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Big Brother Rookies Game #227180



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27 days 4 hours ago
goomybear40 points Champion
ahea756130 points
+0 points
goomybear 27 days 13 hours ago
Wow well after a string of games where I didn鈥檛 make final 2 I came into this game on a mission, but I will admit I think I over extended myself which is not typical. So many amazing people joined this game and I had to make a lot of tough choices.
I had 3 HOH and 2 POV

9th: Scooby: I saved you here and was sad you left. I have been liking working with you more and more.

8th: Baby: this time I saved batman because I saved Scooby over him last time and I just felt bad since batman helped me get far in a rookies recently. You played well and I hope we can continue working together in more games 馃槉

7th: Mario: Sorry for evicting you here. I was stuck between all great players just like you were last game. I had to reward BBlover since you evicted me last time. GG though!

6th: Jeff: I am so sorry for this one and I owe you a sheep game after this. I made a promise to yach and Nolan and technically we never solidified any deal so after going back and forth I just had to go with something I said outright to yachj. But this was the hardest vote for me by far.

5th: Batman: I get you will vote Nolan and I messedup. I should have flushed the veto here and saved you in the tie but then yachj was up and I owed him my loyalty after giving him my word day 1.

4th: BBlover: You played great and sorry for having to nom you but you paid me back too so I hope we are even 馃槉 love playing games with you.

3rd: Hard your back 100 all game. Great job!

Nolan: We did it! And we won a lot less comps than I expected so we played a great social game too. GL!
+0 points
ahea7561 27 days 13 hours ago

Scooby: I was glad we played together for once in a game! It was lovely to chat and I鈥檒l have some red wine in your honor!

Baby- good game! I understood why you nommed me, but that meant I did have to evict you here! Great job and you always slay socially!

7th- Mario!!!! You are amazing 馃槶 I did evict you bc Jayson was my number 1 this game. Loved being close and hope we can continue to be close in games!

6th- Jeff you slayed this game! That meant when you went up here I had to make the choice to evict you as you were a threat to me. You play hard and I respect that!

5th- Batman! You鈥檙e a great player and great human! Sorry for evicting you here. I just couldn鈥檛 do jayson or Doug here :(

Doug- an UTR master of frooks. Always someone I trust deeply- and someone who deserves the world. Good game king

Love you jayson 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍 more than you know!

Great game goomy!! Gl :)
+0 points
BBlover96 27 days 13 hours ago
actually i got enough karma, give it to yach
+0 points
BBlover96 27 days 13 hours ago
idc with either
+0 points
goomybear 27 days 13 hours ago
+1 points
goomybear 27 days 13 hours ago
i messed that up. congrats nolan
+0 points
BBlover96 27 days 13 hours ago
Christian </3

but nolan <33333333333333333333333333

grats yall both though
+1 points
ahea7561 27 days 13 hours ago
Goomy what was your deal score
+1 points
goomybear 27 days 13 hours ago
sorry batman :(
27 days 13 hours ago
AxKxAxBatman11 points OUT
yachj10 points
+1 points
ahea7561 27 days 13 hours ago
12 seconds
+1 points
ahea7561 27 days 13 hours ago
Ok here we go babes
-1 points
AxKxAxBatman 27 days 13 hours ago
well gl yach
+1 points
ahea7561 27 days 13 hours ago

1st place!!


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    Game Story

    1. Day1 HOH jeffprobstenthusiast has nominated LadyPinkChannel and Ratchett
    2. Day1 POV goomybear didn't save anybody from the block
    3. Day1 Participants evicted Ratchett
    4. Day2 HOH goomybear has nominated camell22 and LadyPinkChannel
    5. Day2 POV jeffprobstenthusiast didn't save anybody from the block
    6. Day2 Participants evicted LadyPinkChannel
    7. Day3 HOH jeffprobstenthusiast has nominated camell22 and Scooby69
    8. Day3 POV yachj didn't save anybody from the block
    9. Day3 Participants evicted camell22
    10. Day4 HOH babygirl1991 has nominated jeffprobstenthusiast and stormerator
    11. Day4 POV jeffprobstenthusiast has saved jeffprobstenthusiast from the block
    12. Day4 HOH babygirl1991 has selected final nominees ahea7561 and stormerator
    13. Day4 Participants evicted stormerator
    14. Day5 HOH yachj has nominated Scooby69 and jeffprobstenthusiast
    15. Day5 POV jeffprobstenthusiast has saved jeffprobstenthusiast from the block
    16. Day5 HOH yachj has selected final nominees AxKxAxBatman and Scooby69
    17. Day5 Participants evicted Scooby69
    18. Day6 HOH jeffprobstenthusiast has nominated babygirl1991 and yachj
    19. Day6 POV yachj has saved yachj from the block
    20. Day6 HOH jeffprobstenthusiast has selected final nominees AxKxAxBatman and babygirl1991
    21. Day6 Participants evicted babygirl1991
    22. Day7 HOH goomybear has nominated Mario99 and ahea7561
    23. Day7 POV ahea7561 has saved ahea7561 from the block
    24. Day7 HOH goomybear has selected final nominees BBlover96 and Mario99
    25. Day7 Participants evicted Mario99
    26. Day8 HOH BBlover96 has nominated goomybear and yachj
    27. Day8 POV ahea7561 has saved goomybear from the block
    28. Day8 HOH BBlover96 has selected final nominees jeffprobstenthusiast and yachj
    29. Day8 Participants evicted jeffprobstenthusiast
    30. Day9 HOH goomybear has nominated BBlover96 and AxKxAxBatman
    31. Day9 POV ahea7561 has saved BBlover96 from the block
    32. Day9 HOH goomybear has selected final nominees yachj and AxKxAxBatman
    33. Day9 Participants evicted AxKxAxBatman
    34. Day10 HOH ahea7561 has nominated yachj and BBlover96
    35. Day10 POV goomybear has selected: 3rd yachj and 4th BBlover96, now jury must select the winner
    36. Day11 Jury has selected goomybear as the winner