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TNTM ~ Challenge Warehouse/Studio

Topic » TNTM ~ Challenge..

3921 days 3 hours ago
This is where all challenges will take place, as well as results be revealed.
3921 days 2 hours ago
Larkin (C): So it's time for the first challenge of the season! So excited.

Miley (C): I am F.I.E.R.C.E. on the runway, so if this challenge is about the walk, I got this in the bag.

*The girls arrive at the warehouse*

Brittany (C): So we pull up at the warehouse, and I'm already scared. No idea what is going to happen.

Barbara: What do you think it will be?

Augustine: No idea.

Barbara (C): So we all walk inside, and we see Millie standing with top model Cara Delevigne. I'm about to have a panic attack.

Millie: Hello girls.

Girls: Hi!

Millie: Welcome to your first challenge on TNTM. Standing next to me is top model, and the face of Burberry, Cara Delevigne. Despite having a strong look and taking a great photo, she can also work the runway, and that is what your challenge will be this week. Later on, you will all participate in a runway show for Burberry.

*The girls scream*

Millie: HOWEVER, at the end of the runway will be a photographer who will be taking one shot of you. It is extremely important to show off the outfit in these shots, as these are the photos that will be displayed in magazines around the world. The girl who manages to take the best end-of-runway shot will win the challenge. Good Luck everyone.

Dara (C): The pressure is on, as I really don't want to go home this week.
3921 days 2 hours ago
+ + + + + + + + + + RESULTS + + + + + + + + + +
3921 days 2 hours ago
| | | | | LINDSAY'S CRITIQUE | | | | |

Millie: The first thing which comes into my head after seeing this photo, is uncomfortable. Your body looks great, and so does the outfit but your face just screams tense as if you were so worried about trying to look great for the shot, that you kind of shot your self in the foot. I think next time you're on the runway, you just need to relax and let things come to you more naturally, then it will be a lot easier not only for you to walk, but for the photographer to get a better shot.
3921 days 2 hours ago
| | | | | EMBREAL'S CRITIQUE | | | | |

Millie: For me this is a good shot Embreal, and one I could definitely see in a fashion magazine, but something about the face is just a bit 'mean' to me. Like Lindsay, I feel like you were trying so hard, that instead of under-doing it you over-did it. I can definitely see you were trying to look fierce here with an intense look, but it look quite scary to be honest. However, I do like it, and this is an extremely good shot for a first attempt. I'm impressed.
3921 days 1 hour ago
| | | | | BARBARA'S CRITIQUE | | | | |

Millie: This could have been a really good shot Barbara, but unfortunately I feel that the photographer has just caught you at the wrong angle. Your face and body don't look bad, but because it is a side view we don't get to see your angles and natural curves to your body, so we are left with this almost stick insect replica of a model. This would have been a much better photo if it had been taken face on. You know what to do now for the future.
3920 days 14 hours ago
| | | | | EBONI'S CRITIQUE | | | | |

Millie: I'm actually quite a big fan of this Eboni, as you look absolutely stunning. Your walk wasn't one of those fierce struts, but rather one of those elegant glides down the runway which is a very hard thing to mast, so I must commend you in that. You look great in the dress as it really complements your skin tone. My only thing I would have liked to have seen was a little more expression in the face, whether it be happy or strong, I just wanted something. Good job though.
3920 days 14 hours ago
| | | | | DARA'S CRITIQUE | | | | |

Millie: Oof, girl this is not good, as I hate to say it but you look really cheap here. This reminds me of McKenzie's finale shot last cycle in that just none of the elements worked together and this looks something an amateur. The light is hitting a bad angle of your face, and is making you look really washed out. Your walk was okay, but this photo certainly does not do you justice. You always have to be aware of other elements such as lighting, so take care in the future.
3920 days 14 hours ago
| | | | | BRITTANY'S CRITIQUE | | | | |

Millie: Once again you impress me Brittany, as this is a really good shot of you. Like Eboni, you have an elegance in your walk which has really translated into your photograph here, which is accented by your angelic outfit. You look really tall here, as if your legs could go on for days, which is something I always appreciate in a model. Your mouth does seem to have a lot of tension in it, but that's something which you personally have to work on, so it doesn't look to pouty all of the time.
3920 days 14 hours ago
| | | | | AUGUSTINE'S CRITIQUE | | | | |

Millie: Out of all of the girls, your outfit for this challenge was by FAR my favourite of all of the girls, so you are already ahead of the game, but aside from that my critique for you is essentially the same as the one I gave Brittany. You look great, like a professional model, from a body standpoint but you also have the 'pout' thing going on, which really doesn't work here. Sometimes in a photo-shoot it CAN work, but it for sure does not have a place on the runway; sorry!
3920 days 5 hours ago
| | | | | LARKIN'S CRITIQUE | | | | |

Millie: Once again we are being faced with the same problem that most of the girls have been having, in that from the neck down, this shot is one of the best this week, however the face just does not look to me. I can't quite put my finger on what exactly is the problem, but none of the elements (your mouth, eyes) just seem to match. Everything stands out for you here, but they just aren't working together. For you I think it was more of a styling issue, rather than a walking one.
3920 days 5 hours ago
| | | | | VANESSA'S CRITIQUE | | | | |

Millie: OH MY GOD DAT MOUTH GIRL, what are you doing here? This is pouting to the maximum and like I said to the other girls, pouting really doesn't work on the runway. Aside from that however, this photo is probably one of the best of the day. If you put your finger over your mouth in this shot, literally everything is 100% perfect, and would have won the challenge by a landslide, but not we'll have to wait and see the rest of the girls' shots and see. Gooj job Vanessa.
3920 days 4 hours ago
| | | | | BLOSSOM'S CRITIQUE | | | | |

Millie: I have to be completely honest here in saying that I really don't like this shot. It's been a while since I've said this on Tengaged's Next Top Model, but I think this just looks a bit pageanty rather than modelesque. Everything from the hands on hips, to the bent knee and the almost smile on your face just looks way too posy and forced, rather than it coming to you more naturally. I think you just need to take tips from the other girls, for the future.
3920 days 4 hours ago
| | | | | BECCA'S CRITIQUE | | | | |

Millie: It's funny, as this is the complete opposite to all of the other girls' photos in that I love your face here, but your body doesn't do anything for me. Your face is sexy, and unlike the others you have managed to control your face and it looks absolutely stunning. Your body on the other hand, looks great from the waist up, but the camera has caught your legs in a really awkward position where they look weirdly thin, and half-missing. It just looks odd.
3920 days 4 hours ago
| | | | | MILEY'S CRITIQUE | | | | |

Millie: Oh my God I don't even know what to think about this photo. If this were for a couture ad campaign for Alexander McQueen then it could have worked, because of the edgy and quirky pose, but for a runway this is an absolute NO-NO. It just looks extremely strange and awkward and like I said with Blossom, not at all natural. This is way too forced on the runway, as sometimes less is more.
3919 days 15 hours ago
Millie: So it came down to two girls this week, Eboni and Vanessa. However one girl just had the edge on me this week, and that girl was

It was actually a much closer decision than I expected, so congratulations!

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