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TSC 197 Final...

Topic » TSC 197 Final...

3340 days 14 hours ago
1- hmm I've actually never hears of this guy but this is actually a good one not something I would typically listen to but it was good.
2-MY GOODNESS I love this song #downloadedit
3-This was so so not to good but its not horrible either so its OK
5-good song ! Im really digging this one.
6-Erm its just OK
9- My goodnsss Im loving this
10-Yass good one
11- *tear* I was gonna use this one but anyways I love Kat dahlia she's the
13- I love the name of this group other than that it wasn't that great
14-Love this one downloaded it
16-Yass loving it
17-hmm  I don't what to think about this one
18-no no no no
19- I never realize how old she was! Anyways good song
21-My new jam
22- It was just alright
3340 days 11 hours ago
iLL BLU - TOOT - I actually really liked this one, it had a catchy tune, dance-ability and a ginger in the video. What more can you want? I'm gonna add it to my Spotify! ^_^ UPDATE: Not on Spotify. >:( Still, a really awesome way to open the contest - hope it continues to this standard!

Unspoken - TOOT -  This contest has begun worryingly well - with me really enjoying the first two songs! This was everything I like in a song and it was so easy listening. I shall try to locate this on Spotify also. :p

Stevie McCrorie  - TOOT - Thre in a row, it's a bloody miracle! I love songs like this where you can just hear the emotion so clear in someone's voice. Seriously, this was awesome and I adored his accent. I love it when people keep their natural accents when singing. Spotify shall be checked once again.

George Ezra - toot - This was still great and enjoyed it, but it's like the calm after the amazing storm that was the first three songs. George is cool and I like his music, this too… I just think it got placed in a bad running order.

Molly Pettersson Hammar - boot - This was nothing special, it wasn't bad… It just wasn't a stand out performance for me. /:

Selah Sue - boot - I had some interest in this one at the start, but it quickly fizzled as the song and beat just became really really boring for me.

Andriah Arrindell - boot. -  Wannabe Estelle comes to mind. This wasn't anything amazing to me, I just feel like I've heard it before and I've heard it done much better.

Sparks The Rescue - TOOT - This gives me very 'If These Sheets Were The States' vibes by All Time Low, and that's why I'm living for this! I doubt this will do well cause punk pop genres tend not to, but I'm gonna appreciate it anyways. :p

Audra Mae - toot - Ooh, I like the chorus to this a lot - she's got some nice sass and the music for this one is great! I like the whole setup - it works very well!

Broiler - toot - This was decent for this genre (I'm not usually a fan) - but I really like this one cause it's kinda atmospheric and seems really well produced. I hope this does well in the actual charts cause I'd love to hear this at a club or something.

Kat Dahlia - TOBO - This was just… it was going too many places. The issue is that I really liked a bunch of elements from this song but as Raja would say. EDITING. Figure out what you wanna show.

The Wombats - TOOT - Ugh, his tone is literally so perfect!! The song took it's time to grow on me, but once it did I was singing along and fully involved. Shall check spotify later.

We Have Band - tobo - Whilst I love WHB, I am just not certain about this one. It certainly grew on me, but it took so long to do so. /:

Erik Hassle - TOOT - Can't get enough of this (pun intended). It started off with neutral feelings, but won me over by the end. A very solid tune, I really enjoyed it!

Florence & The Machine - boot - Sounds very similar to everything else she's presented. I really didn't enjoy it, especially since I compared to classic F&M.

Delta Rae - boot - I kinda wanted to like this, but alas that didn't happen. I got hung up on the lyrics cause I didn't understand them and that kinda ruined it for me.

Marion Raven - BOOT - There was a nice bit with the guitar around one of the choruses. That was all that was nice about the music, video was cute though. The artist seemed genuine.

Kylie Minogue - toot - Someone has clearly been watching Drag Race... Or maybe Cucumber? Either way, this is a catchy wee number. What holds it back though is a weaker vocal and it's predictability factor.

Janelle Monae & Jidenna - TOBO - Love her attitude and general swagger - but I don't really enjoy the song... And well that's the main factor.
3340 days 11 hours ago
Lowell - toot - This was really cute and so relaxing. I'm winding down for the night so this did a great job of almost lulling me to sleep - but in the best way possible!

Good Old War - tobo- This is decent music, I think it just got repetitive as hell which means I'm less tolerant with my songs.

Matrimony - TOOT - This was just all very cute and simple, rounding off a pretty awesome contest with a pretty awesome entry.
3340 days 11 hours ago
This week is iconic only for Sparks Toots and Boots and my edgics

I'm gonna make my comments all with edgic if you agree to keep doing toots and boots cause hunty that is iconic of u
3340 days 10 hours ago
1) iLL BLU - This was pretty nice stylistically. Not so sure about it as a whole package but there's no denying the chorus is good. I do like this.
2) Unspoken - It was nice but a little predictable. The chorus was nothing special.
3) Stevie McCrorie - Good voice but didn't care for the song much.
4) George Ezra - Nice little tune. I don't listen to him but I did like this.
5) Molly Pettersson Hammar - I AM SO BITTER. I had been planning on submitting this for weeks now but kept procrastinating on the submission. Of course the week I decide to submit it, someone beats me to it. This is amazing. Great voice. Great progression throughout. This is going to win and I am going to be senile and bitter about it for the rest of the year.
6) Selah Sue - The vocal was pretty good. The song itself was a little underwhelming though. Shame, but I do like it.
7) Andriah Arrindell - I'm not sure whether I should take this seriously but I do like it. As a matter of fact, I don't think this lived up to its potential. The verses were fine but the chorus was a little lackluster for what preceded and followed.
8) Sparks the Rescue - A little punk? Not feeling it.
9) Audra Mae - I'm not so sure on this one. I was expecting a bit more oomph but it felt a bit flat to me. Not because it gave country vibes because the way this was arranged stylistically made it tolerable. The problem was that this in particular left me a bit underwhelmed.
10) Broiler - I am totally feeling this. The vocal was a little mysterious, totally my thing. And the drop was orgasmic. Love it.
11) Kat Dahlia - I wasn't so sure about this side of her until the chorus. The verses left me feeling empty but the song progressed to deliver, only in parts though.
12) The Wombats - I think I like the idea behind this one more than I like the song itself. It has a few unique elements, some of which I like more than others but it wasn't too bad as a whole.
13) We Have Band - The vocal should have left me bored but I strangely enjoyed this. I'll need a second listen though, and we'll see how I feel about it afterwards.
14) Erik Hassle - I was not expecting this. Groovy. I like it a lot.
15) Alex Winston - I was immediately intrigued by the music. The vocal was also pretty nice. I was expecting a pretty big chorus but it only somewhat delivered on that front. The verses were also starting to sound a little flowery. I do like this though.
16) Florence & The Machine - I should like this, because Florence (!!!!!), but I didn't really care. Shame.
17) Delta Rae - They've been very hit or miss with me in this contest but I think I'm leaning toward 'hit' with this one. The sound was pretty good, and the instrumentation developed nicely. I wish the vocal was a little more toned down but still good.
18) Marion Raven - The immediate instrumentation caught my interest. The vocal was pretty mellow but the song progressed rather nicely into a strong chorus. It got a bit repetitive but nevertheless, a strong entry.
19) Kylie Minogue - She sounds like Madonna circa 1980's. I don't know, I don't listen to much Kylie. The verses were alright, but nothing spectacularly special. What followed sounded good though. Overall, this wasn't bad but nothing noteworthy.
20) Janelle Monae & Jidenna - I haven't listened to this one yet. I am already completely feeling it. This was very Janelle with a nice twist that played up to what is currently popular. The verses are really great. I like this.
21) Lowell - I thought I was going to like this but the vocal was a little distracting, and the music didn't go anywhere for me.
22) Good Old War - Clappy and cheerful. The verses weren't anything to gag over but the chorus was pretty catchy.
23) Matrimony - I wanted to like this but it never went anywhere for me. This definitely had parts I appreciated but it's not sticking as a whole. Not a bad ending though.
3340 days 9 hours ago
Yasss Charlie - Let's start a trend. :p

Also for some reason I missed this;

Alex Winston - TOBO - The chorus to this was like really nice, it's just everything else that is making me hesitant.
3340 days 8 hours ago
1. iLL BLU - Came across this while looking for TSC songs, it didn't quite reach out to me. It's pretty weak during the verses and the chorus is just decent, as a result the whole thing ended up quite average to me.
2. Unspoken - Very predictable. I suppose the point of the producers was to make this song sound very pleasant, and I can't deny that it's quite relaxing, but it didn't really deliver much.
3. Stevie McCrorie - Didn't he win The Voice or something? This kind of music with "a guy with a guitar" is overdone, and that high note just sounded so bad...not for me. The last time I liked a guy with a guitar singing was when James Bay was sent, maybe they should follow his style instead?
4. George Ezra - Talking about the guys with guitars, George Ezra is another pure example of that category, except he sounds better than Stevie. I very much liked Budapest, but I feel like this one feels a bit forced, especially the "oh-oh-oh" parts. It's another pleasant entry, but will it be enough?
5. Molly Pettersson Hammar - Swedish quality pop song - that means it's of good quality. Quite shocked that it flopped to make MF finals, but at least she's being appreciated in TSC now.
6. Selah Sue - Unique vocals and a very simple beat. I usually would feel that something was missing (like a punch) in such stuff, but the simplicity of this song is really captivating me. I enjoyed this.
7. Andriah Arrindell - A downgraded version of Karen Harding's "Say Something". Typical dancy beats and her vocals are just too weak for a song like this. She tried, I suppose.
8. Sparks the Rescue - I get so excited for entries like these, cause such music has never been a thing that appealed to me, with this being no exception. Will have less trouble giving out points...I suppose...
9. Audra Mae - Woah, the start was sassy, and this sounds quite good. While it does not live up after the beginning, this is quite solid, reminds me Miranda Lambert whom I really enjoy.
10. Broiler - This is exactly something right up my street. Good, relaxing verses with a buildup to a stronger chorus. While it's not as punchy as I thought it would be, it's still pretty good.
11. Kat Dahlia - I didn't really enjoy her winning entry, and she's usually just a miss to me. This is an exception, though, the chorus really exceeded my expectations after the rather dull verses, looks like she will get my points this time.
12. The Wombats - Sounds quite like an experiment, and I like the direction of that. While the idea itself is more likeable than the song itself, this is still quite good.
13. We Have Band - Interesting verses and vocals ruined by the repetitiveness and a very weak chorus. Kind of a shame, because it could have been a great song, and now it's just alright.
14. Erik Hassle - Really funky and old-school, definitely different to the stuff I've heard so far this contest. What prevents me from fully enjoying this is the chorus, which could have given much more, but it's still a fun entry.
15. Alex Winston - Okay, I thought I was going to listen to some guy singing, so this was quite unexpected. Very intriguing, has a good buildup...really enjoyed this.
16. Florence + The Machine - The "o" word is just wanting to be said from my mouth, but I will take the pressure and not say that. Definitely better than St. Jude or What Kind Of A Man, but her worldwide popularity might affect my voting decision, despite the song being solid.
17. Delta Rae - Didn't expect such sass! Her tone could be too much to bear with, but this actually helps the song itself. Makes Folk look much better than one-dimensional songs, really liked this!
18. Marion Raven - After such a good song that Delta Rae has given to us, it's very hard to live up to expectations. This is a bit too long, if the song was like a minute shorter, it would've been decent, as the whole thing itself doesn't deliver too much.
19. Kylie Minogue - Her again? The dancy song
3340 days 8 hours ago
19. Kylie Minogue - Her again? The dancy song that she was featured in last contest sounded much better, this just sounds a bit outdated, despite the fact that it was released last year...
20. Janelle Monae & Jidenna - I love Janelle Monae, but what happened to her...? She used to be really unique with her style and stuff (especially stuff like Cold War & Tightrope) and this song is just a follow-up to many similar R&B songs that try to blend some synthpop in it, and as a result this sounds so out of place...and that unnecessary rap. What was she smoking?
21. Lowell - The contest is going quite downhill...while this is better than the previous song, it's really underwhelming. Lacks a punch needed for such stuff to work.
22. Good Old War - This kind of music usually suffers from: Poor Chorus, Poor Verses or Both Combined. While the sin here is more on verses, it's still not enough for a chorus to make me like this song.
23. Matrimony - Very country, which is not really my kind of thing. I appreciate it for what it is, but it's completely out of my comfort zone.
3340 days 8 hours ago
01) iLL BLU – I’ve listened to this a few times, but I’m really not sure what I think about it.  I don’t think I like the vocals. But the track itself is quite pleasant. Those headphones are so cool….are they supposed to be in the eighties? All the cars are modern. :p Getting back to the song…nah…not going to listen to this again. :p

02) Unspoken – Video cliché alert. :p The whole song is a cliché really. :p Someone really needs to light a fire under his bum, to get him going. :p Blaaaaaaa….bleugh…..this is so mundane.

03) Stevie McCrorie- You haven’t got the ‘voice’…mate…don’t screech….only cats can understand you now. :p I just hate the fact that people vote based on looks nowadays, there were about 10 people better than him this year, maybe even more. ‘ :(

04) George Ezra – Beta me up. :p I’m kind of warming to him, but this is just bland. His miming in the video is wrong, as he clearly sings out of the side of his mouth, which he doesn’t show here. I can understand why he is popular as his music is better than Jake Bugg’s stuff and they’re the only people singing like this at the moment. Nope, not today. :’(

05) Molly Pettersson Hammar – Best so far, by a clear margin. :p Ok, it’s a mess…but it is an enjoyable mess, even when she shouts at me. I bet this was a mess at the Swedish selections. :p I would love to see Tommy the sign-language guy sign to this. :p One thing I will say is that the backing music is very loud, which lead them to turn up her vocal. This would have been better if they kept the vocal the same, but turned down the backing track.

06) Selah Sue – Whiny…The verses are not band, but by the time we get to the chorus, it just turns into a whine fest. So underwhelming tbh. Plod plod plod plod plod ploddddddddd.

07) Andriah Arrindell – lol wtf. Lol wtf. Lol wtf. Lol wtf. Catchy…and I am so worried, because this has gone straight to the top of my list. :p I really like her voice and the video is cute, in a cheesy way. I want the nun and the tats guy to get it on. :p The guy that ignores the girl, is so shallow… :’( We should make a TSC version of this video. OK video analysis over. :p Yeah I kind of love this. :p

08) Sparks the Rescue – Ewww that whiny rock vocal. :O No thanks, the melody is just a mess of instruments. Nothing for me to latch onto….it kind of ends with whimper as well.

09) Audra Mae – That first sentence is very strong. Country will never be an out and out winner for me, but as country goes this really isn’t bad. I quite like it… my lovely toes are tapping. :p

10) Broiler – I hate how music producers ( especially in Europe), sit back and think…’what does this bland track need? I know! A saxophone’. Such a music cliché. :p Pretty inoffensive…not going to set the world alight.

11) Kat Dahlia – Bla bla blaaaaaa….I can see why she’s entered so often. But this isn’t her best, she just screams at us for most of us. I do quite like the verses, which are catchy. :p

12) The Wombats – Surprise of the contest….I thought I hated this band. :O I love this actually. The electro part actually works really well. :D I have to check out more of their stuff to see if it is a fluke or not. :O
3340 days 8 hours ago
13) We Have Band – Oh wow. Haunting….I love thissssssss. The standout for me, the mix of the electro and the haunting vocal. Songs like this are just…sovohvrshvhiopvjppjvpj\jpjp to me. Thank you for introducing this track and band to me. :D

14) Erik Hassle – Zomg…love this too. :p This is my sort of kitchen, this is what I do every morning when making my breakfast. :p Not the best of the contest, but up there for me. I love his voice and the electro beats. :’)

15) Alex Winston- A little whiny…but I like it. :’) She has a delicate and pure voice, that works well with the song. Yeah I like this a lot, but I just wish she didn’t go for that high note. :p :D

16) Florence & the Machine – Is Beta not good enough for you Florence? :O Yeah it’s good…but can you expect anything other than that from her. Nowhere near their best though. I don’t think this stands out in the contest for me.

17) Delta Rae – I can see why comparisons were made with Audra Mae. I quite like this actually, it isn’t as punchy as the previous mentioned entry.

18) Marion Raven – Goodness me…not what I was expecting at all. This is not the Marion I know….this is so much better. She is serving Goldfrapp here and I’m loving ittttttttt!!!! Brilliantttttt! :’)

19) Kylie Minogue – Oh queen….what are you doing here? Her new stuff is cringe…but I still love her with my whole heart. Australia should ditch our queen and appoint this goddess instead. Ok…okay!

20) Janelle Monae & Jidenna – lol fair enough. :p I quite like this…it is catchy. :p This surprised me actually. This didn’t need Jidenna, but I’m just glad he wasn’t rapping as that would have ruined the whole track.

21) Lowell – Floaty…float on by…chilly….chill on by…..ploddy….plod on by…not awful, but it not good either. :p Sorry…

22) Good Old War – I like this. It’s catchy….I’m not overly impressed with the voice, but the whoahhahahaaha parts are cool. :D Might sneak into my points. :D

23) Matrimony – send me to sleep….goodnight TSC. I’m not even being dramatic…I feel like nodding off for a quick nap tbh. No…this is not doing it for me. Sorry.
3340 days 3 hours ago
01) iLL BLU        I feel like this is trying to hard to be mellow and dancey at the same time.
02) Unspoken        the thing that really puts a song like this over the edge is if the singer is cuhte…. Spoiler… he isn't… but the song is still decent. (Gavin Degraw wannabe)
03) Stevie McCrorie       
04) George Ezra        Tbf "I appreciate George Ezra" T:*stares him down*
05) Molly Pettersson Hammar        AMG… does that mean someone's gunna submit Dolly Style soon!!! YAAAAAS!!!
06) Selah Sue        it wasn't bad.
07) Andriah Arrindell        If the music didn't sound like it was from a video game in the 90s, this would be for sure be higher on my list
08) Sparks the Rescue        Yea… I've been over this genre since I was 13… sorry about it
09) Audra Mae        Loving these vocals and the music
10) Broiler        I have a feeling this will be what I'll be listening to on the radio in greece all summer.
11) Kat Dahlia        I have this on my list to use. Great song
12) The Wombats        I was over this quite quickly
13) We Have Band        not for me… it was decentish
14) Erik Hassle        ummm… it never really sold me on the song… sorry about it
15) Alex Winston        Ummm… is this Icona Pop but mellowed out? What is with all the mellowing?
16) Florence & the Machine        it takes me a while to get into a flo song… no change with this one
17) Delta Rae        Can we all just come to an agreement and not use Delta Rae without an official video for the song, because they are too awesome live/with videos to just let them fall slightly flat with just an audio
18) Marion Raven        ummm… wasn't hating it. But I felt like it was a 70s song that was modernized with a little bit of like light rock elements
19) Kylie Minogue        Tbf and T "Really, out of all the eligible Kylie songs… come on… just because they used it in RPDR doesn't mean it's even remotely close to her best"
20) Janelle Monae & Jidenna        Tbf and T "I like Janelle Monae but I'm not crazy about this song"
21) Lowell        ughhh… no… stahhhp
22) Good Old War        ummm… twas aiight
23) Matrimony        ummm… meh… yea… I am going with meh
3340 days 3 hours ago
01) iLL BLU: lmao i love this music video so much, thats me dancing.
02) Unspoken: this was not for me.
03) Stevie McCrorie: sorry i know this is homemade? maybe? but the production just feels cheap and tacky
04) George Ezra: LMAO this album was literally mumber one in the UK, this is a really good song but really?
05) Molly Pettersson Hammar: pretty good toe tapping song.
06) Selah Sue: damn you, I was going to use this next week. I am obsessed with this song.
07) Andriah Arrindell: another good song, this contest is really good
08) Sparks the Rescue:nope
09) Audra Mae: her voice is strong, but something is turning me off, maybe its the country influences.
10) Broiler: pretty okay song, dont know how itll do in this contest though.
11) Kat Dahlia: was pretty bored, dont think her voice is that interesting sorry
12) The Wombats:no
13) We Have Band: This was interesting.
14) Erik Hassle: i really dont like this
15) Alex Winston: I like her voice, it adds something to this average song.
16) Florence & the Machine: ugh i love her so much
17) Delta Rae: this was a strong song.
18) Marion Raven:no
19) Kylie Minogue: im sorry but i am screaming this is great.
20) Janelle Monae & Jidenna: omg this is the perfect summer song, yall are all shitting on her, but I'm glad she changed it up, and I hope this is the song that brings her mainstream succes
21) Lowell: cloud 69 is the better of her songs, I still like her though.
22) Good Old War-no
23) Matrimony-no
3340 days 3 hours ago
01) iLL BLU : i like this, the vocal is unique, reminds me a bit of years and years
02) Unspoken : hes like a lighter version of gavin degraw, it sounds a bit weak though maybe because i compared him to gavin, but not a bad song definitely
03) Stevie McCrorie : can't help but being affected by the bad quality of the recording, its quite nice tbh, i like his voice
04) George Ezra : great song, he's one of my favorite singers, it might hurt my willing to give this points unfortunately
05) Molly Pettersson Hammar : loves the beat, this reminds me a bit of ghost by ella henderson, quite like it overall, very good entry
06) Selah Sue : i like her quirky voice, the song was a bit forgettable but its not bad
07) Andriah Arrindell : eh 90s rnb thingy, this is not for me sorry
08) Sparks the Rescue : quite liked this tbh! although its not always my thing its very enjoyable
09) Audra Mae : she has been on my list since forever, not this song though, i found this a bit wishy washy but i loveee her voice
10) Broiler : oh i think i heard this before, i love it, it has a really chill vibe to it, good choice
11) Kat Dahlia : loves this girl, this is not as good as her other stuffs imo, it lacks originality but its still a decent song
12) The Wombats : this is definitely my thing, loves the indie feel to it, im feeling so indie this week
13) We Have Band : oh this is different, i liked the beat and the vocals, overall nice entry
14) Erik Hassle : another one on my list, i appreciate it more than when i heard this before, its really dance-y and enjoyable, loved it
15) Alex Winston : oh loved this! slow but steady beat and her voice is really quirky but nice
16) Florence & the Machine : one of my favorite groups, read #4 for details
17) Delta Rae : lovesss these band, it meets my expectation, good song
18) Marion Raven : this kinda passed me by
19) Kylie Minogue : not a fan of her, this song didnt change anything
20) Janelle Monae & Jidenna : nothing special about this, shame though looking at the artist
21) Lowell : kind of like song 18 and 20 in one song, boring and nothing special
22) Good Old War : loves this! i like the beat and the vocals, could have more variation but its still a good song
23) Matrimony : yess sweet and lovely, nice song to finish the contest
3340 days 2 hours ago
1)        iLL BLU – The smooth vocal of James Morrison works really well in this vibe. I’d never expect him to get involved in something like this. I’m getting Clean Bandit and Years and Years vibes which I like at the moment! A tad on the simple side but it’s undeniably catchy!
2)        Unspoken – I quite like the progression too and I anticipated the clapping in the bridge before it even started and started clapping along. It shows how formulaic it is, but it’s pleasant.
3)        Stevie McCrorie – Cue the new Voice winner. I don’t think he’ll be as much as a flop as the others who’ve won the British one. The video quality isn’t brilliant but it doesn’t put me off too much. The lyricism as a whole seems a little… inexperienced but the melody and the vocal and falsetto go together really well. Not bad!
4)        George Ezra – I’m a pretty big fan of George Ezra, such a rich tone to his voice. Not my favourite of his songs, but it’s still pretty great
5)        Molly Pettersson Hammar – There’s something not quite clicking, I think the instrumentation is a tad too loud maybe compared to the voice, but that’s only something minor. Pretty unoriginal but solid!
6)        Selah Sue – I remember hearing this a few weeks ago. The vocal is good but I think I didn’t consider submitting it as it’s pretty repetitive. As much as I like the vibe, the repetitiveness became a tad grating.
7)         Andriah Arrindell – Meh, I wasn’t sold on this at all until she raised the stakes a bit with her vocal. Still not doing much for me though unfortunately.
8)        Sparks The Rescue – It’s all pretty generic and I don’t like using that phrase but if I heard this song again in a day or two, I wouldn’t remember that I listened to it here. Meh.
9)        Audra Mae – She’s like a bluesier, rockier Paloma Faith. I like this, especially when it picks up a bit. It loses me a bit as it goes along, but that vocal though!
10)        Broiler – That sax riff is a little disappointing, it’s almost just a stream of random notes to me. This genre is a bit hit and miss and I don’t really know if I’m feeling it. Kinda just passed me by really.
11)        Kat Dahlia – She’s got a pretty interesting tone to her vocal, but while musically it could be something I like, I’m not too keen on the lyrics. Her diction annoys me too
12)        The Wombats – I don’t like this singing style too much, another problem with the diction. I’ve never really been a fan of them though, I don’t think.
3340 days 2 hours ago
13)        We Have Band – I thought I’d like this for some reason when It first started, but it’s very monotone and I switched off pretty quickly which is a shame as it seems to have a pretty cool vibe.
14)        Erik Hassle – Maybe I wouldn’t have succeeded in submitting this anyway considering it seems like a few people wanted it, but why the hell didn’t I think to submit this… I found it the other day and put it on my list but didn’t follow through it seems. Right up my street! It’s on my shower playlist – that’s the level we’re talking here
15)        Alex Winston – I was digging this in the verses, but there’s a bit too much happening in the chorus, it doesn’t really gel too well for me. Reminds me of a modern Kate Bush actually. Not bad!
16)        Florence & The Machine - This is a slightly new sound to Florence. I think I prefer her older stuff. Not really exciting me too much, but it’s pleasant
17)        Delta Rae – I remember really liking their entry last time. Angry folk and country with a good drum beat gets me every time. The vocal is a taaaad on the shrill side and it lost me in some places, but yeah not bad
18)        Marion Raven – We’re in quite a bluesy, rocky era of TSC it seems. Not that I’m really complaining! Somewhat pleasant but I switched off pretty quickly which is a shame because I thought it’d have the potential to be one of my favourites
19)        Kylie Minogue – I wasn’t really sure what I was expecting from her, but it seems like we’ve reached the section of the contest where I take a break because I keep switching off and getting distracted. Meh.
20)        Janelle Monae & Jidenna – I’ve heard this somewhere… maybe I came across it in my research. It might have even been in the bar we went to last night… there was a lot of yoga going on there haha. I’m not sure if this is a guilty pleasure… I think there are bits I actually like…
21)        Lowell – Just when I thought I’m back in the room for these last few contests, I’m sent off to daydream land and distraction. Nice background music, but I need something I can actively listen to this for these contests
22)        Good Old War – More bluesy, rocky, folky stuff! I’m switching off again… maybe it’s just because I’m tired. It’s alright, but somebody please god tell him what you want from him. Repetitiveeeeee
23)        Matrimony – A bit sickly sweet for me, but pretty chill. Switching off again, it’s nicely passive but not what I’m looking for in these contests. Time for sleep.

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