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Tengaged (Karaoke) Idol 13: The Top 8 Perform

Topic » Tengaged (Karaoke) Idol 13:..

3321 days 19 hours ago
3321 days 19 hours ago
so I'm just going to post the critiques in the same order instead of trying to mix it up and make it a little more funky.
3321 days 19 hours ago
1) DanielC2384 - Pound the alarm

Kkoster I loved this! the energy was great, and so was the overall performance. Wonderful power, pazazz, and attitude. However you know things still bothered me. Such as the multiple amount of times you said ""Let's go!"" Other than that thought your performance was great. For vocals, well the rap was great, and most of the vocals were very on, however there were a few moments when you would get a little nasally, or go slightly out of tune. However your vocals were very together as a whole, and I am proud of you for that. Well done!

Mat Vocal -  So, this isn’t only your type of genre…this is your NIGHT! This was absolutely brilliant. Your rapping was on POINT, your singing was also great. You’ve improved hugely recently and I really, really think you’re becoming a major front runner! The effort you put into this competition is brilliant and I think you’ll be safe for a while yet!
Performance - As usual, you put in a perfect performance level. It was fun, it was dancey, it was exactly what the theme had asked. You really, really stepped it up this week my friend. It was SUPER!

Tolis Oh do I ever know how hard this song is to perform :P As per usual with dance songs, the energy was perfect for you to deliver a fun performance. Vocally it did slack and the lyrics got a bit difficult to understand during some of the verses. Overall good, but not your best nor your worst, with only a handful of contestants left, you need to go one step higher. You need to bring your performance standards back up.

Zach As always your performance was full of energy and to be honest the vocals were better than they have been in the past. This was a soild performance, it was a tad long for me though and I got a little bored by the end. Great job though!

Dude You know I am actually torn on this one. On one hand, I feel this was your best vocal performance of the season, I really do, on the other hand, this is the first time I started to feel bored listening to one of your performance, you kind of lost momentum at the midway point. One thing I really think that you could do to advance yourself in the competition and grow as an artist is to do a ballad next week. Take a week off from the entertainment role, you have good voice when you want to have a good voice, I really wouldn't mind seeing what would happen."

Overall Score 7.7
3321 days 19 hours ago
2) SilverShadow - How Will I Know

Kkoster - One  of my favorites of the week. One reason for that is simply the fact that your pitch was one of the strongest, in terms of cleanness.  Also though I think this was just really fun, and some of the runs you threw in there were also really nice too. However I think you need  to  work  on  your  middle  register.  So  not  the  falsetto,  or  low  notes.  Simply  the  middle, because  when  you  hit  the  chorus  and  sang  in  that  section  of  your  range  it  got  quite  nasally,  but  I  think  that  is  something  you  can  easily  fix,  not  to  mention  overall  you  were  very  strong.  Well done!

Mat Vocal - Your best vocal since your audition! Brilliant song choice for your voice! I wish you got some falsetto in there at some point though, your falsetto is so strong. Also, just wanna talk about your attitude a little bit for a second. Don’t let anyone here tell you that your attitude is wrong, bad or silly. You’re you, and you’re perfect that way. I was told told last season I was unlikeable, cocky and that I would be last in the final - this wasn’t long before I actually won the competition (with most votes in all 3 parts of the finale poll), so don’t let people’s comments get you down!
Performance - I was dancing. I was smiling. I was singing a long at points. Also, the bigger notes had so MUCH energy and happiness and fun to them, Silver. I absolutely adored this performance by you. Adored, adored, adored it.You’ve really stepped up your game the last two weeks and I’m so proud of you. Well done!

Tolis You've been hit or miss with me recently. Energy was there, vocals were up and down, but overall something didn't quite click with the song and me. It felt a little rough around the edges. I don't know how else to describe it, it just didn't do you justice. I think you need to get that consistency back up moving forward.

Zach You vocals this week were better! I was very impressed. It was much cleaner! I did get bored by the end of the performance, but all in all this was a big step up from last week great job.

Dude Silver noooooo. Silver honestly I think you have one of the best base voices in this competition, but unfortunately, this performance just did not go your way. The key problem with this performance, and I want you to listen because I think if you get this down pat you could potentially be in the top 2, is pocket. The ability to properly mix ones voice with the instruments, Normally you are really good with it, but today it sounded a few beats behind the melody and had several bum notes that collided for an uneven performance. Silver, I honestly do love your voice normally, so I really hope you stay, but I think you are in danger. I hope you stay, because you have so much potential and your base voice is amazing."

Overall Score: 7.22
3321 days 19 hours ago
3) MrPokeguy9 - That's It, I Quit, I'm Movin' On

Kkoster - I think your tone is awesome! I also love that you have such a uniqueness to the way you perform. However this week I think was a step down from last week considering last week blew me away. However it wasn't bad in a vocal or performanc sense. I mean, you held pitch fairly well, and you sang with emotion. But something just felt like it was missing, and the performance kind of lagged on after a certain point. Still very solid. Well done!

MatVocal - Your absolute best vocal of the whole season. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. You brought it hahaha i am struggling to find anything else to say, I just love your voice so much. You tone works perfectly with this song. I love it. I love you. I love the vocals.
Performance - I have no idea where this performance came from but its absolutely bloody awesome. I got emotion, I got energy, I got PERFORMANCE FOR DAYS. I LOVE IT!

Tolis To me, this didn't quite fit what I was hoping out of the week. It felt very jazzy / Ingrid Michaelson and not quite making me dance, but making me bop. So performance, not as high as it could be in another week with a theme that would've fit the performance a little more. Vocally it was good and some decent flair in there. Bring it up one more step as we move forward 

Zach Once again I love your tone, but pitch is still an issue! It was better than it has been in the past, but it is way to late in the game to be not staying on pitch. All in all this performance was better than previous ones, but I'm still not impressed, sorry.

Dude Poke I think this was exactly the type of performance that we needed to see from you. While it wasn’t the most ambitious song choice, it worked well with your voice and provided for a calm, soothing, enjoyable performance. Moving forward I really want to see you tackle and incredibly hard song that can catapult you to the top (maybe do a recent SIA song), but this was, in my opinion, a good enough performance to get you out of the bottom 3."

Overall Score 7.46
3321 days 19 hours ago
4) Carsonworld - Shower

Kkoster I kind of liked this, and hated it! I don't know if that makes sense, but I really liked the singing, then on the other hand there was the half rap intro portion of the song which I didn't like. Overall though you did a pretty solid job pitch-wise, and in the essence of your key. Still there were a few slip ups where you'd do something accidental in a run, or where you'd get a little nasally. Solid as a whle though! Good work! Oh and that one high note for ""Why"" I loved.

Mat Vocal - Im a bit unsure about this song choice, but you sang it quite well. I’m desperate to hear another ballad from you, so I was disappointed to see this  theme cause obviously no ballads! Actually, fuck it, as this went on it got better and better and you made it work! I love how there was a little flip to higher notes every now and then! Awesome job!
Performance - As usual you always get the energy going so i have no complaints with your performance here. I was smiling, dancing and singing along so you definitely did it right! Awesome job!

Tolis I think your main issue this week is that it kind of got a little singsongy and a lot of things blended together and made it hard to quite understand what you were saying. You need to work on that enunciation to get your performance up to the next level!

Zach In my opinion this song was not correct for your voice. I felt like the vocals as a whole were sloppy and I feel that as a whole this was a step down from previous performances. I was disappointed this week. I also was bored. I felt very little emotion. 

Dude You are the biggest dark horse this competition has ever seen. I want to put emphasis on that. You have been middle of the pack most of this competition, but no tonight, you take a giant leap into the top 3. The vocals were spot on the performance was just solid. You managed to stick to the theme and you were able to convey so much emotion into this. I was on the edge of my seat listening to this. We are seriously starting to see growth in your music, and it is completely showing."

Overall Score 7.30
3321 days 19 hours ago
5) Tundra - Wings

Kkoster Well well well! This had a good amount of energy, and that is something you sometimes lack in your performances. Luckily though you didn't this week. However unlike most weeks you had some noticable vocal errors. Such as the slight incorrect use of vibrato in some of yours runs, and a sort of tiredness in your voice, which I feel could have to do with the fact that this wasn't your style. Also though, I noticed a nasally sound in some of your runs as well, which I have not heard from you before. Other than that it was vocally solid pitch-wise, and you sang with a smoothness so that was a plus. Overall though I would have to label this as your first hit and miss performance for me. Still nice job!

Mat We’ve already spoke briefly about this. Like I said, your vocals are strong as usual. You deliver vocally each week, but you can tell that you’re slightly uncomfortable with uptempo - and I totally get that cause Im the same. I felt at some points the music kinda drowned you out so just be careful of that in future cause your voice sounded really strong, it was a shame to have it kinda overshadowed - it won’t impact your mark, however. Brilliant song choice though, much better than the other one I heard you were doing! The bridge was a little messy though…so be careful of that in future! The big note was good but sounded a little shouty - try add some more vibrato to the bigger/longer/higher notes as it shows more control and adds to the tone a bit! Overall, this is definitely much better than I was expecting from you this week.  You’ve really, really improved this week. Awesome job.
Performance - As I said, you can tell that you aren’t entirely comfortable with uptempo’s. There was a lack of connection to the song and what you’re singing. It’s definitely not a theme that suits you, so I’m really glad to see how hard you’ve worked on this. I hope you continue to do some uptempos because I don’t want you falling back into the predictable Tundra-like songs now that we know you have this in you, I much prefer this Tundra, surprisingly, to the piano-based ballad Tundra we’ve all come to know! Strong week for you! Well done!

Tolis I don't know what was going on with your mic this week, but the muffle threw me off and it took away from the fun aspect of the performance. Vocally it was solid as per usual, but the performance just felt tired. Not your strongest week. Get that performance value back up.

Zach You always never fail to impress me with vocals. This song was gorgeous in your voice! That said though, This is a song that requires spunk and attitude and energy and your performance was really lacking that. It had the vocals, but lacked the fun.

Dude That base voice sure is something. I am glad that you tackled a really hard song like this one, I honestly didn’t see it coming. Vocally this was very enjoyable. I think moving forward, you need to maybe check the echo on the recording equipment, it almost felt like you were singing in a room with severe echo, or with reverb. Neither is bad, but it hinders my enjoyment of the vocal. Still, the fact you managed to tackle a group performance like this was amazing, easily one of my top 3 performances of the night. Your amazing Tundra, and you are going to be in this competition for a long time."

Overall Score 7.84
3321 days 19 hours ago
6) Blake18 - Wake Me Up

Kkoster I vocally think this was solid! I mean, specifically when you were in the mellower parts of the song. In those parts you had a sort of indie vibe, and you had a very strong, and fun vocal. However I don't know how I felt about the endings on the bigger chorus's. Considering they were in tune, and they were sung with a good amount of energy, however they were quite sharp, and that affected my view on the performance, or at least in those specific parts of the song. Then you look at the dynamics, and energy overall throughout this performance, and you did well in those aspect as well as you did throughout most of your performance. So luckily for you this week, the good outweighed the bad, and I am able to tell you nice work! Keep working! Oh, and I can't forget that big note at the end, that was really strong! Well done!

Mat Vocal - Well, last week you completely shocked me. I didn’t really think much of your vocal before last week and I was so excited for you this week now that you’re a firm frontrunner. I have to say I was, again, shocked by this. I didn’t think uptempo would work for you. But it did! You and Tundra both really proved me wrong this week. I love that you’re challenging your voice and pushing yourself more and more. There were some shouty notes though, and a little crack here and there, so be careful of that in future.
Performance - I was dancing all the way through it. You definitely put loads of effort into this and I really appreciate you doing that. This was such a joy listen to and I really think you’ve set a new bar for yourself in this competition. I now expect this level of performance from you each week, so you better no disappoint me, Blake. If you keep the standard of your last two weeks up, you’re going to go very far! Good on you!

Tolis Fun performance, it's just with this song there's such a long break that it loses momentum and it's a bit repetative. I think you did a good job with the vocals and you had some energy to break that momentum gap, but not enough to put it over the top. I think it'll come down to song choice to truly keep up your performance value.

Zach So your performance this week was rough. The song was way to high for you! You need to think about range and tone when selecting your song. This was a big step down! I really want to see some improvement!

Dude You took good advantage of that pocket on this one. Sounded in sync with the music and really showed some really good musical wits. Emotionally I think you did a good job committing to the song, which is something that many judges seem to criticize you for not doing enough of. Not tonight, I think you got that part down pat. There were some rough notes, but not really enough to hinder the overall performance. Moving forward I think you need to do more songs like this, once you get the control down pat, you could be in the running for the win."

Overall Score 7.2
3321 days 19 hours ago
7) Pureessence - Clarity 

Kkoster - I really liked this with your voice! Now, personally I am a little dissapointed you didn't submit Die Young because that was an awesome performance, but then i listened to this, and I found myself kind of ok with it. I mean vocally it was honestly really solid, and you showed that you can control your voice with bigger notes. Not to mention you sang with energy, and I don't know what anyone else thinks, but I think it was one of your better performances. I'm really happy with this vocally and performance-wise. Good job! Keep up the good work!

Mat Vocal - This is such a hard song to sing, and it was slightly too big for you. The verses were really good and I was so excited cause I’ve been LIVING from your performance the past few weeks, but when the chorus kicked in you could tell it was a bit of a struggle. You still hit most of the though, but it just wasn’t as confident as you have been the last few weeks, so that was a little disappointing. I think your voice works much much better with acoustic songs so I think you had the hardest job of all this week when doing uptempo because your voice is so soft and beautiful so I have taken that into account with my marking as you had a bigger mountain to climb.
Performance - Despite some vocal issues, you definitely gave it all. I could hear energy. I could hear fun. I could hear personality! I’m so glad your performance was this strong because I think this might’ve saved you! Good job! Definitely your best ‘performance’ of the season!

Tolis oh hun. This was probably your weakest performance. It just got high and you were cracking that it just didn't quite connect vocally. And like with blake, the gap and repetitiveness lost the momentum and just never got to that solid performance you need at this point

Zach Your tone is beautiful as always, but the vocals were sloppy this week. There was a lot of sliding around and it didnt sound good. The song selection was ok, but I was not in love with it. I did get bored by the end as well.

Dude This was a sweet performance. You have such a delicate voice. When that voice stay on track, its a very great recording, if it falls off pace, then there are some problems. I think you did a good job staying on point though this song. There were a few notes where I felt you over reaching, but none the less did I think you did a very good job on the vocal. It was definitly an enjoyable recording. Moving forward, maybe you should do a rock-ballad, I think it would be entertaining and it would suit your voice."

Overall Score 6.92
3321 days 19 hours ago
Thank you Jacquie. You saved me... I will prove that I am as horrible as this song showed me to be.. Seeing that I went from the top to the bottom is shocking. Next week I will put my all into doing great
3321 days 19 hours ago
I am not as horrible*
3321 days 19 hours ago
Last but not least

8) Forevermissprice - Dear Future Husband

Kkoster You showed a completely different side of yourself compared to last week, and the energy was really strong. Not to mention, you had a sort of sass which I liked. Then when you look at your vocal, and I mean holy powerful vocal. You sang on pitch, in tune, and although there were a few minor slip-ups, nothing was huge. Well done, keep up the good work!

Mat Vocal - It’s a week where personality and fun is meant to shine through and this week, you got that absolutely right. I could hear how much fun you were having in your voice and I felt as though you really put energy into it through your voice. Okay, there were a few moments that you missed the lower notes, but it wasn’t hugely noticeable. You’re one of the only singers left that actually does karaoke and doesn’t have crazy effects like reverb and all that and still you’re the most consistent! Performance - You always, always, always know how to put on a show and I absolutely adored the performance in this. The little laughs you did really added to the performance so well and this was absolutely the perfect song choice for you. It amazes me that you can go from doing something so meaningful and touching as last week to be able to come out here and do a performance totally difference and have just as much effect. You’re, by far, the most consistent contestant and you’re the only one that can do ballads and faster songs amazingly well. 

Tolis again, solid vocal, fun performance, really sad to see you go after having a solid performance week after week. If I had more time to dedicate I would've fought you to stay in and not give up... you can ask Mat, Ados, or even Conza (if he remembers that season) that I will fight to make sure people don't quit.

Zach (will probably have a comment once he notices everyone posted one)

Dude Gurl you have the ability to just command that beat. Control wise this was fantastic, you knew what you were doing, when you were doing certain expressions, and how it was going to be executed. Your base voice is very good, my only critique for this performance, is the same critique I gave you when you submitted this for a rough draft, which is that there are a few rough notes. Still, it was a very enjoyable performance, good job.

No Overall Score
3321 days 19 hours ago
What is the theme this week? I'm nervous
3321 days 19 hours ago
As stated earlier... this week's results will count as 20% of your score for next week due to Forevermissprice's departure from the competition. Here is where we stand after the first song:

1        ::        7.840        ::        Tundra
2        ::        7.700        ::        DanielC2384
3        ::        7.460        ::        MrPokeguy9
4        ::        7.300        ::        Carsonworld
5        ::        7.220        ::        SilverShadow
6        ::        7.200        ::        Blake18
7        ::        6.920        ::        Pureessence
3321 days 19 hours ago
Yay! Matt, kkoster and Zach <3
The rest :p
3321 days 18 hours ago
Thanks so much for the critiques judges! My highest rank ever... :D

Kkoster, the "lets go" and "uhu" and "cmon" annoy the crap out of me too. It's a habit I really need to break. It comes out naturally and then I hear it on play back and quiver lol

I'm going to do a ballad next week. Kinda scared but I know I have to. Will give it my all.

Grats to all of us top 7!!

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