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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Imagine about to vote somene to win frookies when..

Apr 5, 2021 by xcharliex
They leave you this tribute GentlemanG

CHARLIE - You were fake as fuck this whole game. I know you never had my back and your actions always showed that. I don't expect your vote, but I wish you would be real because I feel like in the future there's potential for us to align.

Like why do people even say someone is fake as fuck like were playing online big brother simulators..... like DUH imma be fake I'm trying to win! But I did consider you an ally but also a threat hence why I had to nom but I never wanted you to go. I was 100% going to vote you to win until I saw this so let's just say I hope you lose 4-3! Still all love gg <3 lol


Sent by rozlyn,Apr 5, 2021
Sent by Hash,Apr 5, 2021
LMFAOOOO thank you for being you, GentlemanG
Sent by Galaxies,Apr 5, 2021
Also gg Galaxies I had a lot of fun with you I just didn't want to give you vote at first since I really did want us in f2 then you didn't use veto and then evicted me LMAO and I thought G played well and endured a lot.. but you have my full support king!
Sent by xcharliex,Apr 5, 2021
Sent by AronJX,Apr 5, 2021
I’ll always be real
Sent by GentlemanG,Apr 5, 2021
Just an update if anyone sees this.. He did lose 4-3!!!!! My mind
Sent by xcharliex,Apr 6, 2021
You have found 1 moai
Sent by lhooper902976,Dec 6, 2022
Bog Jon claimed
Sent by Bigjon21,Dec 6, 2022
Big Jon*
Sent by Bigjon21,Dec 6, 2022
Sent by CoachWade,Dec 6, 2022

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