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Episode 1 || The Aftermath

Topic » Episode 1 || The Aftermath

387 days 15 hours ago
*Dani nods*

Dani: After we go to the park, we should go to the cafe for coffee, my treat.
387 days 15 hours ago
I mean if he doesn't listen to Taryn what makes you think he'd listen to some unpowered kid
387 days 15 hours ago
"I'm *still* stunned that he was let off. I saw that trial, he was getting absolutely destroyed until the end. He takes this miracle and uses it to do *stupid* shit..."

*Anna shakes her head.*

"I only moved here recently. Has he always been like that?"
387 days 15 hours ago
Regan: …That’s where I come in…strength in numbers.

Avonna: Sure, I’m down
387 days 15 hours ago
He was outnumbered when he exposed NovaStar but that didn't stop him doing what he did
387 days 15 hours ago
Taryn bites her lip and slightly nods
“Yes. He is a reckless one and he leaves other to pick up his messes. I think he is wasting his opportunity just to prove a point… He’s going to end up right back in prison.”
387 days 15 hours ago
Regan: We aren’t thinking positively
387 days 15 hours ago
Listen I wanted the guy to at least be in prison for a year or two to at least learn his lesson... but...
*He looks to Taryn shaking his head*
Fate had other plans it seems
387 days 15 hours ago
"Jeez, that doesn't surprise me. Sure hope not, wasting his second chance would be depressing."

*Anna finally notices Mika.*

"Not a fan of that guy, I take it."
387 days 15 hours ago
*Regan waves at Anna and giggles*
387 days 14 hours ago
*sitting in the vanguard lounge*
387 days 14 hours ago
*Dani nods*

Dani: Awesome
387 days 14 hours ago
(gonna close it off here! will post closers when i get the chance!)
386 days 2 hours ago
| Petrified Cafe |

Wes walks through the door of the cafe, smiling and ready to order some delicious coffee and have a nice conversation with his friend, Taryn. That is until the first step he takes into the cafe leads him to falling into a spiraling portal on the ground. He falls all the way through until he ends up in Taryn’s super secret room. Wes looks around, addressing the situation before locking eyes on Taryn, who is just sitting in front of him.

Wes: … You’re about to scold me.

Taryn stands up from her chair and grinds her teeth together at Wes acting smug in this moment.

Taryn: So you know that you’re in the wrong. Explain to me why in the *HELL* you put all those people in danger at your little party?

Wes: Okay now, A,  it wasn’t a ‘little’ party, and B, it was part of the show! I knew nobody was going to get hurt!

Taryn shakes her head, pacing back and forth while rubbing her temples with her fingertips

Wes: What, they can go about their business, getting innocent people killed left and right, but god forbid I accidentally put a few people in slight danger? Oh no, someone got a scratch! Come on.

Taryn: Do you hear yourself, Wes? You aren’t them! You- hell, *I* can’t afford you to go back to prison for something so stupid… I should’ve left your trial be… I shouldn’t have interfered.

Wes looks down momentarily until Taryn says that last part about his trial, causing him to look back up at her, dumbfounded.

Wes: You’re the one who broke the dampener?

Taryn: Yes. I thought after spending some time in that prison, you’d learn that you aren’t invincible, but somehow, you’ve gotten worse… I don’t get it.

Wes: I’m sorry, Taryn… I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again.

Wes looks down and turns away to leave. He reaches for the door and opens it to leave. As the door swings open, Wes sees absolutely nothing ahead of him. Just an infinite abyss of white as far as he can see. He whips his head around to look back at Taryn. Taryn slowly starts walking towards that same door.

Taryn: I hope so… Otherwise I will leave you here until the fight is over. I can’t afford you making these mistakes.

Wes: T-Taryn?

Taryn straight up walks past Wes and out the door, closing it behind her in his face. Wes immediately opens the door back up, and the abyss is no longer there. It has gone back to the normal hallway that has always been attached to the room. Wes lets out a sharp exhale as he finally walks out.

| Downtown Seattle |

Standing on the edge of a rooftop, Revenant looks out at Vanguard Tower in the distance. No emotion can be seen through his mask, but his breaths are long and deep. Suddenly, he hears a footstep and quickly turns around. Avonna is on the other end of the rooftop. She stops walking as revenant turns around.

Avonna: No getting the jump on you, is there?

Revenant: No.

Revenant talks loud and sternly, intimidating the kid. He takes a could steps closer, removing himself from the danger of falling off the roof.

Avonna: Look at you… You are a really sad sight.

Revenant stays firm, standing his ground and not having any interest in going back and forth with this child.

Avonna: You’ve been on quite the killing spree. That scene you left in central district really got people going. An innocent cop, left hanging by the neck… And oh, a bullet left in his mouth? What could that mean…

Avonna turns her head to look up at Vanguard Tower. Revenant remains unfazed, letting her ramble.

Avonna: If a kid can figure you out this easily, what makes you think they won’t?

Revenant: It would be my honor if they did.

Avonna: No. When they find you, you’ll be nothing more than a corpse…

Avonna swiftly launches at Revenant, pulling out a knife and swinging it on him. She is quick, but Revenant reads her like a book and weaves through her attacks with ease.

Revenant: What I have building… It is far greater than you could imagine.

Revenant weaves one last attack before giving Avonna a stiff punch to the throat, dropping her as she gasps for air.

Revenant: I see why you came to kill me today, child. It would help get you in with the Vanguards, where you could kill them from the inside… Too bad your plan didn’t play out that way. I admire the courage. But despise your sloppiness.

Revenant grabs Avonna by the hair on the back of her head and lifts her up, wrapping his arm around her neck and squeezing tightly. She struggles and kicks, trying her best to escape.

Revenant: I will not let a child get in my way. I *will* have him…

Suddenly, Revenant pulls up, breaking Avonna’s neck. A loud crack is heard, and he lets go of her. She falls to the ground, dead.

Revenant: Jason De Santos…

He flips Avonna over and places a bullet in the mouth of the corpse before walking away.

| UTF |

Tris is standing in a training room of the UTF. He is bending over, out of breath. He looks over and sees Anna giving him a look for being such a try-hard. That is until Nyx walks over and stands in front of Tris. Anna looks the other way and continues her training while Nyx helps out Tris.

Nyx: I had read your file. Despite how the media portrays it, this job is not glorious in any sense… I have been in your shoes before.

Tris wipes the sweat off his forehead and stands up right.

Tris: I know. I just want to do right. I’m not just some murderer.

Nyx: I know… I saw the court ordered you to go to therapy. I do believe that will help, but in this line of work, you can’t fall back on that keeping your emotions in tact. Keeping your composure sometimes is a fight that is tougher than any enemy you’ll face.

Tris nods, leaning back down as the training has taken a toll on him. Nyx’s watch starts beeping, as she’s being called for a meeting. Her and Tris look at each other.

Nyx: You have done great today… I will see you here tomorrow. Go get some rest.

A shadow forms on the floor underneath Nyx, which she swiftly sinks herself into.

| Vanguard Tower |

Nyx emerges from the floor, finding herself in a hallway in the tower. She brushes her hair out of her face before walking to the door of the Vanguards meeting room. When she opens the door, she sees the entire team standing around, confused.

Bullet-Man: Nyx! What’d you call us here for?

Nyx: I didn’t-

She raises an eyebrow, thinking Bullet-Man is messing with her. But he’s not. Bullet-Man looks around at the rest of the group, as they do the same back to each other.

“I called you.”

The team looks back over at the doorway, seeing Ethan Murphy walk into the room. Bullet-Man rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Sixth Sense looks at Bullet-Man then turns to Ethan

Sixth Sense: What can we do you for, Dr. Murphy

Ethan: Weston.

Sixth Sense: Okay… What about him?

Clara and Backwardo look around confused, not knowing who Ethan is. Bullet-Man is standing there with his hands on his hips, just waiting for Ethan to leave.

Ethan: His little party had resulted in the destruction of over forty of my surveillance drones.

Bullet-Man: Dr. Murphy, I am sorry to hear that, but this is not something you step out of line and call us here for.

Sixth Sense: Yeah, I agree with Bullet-Man. You’re the one who sent those drones… Did you not expect him to do something?

The other three Vanguards nod in agreement with the two of them. Meanwhile, Ethan angrily glares at all of them.

Ethan: You need to get him under control…

Bullet-Man: Seeing as he was just proven innocent, I don’t have high fucking hopes of getting away with attacking him unprovoked.

Bullet-Man walks over to Ethan and starts stiffly poking at his chest

Bullet-Man: How about you. Why don’t you go stop him yourself, doctor? Is it because you have no powers? Is it because anyone with powers would rip you to shreds?… Don’t come in here and bark orders at people you can’t control.

Bullet-Man gives him one last poke, backing Ethan up a couple steps. He turns away and starts walking back to where he was. Ethan reached into his jacket pocket nonchalantly and pulls out a small metal disc. He tosses it onto the ground where Bullet-Man’s feet are. Bullet-Man looks down at the disc for a moment before suddenly an orb emerges from the disc, surrounding him. Bullet-Man tries to push through the orb, but it does not budge at all. This causes him to pull out his gun and start shooting at the orb, but again it has no affect… He is stuck.

Sixth Sense looks at this intensely and charges at Ethan. In response, Ethan quickly pulls out an object from his back that looks like a pen and holds it in front of him. As Sixth Sense is about to attack him, Ethan presses a button on the end of the object and it flashes brightly at Six (kinda like the thing from the men in black movies). When this flashes at Sixth Sense, He immediately closes his eyes and covers his ears with his hands as he falls to the floor, screaming out in pain.

Clara: No!

When Clara begins running at Ethan, he pulls out a syringe and sticks her with it as she kicks him, launching him back. Clara cringes at the pain from the syringe and pulls it out. She tosses it on the ground and grits her teeth as she begins approaching Ethan again… That is until she feels like the world is spinning and loses her balance, causing her to fall to the floor and vomit from the vertigo.

Ethan stands back to his feet, but gets caught by Nyx, who grabs him by the neck and lifts him up.

Nyx: Enough!

She looks down and starts forming a portal on the floor to throw Ethan into, but gets interrupted when he slaps an object over her face… Nyx let’s go of Ethan and reaches to get it off, but hears a latching sound, as it locks tightly onto her face. The object beeps three times and suddenly, Ethan and Backwardo can see light emit from inside the object as it glows brightly in Nyx’s face. She lets out an ungodly scream and falls into her own portal with it closing after.

Backwardo looks around at his fallen ally’s in shock, seeing them get dismantled so easily. Not even Nova picked them apart that quickly…

Ethan: Don’t try me, Ted.

Backwardo clenches his fists and grits his teeth before raising his arms and pointing a de-aging ray at Ethan… It has no affect. Backwardo’s jaw drops at this sight, and Ethan pulls out a glock of all things and shoots him in the thigh, dropping him instantly. Backwardo yelps out in pain and grabs at his leg.

Backwardo: How?!…

Ethan: Gamma radiation. Exposing myself to it had made me immune to the affects of your rays. Quite simple.

Ethan walks through the room, looking down at Clara, who is still on the floor, trying to get herself together, and Sixth Sense, who is still groaning in pain while coving his ears and keeping his eyes shut tightly. He walks up to the orb that Bullet-Man is still trapped in. Bullet-Man clenches his jaw along with his fists and makes strong eye contact with Ethan, who looks unfazed by all of this.

Ethan: In case you all have forgotten; I’m the guy who watches over all of you… I know *who* and *what* you are. I know how to make you stronger, and also how to end you.

Ethan turns around to look at the rest of the team

Ethan: Since none of you are capable of handling your own shit, I will. If I were you, I would take this as a message to stay out of my fucking way.

Ethan walks through the room, leaving the team in shambles as he exits…

(end of ep 1)
385 days 3 hours ago
Slayed. Thank you for hosting!!

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