick could be writing JB's name down that night.  If I had voted Logan and Nick voted JB then that vote turns out being a 4-3-2 situation but with JB going instead of Michelle.  I wouldn't forgive myself if I was the reason JB had left the game on my own vote.  Also, even if it went 4-4-1 and it was a tie between JB and Michelle it was going to be JB leaving.  JB knew that I'd support and or help orchestrate a move with him that meant he was gambling his own game.

B. If you knew about Logan and Ethan’s idols and who had the island chest when it was getting swapped around, why didn’t you reveal this earlier on in the merge? You said you wanted the final 4 to be us, JB, and Nick but by keeping information partially hidden (and yes I know you told me it was One-Day Tribes which I appreciate), it still almost ruined my game via rock draw. I wish we could’ve planned for these events before they happened.

--> I'll start with the idol portion of this question.  Ethan's idol there wasn't anything we could necessarily do about as he found it during the final nine tribal where he had been immune and was also immune during one day tribes.  When I told you at six he had it was because that was the first opportunity that we could actually take a stab.

--> Logan's first idol if I'm not mistaken I told you before the swap as I remember we both silently hoping he'd play it to knock out one of the trio.  Logan's second idol was something that I should've spoken to you about.  I knew it was getting played the first merge tribal regardless and knew you were definitely not going to be targeted.  My main concern was likely if I told you about the idol was that maybe the vote switches to Ethan which was a bit too early for him to be targeted.

--> "One Day Tribes" was something that I was unsure was actually going to be used as there had been plenty of debate. However, I think the tipping point was at the final nine where you had spoken to me on call and let me know what was actually going down with the You/Michelle/Erik/Nick/Joel alliance when I thought originally we were just gonna send Michelle home when in reality it would've been Ethan, JB, or Logan.  It made me feel that I needed to just keep my mouth shut cause if I said something about JB having power it gave you guys more incentive to vote him out.  I was unaware of the fact that you guys knew the chest was getting move around and had I known then I would've came clean.  That was a social mistake on my end as you were in a difficult spot to begin as you were really in the middle of things and something we should've spoken more in depth.

C. I hope you know I was very close to voting Jeremy out final nine along with Nick, if I did, would you’ve still worked with us?

--> I was never writing your name down this season regardless the move and would've continued working with you till the end.  However, I do understand that you, Erik, Joel, and Nick had an alliance.  I'd be a fifth wheel so although that position wasn't comforting.  I likely would've made the move on Erik or Joel cause Nick at least talked game with me next.  I assume Nick would've been a considered target for me somewhere from 4-6 unless it made sense to keep him till the end on my side of things.  It would've likely been a similar feeling to where you said you trusted me but not JB after the Michelle move.  I would've trusted you but Nick I would've been concerned about.

D. You just revealed you stan Salamence, which is not okay. Please list your top 10 other favorite Pokemon.

- Mimikyu
- Squirtle
- Bidoof
- Gengar
- Marshstomp
- Shiftry
- Abomasnow
- Magmortar
- Greninja
- Bisharp
1721 days 4 hours ago
Lmfao. Reading all of this makes me mad because even though i did jackshit. My social game wouldve won me the damn game 😂

So my question to you 3 finalist is. Had the 1day tribe twist not come in play. How do you manuever the F8 onwards(because everyone knows the endgame would be much different considering i was not even  target going into the F8?)
1721 days 3 hours ago
I have commented I'll give... later... :) but ekkk at yall
1721 days 2 hours ago
Okay hello ladies imma keep this as simple as possible

Ethan, I think your a nice kewl kat but liiiikkkeeee.. I feel like there was no sochele game with me and a handful of others on my 'side' of the game.

Your name came up SOOOOO much and if it wasnt for the immuibty/adv. Whoreing I doubt you would be sitting there.

I'm not mad you betrayed me in the end, as if ben won you bet I'd be gunning for you however defend to me taking a goat like logan to the end, when with this cast you had to known that would be seen as icky (it very well might cost you the game...)

I dont respect taking goats to the end, own your game and beat the best or it's not really worth it (it is JUST a group game after all)

I probaly wobt vote you but keeping logan around and adv + immyibty whoribg are your main uhh.. knocks against you so imma give you this shot to defend yourself for the others

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