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Season 2 Episode 5 "The Last Stand"

Topic » Season 2 Episode 5 "The..

4088 days 11 hours ago
4088 days 11 hours ago
*At Woodbury*

Governor: Martinez! just get the truck!
Martinez: For what?
Governor: We're leaving!
Martinez: Yes sir
*Martinez drives two trucks up*
Governor: Everyone get in!
*Everyone gets in. They pull up to the building and the 9 Woodbury Soldiers hop in. They take off towards the prison*
Governor: Get ready boys!
Bob: We're finally attacking them with everything we've got.
4088 days 11 hours ago
*Hershel and the others gather their stuff up*
Hershel: I guess this is goodbye.
*Hugs Arnold and Billy*
Hershel: Stay safe you two.
Arnold: I'll take care of him.
Billy: We'll be back dad. Promise
*Carol, Julie, and Sasha hug everyone and get in the car*
Tyreese: Goodluck Rick.
Rick: Thanks man. If I don't see you again. Take care of your family.
Tyreese: Same to you.
*they hug*
*Tyreese and Lela get in the truck and drive away*

Rick: Okay everyone. Get ready! The Governor could be here any minute
4087 days 13 hours ago
*Dale doesn't talk to any of the soldiers*
Soldier: No one told us of a new recruit.
Dale: Yeah...I...uh, decided to help out when The Governor saved me...
*The soldier rolls his eyes in disbelief*
*Dale Thinks: Don't look like he bought it...*
4086 days 17 hours ago
(eats some food) uhhh im so alone
4086 days 17 hours ago
(thinks of everyone who has died) ......(sheds a tear) .........why
4086 days 16 hours ago
The Governor: Let's move out!
*Dale gets into a truck and is told to drive*
Dale: Yes sir!
*Dale salutes The Governor*
*Bob hands Dale a gun and gives him a knife*
Bob: You better watch yourself. I gotta feeling about you...
Dale: I won't do nothin' sir!
Bob: Good...
4086 days 16 hours ago
Dale: Hey! Michael! I need to talk to you alone.
Michael: Umm... Sure?
*Dale leads Michael into an alley*
Michael: What do ya want man?
Dale: Goodbye...
*Dale jabs a knife into Michael's side and then cuts his tongue off*
Martinez: Soldier! You need to get back in that truck!
Dale: Yes sir!
*Dale grabs a hook and shoves it into Michael's mouth then out of the back of his head*
Dale: Comin'!
4086 days 10 hours ago
*i go to the armory and get my guns ready*
*looks at the wall*
*punches the wall thinking its The Governor*
I will kill you and it wont be fast
4086 days 1 hour ago
Allen: Come on Ben and Billy
Billy: Dad I dont want to fight. Im to young
4085 days 1 hour ago
Glenn: Ive got all the weapons Rick.
Rick: Good. I dont know where he's at..
Glenn: He'll come.
Carl: Dad. What are we doing.
Rick: Look Carl the Governor is going to attack. You need to stay strong and stay by me. If any thing happens just run. Find the farm and stay with them.
Carl: yes sir.
Rick: Good boy.
*Carl walks off*
Arnold: All this waiting is making me tired.
Rick: I know Arnold. Just wait.
Billy: Here they are!
4085 days 1 hour ago
*They all look up and see four truck heading there way*
Governor: KILL THEM ALL!
*All the soldiers jump out the trucks and start shooting*
Glenn: Everyone get down!
*Rick and Glenn hide behind the blown up watch tower*
Rick: Shit! Theres alot of them!
Glenn: You said it
4084 days 17 hours ago
*Looks at the people and running to where my son and the some other people are at*
No... No
Glenn im going to run to that watch tower and when we both see them we shot they both in the middle ok
Good look
*I get my M16 and a pistol*
*I shot a guy and another guy then run behind another watch tower*
4084 days 15 hours ago
*Gets out of the truck and shoots a soldier*
Dale: Guys its me!
4084 days 11 hours ago
Arnold: Dale!
Dale: Hey guys
*He hides behind the truck.*
*JT, Terry, and Paublo come out the prison*
JT: Oh no!
Rick: Get down!
*JT gets down followed by Paublo*
Paublo: Terry get down!
Terry: I am!
*Terry is shooting and a bullet hits him in the stomach twice*
Terry: Ahhh!
*He falls to the ground*
JT: Terry. Are you okay?
Paublo: Leave him! We've got to get to Rick!
*They run over to rick*

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