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TSC: Best of IX

Topic » TSC: Best of IX

3394 days 18 hours ago
Hey guys.. If you want season 3 of my BB apps are open .. Its going TO be completely music themed and Very fun.. I would like each of you To apply.. Catch already did:) if you're interested Here it is the link :
3394 days 16 hours ago
sorry for the half-hearted comments, packing to go to dublin!!

1) Holly Williams - I remember thinking this was good for a country song, and i havnt changed my opinion much, it doesnt blow my mind but its nice enough
2) Conor Quinn & The White Chalk - This was a pleasent lil one wasnt it
3) Bim - really liked this
4) The Sound of Arrows - this was decent too, might be hard to vote
5) Cordial Factory - this is lovely, easy listening, really chilled me out
6) Anselmo Ralph - not for me thanks
7) American Authors - love this song.. was this pre popularity, if so well done!!
8) Zedd - Meh, so overplayed.. Its just ok
9) Nerina Pallot - blahhh i wanna dislike more songs but they are all really good
10) Jacynthe - not really my cup of tea
11) Frida Sundemo - love it
12) Bat for Lashes - a bit zzzzz
13) Serena Ryder - anything with clapping noises is a winner for me
14) Lucia - it was alright
15) Machines are People Too - I reallly struggled narrowing down my choice this week cause I loved a lot of my songs so I decided to go for the highest scoring one, i do love this one and the energy it has (and the kids)
16) Asaf Avidan & The Mojos - too repetitive
17) Matthieu Mendès - nah
3394 days 10 hours ago
This was a great contest, everyone brought their A-game, so as Alpha would say if he was here,  WELL DONE EVERYONE.

Every song is familiar to me, as I took part in every contest from TSC131-150. Out of the 16 "opponents" of mine, I gave points to 15 of them!

After two listens I'm really not sure about my final rankings as it's really close between certain songs, so tomorrow I'll do a third listen to decide my points, which I've never had to do before. But I can give my comments now:

1. Holly Williams - Gave her 12pts, really nice country song, starts out subtle then grows bigger yet stays just as strong, solid opener
2. Conor Quinn & The White Chalk - Gave them 7pts, intriguing and original for sure, builds up to a great chorus, shame this video's audio is dodgy
3. Bim - Gave them 10pts, good ballad, they're a good duo, having piano and no other instruments is effective and works
4. The Sound of Arrows - Gave them 6pts, his voice is nothing special but the consistent pounding electro beat makes this a decent entry
5. Cordial Factory - Gave them 10pts, starts off well and after nearly 2 minutes gets even better, it's a haunting and mysterious ditty
6. Anselmo Ralph - Gave him 10pts, cool beat throughout this, Portuguese is a nice language to listen to, though it should be shorter
7. American Authors - Gave them 4pts, this won a very strong contest, it's a catchy fun feel-good singalong number, what's not to like?
8. Zedd - Gave him 4pts, another catchy one, Hayley's voice is a good fit for the beat, Zedd is the German king of electro!
9. Nerina Pallot - Gave her 0pts, though it was a strong contest, this is alright, the beat gets stronger and she sings it effortlessly
10. Jacynthe - Gave her 7pts, who cares if it's all rather cheap and she almost swears, you can't deny there's a stomping beat!
11. Frida Sundemo - My second winner, I love this song, super-catchy beat from the get go, her delicate voice and the multiple layers
12. Bat for Lashes - Gave her 3pts, for such a long and slow song I quite like it, she sings emotively and there's good use of piano
13. Serena Ryder - Gave her 10pts, solid entry, she's got an unusual voice but it's nice, really like the guitar beat, makes my foot tap!
14. Lucia - Gave her 6pts, another intriguing one, you can hear the pain in her voice, though hearing it now it feels repetitive
15. Machines are People Too - Gave them 8pts, a good uplifting song with singalong lyrics even in the verses, sung well with a consistent beat
16. Asaf Avidan & The Mojos - Gave them 4pts, the oddness of it all lures you in with a nice beat, just wish he didn't shriek like a right maniac
17. Matthieu Mendes - Gave him 10pts, really like this, catchy all the way through, harmless bilingual fun, great guitar-strumming duet
3394 days 8 hours ago
1) Holly Williams - Her voice is like sticky honey... It's probably my favourite winning song of mine, and I love it.
2) Conor Quinn & The White Chalk - Nah thank you. The vocalist is a bit ew for me.
3) Bim - I remember absolutely loving this song. That feeling hasn't changed. It's simply beautiful.
4) The Sound of Arrows - The electronic elements are a bit misplaced in parts... bit it's still pretty decent. Not too bad.
5) Cordial Factory - I think this has a sort of genericy feel to it... but it's okay? A lot of okay songs tonight.
6) Anselmo Ralph - I didn't really like this... at all.
7) American Authors - A TSC song I actually downloaded after the contest! I've listened to it so many times now I don't really know how to judge it.... but it is pretty awesome, let's not lie.
8) Zedd - It's a masterpiece... but I'm not entirely sure I can appreciate it if that makes any sense what so ever.
9) Nerina Pallot - Lovely. Nice simple little ballad is always nice to listen to.
10) Jacynthe - :)... how could you not like that?
11) Frida Sundemo - I don't really like her voice teamed with this music.... I feel like it suits something else. Plus the music video nearly gave me a panic attack. Not sure what to think.
12) Bat for Lashes - That was nice!
13) Serena Ryder - That was also nice-ish if not a little generic!
14) Lucia - I appreciate the piano but the vocal let it down a litle bit. I couldn't really feel much emotion coming from her voice...
15) Machines are People Too - I feel like I should remember this song..... but I honestly don't. It's not bad? I suppose?
16) Asaf Avidan & The Mojos - See number 15
17) Matthieu Mendès - I liked that! A nice little number to end the contest!
3394 days 8 hours ago
Are mailers for TSC 189 out tonight?:))
3394 days 8 hours ago
I mean.. Tomorrow :) ITs already Sunday for me:)
3393 days 23 hours ago
1) Holly Williams - I love her voice but the song is a little dull. Definitely nice but only for a few listens and then I'd be pretty much over it/disinterested.
2) Conor Quinn & The White Chalk - This was a pleasant surprise. I enjoyed the instrumentation. Wish the vocal was a little clearer but I understand as to why it isn't with this being a live recording.
3) Bim - A little dull. No hook.
4) The Sound of Arrows - This group is fantastic and I thoroughly enjoy their entry every time. Any ways, this was awesome uptempo fun.
5) Cordial Factory - I was waiting for a pick-up and it sort of came. A little boring for lack of a better word as this was rather mellow, but with great instrumentation and nice voices at that.
6) Anselmo Ralph - Not in the mood for this.
7) American Authors - This ditty has gotten rather annoying as of recently only because I always hear it, even though I do enjoy it for what it's worth.
8) Zedd - People praise this but I've never been as into this as most people. I always found it rather cheap and uninspired. I can't really explain it. I can tolerate this but don't care for it.
9) Nerina Pallot - Not much of a song here. Passed me by completely.
10) Jacynthe - I remember this clearly. This became a guilty pleasure of mine long after its respective showing, and I'm sure it'll do well for me tonight with the lack of real interesting songs thus far.
11) Frida Sundemo - The progression was a little cliche for its genre but it's okay I guess.
12) Bats for Lashes - This contest is rather sleepy but at least there was something I found rather charming here. Soft voice with a nice enough music arrangement.
13) Serena Ryder - I also recognize this song. I think its played somewhere a lot?? But I liked this. Catchy, attention-grabbing verses with a cool clappy chorus.
14) Lucia - A bit grating of a voice with no song.
15) Machines are People Too - I normally wouldn't go for this but it was a nice transition away from the dull songs.
16) Asaf Avidan & The Mojos - This was strangely compelling. I liked it.
17) Matthieu Mendes - This is definitely in my Top 5 songs I've submitted to TSC.
3393 days 19 hours ago
Time for long comments again.

1. Holly Williams - Country has always been a marmite genre to me. I could either like the music, find it just okay, and sometimes I'd say it's absolute crap. We have a female singer, so that's already a good start, as women are definitely more entertaining in this kind of music. While this is a little boring, it's a very relaxing tune, just not sure if it's good for higher points.
2. Conor Quinn & The White Chalk - Talking about The White Chalk, can someone send me a link to download for their amazing song "Back To The Start"? That was probably one of the best 2014 TSC singles, and I still can't find a way to get it anywhere. On the other hand, this feels rather uninspired in comparison to the single I mentioned, but it's still definitely decent sounding.
3. Bim - This has pretty much passed me by, sorry Sean, you failed me again!
4. The Sound of Arrows - The intro sounds extremely familiar to me. Nice background music, reminds me of M83, and the vocals aren't too powering, if not weak. A very pleasant entry, but I feel like I really need something with a little bit of a punch, though.
5. Cordial Factory - A female vocal that doesn't sound too annoying is already a points-worthy entry to me. What disappoints me is that it is another soothing song, I do like such stuff, but some energy would be nice in the contest that is "Best Of". Oh, it becomes faster in the 2nd part, so maybe it will get more points from me.
6. Anselmo Ralph - The obligatory cheesy male entry, with the addition of a different language, how "unique"! I'm not really sure what to make of this, as I can't say I enjoyed this at all. Thank you for such an entry, it makes it easier for me to vote.
7. American Authors - Radio overplayed this to death here, unfortunately. I still enjoy listening to this, but it doesn't really have that feel anymore, it falls a bit flat now. Still, it's nice to have some energy in songs, after a rather slow start.
8. Zedd - They also overplayed that song. This basically sounds like a rejected version of "Clarity", but considering how amazing the song with Foxes is, this still is a pretty good example of how to make great dance music. A little bit generic, but I still enjoy this. Not to forget a mention about Hayley's terrible haircut in the video, I guess the stylists had a really bad day or Hayley pissed whoever the stylist was off.
9. Nerina Pallot - I've seen her name in TSC so many times that it is not funny at all, but I can understand why she's become so overused. Her songs follow the same pattern that this contest really loves, and this is no exception. While I wanted this to be a little bit faster, this is still quite nice.
10. Jacynthe - This sounds like something they would play on the radio all the time. The verses are actually quite strong, but the chorus makes me so frustrated, THE SONG IS SUPPOSED TO EXPLODE DURING IT, and it just falls so flat. So disappointing, like ugh, I can't really find a good reason for why they decided to have such a crappy breakdown in this.
11. Frida Sundemo - Her "Drawn To You" is a great song, and while this doesn't quite live up to the standards of my #28 favourite TSC song, this is still pretty damn good. I love the progression here, and her unique vocals are always a nice thing, but this music video almost gave me a seizure. You had one job, director.
12. Bat For Lashes - I've never understood the success of this song in TSC. I've always thought this drags on too much, and it really does. Sure, a ballad is supposed to start slow, but her voice just doesn't suit this song, it's completely off the beaten track.
13. Serena Ryder - I didn't really care for her music until the release of Stompa, which caught my attention to her. When she released "What I Wouldn't Do", I nearly fell off my chair, as this is the kind of an indie pop song I've always thought of as "masterpiece".
3393 days 19 hours ago
13. Serena Ryder - I didn't really care for her music until the release of Stompa, which caught my attention to her. When she released "What I Wouldn't Do", I nearly fell off my chair, as this is the kind of an indie pop song I've always thought of as "masterpiece". She's got different layers to her voice, which is also a nice change in comparison to one-dimensional pop singers we have nowadays.
14. Lucia - This is definitely the better Lucia song available from the doc, but I do think that this kind of drags, just like Bat For Lashes' song. It's a bit more entertaining thanks to the piano, but I don't think that's enough to make me satisfied. I remember liking it before, but I guess I'm not really in the mood for it now.
15. Machines Are People Too - I'm quite sure this would have done well in previous Best Of contests, but around TSC 130, I've noticed a change in the pattern of music tastes, and that's become really evident in TSC 151 (I had to completely change the direction of my entries). I definitely enjoy this, but I am not sure how well will it fare.
16. Asaf Avidan - They overplayed this song to death here...It's very repetitive, and his vocal gets granting after a while, but for some reason, I can't get this song out of my head, and I think that's supposed to work like that. Torn on this, as I think it's really unique, well, except for the repetitions. I was also surprised Bibbles sent this, like that's not her style at all!
17. Matthieu Mendès - Ending this on a foreign note, I see. This mix of french and english sounds really weird, but it somehow works. A nice change after many slow songs that were sent here, I definitely liked this.
3393 days 13 hours ago
1)        Previous Comment - Holly Williams – It’s nice to hear some softer songs between these big sounding songs. Her voice is too harsh for the instrumentation though. Tone it down a tad in volume and in character and we’re onto a winner. It’s way too exposed so it’s a bit overpowering. Buried behind some more instrumentation, it might sound a bit better, but it’s a bit off-putting as is. I wasn’t expecting that instrumental section tagged on at the end. It’s a nice little addition and does take your mind off it a bit and appreciate the pure country sounds a lot more, but my point still stands.
New Comment – Nice calm start to the contest. Her vocal doesn’t seem to annoy me as much as it did back then. Id don’t like country too much, this isn’t too country to put me off really. It does get a bit too whiny and repetitive after a while but it’s certainly pleasant.

2)        Previous Comment – White Chalk - Great production value again. Very odd, unusual voice, but it’s engaging. He’s good too, shifting in and out of falsetto with ease. The syncopated drums in the verses at the end of phrases are a nice little addition too. Lots of grandeur, but it has a lot of interesting intricate dimensions to it too. I can see how the voice can be a bit too off-putting and odd, but I like it.
New Comment – Upon looking a little further, the old video has been taken down so this is the only version left. Yeah, it’s a bit scratchy in places but I still appreciate the song a hell of a lot (see reasons above) for that to be a problem.

3)        Previous Comment – Bim -   Oh wow, their voices are pretty captivating. They blend together really well. I love the musicality to their voices and then the music reflects it too. It's like they're one, without coming across as too pretentious! Very lyrical and emotional. It verges into the pretentious at times, but the music and their voices stop from me having that strong of a complaint.
New Comment – Yeah, it’s still verging on cheesy and whiny, but the blend of their voices and music is very pleasant to my ears!

4)        Previous Comment - The Sound Of Arrows – They remind me of someone. Maybe Empire Of The Sun. I can’t quite place it. Powerful cinematic production, great instrumentation and such a strong bass sound, with extra bass headphones sounds pretty great. The bridge gives it that little dip in sound to recover and then comes back sounding strong. It’s a bit samey, but it’s such a big sound, I don’t really mind.
New Comment – This still sounds pretty great with headphones and I’m still hearing Empire Of The Sun in this. I also think it’s still a bit monotone, but I appreciate the vibe too much to really care that much

5)        Previous Comment - I think their voices are captivating in the slower bits. Nice refreshing minor tonality to the folky upbeat bit. Pretty great pacing, great instrumentation and great female voices. Although musically, I’m not so keen on the male voices right at the end. Stylistically, it was pretty effective. I really liked it.
New Comment – This actually came up the other day on one of my playlists! Still love this so much for the same reasons as above! Minor upbeat folk just gets me.

6)        Previous Comment - Anselmo Ralph – I got bored pretty quickly. It has nothing to do with the foreign lyrics either really, it just doesn’t have that presence that sucks me into the performance. There’s some nice instrumentation, but he just twiddles about here and there for ages. It took ages to end.
New comment – First song that I don’t remember from the original contest so you can see that it didn’t really have much an impact on me, sorry. It’s just very vanilla for me sorry.
3393 days 13 hours ago
7)        Previous Comment – American Authors – Reminded me of Imagine Dragons vaguely. I liked the underlying folky feel to it. I liked it, even if it was rather repetitive. Bridge built it up nicely to another chorus too. One of those nicely put together feel-good songs that I can’t stop myself from liking.
New Comment – it’s rather sad that certain songs that you once liked get overplayed so much that it tarnishes the song. Trying to look past that, It’s still pleasant though

8)        Previous Comment - Zedd – He is going to be big soon. I don’t know what the situation is like in the US, but I’m talking about the UK mainly. I do really like ‘Clarity’ and this is fairly similar. This is a bit more repetitive, a bit more dumbed down but grander musically in places. I still quite like it, but meh. It’ll probably do quite well here.
New Comment – Yeah, still not too bad and my foot was tapping along but it’s still just as repetitive too me. Pleasant, but nothing special

9)        Previous Comment - Nerina Pallot – Quite a nice start to the contest. She’s got a nice pleasant voice with a nice range and can easily slip in and out of her high register. She goes up really high too. I kept thinking she was saying ‘Set fire’ or something. Is it just me or is that an odd pronunciation for ‘Sophia’? It’s fairly simple yet pleasant, but the song is made by her voice.
New Comment – Sadly, can’t really say I really remember this. It’s veeeery pleasant though. I still thought she said ‘Set fire’ instead of ‘Sophia’. Nice to hear it again I suppose!

10)        Previous Comment - Jacynthe – Stylistically, the lyrics you can see and the ones in the song are same, but If she created an English and a French version, then they have to be fairly similar anyway, but just changing the lyrics to fit the syllable count for each line of the verse. Anyway, to echo sarah, there are some nice electronic bits in the chorus, but the rest is a bit meh.
New Comment – Not really sure what I was talking about there. Was there a lyric video? Can’t say I remember this. Yeah, again, I oddly quite like that electronic drop section but everything else is a bit meh.

11)        Previous Comment - Frida Sundemo – Reminds me of Regina Spektor, but grander and more cinematic sounding. I love some of the melodic progressions, especially in the chorus. Coming out of the bridge, I wanted something bigger maybe, even grander instrumentation or vocal possibly. Still good though.
New Comment – Very grand cinematic production which I quite like and nice melodic progressions. I wish I could just copy and paste my previous comments because my opinions don’t seem to have changed that much haha.

12)        Previous Comment - Bat For Lashes – Back to back potential entries for me. Dagger. To the heart….. I can’t remember why I discounted it. Maybe because slow songs seem to conjure up a mixed bag here. I don’t know. Listening to it again though, I wish I did enter it now. Her voice is captivating and the instrumentation gives it a personal feel and really highlights her voice and the emotion
New Comment – This song still comes up very often on my playlist I put on to chill out! Captivating voice and all the elements just fit together to make a really great song.
3393 days 13 hours ago
13)        Previous Comment - Serena Ryder – Nice drum background driving the song. Assuming it’s the same person throughout, she’s got multiple layers to her voice too which is quite refreshing. I like these strong sounding folky songs. Great instrumentation and melodies to back it up. Looks like a possible winner to me.
New Comment – Very pleasant and nice strong drum beat driving the song. In comparison to all the other songs, I’m not sure it’s got something that sets it out from the rest, but in a normal contest, this would most likely get a lot of points from me.

14)        Previous Comment -  Lucia – I did not expect that voice. It’s intriguing and the tone does come across as natural. Acoustic songs have the problem of being able to keep the listener’s attention, but the melodies were good and her voice and emotion was what was engaging for me. Somewhat repetitive, but I liked it.
New Comment – Oh, I remember this! I haven’t listened to this since the contest so this was pretty refreshing to hear it again! Yeah, again, I was engaged and I still like that tone! Me likey!

15)        Previous Comment - Machines are People Too – I’m getting bored of these summery pop songs. It usually has a formula for success in this competition though and I doubt this will be an exception. It’s good, but not the best I’ve heard of this genre. The children in the background annoy me too  sorry :P They come across as a pretty amateur band from the video, so I give them credit for the song for that. It does sound professionally made.
New Comment – Echo my comments pretty much exactly the same. I’m not sure where this will slot in my points as we’ve heard some pretty great songs thus far.

16)         Asaf Avidan & The Mojos – “Wanklemut remix”. What a name! Interesting Arabian almost instrumentation and melodies. His voice is fairly interesting too and you can feel pain when he strains, but it’s going round on a loop a bit and it doesn’t really go anywhere.
New Comment – I heard this again pretty recently and it did intrigue me a little more than the last time. It is fairly monotone though.

17)         Matthieu Mendes – It’s French and English! Yay. Loving the instrumentation. Very Eurovision, but it’s got such a nice driving bass and has some nice European influences. It’s got it all really. Nice ending to the contest.
New Comment – I don’t remember this at all, but yeah, I still seem to like it. It’s got quite a few genres in one here but it still seems pretty cohesive and solid for me. Great ending once more!
3393 days 13 hours ago
1) Holly Williams
this was okay, her voice was sweet along with the music
2) Conor Quinn & The White Chalk
this was okay, decent live performance, the song itself is a bit bland
3) Bim
this was too deary, too soft & sad
4) The Sound of Arrows
these guys are really good, their are usually quiet enjoyble
5) Cordial Factory
this was good, they remind me of First Aid kit & Little May
6) Anselmo Ralph
this is embarressing to watch, the song is really bad.
7) American Authors
this is cringeworthy
8) Zedd
this might get points from me
9) Nerina Pallot
this was dull and generic
10) Jacynthe
there truely is some awful music out there
11) Frida Sundemo
I really like her, her voice and synthpop elements
12) Bat for Lashes
i was also surprised with the success of this last time, but it was deserved,
13) Serena Ryder
this was fun, very upbeat
14) Lucia
it was okay,
15) Machines are People Too
Its okay , i wasnt really here for this, but okay
16) Asaf Avidan & The Mojos
this might get points from me
17) Matthieu Mendès
an underwhelming end
3393 days 6 hours ago
Holly Williams ~ Ah yes, wasn't this the TSC where the top 7ish were REALLY close in points, and it could have gone any way? Mad times! Her voice is lovely, and its quite a cute, different-sounding country song. Doesn't leave a huge impression on me, but its pleasent!
Connor Quinn & the White Chalk ~ Great vocals, but the song itself is pretty...meh? Not memorable.
Bim ~ A bit dull. I think I'd like a version without the female vocal, because damn, that is WEAK. Oh, maybe her solo is alright. It qould serve as a wonderful lullaby. Idk what I think...sweet but boring?
The Sound Of Arrows ~ Oh, hey me! They are PERF, and I'd honestly enter them again and again and again, I LOVE their music. This song is excellent. Haunting vocals and 80s synth. Gimme more.
Cordial Factory ~ I reached a point in this song where I wondered where it was going...then boom, a beat! Quite like this!!
Ansalemo Ralph ~ Nah, not feeling this despite the very OK beat.
American Authors ~ I'm kind-of over this song now. Its...alright.
Zedd ~ I LOVE Hayley, and I LOVE Zedd, and initially I liked this song...but like the last, I've kind-of heard enough of it now, so I probably won't give it as high ranking as I would have on first listen.
Nerina Pallot ~ I think she's released better songs than this, but damn, her range is good.
Jacynthe ~ Aww yeah, fistpumping to europop eternally! The song doesn't really go anywhere for me though.
Frida Sundermo ~ Oooh, this is decent!! Crazy effects.
Bat For Lashes ~ The chorous saved this otherwise, very dull song. Its ok.
Serena Ryder ~ Very funky! Really like the vocals, its quite 80s-esque.
Lucia ~ Got bored of this one. Hate the mumbly vocals, and wtf is 'soilence'?
Machines Are People Too ~ A bit repetitive, but although I wasn't overly fussed, I did enjoy it! Quite powerful
Asaf Avidan & The Mojos ~ I think it sounds like a few other songs, and I didn't really like it...
Matthieu Mendes ~ Enjoyed this! Quite a cool beat, and loved the French/Englishness!
3393 days 5 hours ago
Being that I was out and when I tried to send mailers they didn't actually send (stupid phone internet) results will be held tomorrow mailers for TSC189 will be out shortly

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